Chapter 1: Friends in Need

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Jan 30, 2025 1:37 pm
Republic, green laser weapon, and psychic powers... guys I think Gabalan is a jedi.
Last edited January 30, 2025 1:39 pm
Jan 30, 2025 1:43 pm
Not this "Republic", not exactly a blaster, not that far away... and your PC for now knows nothing about his so called "psychic powers"! ;-P
But... you read some hints properly:) But Jedi is too obvious... to be true... ;D
Last edited January 30, 2025 1:50 pm
Jan 30, 2025 2:56 pm
Damn! Gabalan is a dimension-hopping chronomancer who got stuck in the Borderlands.
Tzal nodded at Lauretta but gave a skeptical look at Sash. He then turned towards the tomb entrance and said, "Come everyone, we need to find Pyram and the missing persons. I hope they are safe somewhere."
Jan 30, 2025 3:23 pm
"I'll just get my hands on Pyram and let him know what I think of him."

Wolfram was pleased that he was able to help Lauretta minister to the injured despite his indifference to the wounded. He learned a few useful things and that was always welcome. But now he was ready to find Pyram and hopefully find the missing people.
Jan 30, 2025 9:06 pm
Again, the obsession with Pyram doesn't sit well with Aazim...though he doesn't know exactly what happened before his group arrived and faced the Company. Perhaps the "villain" had revealed his foul intentions beyond all doubt. Perhaps not....

The jann shrugs, and steps into the tomb. They'd find out the truth eventually. There was little point in more heated discussion, when all anyone had was conjecture.

If the tomb is dark, he'll light a torch to illuminate the way. And he won't stray too far ahead, instead waiting until everyone is ready to tackle the next challenge.
Jan 31, 2025 2:00 am
After a second of eerie silence, where R3N-L3 studied the captives, he shrugged once, briefly. "Note, member Lauretta, that leaving those
who might strike back at us would be deemed a sign of weakness by many. Thus, should a second occasion arise, I will not be stopping for another dose of mercy. And regretfully, I would need to make an example out of them to carry around in case others get the wrong idea."
R3N-L3 said with a light shrug, sheathing his blade and examining his scratches as if he'd merely commented on the chill of the local environment.

Whatever R3N-L3 had in mind for the remnants of the Silver Coins Company should they ever come back as enemies, it didn't sound very pretty. Moving over to the prisoners, he efficiently searched through their possessions for anything of value, tallying up what he found in symmetrically placed bundles in a strange, hexagonal formation.
Last edited January 31, 2025 2:00 am
Jan 31, 2025 4:32 am
Lauretta smiled at Sash, feeling her to be a kindred spirit after listening to her explanation.

"That story sounds like a mighty familiar one. I appreciate your willingness to aid us. Hopefully you can afford that armor you seek soon. In the mean time, may the High One shield you in its stead."

Turning away from the fellow priest, she watched Gabalan with much confusion as he made his odd remarks before stepping away. A part of her wondered if he wasn't actually keeping things close to his chest, but is actually just an... eccentric. One can be skilled and touched in the head, perhaps. No desire resided in her to poke at it for now though. The clockwork's menacing response on the other hand...

"I don't know what the Weird Wizard made you think, but leaving one's back exposed isn't a sign of weakness to anyone I know. It's a sign of someone being bold, whether through confidence, foolishness, or underlying cleverness. It's something to be wary of. Only those who underestimate others see it as something to take advantage of. To prove my point, they saw fit to ambush us because we had our backs turned at this tomb, but we knew exactly what we were doing. And regardless of the occasion, I hope you have the discipline in you to refrain from taking lives or making examples without consideration of what those you travel with have to say."

The priest said her piece rather matter-of-fact before following after Aazim. She wondered when they would need to talk again. Good chance it blows up into a fight, she figured. But this tomb could be dangerous, and the hostile air needed to be cleared succinctly.

"I want you to know I've got your back in there, come what may. Regardless of our contempt for one another, I'm not the type to let such things get in the way. And sorry about the ale. It was a petty act made by an angry woman. If you want to fight about it all more, save it for when we're back to civilization."
Last edited January 31, 2025 1:08 pm
Jan 31, 2025 10:40 am
Aazim's torch illuminates the entry chamber to the tomb. A 5-yard-wide, 10-yard-deep antechamber extends beyond the entrance. A single, 3-yard-wide column rises from the floor up to the ceiling 5 yards overhead. Webs crisscross the chamber and a myriad of tiny spiders creeps through the darkness.

Inspecting the column reveals carved writing on the surface in an unfamiliar language.

