[Closed] Adventure in Karameikos (OSE)

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Game Overview

Welcome to the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, a land of untamed wilderness, ancient mysteries, and simmering tensions. The Grand Duchy is a young nation, barely a generation old, struggling to establish its identity. It was once a distant part of the mighty Empire of Thyatis, but after its independence, it has become a land of opportunity for adventurers and settlers alike. However, the land’s history is marred by war, and its future is uncertain.

Vast stretches of Karameikos remain unexplored, full of wild terrain, dangerous creatures, and dark forests where few dare to tread. The scars of a horrible war still linger in the form of ruined castles, abandoned towns, and forgotten battlefields, all hiding untold secrets and powerful relics, waiting to be uncovered by those brave enough to face the unknown.

Prepare to embark on daring quests to explore these haunted ruins, uncover the dark past of Karameikos, and face the threats that have risen in the wake of war. The Grand Duchy holds endless potential for adventurers, but its wilderness is filled with danger and its history is a double-edged sword. Only the bold can carve a legacy in this new land.

Key Campaign Elements

Exploration of Untamed Wilderness: The vast majority of Karameikos is still uncharted, with deep, dark forests, rugged mountains, and endless caves to discover. The land is scattered with the ruins of castles, fortresses, and towns that were destroyed during the horrific war that ravaged Traldara in the distant past. These forgotten places hide ancient artifacts, lost knowledge, and the restless spirits of the past.

Dangerous Creatures: From the wild beasts that stalk the forests to the remnants of dark magic that still linger in the ruins, danger is ever-present in Karameikos.

Political Strife: The young nation of Karameikos is still trying to establish itself and unite its diverse peoples. Political intrigue is rife, and the land is torn by tensions between the native Traladarans and Thyatian settlers, as well as a religious divide between the old faith of the Traladarans and the Church of Thyatis.


■ Violence and danger: The wilderness is full of untamed beasts, dangerous magic, and bandits.
■ Legacy of war: A young nation scarred by a devastating conflict in the distant past, with haunted ruins, old battlefields, and dangerous relics waiting to be uncovered.
■ Moral ambiguity: Adventurers face tough choices where personal gain, duty, and the greater good often conflict.
■ Personal sacrifice: Heroes must decide between doing what’s right and protecting those they care about; the cost of heroism is often steep.
■ Shaping the future: Adventurers have the power to influence the fate of a land torn between old and new, with every choice leaving a lasting impact.

You can read more about the setting in the public game forums.

Game System

We will be using the OSE (Old School Essentials) rule set, which is streamlined, simple version of the 1980s Basic/Expert rules of D&D. It features easily accessible basic rules available for free, and is also supported by an SRD for easy reference. The Grand Duchy of Karameikos Gazetteer introduced skill proficiencies, which we will incorporate to add more flavor to our characters. Along with some optional rules for multi-classing, we will have enough flexibility to create a wide variety of heroic character types.

Dec 15, 2024 11:08 am

Join the Adventure in the Grand Duchy of Karameikos!

Karameikos is a realm of untamed wilderness, ancient ruins, and political intrigue. A young nation still recovering from a long dark age following a devastating war, Karameikos offers adventurers the chance to explore its vast, unexplored territories and uncover long-forgotten secrets. Deep, dark forests and crumbling castles hide treasures and dangers alike, while the people of the land are caught between the old ways of the native Traladarans and the ambitious Thyatian settlers.

Brave the unknown, confront the past, and shape the future of this fractured land!

What to Expect:
• A rich and engaging mature setting
• Shape the very future of this young nation through your actions and alliances.
• Moral challenges, where the right choice isn’t always clear
• Lifelike NPCs
• Action!

We will be using the OSE (Old School Essentials) rule set, which is a streamlined, simple version of the 1980s Basic/Expert rules of D&D. It features easily accessible basic rules available for free, and is also supported by an SRD for easy reference.

How to apply?
Read a bit about the background of the Grand Duchy in the public threads (Brief background and timeline and the People should suffice), then post on this thread (or PM me), no more than a paragraph or two about what you want to play. Also tell me what you expect out of this game, and what would make it a fun experience for you. That's it!
Last edited February 6, 2025 5:25 am
Dec 15, 2024 3:40 pm
I would like to join the ranks of this game.

My primary character idea is a Cleric of The Faith. He has a Friar Tuck outlook on life - believing in the value of enjoying the pleasures of the world. because life is a gift. He is not a hedonist, however. He is a true believer who wants to help to those that need it and being light to dark places. He adventures both to experience the world and bring aid to those in remote places.

Edit to add: Forgot the other stuff...

What do I want out of the game? I'd say a fun game of exploring and adventure. Finding treasures, building up a band of adventurers, and facing the evils that hide in dark places.

What would make it fun for me? I'd like the start of the game to not get too bogged down in roleplaying initial meetings and other preliminaries. Several OSR style games I got into here got so wrapped up I'm the initial "you meet in a tavern" activities that we never got to the exploration before the game fizzled for one reason or another. This is not really a big deal, but since you asked, that's what comes to mind.
Last edited December 15, 2024 4:23 pm
Dec 15, 2024 3:44 pm
William Winter (Will to friends) is a Thyatian fellow, having served proudly as a squire to local knights, now heading out on his own as a self-ascribed knight-errant. He aspires to rise above his surname, one of decline and coldness, and hopes to make a promising name for himself. Perhaps to eventually rise into the ranks of a knightly order, either Blazing Sun or even Crystal Order. He’s probably got some work to do.

