Voyages of Valerie
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The guards all take turns riding the wagons with the drivers or ranging ahead with partners to scout the trail. Though the way has been mapped there are still occasional issues with the new route, especially since the Border Storms started sweeping the wilds. You recall the first of these storms you saw and shudder and what came out of it. Normal beasts now misshapen and often possessing strange abilities. Some have been tamed, like the bossin, but others have to be hunted down. Even worse for the caravan is the fact that these storms can alter the lands they cross, making traveling the wilds unpredictable. Luckily a mage learned that the storms do not affect magically enchanted goods. So now all caravans through the Wilds travel with large weakly enchanted tarps that are draped over the wagons and beast should a Border Storm strike while you are out.
Glancing back at the wagons, a couple miles behind you, you pray to the gods your weather witch is a good as she claims and no storms are on the way. You are startled from your reprieve by a clap to your shoulder.
You know little of Danniel, a lone mercenary that signed on the caravan much like yourself. He tends to be quiet but you learned in your patrols together that though young seems to be filled with tales of wild adventures. His breadth of knowledge seems extensive but you doubt it comes from personal experience due to his obvious age and excessive care he puts into all his duties.
The track continues west of you and to the north you catch ocasional glints of light that you suppose to be the river that Paphos lies on. It used to be a safe way to travel to the new city but recent increases in both monsters and other factions opposed to the cities growth has make travel by water problematic. Though you will have to cross the river at the city the road stays clear of it as the number of monsters near is is higher than elsewhere. But now that you are nearing your destination the chances of encountering them grows daily.
With a sigh you set of after Danniel down the hill and back to checking the land ahead of the caravan. Then something catches your eye but before you can focus on it the motion vanishes. looking around all you see is the tall thick grass and a few mounds of earth, likely from some prairie rodent or the like. There must be a colony of the things as there are dozens of the mounds on the hillside as you descend. Danniel plods on down the hill through the cluster of mounds and calls back to you to hurry up.
As you glance around to pick you path you notice more mounds beside you and a noise makes you look behind to see more there as well. . . . Turning back to call out to Danniel you find you are all alone on the grassy plains surrounded only by grass and small mounds of dirt with holes in the middle of them.
What do you do?
It all happened so fast. A rapid glimpse of blurred movement in the corner of the eye, a terrible realization that something is wrong, and, suddenly, only this menacing loneliness in the swaying grass sea all around.
The blade slips out of the sheath almost silently. Valerie steps aside, scanning the landscape for mounds—her thoughts are rushing with lightning speed. These creatures—only gods know what they can be around these lands—are fast. It is hard to take down the grown-up, trained, and armed man in the blink of an eye without the slightest squeak—and the fact that beasts have managed to do it terrifies Val. She knows she is pretty skilled in handling the sword, but in times like these, all you can really count on is your pure luck. She blames herself for being distracted, for not paying enough attention to the mounds earlier.
The heart is beating so fast; it almost feels like these things underground can hear its rumbling. Valerie steps back, quickly glancing in different directions and trying her best to stay away from dirt piles—the tip of her blade dancing from side to side. She doesn’t even think about risk in order to assist Danniel; for starters, he is most likely already dead, and secondly—perhaps he was a nice guy, but altruism definitely isn’t the thing that has brought Val so far.
The scouts must have some way of signaling the main caravan—a horn or something. If possible, she signals.
Is the blade glowing?
Save test to jump out of the way (2d6 basic) - (2d6)
(21) = 3
Technically a save is not the same as an trait test but I could be convinced that an acrobatic based save could benefit from the trait. For now I will use the fail to move the story so try again next time
As he talks you look around and asses the situation more. The cavern is dug out of soil and about 30 feet in diameter and about 15 feet high. Looking up you spot 2 holes letting in more light but wonder how you and Danniel would have fit through those, suspecting these creatures, whatever they are, have some kind of magic. Though you ponder a moment you can not recall tales of any creatures that match this situation, so either they are new, very rare, or there are never any survivors.
parrie dog
A soft squeak from off to a side alerts you both and you turn to see a small furred animal poke its head out of one of the holes before climbing out to stand a dozen or so feet from you. It is soon joined by several others that all start at you and twitch their noses. The group of six or so of the small ground rodents begin a cacophony of squeaks, chirps, and small high pitched barks as they stand staring at you.
