OOC Thread
Now that I am mostly well, I am taking my son on a promised birtday trip over the weekend. I will try to catch up with things next week. I'm rather fond of Brother Yakov, so I hope to get back into this game.
In the meantime, I'm waiting on you guys to decide what to do. Someone needs to take charge and decide if to open any of the doors, or explore the rest of the castle (up/down the stairs, or the corridor to your left).
Sorry all. Thanks for the game.
Everyone else; I'll open the game up for new players. And let me know how you would like to continue - there was one other door on the first floor, and a corridor heading west. There are also stairs heading up, and stairs heading down.
Stats! - (4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3)
4d6h3 : (1164) = 11
4d6h3 : (1651) = 12
4d6h3 : (3526) = 14
4d6h3 : (1524) = 11
4d6h3 : (1122) = 5
4d6h3 : (1651) = 12
4d6h3 : (3516) = 14
Coin x 10 - (3d6)
(246) = 12
There is lots of information on the setting thread, if you're not familiar with the setting (and even if you are - there are some differences between our Karameikos and the official one from the gazetteers). The current party consists of a Human Magic User, a Human Fighter, and an Elven Thief. Since there are so few classes, we don't mind an overlap. You can consider playing a multi-class as well.
And do let me know if you are unhappy with your attribute roll and want to make some adjustments, or if there is anything else I can do to help you get started.
I think I'll go with a human cleric! I've worked one up and submitted the character to the game. Let me know if you see anything I need to change?
Is she a Traladaran , a Thyatian, or of mixed heritage? Is she a follower of ‘The Faith’, or a member of the Church? These are two very different religions. Anything you can share about Boudica’s upbringing, and general outlook on the world would also be of great help, because I can then include elements from her background into the game.
Lastly, let me know how you prefer to be introduced into the game. Our adventurers are currently investigating the haunted castle of Mistamere. We can assume your character have always been a member of the party, or maybe she also arrived to investigate the ruins in the company of some other adventurer(s), that have either succumbed to the horrors within (or maybe some of them have survived and are still with her). Or you can come up with your own ideas too.
STR 16
DEX 16
CON 15
INT 11
WIS 13
CHA 13
Ability rolls - (4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3)
4d6h3 : (6213) = 11
4d6h3 : (4625) = 15
4d6h3 : (4451) = 13
4d6h3 : (6341) = 13
4d6h3 : (5625) = 16
4d6h3 : (3411) = 8
4d6h3 : (5265) = 16
Like I've asked Drgwen, do tell us a bit about your character. And let me know if you have any preference on how to join the rest of the players. Right now, the party is exploring the haunted Mistamere ruins. You could have arrived together with Boudica, or maybe you have been a member of another adventuring party. You can come up with a suggestion of your own too.
I think Boudica was asked by her good friend Prasutagus to explore this ruin. Knowing of her faith and her way with the healing arts, he thought she might be able to get him out of trouble if he had bad luck. He was hoping to find treasure, but he told her that the old ruin was an important lost site for the Faith. So she came along to help her friend, but also to discover something of use to the Faith.
Unfortunately, as they approached the ruin, they were attacked by some goblins and a hobgoblin. They got separated and Boudica slipped into the ruined castle to hide from the goblins.