First afterschool
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If undisturbed, the Succubus will stay in her corner, only occasionally emitting an "Ufufufu~".
While at that, Luna walked haphazardly by the road, appreciating the peaceful landscape, the red Sun plummeting on the horizon, casting hues of lilac and pink on the hovering clouds, while plunging the world in twilight darkness.
Also Lín Jìng was there, following rumors that the hideout from the terrible thief that's haunting the school grounds is around there, or at least where he stores his 'gains'.
As these people all meet by fate, at the same crossroads, a shriek interrupts any attempt at introductions! As everyone turn to look, half-a-dozen of Sumeryu's fans are suspended on the air, entangled in a myriad of branches, crying for help. Behind them, a large tree with a sinister look, carved in its trunk, grins at them, and five little mushroom creatures come out of its mouth, hasting towards the other girls, with mischievous grins.
As this scene unwraps, Hanami and her captives approach, seeing the commotion.
Character | Defense | Initiative |
Big tree demon | 3d6 | 3 |
Kinoko spirits | 2d6 | 5 |
Two of the Kinoko will attack Sumeryu and Ibuki each, them being the only two who are in the combat zone. If no one interferes, the other 3 will target the fans still unscathed.
kanako finally got her break, idling happily in the deserted library, reading her fanservice-ridden doushin to her heart's content. Her peace doesn't last long though.
She suddenly is startled by a chuckle, coming out of nowhere. "Oh my... What's that? What an interesting book!" And then, a small figure, the size of her palm, jumps from the corner of the book-cover, a fairy! It seems, at least.
Her iridescent wings flap cheerfully as she gives a good look at the contents on the pages, giving Kanako a mischievous grin, "Why, I want to read this book! Would you care to borrow it to me?!" She says, daftly grabbing it and taking flight, starting a chase!
As she leaves the library, carrying the book that's twice her size, she looks ahead and sees a small girl, Konomi, studying the the sign on the culinary's club door: We are currently busy setting up the café at the mall, please come later :)
Noticing how some of the freshly regurgitated mushroom spirits seemed to be eyeing some of the Sumeryu fans that hadn't been grabbed yet, Hanami found herself rushing over as fast as she could. "Dogs! With me!"
As she leapt in front the fans, she whipped out her wand and conjured up a large barrier that stood between her and the kinoko spirits. "Get them somewhere safe, dogs!" She ordered Rikishi and Yasuo, gesturing to the fans behind her. As she trusted that task to her temporary lackeys, she analyzed the attacking monsters for any potential weaknesses.
Initiative - (2d6)
(64) = 10
Analyze Tree Demon and Kinoko Spirits (Smart) - (4d6)
(6533) = 17
Lín Jìng / 林静
"FEEL THE WRATH OF THE TRIAD PRINCESS!" shouts Lín Jìng, flickering into visibility for a fraction of a second as she flilngs the little mushroom into the sinister tree.
Edit: Ugh, I messed up the initiative thing. My attack should happen after the spirit's action, but you can just give one of the other mushrooms an extra action to compensate/fix this, right?

Initiative (no modifiers) - (2d6)
(14) = 5
Basic TK attack (Will-based 2+3 dice, 1+3=4 DX) - (5d6)
(15514) = 16
Defence by Kinoko spirit (mushroom) - (2d6)
(45) = 9
Completely oblivious to all the fighting going on, she heads for the mall. She was going to go there anyways.
Quit standing around, Luna! Those fungi are heading our way next! A voice echoed in her head.
"R-right! We should help them!" Luna spoke out loud to herself as she pulled out a few paper talismans from her school bag. With a seemingly practiced motion, Luna tossed them over the heads of Sumeryu's fans and right in front of the kinoko spirits.
Multiple talismans were thrown so there's an area of effect (cost +10). Barrier dice are added to defense dice so it'd be 4d6 for the barrier strength.
Initiative - (2d6)
(13) = 4
Barrier (area of effect) - (4d6)
(2646) = 18
Kinoko Spirit defense - (2d6)
(65) = 11
Slightly annoyed by this in retaliation she will try and grab one of the mushroom creatures and throw it into the other
Initiative - (2d6)
(45) = 9
Throw - (5d6)
(34214) = 14
Kinoko spirit defence - (2d6)
(56) = 11
Second spirit defence - (2d6)
(44) = 8
The screams, however, disrupt her workout session. Which is not a good idea on the evil tree's part, since she is currently armed with a rock that weighs more than a car and was just using a tree the same size as a barbell. With out hesitation, the gigantic, gorgeous redhead plants her left foot, raises her right, and hurls the 4000-pound boulder like a softball. At 1200 miles an hour. It leaves a wind tunnel behind itself, a sonic boom pulling debris along with the projectile.
Take that, evil tree!
Ranged, Strength-Powered (duh) +5
Strike-Through (it's a big rock) +5
Stunning (it's a big rock) +10
Ammunition 3 (she's only doing it once because there's not very many rocks this big) -15
Unwieldy 1 (hard to dodge in a pitcher's stance) -5
Total endurance cost is 0, because this is a one-off attack using the environment.
Initiative: 4
Attack: 6
Tree defense: 5
Sumeryu defense against attacks later: 5
Her margin of hitting is only 1 (boo), and her DX is 1+3+4=8. So the evil tree takes 8 health damage. Must've just barely clipped it. And it will be stunned if it has 32 or fewer Health.
Initiative - (2d6)
(34) = 7
Throw big rock - (5d6)
(62543) = 20
Evil tree defense versus big rock - (3d6)
(351) = 9
Sumeryu defense - (1d6)
(5) = 5
Broken out of her stunned surprise, Kanako rushes into the scene, practically bowling over Konomi on the way to catch the meddlesome fairy.
"If you want to read the latest volume of Thurible+Frankenstein, buy it yourself!"
Character | Defense | Initiative |
Hanami | 2d6 | 6 |
Ibuki | 2d6 | 5 |
Kinoko spirits | 2d6 | 5 |
Sumeryu | 4 | |
Líng Jìng | 5d6 | 4 |
Luna/Freya | 4d6 | 3 |
Big tree demon | 3d6 | 3 |
As Hanami studies the creatures on the other side of her glowing magical barrier, she concludes they're creatures of spiritual corruption, lesser spirits of the forest fallen into darkness. As for weaknesses, they should retain their natural vulnerability to fire and dryness, besides, their new nature as uncleansed spirits, make them particularly vulnerable to holy powers. Besides, it's clear that their hat is hard and armored, but the rest of their body is soft and squishy.
As her underlings pull the scared girls away from danger, Hanami is left with a single defenseless girl at her side, protected by the barrier. The mushroom monsters, about a meter high, lower themselves, like springs, gather strength, and fling themselves with great power towards the barrier, their hats stony hard.
As they hit the barrier, it pulses at their impact, the waves dispersing the attack, as they're flung back, Hanami and the girl safe.
Ibuki is taken completely by surprise as the one Kinoko that targeted her comes flying like a bullet at her, the impact raising a cloud of dust. But, as it's lifted, Ibuki is holding the creature close to her, she barely bruised, as the monster's attack, being square on, is absorbed by her armor, she only takes 6 damage.
Taking advantage of the position, she spins the mushroom, still carrying momentum, and then throws it away with her full force, aiming at the other one, currently targeting Sumeryu. It smashes the target, throwing it to the ground, looking stunned. The other who was thrown, stands up, seeming unscathed, but shocked by the sudden force that normal looking girl throwed him with!
