Pyram waits patiently while you light the pyre. When it is done, he gestures towards the hills. "It is not much farther now. Let's keep moving."
Those following behind see the light of a fire burning from not too far away. The Silver Coins Company see it, too, and they hustle forward. When you arrive, you can see them standing around a flaming pyre. After examining the pyre for a few minutes, the Silver Coins Company pick up the trail again and continue on, and you follow behind them. Five bodies burn within the pyre. Fortunately, a closer look reveals the bodies aren't those of your companions or Pyram!
After another thirty minutes or so, Pyram leads the first group to the entrance to tomb he's hired you to help explore. The entrance appears about 40 yards up the steep slope of a hill, being nothing more than a rectangular hole framed in stone blocks. Pedestals stand on either side of the entrance, but the statues they once held lay in pieces down the slope and at the bottom, all but lost in the undergrowth.
"Here we are. Best to be prepared before we enter," Pyram says.