Valerie swiftly leaps to her feet, filled with intense frustration and even rage. Danniel is alive: talking, pointing a spear, and shifting from one foot to the other, and, ironically, it angers Val far more than the general fact of them being captured in this strange cave.
"Have you suddenly become deaf or something?" she asks, noticeably annoyed. "Could at least cry or scream; I thought you were already dead."
She adjusted the grip on the sword's hilt, brushing a strand of red hair from her face with a free hand.
"These things are magical," Val says with restraint. "Stop talking and be ready to fight."
A nearby squeak forces her to twitch and quickly turn in the other direction. Several rodent-like creatures are present, but they don't appear particularly frightening to Valerie. She frowns, unsure what to do next, and suddenly remembers something essential. She carried this sword around for years for one particular reason: its magically enchanted blade glows every time the owner’s life is in imminent danger.
I'm also rolling an additional perception check (with trait advantage) to study the rodents and the cavern more carefully.
Study the rodents and the cave (advantage from Perception trait) - (3d6)
(241) = 7
You notice that your sword is not glowing but it does have a level of brilliant reflection you have learned is indicative of potential trouble. The rodens are a bit above average size for most rodents but not outside the range of natural beasts of their type. The cavern however is clearly influenced by magic, or more correctly the tunnels that lead to it are. You feel warmth radiate from one side and smell a foul bog from another as a chilly breeze wafts from above.
snake |
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
Snake Attack - (3d6)
(423) = 9
It didn't even occur to Val for a moment that they could be afraid of her. They are fleeing from a much more threatening and terrifying entity. Could it be that those rodents transported two mercs into the cave to negotiate some form of protection? What a stupid thought!
When Valerie sees the snake coming through the distant entrance to the main cave, she shudders. She lacks the confidence to confront this beast, and Valerie typically avoids engaging in combat with opponents who are significantly stronger. However, this particular fight appears to be destined for her, with no means of escape or alternative options.
She places her second palm on the hilt of the sword and inhales.
The next few seconds will decide everything.
Val will be ready to dodge the snake’s strike. She tries to use the "Perception" trait in order to prepare the best evading route in advance.
Second action: attack
I’m also rolling the second attack with a disadvantage for "opportunist" in case the snake misses, and there will be an opportunity to counterattack.
Perception for observing the surroundings and boosting evading chance - (3d6)
(616) = 13
Basic evade - (d6)
(2) = 2
Basic attack - (2d6)
(52) = 7
Additional "opportunist" attack - (d6)
(1) = 1
Spear attack Vs Snake - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (62) = 8
2d6 : (36) = 9
As the fangs sink into your thigh you feel a burning sensation begin to spread along with your racing blood. You can tell by the shout of pain and drain of color from Danniels face that he is suffering from the snakes venom.
Roll a Save Test or take another damage and attack with Disadvantage until you succeed on a Save or 1 minute passes.
Snake Bit - (Valerie:3d6, Danniel:3d6)
Valerie:3d6 : (225) = 9
Danniel:3d6 : (652) = 13
Danniel Save - (2d6)
(23) = 5
Save test - (2d6)
(21) = 3
basic attack 1 - (2d6)
(43) = 7
basic attack 2 - (2d6)
(53) = 8
If you click on the ~ Tiny Intro ~ button below the rolls section you can view the help sheet there. Inside the collapsed "Tiny Dungeon section", under the "Guides" header, you should find more reference on how the system mechanics are applied.
Danniel Attack - (1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (2) = 2
1d6 : (2) = 2
Range | Zone | Attacks | Distance |
Close | 0 | Light, Heavy, Magic, Ranged* | 5-25' |
Near | 1 | Ranged, Magic | 25-50' |
Far | 2 | Ranged, Magic | 50-75' |
Very Far | 4-6 | Ranged* | 75'-150' |
Note : Distances are for reference and often not used.
* Ranged attacks are at disadvantage at close range
"It is almost dead," she cries to Daniel, hiding fear and pain behind bravado. "Let’s slay the damn beast!"
The best time to blow a final strike is here and now, while the beast is trying to escape.
Save test
1st action: moving to the snake
2nd action: strike! (save test succeded, so no disadvantage anymore, I suppose)
+ extra: one more strike with disadvantage in case "opportunitist" triggers
Save test - (2d6)
(62) = 8
attack! - (2d6)
(35) = 8
opportunitist (just in case) - (1s6)
() + 7 = 7
opportunitist (just in case) - (1d6)
(1) = 1