Then, Sumeryu finally throws the huge boulder she was holding, it flungs full speed at the three, but unfortunately only grazing it, yanking a chunk of its bark, the sinister face on the tree grimaces in pain and fury. The girls in its tendrils screaming and gasping at the sudden turbulence!
The boulder can be seen flying away on the horizon, leaving a trace of mayhem in its path.
Líng Jìng goes out of hiding and grabs, with her telekinesis, one of the three Kinoko that just attacked Hanami, throwing it violently at the big tree! Despite having less impact than the boulder that was just hurled at it, this unfortunate kinoko kit square on the tree! Passing through it and leaving a whole at it's trunk! The Kinoko was never seen again, going to the same realm that boulder ended up in.
Finally, the tree doesn't move, still overwhelmed by the boulder and the kinoko hurled at it. If only swings the girls in its branches around, while some free branches feel the damaged areas.
- Hanami: Feather blow only apply to attacks (as the description suggests) so it wouldn't be applicable in this case.
- Ibuki: Since she actively let one of the Kinoko hit her, even though she'd act before him, I expended his action, which he would probably use to attack Sumeryu.
Ok, that's it for the first round! going to the second now. There's three Kinoko remaining (1 next to Sumeryu and other 2 in front of Hanami's Barrier), along with the evil tree, which looks to be in it's last breath.
Kanako runs desperately, chasing the fairy, cursing along the way; Konomi was attentively reading the sigh, the fairy pass by, chuckling. As Konomi hears the footsteps and curses, she quickly turns to her left, seeing Kanako run straight at her! They colide!
After a momentary blank, Konomi opens her eyes, to see a furious Kanako tangled with her, while the fairy runs away with her book!
Hanami's barrier - (10d6)
(6164361245) = 38
Kinoko headbutt 1 - (3d6)
(553) = 13
Kinoko headbutt 2 - (3d6)
(233) = 8
Kinoko headbutt 3 - (3d6)
(665) = 17
Surprise attack on Ibuki - (3d6)
(665) = 17
Ibuki's defense (-1 roll: pick lowest) - (2d6)
(15) = 6
- Hanami: Feather blow only apply to attacks (as the description suggests) so it wouldn't be applicable in this case.
Her gaze then zeroed in on the exposed phloem on its body, thanks to the attacks of Sumeryu and Lin Jing stripping some of the bark away. There! Through those wounds, I could...
Dropping her barrier, she pointed her wand out towards the tree. "Wither!" A series of thin glowing magical tendrils burst from her wand's end and sought out the tree's exposed weak spots, intent on puncturing it and absorbing every last drop of moisture!
Wither (1+3 = 4 DX) - (5d6)
(21141) = 9
Tree Defense - (3d6)
(432) = 9
Drama dice - (3d6)
(551) = 11
"Destruction in three steps"
She then plants her foot one last time on the ground and strikes the tree
Destruction in three steps - (7d6)
(3552356) = 29
tree defence - (3d6)
(626) = 14
"Thanks! And dodge!" she yells as Ibuki goes past her. She is gratified that so many students have come to help the evil tree's victims and also that Sumeryu herself doesn't have to herd cats.
It doesn't occur to her that she might not necessarily be the leader of any group that forms. Her assurance in her own right-of-place is harder than her head.
Sumeryu plants both feet, stomping hard enough to make the ground shake, much as Ibuki had done. She holds her hands out in front of her and downward, palms out, and draws in a huge breath of air through her nose, much more than a normal person could hold. The disruption is enough to pull papers and pens a few inches towards her. Now that the innocent victims were out of the way, it was time to destroy the enemy.
Then she leaned forward and let out her breath. From her mouth emerges heat, so bright and pure that the air itself ignites and burns white, scorching the grass into ash instantly in a wave of destruction.
I have named it Furious Flame Fulmination, because alliteration is cool.
Added Elaborate Gestures and Unwieldy and a rank of AoE where it normally wouldn't have them, since she has extra time and space to do the move of doom. With AoE twice, she can target 5 mushrooms and the tree at the same time. She'll hit the 5 kinoko that are closest to her and the evil tree.
Affinity: Fire (duh) +0
Area Effect x2 +20
Ranged +0
Elaborate Gestures -5
Unwieldy -5
Applying Area of Effect reduces Defense rolls by 1 per pick, so -2 in this case. Since the Kinoko have 2 defense, they'll be reduced to 1/2 of one die.
Depending on their Vulnerability to fire, they'll take a damage modifier like so:
Vulnerability 0: *1
Vulnerability 1: *1.5
Vulnerability 2: *2
Vulnerability 3: *3
Sumeryu gets a 12 to hit. Kinoko 1, 2, 3, and 5 defend with 1s, Kiniko 4 defense with a 2, and evil tree defends with a 4. Sumeryu's DX with this attack is 3. The damage is as follows, not accounting for any Armored the baddies may have.
Target | Margin | DMG @ Vuln 0 | DMG @ Vuln 1 | DMG @ Vuln 2 | DMG @ Vuln 3 |
Kinoko 1 | 11 | 33 | 49 | 66 | 99 |
Kinoko 2 | 11 | 33 | 49 | 66 | 99 |
Kinoko 3 | 11 | 33 | 49 | 66 | 99 |
Kinoko 4 | 10 | 30 | 45 | 60 | 90 |
Kinoko 5 | 11 | 33 | 49 | 66 | 99 |
Evil Tree | 8 | 24 | 36 | 48 | 72 |
Furious Flame Fulmination - (5d6)
(46463) = 23
Sumeryu defense roll - (1d6)
(3) = 3
Kinoko 1 defense - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Kinoko 2 defense - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Kinoko 3 defense - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Kinoko 4 defense - (1d6)
(4) = 4
Kinoko 5 defense - (1d6)
(1) = 1
Evil tree - (1d6)
(4) = 4
And then, Ibuki does her three step dance, before landing a powerful punch at the tree, making it coil back, releasing the girls in its branches, who promptly run away, as a big chunk of the tree's now dried and crumbly bark shatter! She them easily steps away, at Sumeryu's call.
This last prepping her attack, devouring an immense amount of air with her dragon lungs, she heats it into a devastating fire and then breath it out, a see of flames floods the clearing, Hanami's barrier protecting her and the fan at the edge of the threat zone, as the infernal waves take the two kinoko's in her front. Finally, as it reaches the tree, now dry, and thus extra flammable, it quickly catches fire, crumbling and turning into a huge pile of blazing black stuff.
By the way, very nice of you doing all that math for me, BlondeDragonGenie! Awesome stuff.
Also, I'd recommend Hanami to buy, in the future, some points in Knowledge: attack spells/ wand attacks (or something like that), an ability that could only be used in magic based attack rolls, and only cost half the normal price!
As Konomi notices who just rammed her, Kanako says, with a wincing grimace and a hand on her head. "Ouch! R-run on the corridors?!! Whatever! You're letting her escape!" She points at the tiny fairy, just as she disappears behind a corridor. "That oversized gnat got my comic!!" As the fairy disappears, she sigh, grumpy, and stands up, ready to leave, defeated. "Sight... What a pain..."
"Urg. What a pain indeed. There is no one there. Have you hit your head or something? Never mind, I don't think it would make a difference with you."
Scoffing she gets ready to leave as well.