How’s that? Lol

In terms of player desires and expectations, I intend for frequent posting (daily, or as collectively desired), character development, and immersive role-play. I like OSE and similar systems, where the rules are a bit light and improvisation is maybe a bit more encouraged. I like how the DM’s put a lot into the world and flavor, reads like a fun sandbox we can play into.

Cheers everyone.
Last edited December 15, 2024 4:37 pm
Dec 15, 2024 4:10 pm
Hey Delirium,
Ah, this reminds me of when I got the Red Box back in the day. I've often wanted to try my hand at the OES system, but the opportunity has yet to present itself. As for what I'd like to play, Elf was a favorite back then. I remember when only archers got to attack twice per turn. Yes, to be free from the rules sprawl of subclasses. I generally play chaotic-good characters. That means I act spontaneously but support my fellow players and the party. When it comes to playing, I'm a big fan of player agency and being able to explore solutions creatively. I have a great deal of experience playing tabletop games but only a passing acquaintance with playing in the online environment. However, I have experience working online and taking online classes, so I should be able to adapt to the play-by-post environment quickly.
Dec 15, 2024 4:20 pm
Interested, but wanted to know. With Races and classes being separate, if you choose to play something like an Elf Fighter does that mean you split your XP between Elf and Fighter like you would when multiclassing?
Dec 15, 2024 4:54 pm
@timplausible your Cleric definitely sounds like he would belong in the Faith. I extended an invitation to you. FYI - I DID plan on starting with the obligatory meeting at the tavern ;) But we could also skip it and start in media res.
@WhiteDwarf - it's a good and welcomed concept. Sent you an invite as well.
@nepets - let me know a little about the Elf you wanted to play. I assume a fighter, by your description?
@Madclergy - there won't be an Elf class. If you decide to play an Elf Fighter, you will get the Elf racial traits (infravision, chance to detect secret doors, immunity to ghoul's touch). Other than that, you level as a Fighter.
Last edited December 15, 2024 5:06 pm
Dec 15, 2024 5:47 pm
Hello my fellow adventurers,
First, I would be willing to play any class the party needs. Notably, we still need to get a thief and magic user. Originally, I was thinking of the fighter woodsman archer(ranger). This would be an example of the Legolas archetype. But now that I think about it, I'm leaning toward an elf thief, the Robin Hood archetype.
Dec 15, 2024 6:07 pm
Delirium says:
@WhiteDwarf - it's a good and welcomed concept. Sent you an invite as well.
Thank you so much! :)
Dec 15, 2024 8:05 pm
@nepets, don't worry about what other players have choosen. A different kind of fighter would be a great addition, and it's really more about the personality you'll bring to the table. I'll send you an invite to the game, and we can chat more about it in the OOC thread.
Dec 15, 2024 9:00 pm
Delirium says:
@Madclergy - there won't be an Elf class. If you decide to play an Elf Fighter, you will get the Elf racial traits (infravision, chance to detect secret doors, immunity to ghoul's touch). Other than that, you level as a Fighter.
Does this include the Elf's Arcane Magic ability? And if it does then does it's spell progression depend on the class chosen? I am thinking I might submit a magic user, but was also thinking an Elven Cleric so would just need to account for that detail if so.
Last edited December 15, 2024 9:01 pm
Dec 15, 2024 11:03 pm
Interested in playing Adventure in the Grand Duchy of Karameikos! This would be my first game on this site so I'm a touch lost in some ways.

I have the following OSE downloaded:
* Advance Fantasy Reference Booklet v1.2
* Basic Rules v1-4

And I have:
* Advance Fantasy Players Tome v1-3

Are these downloads good enough for play?
Dec 16, 2024 5:23 am
@Madclergy - no, the Elf wouldn't get the Arcane Magic as a racial ability. It is tied to the original class's spell-casting feature, which you will no longer have (unless you're playing a magic user).
@WanderOne - I'm using the Classic Fantasy Tome. Advanced has some additional classes and races that we will not use in this game. Do you have a character concept in mind?
Dec 16, 2024 11:30 pm
@Delirium Really, I just now starting and fairly blank. I have downloads. That is about all I can say. So just a simple human fighter is a fine place to start I think unless you suggest otherwise. I guess you need to send me an invite? So, I can figure how to produce a valid character. Do you need more information?
Dec 16, 2024 11:33 pm
WanderOne says:
@Delirium Really, I just now starting and fairly blank. I have downloads. That is about all I can say. So just a simple human fighter is a fine place to start I think unless you suggest otherwise. I guess you need to send me an invite? So, I can figure how to produce a valid character. Do you need more information?
If you want to just google old school essentials srd, the online rules are really all you need. And/or, the basic rules are a free download from Necrotic Games (linked in the ad), those are what I use.
Dec 16, 2024 11:47 pm
I think that I have the right rules "Old-School-Essentials_-_Basic _Rules_v1-4". That is a free download from Necrotic Games. So, I guess now I just need an invite?
Dec 17, 2024 5:45 am
@WanderOne - yes, the free rules are all you're going to need. And the online SRD has a greater part of the rules, so really, you can just use that. Please allow me one more day to sort through the other applicants, because I only have one last spot remaining.
Dec 17, 2024 8:51 pm
Closed the recruiting thread, invites were sent out.
I couldn't regrettably accept everyone who applied; I don't think I can handle more than five players.
If a player ever drops out, I will reach out to those who have shown interest in the past first.
Dec 22, 2024 7:28 pm
Oh. I guess that I didn't make it. Cool.
Feb 5, 2025 8:32 pm
Looking for one or two extra players to join the adventures in the grand duchy of Karameikos.
Feb 6, 2025 3:24 am
Hi Delirium! I love OSE and would be delighted to join up!
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