Three steep staircases descend from this chamber: one to the left (west), one to the right (east), and one on the other side of the column (north). Webbing chokes each, though some tearing shows passage at some point. The west stairs descend some 10 yards before the webs become too thick to progress easily. The east stairs descend 10 yards to a dark room, while the north stairs descend further, past what the torch can illuminate.
Jan 31, 2025 1:33 pm
Tzal came to stand next to Aazim as he observed the passageways. "Well, I don't think he went this way. (pointing to the west stair) We should check on the other two. He couldn't have gone far." He then turned to the writings on the wall and scratched his chin, "Strange language, it seems. I haven't seen this one before."
I have Arcane and Alchemical. Is this some other language then?
Jan 31, 2025 1:34 pm
Yes, it is a language that none of you have encountered before.
Jan 31, 2025 10:43 pm
Whatever effect Lauretta's speech had on R3N-L3 was difficult to tell, as the automaton had very little in the way of physical tells. He remained at the front of the party with his shield upraised, but upon entrance into the tomb properly, R3N-L3 abruptly set his shield down, before bowing low at the waist towards the shadows in a perfectly held posture. After nearly half a minute of stillness, he raised himself back upright with a faint grinding of internal gears, reaching into his pack to pull out a surprisingly well-preserved bundle of cookies. He rifled through them critically, before picking out the largest and holding it up to the torchlight for any signs of imperfection. After seeing none, he nodded once to himself, placing it directly in front of the pillar.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he slipped his shield back on and headed towards the eastern stairs, inspecting them for any signs of traps, and what the room beyond might hold.
Jan 31, 2025 10:45 pm
Aazim stares at Lauretta for a long while, as the torch flickers and sends shadows dancing. He wasn't quite ready to forgive and forget (Omar would surely chastise him), but he also didn't want to completely undercut her apology. How to handle this?

He finally says: "I also have your back. And please excuse my stubbornness. But I come from a highly stratified society, where freedom is largely an illusion. As such, I value that notion, and chafe when someone (no matter how strong-willed or well-intentioned) tries to choose my path for me. I'm also something of a...I believe the word is 'bookworm.' Reasoning things out, and not letting surging emotions blind me, is how I usually handle things...though perhaps it would do me good to 'cut loose' more often."

"I hope that helps you understand me better."

He then inspects the column, but it's no language he's familiar with.

"I agree that we should skip the west stair for now. It seems likely that he went this way [points down the north stairs], but I think we should quickly check out that room [points to the east stairs] before advancing. Who knows? There may be some hiding spot, or it may contain a surprise we need to deal with sooner rather than later. Some of us can examine the room, while some of us can stay here, watching to see if Pyram tries to slip past us."

He steps closer to the east stairs, illuminating all he can. But he won't go further without the consent and aid of at least some of the party.

"What do you all think?"
Jan 31, 2025 10:48 pm
Posted the same time as R3N-L3. Aazim will follow, a bit peeved that the construct is so willful. 😎
Jan 31, 2025 11:53 pm
R3N-L3 saw Aazim speaking in the future, bowed to accept his orders, and gave Future Aazim a cookie
Jan 31, 2025 11:54 pm
Although for horror movie plot purposes, R3N-L3 is not going down the stairs into the dark room. He's just going to the base of the stairs to see if the torchlight casts far enough in to give them a peek.
Feb 1, 2025 12:20 am
"I wonder if our friendly dungeon delver, Pyram knows what the writings say," Wolfram posits as he surveys the area.

"Yes, I say we go down the stairs toward the dark room first."
Last edited February 1, 2025 12:23 am
Feb 3, 2025 8:59 am
You descend the stairs to the east, your torchlight illuminating the room beyond once you reach the bottom. The web-filled room is 10 yards wide and 10 yards deep with cracked and pitted walls. Webs carpet the floor, covering five lumps.

Movement catches your attention as four giant spiders crawl forth from large cavities in the walls and ceilings. The enormous, human-sized arachnids clack their mandibles as they advance!
Anybody who wishes to take the initiative may do so now and act first!
Feb 3, 2025 2:15 pm
Taking the initiative, R3N-L3 was about to put his torch to the webbing when the Clockwork abruptly halted, noticing the lumps on the ground. Shrugging and drawing his sword instead, he charged the nearest spider without any indication of hesitation.


Attack with Blade - (1d20+4+1d6)

(16) + (1) + 4 = 21

Damage should the attack land - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Feb 3, 2025 2:16 pm
If that is a critical success, damage is 11 total.
Last edited February 3, 2025 2:16 pm


Added for Slashing - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Damage reroll, taking higher - (3d6)

(155) = 11

Feb 3, 2025 6:59 pm
Lauretta experienced some difficulty in paying close attention to what Aazim had to say, but her earnest effort was given. A cobweb fell into her hair, the musty smell of the tomb filled her nostrils, and the clockwork seemed to be acting incredibly strangely in the background. Tzal and Wolfram ruminating on the text on the pillar barely registered to her. Satisfied that the jann reciprocated the need to look out for one another, she simply gave an affirmative nod. His background gave her something to chew on for later.

So he considers himself a free thinker and fiercely refuses expectations placed on him. I remember those days, hoping to carve a path of my own in the world.

The memory was a somber reminder of the family she had left behind. Watching the others agree to explore the eastern stairwell first, she followed.
Encroaching upon the webbed ground, a sense of unease crawled upon the priest. Seeing R3N-L3 about to haphazardly light the mess ablaze, she opened her mouth to warn him otherwise, but the swarming arachnid terrors caused her jaw to quickly clamp itself shut. Never in her life had such creatures cursed her vision. She had met all manner of man and woman across from her on the battlefield, but massive spiders? Revolting. Stamping towards the one R3N-L3 had plunged his weapon into, at least her axe could swing without any remorse.
Taking the initiative and attacking.
Last edited February 3, 2025 7:01 pm


Axe - Attack - (1d20+3+1d6)

(18) + (1) + 3 = 22

Axe - Damage - (4d6)

(3344) = 14

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