Lín Jìng / 林静

Initiative (no modifiers) - (2d6)
(15) = 6
Basic TK attack (Will-based 2+3 dice, 1+3=4 DX) - (5d6)
(61433) = 17
Defence by Kinoko spirit (mushroom) - (2d6)
(21) = 3
Amazing success
Rolling above max difficulty grants an Amazing Success, which means that the character just achieves something above what they were aiming for. This can be related purely in the narration, but it may also change the local circumstances in a way beneficial to the PCs. If a character rolls an Amazing Success in an opposed roll and their opponent does not, the PC can choose to inflict a Complication on their opponent, like giving him a temporary flaw or triggering one of his own flaws.
...This roll is treated like an opposed roll, with your result being compared to another made by your opponent, the Defense Roll...
However, I'm realizing her defense roll shouldn't have been 10d6, but 8d6 instead. When applying Ineffective, her effective Barrier level was 3, but when maintaining the barrier, I doubled the base 2d6 dice as well when I should've only doubled the Barrier dice. The reason I believe I goofed is because I just noticed the wording of the 'Don't Hurt Me!' combat action. It explicitly states that it doubles the number of dice in your Defense Roll. If the Barrier advantage was intended to do the same, it would have the same wording, but it doesn't. So that was my mistake right there.
When the blinding brightness of Sumeryu's Furious Flame Fulmination faded, Hanami dropped her barrier and saw what little remained of the evil tree, kinoko spirits, and whatever else happened to be in the path of that overwhelming wave of flames. Gone, reduced to ashes. The destruction stretched on as far as she could see. What terrifying power! She quickly recovered from her awed state. ...Hmph, she's lucky I softened it up for her and Ibuki.
As a witch, she wasn't a fan of the wanton destruction of nature, but she could return later to restore it, or at the very least stimulate the growth of new plant life. She might also look into whatever corrupted the spirits. But for now, she was more concerned about pursuing the mysterious panty mastermind.
"Not bad." She gave her props to everyone present. That was when she noticed that she couldn't see Lin Jing. Frowning, she glanced around in vain. She initially thought Lin Jing ran off, but she remembered from the midst of the brief battle...
"FEEL THE WRATH OF THE TRIAD PRINCESS!" shouts Lín Jìng, flickering into visibility for a fraction of a second as she flilngs the little mushroom into the sinister tree.
"Uh, hello. I happen to know someone good with youjutsu. I can arrange some help in exchange for a similar favour. Usually of the secret kind."
"Whoa... what incredible power." I hope we never have to be on the receiving end of that. With a slight sweatdrop, Luna remarked at Sumeryu's awesome power.
That being said, now that the battle was over, it was time to tend to the wounded. She saw most of the students escape to safety, but there were still a few entangled in the branches from the tree monster.
"Um, is everyone okay?" asked Luna, as she approached the tangled students.
"Fine. If you can really get me some help, then I'll owe you a favor. Just try not to ask for anything illegal," Hanami replied, keeping her voice down. She started to explain. "To keep it short, I'm going after a panty thief and that big dumb idiot—" She jabbed a thumb towards Yasuo where he stood a little ways off. "—got his memories altered by the culprit. Since it was done by a yokai ability, I can't restore them with my witch magic, so that's why I need a yojutsu user."
"Those were corrupted spirits of the forest," Hanami answered Ibuki aloud, turning her gaze on the devout girl. "It's not normal. Usually, the presence of corrupted forest spirits implies some sort of deeper taint that must be cleansed..." As she spoke, she noticed the slight damage that Ibuki took. "You're hurt. Let me see."
Also, thanks for your complements and you're welcome for the table.
She turns around in place and declares, "Excellent work, everyone! Dr. Matsuyama, Luna, your barriers kept the innocent safe. Ibuki, Lin, thanks for covering me."
She looks at each girl in turn when addressing her, except Lin Jing, who is invisible. Sumeryu knows that Lin is present, though, what with the triad princess shouting.
WAIT. WAIT A SECOND. Triad Princess! Doctor Princess, Violence Princess, Sexy Teacher Princess, Adorable Princess... Sumeryu wonders how she can acquire Triad Princess as well. She's pretty sure she has Doctor Princess in the bag; she's cute and even asked to spend time with her. Sexy Teacher Princess is clearly enamored. Hmmm. What was she doing again? Oh, right.
"Doctor Matsuyama," she addressed the blonde magical chocolatier-physician-wizard, "We have to ask-Oh, you're already doing it. Fantastic. I knew I could count on you." The incredibly gorgeous giant redhead gives Hanami a big, beautiful smile.
Then she goes to the tree to try to extricate anyone else who's still wounded and bring them to Hanami for treatment.
"Corrupted spirits you say... as a follower of the Buddha I am ashamed to say I had not noticed the imbalance. Perhaps i shall look into this further as recompense for my lack of awareness" ibuki clutches her prayer beads as she speaks
Noticing Ibuki's reluctance, Hanami nodded, a hint of respect in her eyes. "Well, alright. Just be careful. There will probably be stronger spirits near the source of the corruption. I can go with you later, if you'd like."
She jumped a bit when addressed by Sumeryu. That smile made her cheeks visibly redden. "Er... Of course! I'm always two steps ahead!" Hanami boasted, even though she didn't actually know what Sumeryu was about to say. Ask about what, exactly? Maybe she's also investigating the panty thefts? Hanami wondered, blissfully unaware of the inner workings of Sumeryu's head.
As the wounded are brought to her, she pulled supplies out of her doctor's bag and proceeded to swiftly and efficiently care for them.
Treat Wounded (Knowledge [Medicine], Smart) - (6d6)
(621546) = 24
"Would you and your minion like to go somewhere more private, or would you like to handle your panty problem right here?
I can also quickly teleport to a suitable shop and back to solve the immediate problem if you just tell me the required sizes."
As she listened to Hanami’s hypothesis for the attack, some questions were raised as a second voice mused in Luna’s head.
The forest is potentially corrupted, huh? It would fall under our duty if true… we ought to investigate soon.
Um, how soon?
Now soon.
Aww… Luna sighed internally. Those cafes at the mall will have to wait for later then…
Luna turned to Hanami and Ibuki. "Um, if the forest really is full of corrupted spirits, it would be better to handle them sooner before the corruption spreads further. More monsters might attack if we wait…."
The giant beauty carries on a conversation while moving injured students back and forth. To Luna, she replies, "Your help protected the innocent, and that was the whole objective."
She's carrying each student in a princess carry, which she merely knows to be the best way to move a person without injuring them further but which is, of course, terrifically charming and princely. Hang in there, Sumeryu! Maybe some day you'll realize how much of a dork you really are!
"Would you and your minion like to go somewhere your private, or would you like to handle your panty problem right here?
I can also quickly teleport to a suitable shop and back to solve the immediate problem if you just tell me the required sizes."
Luna turned to Hanami and Ibuki. "Um, if the forest really is full of corrupted spirits, it would be better to handle them sooner before the corruption spreads further. More monsters might attack if we wait…."
"Luna, right? The corruption would be more obvious at night..." Looking around, Hanami realized they currently had quite the team assembled. She was going after the panty mastermind, but she'd be able to pursue him at her leisure once Yasuo could remember his appearance. She also didn't want anyone else getting attacked, so she decided to adjust her plans. "...But I guess it'd be better to just do it now, while we're all here. I might be able to sense the source of the corruption with my magic. And once we find it, you should be able to cleanse it, right? You seem to have experience, judging by those talismans you were using."
"Huh! Kids these days, man..." She says, keeping up with Konomi as they leave by the exit door.
About the ammunition, if your action were: Cast Attack on me with ammunition flaw, it would have meant that the Attack bonus you'd receive would go away after so many uses, instead of lasting for the whole scene (the Magic ability would remain unchanged), and could better simulate a very powerful one-use spell.
I would ask you to avoid coming up with traits that let you use the Magic ability to roll, as that would easily be worth 40 Endurance if balanced correctly (modifying both dice roll and DX normally cost 5 endurance per bump, with your 4 Arcane Magic, that would equate 40 Endurance).
I reflect now that my main problem with your attack, is that the perks you added modify the attack (you rolled without any Ability) itself, not any ability, as they should do. Perks and Flaws must be necessarily tied to abilities, otherwise, the ammunition cost doesn't make any sense, as they don't limit any ability usage, as the flaw was meant to do.
Finally, also remember you can have any amount of suites of attacks and other abilities. E. g. could have one that uses ammunition, other that doesn't.
As the group go to help the fans who were attacked, they were relieved that no one was hurt. Luna, being the first to get there, receives some more praise. Overall, these Sumeryu fans were now starting to be fans of everyone of their saviors! (she's still their favorite celebrity though).
Secret Roll
Hmph, my abilities are more than enough. We could always do this ourselves as usual.
But there's still a lot we don't know about this place, so it's safer to go in a group.
Very well then, I'll humor you this time.
"Panty thieves are quite corrupt," she agrees. "I wouldn't be surprised if they're connected to the forest's infestation of...whatever that stuff was." She waves an elegantly clawed hand at the scorched landscape behind herself.
"Don't worry!" she reassures Luna. "If there is any danger, I'll protect everyone." She said it with such confidence that it was impossible to not be swept up in believing her. She was, after all, so very big, pretty, and charming. Like a dashing warrior princess of legend!
"Show us the way to the evil, Dr. Matsuyama, so that we can vanquish it together." She makes a fist to emphasize the sentiment. The gesture shows off the toned definition of her arm.
Well I guess we can share as long as everyone remembers who the leader totally definitely is and not the person you just let assume she is the leader. =p
Also, thank you for waiting.
Also, would Lin Jing not be able to use her Psychic ability to remove the memory alterations? Likely at -1, or a bigger penalty if you'd consider restoring suppressed memories to be more difficult than reading them.
"Panty thieves are quite corrupt," she agrees. "I wouldn't be surprised if they're connected to the forest's infestation of...whatever that stuff was." She waves an elegantly clawed hand at the scorched landscape behind herself.
"Show us the way to the evil, Dr. Matsuyama, so that we can vanquish it together." She makes a fist to emphasize the sentiment. The gesture shows off the toned definition of her arm.
In the meantime, she closed her eyes and used her magic to reach out to the forest itself. I want to help you. Please, guide me to what's ailing you.
Connect to forest (Arcane Magic) - (5d6)
(63562) = 22
If you would, Miss Freya.
Closing her eyes and clasping her hands in prayer, Luna focused her spiritual energy in an attempt to communicate with the spirits of the forest.
O spirits dwelling in the forest, we seek to purify the corruption poisoning your land...
Commune with forest spirts (Spirit Medium) - (5d6)
(21436) = 16
Lín Jìng / 林静
Lín Jìng opens her third eye, takes a step back, and begins a mystic dance - with wide stances, heavy steps, and wide-swinging mudras. For the duration of the ritual, Lín Jìng's veins glow with all the youki brought to the surface from the core. This takes maybe a minute during which she pays little attention to the surroundings.
So what she's doing is making two Ritual Castings (-5 Elaborate Gestures, -25 Open to Attack, to reduce the Endurance cost by 30, which is enough to negate the cost of both castings). Now is a great opportunity for someone to show up from the bushes and attack her if that's called for by the plot.
The frist casting is for her to grant herself two more levels of Iron Will (for a total of 5), and the next one would be to grant herself 4 more levels of Psychic (also for a total of 5). If nothing bad happens by the time she's done with the ritual, I'll make another post trying to deal with the memory issue.

Having completed the preparation, Lín Jìng noticed the dragon silently cheerleading her. She freezed and hesitated for split second, then closed her eyes, opened two of them again, and looked at the dragon once more - this time more confidently - and took a bow, not in the conventional manner, but rather like a performer upon completion of a stage performance, while maintaining her gaze on the cheerleader.
And then she turned away, focusing on the memory-challenged pupil.
"All right, fellow, open your mind, come on," Lín Jìng addressed Hanami's minion.
Lín Jìng reached out into his mind, starting with the superficial, diving deeper into subconscious thoughts, through the recent memories, and finally searching for what was missing in the last few days, trying to learn and memorise all there was hidden even from himself.
Iron Will (2+5=7 dice) to see how the recent boost fares against Shyness (-1 to the roll) - (6d6)
(264532) = 22
Psychic Memory Probe - (10d6)
(3431553434) = 35
Edit: Weaknesses also don't exceed -3.
Luna started her invocation first, while Líng Jìng harnessed her powers with the rich liturgy of her ancient rituals before doing her work.
The wind started gathering around Luna, bringing feminine voices of the spirits with her, more specifically, to Freya, who relates them to her. "The source of corruption is a foul creature who have taken habitation into the forest, it's motives unknown... The waning of the Moon is the cause of its empowerment (New moon will be in two days, I. e. Wednesday, will be a lunar eclipse). Seek in wet and boggy places deep into the forest, its aura will be more pungent as the Moon dies. We advise the search to be conducted on the fifth hour after sunset of tomorrow, or on the second of Wednesday night... But take care! For albeit it will be easier to find the creature, it will also be more powerful! Finally, follow the frogs ribbit!" The voices finish, dwindling with the music...
With those shenanigans out of the way, it was the time to uncover another truth: the one behind the indecent thefts!
As Líng Jìng finishes her preparations, her third eye wide opened and gleaming an eerie light, she touches Yasuo's forehead with two of her fingers, effectively entering his mind.
As she does, she finds herself in his memories, a space filled with energy strings, each a memory, and after a short search, finds the one she's looking for. After entering it, she watches the scene unfolds: Yasuo talking with the blurry figure. Weirdly, it doesn't seems like the occultation was taking place in the memory, but that it was actually taking place, the figure simply vanishing from existence (on the memory).
She concentrates to dispel the trick with her powers, immaterial hands compressing the diffuse figure into shape, while it also gains colors, and finally, as the work is done, she takes a look... It was a student boy with an evil and lecherous grin, and eyes of a deceiver. His hair tucked back in an almost charming way. The figure didn't seem unfamiliar to her though, thinking she saw him somewhere. As the conversation ends, with him ordering his partner on taking the "goods" from the little fox, he turns and leaves, but not before bringing his hair forward, forming an ordinary bowl-cut, and putting on a pair of round glasses.
As she gets out of Yasuo's mind, her eyes fall instinctively onto Rikishi, who, incidentally was grinning evilly just as the guy from the memory. "Heh heh, got me!" He says in a shrewd mock-nervousness, while adjusting his glasses, his eyes now looking much sharper than before, giving the girls, specially Hanami, a sinister look. "The ruse was fun while it lasted though! I'm just sad I couldn't have my hands on any of your goods..." He chuckles.
At Konomi's threat (and actuation) of cursing her, she doesn't get more serious, just shaking her by her collar, playfully. "Ha ha ha!! You'll curse me? Well, you really don't say that to someone who's holding you by the collar, little gi... Ahh!" She gasps as she's suddenly shoved, the confusion followed by a "Sorry!! Gotta run!!" As Katsuya from before goes running out of the building, a girl following behind, it was Rika! "You, give back what you stole, you little rascal!! I'm going to snap your neck!!" To which Katsuya, running in panic, tears tricking down her face, yells: "I- I already apologized!! It wasn't my fault, I sweaaaaar!!"
"So it's you, huh. Anything else you want to say while the consequences haven't began unfolding?" she lets her words be heard, but then immediately hops to another spot again, ready for some sort of ace from Rikishi's sleeve.
Luna started her invocation first, while Líng Jìng harnessed her powers with the rich liturgy of her ancient rituals before doing her work.
The wind started gathering around Luna, bringing feminine voices of the spirits with her, more specifically, to Freya, who relates them to her. "The source of corruption is a foul creature who have taken habitation into the forest, it's motives unknown... The waning of the Moon is the cause of its empowerment (New moon will be in two days, I. e. Wednesday, will be a lunar eclipse). Seek in wet and boggy places deep into the forest, its aura will be more pungent as the Moon dies. We advise the search to be conducted on the fifth hour after sunset of tomorrow, or on the second of Wednesday night... But take care! For albeit it will be easier to find the creature, it will also be more powerful! Finally, follow the frogs ribbit!" The voices finish, dwindling with the music...
"Two nights until the monster reaches full strength under the lunar eclipse... It's hiding in the forest's swamp with a foul odor... but the frogs will guide us... It will be easier to find at night when it's more powerful..."
There's a bit of time left before we must take action, but let's hear what the others have to say first.
Kanako raises herself from the ground again, rubbing her sore back. "Ouch! Bastards..." Her complains are cut short as she opens her eyes and sees Konomi, her "well..." sounding way too teasing for her, she cuts the distance between them both, yelling: "T-that was your doing?!! You really cursed me?!! Grr!! Lift that immediately! Or I swear I'll strap you runt to my back, and any infortune will fall on you first!!"
She was interrupted by Rikishi's chuckle and his subsequent reveal of his true nature. "What are you talking about, bowl cut? Wait, are you-?" As her mind rapidly made the connection, she pulled out her wand. "You're not going anywhere, you damn perv!" She pointed her wand at him and casted a dazing spell. A burst of magic flashed at the center of his forehead as a temporary bout of dizziness threatened to cloud his mind.
It does no damage, but Stuns if the attack roll succeeds. Due to being a Will Attack, the Defense roll would use Iron-Willed (if he has it) rather than Quick or Evasive.
Initiative (if necessary) - (2d6)
(15) = 6
Daze (Iron-Willed, Accurate x2) - (6d6)
(454321) = 19
In fact, in that case I'll wait for the other's actions to narrate them all.
Turning around she prepares to leave once again.
Konomi is now free to do as she choses!
As Luna starts speaking, Sumeryu produces a pen and pad from a backpack one of the captive students had dropped and starts to write down what the other girl says, nodding and making "uh-huh" and "I see" comments to indicate she is listening. She does the same in regards to Hanami. She deposits the notes in Victoria's Secret Compartment, her enormous chest more than large enough to accommodate the small notepad, and then she puts her hands on her hips and quirks an eyebrow at Rikishi.
Her question, however, is directed at Hanami and Lin Jing. She keeps her stare fixed firmly on Rikishi, as if the weight of a glare alone could pin a person in place. "What did he do, steal underwear? Rope Momochichi-san into his schemes? What else?"
Her stance did not suggest she was ready for combat, probably because she was very proud of herself and thought she could take whatever Rikishi could possibly dish out, then beat him into submission with his own arm.
Uh-oh, that means all of her fans will be looking this way now. Never mind. Only the four of us are talking. Yasuo, Hanami, Rikishi, Sumeryu, me. Only the five of us are talking. The crowd is just standing far away.
Lín Jìng, adding a bit of gangster swagger into her step, moved to Rikishi's side, thus putting Sumeryu between herself and the gathering of fans the latter just talked to.
"I* saw that Yasuo saw someone looking like a thoroughly clouded Rikishi ordered Yasuo to take the goods from the fox, after which Yasuo. There was a lot of mind-clouding going on, but hey, you heard what Rikishi just said."
"Hahaha! What? Surprised?" His voice coming out of nowhere, it's source seemingly moving away. "Well, you girls discovered my plan but you won't take me today! Bwahahaha!!"
Konomi wanders through the peaceful pathways of the school grounds. The path leads to the borders of the forest, following it.
As she reaches a corner on an elevated spot, she can see the mall at distance, a big building, it's neo-classical façade raising around an enclosed plaza, fully climatized and full of nice stores selling all kinds of stuff!
She can also see an old and seemingly abandoned neo-gothic chapel above a green hill, crowned by colorful fields of flowers; contrasting with the unkept chapel, where grass and bushes take ahold of its corners.
Finally, she hears some commotion from a nearby clearing on the forest.
As she keeps walking, she hears hasting footsteps coming towards her, and before she can react, something bumps into her! A boy, which flashes as they touch, and then vanishes again!
"Waa!! Watch your step little girl!" The voice says, hasting away.
As Konomi looks at the origin of the ruckus, She sees familiar faces on the clearing next to the road, girls she lunched with earlier.
Rikishi initiative - (3d6)
(642) = 12
Initiative - (2d6)
(15) = 6
Noticing the others on the clearing, Konomi rushes towards them. She is utterly oblivious to what is going on and does not even seem to care right now.
"Guys! Guys! Did you see a boy pass by here just now? I think he might be some sort of ghost." She asks the group, still indifferent to what is going on.
"Good work," she acknowledges and praises Lin. Then she smacks her right fist into her left hand.
"What do you have to say for yourself, misc-hey! Where'd he go?"
She looks left and right.
"Ah! Watanabe-san, that wasn't a ghost, that was Rikishi. He's been bullying people and stealing underwear. Help us catch him, would you?"
Charismatic leadership or an excuse for the cute Konomi to stick around? That's up for the audience to decide!
"Jing-san, Dr. Matsuyama, do you have any powers or spells to track fown Rikishi? What about you, Ibuki, Luna? Sutras or charms?"
Sumeryu only has one useful skill in this situation: keen eyesight. Which she is using!
Heightened Sense Sight: Look for the baddie! - (3d6)
(514) = 10
Initiative - (2d6)
(64) = 10
Lín Jìng / 林静
"By now I know how you think, I can recognise you among other minds around here," she shouted, but nobody heard her, since her undetectability spell was fully active once again. Luckily, that also meant Rikishi would be unlikely to know he was followed.
She extended her mind-sense in search of the cowardly trickster, but given the haste, it would take another few seconds before she could bring the full brunt of her perception onto the task.

Rolled two 4's, for a best score of 8 on the scan/detection attempt.
Scan for Rikishi - (5d6)
(14643) = 18
Almost! As, at the instant he bumps Konomi, and she get's between Lin Jing and him, her conscience suddenly vanishes from Lin's senses, and Rikishi's appear! That's just an instant though: as Konomi moves and he gains distance, he vanishes again!
I suppose that's an acceptable reason for a delay.
Responding to Sumeryu, "Sorry, my talismans are focused on exorcism and combat. I don't think they'd be of any use for this..."
However, Ibuki's actions did catch Luna's eye, and she was curious about what Ibuki would do next.
"Point him out when you find him!" she encourages Lin. She is simply assuming, with confidence, that Lin can find Rikishi or at least indicate where he went.
"How far can you shoot from?" she asks Luna.
Rikishi's resistance to Ibuki's curse - (3d6)
(643) = 13
She picked up Rikishi's glasses and used them to help focus her intention as she tried to gain insight.
Sixth Sense - (4d6)
(2662) = 16

In a burst of inductive reasoning, she links all pieces on her head, in an instant, the glasses on her fingers the key to all that:
Rikishi's power isn't invisibility, but making things vanishing from people's mind! That's why he could disappear from Yasuo's and Katsuya's memories, along with the stolen pieces... Hanami also notices there's a limit to the amount of things he can make vanish at a time. That she inducted from his first appearance, where he claimed to have X-ray vision, which was in fact him vanishing the girl's clothes from his own mind. In that occasion, he mentioned a limit of two objects he could 'look through'; him wearing glasses reducing that to just one.
Finally, she concluded that, to fully disappear, that is, both his body and clothes, he must be at his limit, and that's why he shortly reappeared after passing behind Konomi, as his power only works on the closest thing between the vanished object and the person whose perception is being tampered by. Thus, apparently, any obstacle more substantial than air between her and him, would make him reappear.
Hanami headed in the direction that Konomi came from and started looking for footprints, disturbed vegetation or broken twigs, any traces that Rikishi might've left behind.
Tracking - (2d6)
(53) = 8
We should follow her.
"Oh, right. Um, let's follow Miss Matsuyama. She seems to have found the trail." Not wanting to be left behind, Luna began to follow after Hanami while ushering the others to do so as well.
She follows behind the others.
Lín Jìng / 林静
She didn't really stop long enough to catch her breath - only long enough not to become exhausted completely. Then, with slightly shaky hands, she began doing mudras. Her motions were wide, and she took dance-like steps predetermined directions that could as well be random as far as other runners were concerned.
She wasn't paying attention to the surroundings, instead focusing on keeping the youki flow for the new spell as economical espossible - she could not afford to waste any, she had to weave the spell without committing any more motes of essence to it. If the key to Rikishi's stealth was mind-clouding, then the key to his detection was mind-shielding, defending against intrusive influences.
I opt to keep the same initiative of 5 if it matters.

On the meanwhile, the pursuers, following the dim tracks Rikishi left, mainly spots of grounded grass, they see themselves going to the same shopping mall Konomi was heading to.
And then, Hanami spots a glimpse of Rikishi, through the glass wall on its entrance! But when she circles it to enter, he was instantly gone! I quick check showed she could see him clearly through the glass, but not without it.
Rikishi, on the meantime, was walking idly through the mall, a relieved look on his face.
" As long as we have something between us and him, then, his ability doesn't work on us? Is that right? " she asks Hanami as they follow Rikishi's tracks.
Her great size allowed her to keep up an excellent pace, and if anybody flagged behind, she simply picked them up and kept going.
Now properly shielded, she focused on her mind-sense once more, trying to figure out where Rikishi, or at least the rest of the commotion, might be, for the sake of teleporting there and catching up.
Oooh, double five = 10.
Sixth Sense (Mind-Sense) sweep - (5d6)
(24552) = 18
The DN for teleporting to the mall is 5, as it's a bit distant, but not 'across the city' distant.
Lin Jing successfully spots Rikishi, wandering conspicuously inside the mall. She also notices the other girls closing in on him, still unnoticed; though the jarring gasps and cheers of admiration summoned by Sumeryu's presence will make that not last much.
While still invisible, Lín Jìng picks a spot in the mall not far from Rikishi where minds used to be, but where there are none now. Hopefully that would minimise the chance of collisions with people or hitting a wall.
Teleport to the mall (DN 5). - (3d6)
(346) = 13
Look for Rikishi - (2d6)
(64) = 10
After setting her eyes on the boy, he also notices her, gasping in a startle, he points a finger at her.
"Ha! Take this, you crazy hag!" He says, his eyes full of vengeful spite (probably something to do with those zaps!) as Hanami's clothes start vanishing in front of her eyes! Leaving her in underwear amongst the crowd, as the rest of the her friends reach the area, along with Ling Jing, who appears out of nowhere.
Rikishi is still in view though. And now he appears to everyone, having directed his powers to Hanami's clothes.
She pulled her wand from her now-invisible clothes and launched a nasty hex that would weaken his power! He needs to vanish his body and clothes to disappear entirely. If I reduce his limit of two objects down to one, he's not going anywhere!
Initiative - (2d6)
(22) = 4
Inflict Suppressed Power -1 (Vanishing) [Witchcraft, Smart] - (7d6)
(5656612) = 31
Then she breaks into a sprint, with no hesitation whatsoever, and aims right at Rikishi's head.
"Haaa!" She stops just next to Rikishi and plants her feet, rotating through her hip and putting frightening power behind her hit to claw his face right off with her steel-sharp talon-like nails....
Except she's not punching or clawing! She's going to grab him by his head and lift him off the ground so he can't run. Less cool people would show off how strong they are by lifting from the neck, but Sumeryu can fit the boy's whole head in her hand.
Dragon grab! - (5d6)
(25221) = 12
Ignore the stares for now, and focus, Luna!
As Sumeryu attempted to grapple Rikishi, Luna went around the two to the other side of the path to block him in. Until the two of them broke out of the grapple, she felt it would be too dangerous to attack since she might hurt Sumeryu as well.
Rikishi trying to slip out of Sumeryu's grasp - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Hanami is relieved when her clothes start to appear, but when she sees who's being revealed in her stead, her face becomes twice as red. "S-S-Sumeryu!! Your..." Hanami begins to stammers out a warning, but she stops when she sees that Sumeryu is wearing bold black lace underwear, just as she fantasized during lunch. The revelation makes Hanami lightheaded, though that might just be from overuse of magic. She covers her eyes with her hands as her nose starts trickling blood. But she isn't strong enough to resist peeking through her fingers anyway.
"How dare you!? You should be ashamed!" She scolds Rikishi, as flustered as she is furious. "Don't look so damn pleased!"
I can be like Melissa, like Motoko, like Misato, like Mion. I can be like Melissa, like Motoko, like Misato, like Mion.
She became visible, and swaggered a few steps towards the fighting duo, like a tigress emerging from the shadows and walking through her den, and casually took off her jacket.
"Sumeryu-kun, allow me to take care of you with this," she threw the jacket in Sumeryu's direction, and it snagged neatly on the dragon's shoulder, loosely wrapped around the front half of her torso - after all, it was too small for the dragon to wear.
Hell yeah, I'm doing it! This is not as hard as I thought! Nobody needs to know I'm using TK to hold the jacket in place, just far enough to not blend with the rest of Sumeryu and her real clothes. This is going great! . . . err, so long as none of that crowd approaches me wtih pointed questions . . .
To outside appearances, her indifference to being largely naked in front of other people comes across instead as heroic, steely focus. Unflappable disregard for danger or discomfort.
"Miscreant," she addresses Rikishi with calm contempt, "You're going to reveal everything about your plan, what you stole, what you made Momochichi-san do, and why. You are going to apologize to each and every person you wronged, and then we are going to take you for punishment. Don't make me repeat myself."
She tightens her grip on his head until it stings and he gets the point. She's holding him two feet off the ground by his head and could easily pop his skull like a grape, which would be terribly inappropriate for the rating of this series. He wouldn't want everyone, including him, to get censored!
She glances over her shoulder at where Lin Jing's voice comes from and blinks a few times in confusion.
With less certainty than before, "Uhm. Ah, thank you, Jing-san. You are very kind."
That's a rather large audience. An entire mall's worth of people. Many of them are taking pictures. Several have fainted. Oh dear. Causing so much inconvenience to innocent people was a much more flustering thought than being half-naked in public. But the admiration of hundreds was intoxicating, too...
No, pay attention to Rikishi! She whips her head back around to glare back at the boy.
Indeed, Sumeryu was catching lots of attention, the whole crowd awkwardly staring at the whole situation; some stares directed specifically at her.
"I'M SORRY!! I'll apologize to Katsuya, o-ok?!!"
Forceps (Just What I Needed - DN 8; Dimensional Pocket) - (6d6)
(453331) = 19
Sumeryu sets Rikishi down and puts a hand on each of his shoulders, pushing downward to root him in place. An average adult man comes up to the middle of her chest, so he is likely shorter than that, and she can probably touch her fingers together with her hands on his shoulders.
She glowers down at him. Lin Jing's coat provides the only bit of physical modesty she has, and there's a perfect opportunity to bonk Rikishi in the face with it if Lin Jing feels like taking it.
"You will not run again. Now, answer Dr. Matsuyama's questions."
"Ok, ok, I'll tell everything!! They are in my secret stash... In a box I've hidden below a big rock, to the right of the chapel... Since almost no one goes there, besides the clergy and her, that's a pretty good place to hide..."
Predicting further questions, he clarifies. "Who? Oh, Katsuya... For some reason she volunteers to help clean that place on her free time..."
"A-alright... I already said sorry and told everything. C-can I go now..?" He says shyly, expecting the worse already.
Just to make sure Rikishi isn't pulling one last trick, she consults her still magically enhanced intuition, trying to divine whether they'd actually find the stolen goods at the location Rikishi provided. She also searches the future for any danger or surprises they might run into, if any.
Predictions (Sixth Sense) - (4d6)
(6223) = 13
She turns to face Rikishi and away from everyone else, and winks as a sign of mild support.
"Though I do have to wonder: were you also somehow involved in stealing, or re-stealing, Ao-chan's tie? Because as far as I understand, that was part of a series of thefts of the day."
Or maybe that's just her monstrous, titanic strength that could crush him in an instant if he did anything funny.
Who knows, really?
The jacket Lin is holding onto her manages to look fetching and dashing at the same time.
To Rikishi, she says, "First, we will get those panties. Then you will help us return them to the victims, and you will apologize, one at a time. Momochichi-san and the boy you magically coerced will also be on that list."
Sumeryu's primary concern is justice and right conduct, but it does have the added benefit of keeping Rikishi along in case he was lying about where he hid the "proceeds" of his theft.
She deliberately includes the other members of Magical Girl Combat Squad: "Ibuki-san, Watanabe-san, Luna-san, please get some zip ties and a rope from the hardware store so that we can keep track of him, then put the ties on his wrists and the rope around that."
"Uh?!! T-tie?! I don't know anything about a tie! Well, m-maybe Katsuya made that theft o-out of her own will?? I don't know, I promise!!" Rikishi retorts, still terrorized by the girls threats and presence, he doesn't hesitate in spitting out everything he knows.
"W-wait!" He pleads, as Sumeryu starts. "You can't be thinking of letting me return them!! Aaaah!! That would be so embarrassing... For the girls too... P-please, be more reasonable!!" He adds, trembling nervously.
Anyway, about the return, don't feel too embarrassed - it could've been worse. For example, some might've asked you to put them back on, like that s-type catgirl from the judo club."
She hasn't even considered that the other girls might go with her and Rikishi on his humiliation tour. She would be happy if they did, but it simply doesn't occur to her to obligate others in doing the right thing. Demanding other people help her administer justice wouldn't be just in itself!
"Anyways, you can have these back, bowl cut." She finally takes off Rikishi's glasses and puts them back on his face. "Don't bother begging anymore. It's unsightly for a senpai to whine. The best thing you can do now is accept your loss with dignity."
"Oh." She startles for an instant, her face quickly warming up. "Guys!! Hey!!" She says, dramatically waving up at the approaching figures, thus clumsily letting her old broom fall, the loud strike bristling her for a second.
"Uh... It's nice seeing you guys coming in here!! E-even you, mister Rikishi??"
With Rikishi's directions and Hanami's divination, the hidden stash was easily findable.
"Rikishi-san has something to say to you. Is everything he had you steal in this box?"
Sumeryu pushes Rikishi in front of herself, to face Katsuya. She squeezes his shoulder to let him know that she'll break him in half if he does anything hostile or is too hesitant. She also points at the box with the underwear in it using her free hand.
She's treated to the sight of panties galore. "Ugh." However, she decides to look through it to see if Rikishi's stashed away more than just panties.
Wah! I-is that what the other girls my age are wearing? B-but it's just strings... Luna had a slight blush as she peeked at the panty stash from time to time.
Hoho...! So this is what garments women wear in this era. Very interesting~! Meanwhile, the other voice in her head seemed to be enjoying it all.

Meanwhile, Hanami finishes rummaging through the 'stuff', concluding that was pretty much all the people had interest in stealing.
The next hour would be dedicated to looking for the owners of all stolen articles and returning them, for those interested in doing so.
All of these contradictory priorities resulted in doing a lot of silly dance-like shuffling. Thanks to the magical boost of confidence that she never bothered dispelling, she could maintain a stiff upper lip throughout most of the sequence, but the demeanour was beginning to crack. Ultimately she settled on a point next to the culprit and decided on an answer that would solve two issues in one go.
"Sorry, I have some unfinished business to discuss with Riki-chan when this is over, so maybe some other time," she moved her gaze from Katsuya to Rikishi, trying to appear assertive and nonchalant.
Assertive and nonchalant? (+Iron Will, -Shyness) - (6d6)
(455523) = 24
Hanami thought about Katsuya's invitation. She'd merely intended to settle into her dorm room after returning the panties, so she didn't see a reason to reject the offer. "I wasn't really going to do much after this, so count me in. How about we meet up at the café in an hour's time? By then, all the panties will be back with their rightful owners. Who's in?" Lin-Jing made her plans clear, so Hanami mainly looks to the others. "Don't worry about money. Bowl cut will pay for everything." She side-eyes Rikishi with a death glare, as if daring him to claim otherwise. She's still not over how he exposed her undergarments to everyone.
"I think it would be nice to go somewhere together! Maybe a restaurant?" Sumeryu agrees with Katsuya.
Don't freak out, Sumeryu!
Menacing? - (2d6)
(64) = 10
"We will miss you when we celebrate, but I admire your dedication to justice, Jing-san," Sumeryu says to the Triad Princess, smiling and giving a thumbs up, while she holds onto Rikishi with the other hand.
"Sure, we'll go there," she agrees with Konomi, trying not to look at her. Konomi is terribly cute, and the temptation to kidnap her and run away to a tower is terribly strong.
"And a cake buffet sounds lovely!" Eeeeeee they're all going with her! Will they let her pay for them?
The dragon girl's mind is running in circles, such that she doesn't say anything else and appears heroically stoic, in opposition to her actual feelings of being overwhelmed by cuteness.
"Seems like the café is the majority opinion. Alright, we meet there in one hour!" Hanami exclaims. She's looking forward to sitting down at a nice, normal café with everyone. Little did she know...
She then grabs Rikishi by the arm and drags him towards the mall's clothing and accessories section, while searching something on her phone with her other hand. Once the duo lose sight of the rest of the forming clique, Lín addressed Rikishi without losing sight of her goal.
"Enough is enough! You've been claiming ignorance of the theft, even though we all know you caused this string of missing items. That damn tengu already claimed Ao-chan as her lover, while I can't even brag of getting his tie because of you. And since it's all your fault, you're going to help me show everyone that I can obtain something even cooler, and keep helping me until I find something better."
Going through the accessory section, she grabs a pair of narrow, thin-rimmed glasses, then telekinetically shoves Rikishi into the nearest fitting room and immediately follows inside.
"Riki-chan! We're going to gradually turn you from this . . ." she shows him a photo on her phone.

After at her accusation, he stutters for a defense, but then is shoved inside the fitting room. "Gah!!" He says, pressed against the mirror.
He eyes the first photo with a minor frown, then the second with a gaped jaw, and then, at the explaining of her plan, he widen his eyes. "W-WHAAT??! Y-you want me to do what?!" squeaks, utterly confused (and a bit terrified, of what he doesn't understand)...
Lín Jìng gives him a stern side glance. "And you will do everything I say, or else."
So here's the plan. I'm going to provide you with the looks. And maybe advise a bit about how to accessorise. I'll also use my psychic powers to give you hints if you're unsure what to do in a given situation. Or a . . . nudge if you decide not to do it.
But you still need to pick an archetype and maybe a pseudonym you'd be known by in your new persona. What archetype do you think you can pull off best? The bespectacled bastard? The princely, chivalrous pervert? Perhaps the bearer of stoic eyeglasses with a cool demeanour and a hidden soft side? The badass bookworm? Or maybe you have an idea of your own. But it's got to be something that will make others swoon over you. What will it be? Consider what you're actually good at that will help you fit into the archetype.
Also, would you rather wear elegant beauty?" she shows a photo on a phone.

Oh, one more thing: what kind of youkai are you anyway with powers like that? I'm a yasha, by the way. Lín Jìng, in case you missed it."
She adjusts her position to make sure that he can't just dart past her out of the fitting room.
He looks at the pictures, startled and still confused, swallowing dry. "I, uh... Don't know... I'm not very apt at these things, miss... I- I don't think I can be... Uh, whatever you want me to be!"
He says, with pleading eyes, though visibly accepting he won't get out of this one so easily...
"Oh, I- I'm a M-Mujina... Uh... my ability comes from my family but, shamefully, I can only deal with two objects at a time..."
Her tone actually changes to a more casual, patient one, without judgement or criticism.
"If I recall correctly, you're a fan of Perilous Adventures of Magical Idols or something. Now, I'm not sure about that specific work, but usually they have girls of different types that have different appealing aspects. At a guess, it might include the genki type; the tall and beautiful but cool and aloof type; the humble but confident, elegant and traditional type; perhaps the short and bratty type; and likely one or more tsundere types. Now, different readers may fancy different types, but generally there's a wide acknowledgement that the more widely known types are often more fancied after on average.
Now, you're a Mujina, you've got a reputation for turning into beautiful women, but clearly neither of us seems particularly interested in you doing that. I'm also unsure how good your Mujina transformation abilities are, but that's no obstacle - I can help you with the actual transformation. But to do that, we need to agree on what type we'll be trying to make out of you.
I'm willing to be pretty flexible and help you out as much as I can - I'm interested in you succeeding in pulling this off, after all. Any type will do so long as it causes a lots of blushes and a few nosebleeds among the gentler half of the academy. So, out of the various types of boys that get fancied a lot, which type would you rather try to become?
Maybe once you achieve that you finally will no longer have a reason to resort to stealing of others' undergarments," the final sentence was the only one delivered with a hint of sternness in her voice.
As he finishes, he seems defeated. "Uh... I'm not sure I'm trying to pull anything off..." He gives her a quick look. "But I don't want to be tortured!! S-so yeah..."
"Uh... W-what do you suggest..."
At her later commentary though, he complains: "Hey! I don't know what you're implying there, miss, but I don't do that to compensate for anything, okay?? That's an art! An art of its own!! So don't throw me that crap! Like you would stop spying and reading people's minds if you could otherwise beat their secrets out of them!!" He utters, suddenly fired up.
"Well, I wouldn't beat secrets out of people because it's unsubtle and because I do not want to beat people without being provoked. So you're right that I wouldn't change that part of my behaviour regardless of capability.
On the other hand, I would just bluntly approach and make moves on the likes of Ao-chan if I had something approaching Sumeryu-kun's confidence when everyone is watching. Judging by the occasional state of your nose - and this is done without probing your mind on the matter - really doubt you don't want the benefits of attraction you'd get if you pull off the extreme reimaging of yourself. I do think there may be some similarities between us and the difficulties we face.
But I'm suggesting you should have some sort of input into how to approach the matter, even if I insist that you do proceed one way or another. While I admit I'm pushing you into this because you got caught and are now at a disadvantage, unlike others I'm not holding a grudge."
"I suggest that there are many perks you'd get from going along with my idea.
You'd get attention that is of the kind you'd appreciate, and not the kind you would rather avoid," she projects an image of Aono surrounded by his admirers during the orientation class, some of them brushing against him immodestly in the process.
"You'd no longer need to watch your step as much around bullies, as they'd like and tolerate you better," she projects images of Rikishi standing with Yasuo &co. during the confrontation, showing his insignificance there, followed by the scuffle that ensued.
"You'd get gifts and favours," she projects an image of a some pretty upperclassman from her school back home receiving sweets and valentines.
"Maybe some people would be willing to share some spicy secrets with you," she projects the image a bound professor in the forest that she accidentally picked from the witch's mind earlier that day.
"And maybe, if I'm impressed enough by your act, some of the things that right now are incorrect assumptions will become true," she projects the image her and Rikishi entering the little fitting room, and sounds of other people whispering 'Is that two of them going in? How scandalous!'.
"Maybe eventually the transformation would rub off on you and your own powers would improve, through daily exposure to and participation in my youki tricks. And perhaps by then you won't need me anymore. But until then, I'm fine with you enjoying all the perks, so long as I get the first dibs on the new you.
So what do you say? An alliance between leches?"
Psychic illustrations - (6d6)
(566162) = 26
"Yeah, you got an alli- W-wait, leeches?? I'm not a leech!! Oh, whatever... Just tell me what I've got to do..."
In fact, she could conveniently appear on the other scene now.
How/where do you prefer her to appear / go to now among the locations of the other scene?
Or is there an unstated implication that this spell must be done in a non-ritual manner? If so, I'll adjust my assumptions.
Also, keep in mind I wasn't particularly meaning that what I said was being explicitly vocalized by him, but it doesn't matter. If she wants to modify the points she has something against, she must only order another way around for them.
As for his part on the other scene, the choice is hers too.
If you preferred me not to roleplay snippets of the archetype/behaviour negotiation, I apologise. I thought it could give an interesting glance at the less obvious personality parts.
But past the things already posted, I think it's time to stop micromanaging the archetype and start seeing what happens. I don't expect things to go smoothly, and the unsmoothness to be part of the fun.
I did want to have the spell be appearance-focused more than charisma-focused, but again, it's probably best to just get on with the show by now. Do you have a picture in mind for the New Rikishi, or would you rather just grab one of those I gave as examples?
I'd prefer to keep Rikishi around for the remainder of the scene/day, mostly because I want to see some payoff for the zany scheme already. I'm going to post the spell's special effects to potentially attract the party's attention.
Oh, ok!
And yeah... Character images free of the time expense of looking for them? I'm not wasting that!