OOC Thread

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Feb 24, 2025 1:34 pm
Yes, as part of your action this round. Plus you can move to follow it. The skeleton-warrior is very keen on stopping Miyana right now, so hitting him might be even easier
Feb 28, 2025 6:28 am
What's next?
Do you want to search the room, or the rest of the floor now? Go back and try to deal with the goblins?
Mar 2, 2025 11:51 am
WhiteDwarf says:
I think we’ve searched everything in the basement. I think we’ve just one more room upstairs.
The only room you haven't 'searched' yet, is the dinning room with the poltergeist. You can go back there safely now and pick up some silverware. The big question now (assuming you've dealt with the goblins), is how you're going to carry all the treasure down the mountain and all the way back to Threshold.
Mar 2, 2025 2:16 pm
How many days' travel is it back to Threshold?
Mar 2, 2025 2:22 pm
About a day and a half. More if you're encumbered. There's lots of treasure to haul, and you didn't bring any beasts of burden of sacks in which to carry it all.
Mar 2, 2025 2:38 pm
Ok good to know. Well here is what was in the two chests upstairs:
The first chest contains exactly what you’ve been hoping for: a small fortune in gold and silver pieces, a pouch of precious gems, and several intricately engraved (tarnished) silver goblets. Nestled among them is a large sapphire ring, and a stack of crumbled letters, whose ink faded beyond recognition.

The second chest, however, is far more sinister. Inside, you find an assortment of black candles, a collection of animal skulls, a curved, blackened blade, and a bone amulet. There are also three flasks, filled with a yellowish-brown liquid that seems to shimmer unnaturally.

Meanwhile, Boudica opens the drawer of the dresser. At first, the contents seem mundane: a hairbrush, a silver brooch, and tattered handkerchiefs. But as she pulls the drawer all the way out, her fingers brush against something unexpected: a hidden compartment. Inside, lies is a book that appears to be remarkably intact despite the years. The black cover of the diary is ice cold, almost painful, as if the book draws the heat from her fingers
So, take the pouch of gems, the sapphire ring, the silver brooch, and perhaps the goblets, then whatever gold coins we can carry without becoming overly encumbered. Boudica would happily dump all but 3 days' rations, waterskin, and holy symbol, leaving slots for goodies.

Characters more OK with carrying obviously malevolent items might also ant the blackened blade, bone amulet, unnaturally cold diary, and vials of weird liquid, not to mention the evil book and blade fro the basement, but Boudica will pass on those.
Mar 2, 2025 3:13 pm
Planning on coming back. Base of operations?
Mar 2, 2025 3:30 pm
There is some silverware in the dining room, but that would be more complicated to carry. You will probably need to leave some of it behind and come back later. You DO need to decide what to do with the goblins. The task you were given was to reclaim the ruins, and that includes dealing with them, but you could satisfy yourselves with the treasure you've already found and putting the ghosts to rest, and just try to leave.
Mar 2, 2025 5:14 pm
I'm game for dealing with goblins.
Mar 2, 2025 5:37 pm
A reprieve from posting this weekend, I’ll try and get back on track tomorrow.
Mar 2, 2025 10:44 pm
Could we perchance make a sled from the bed upstairs, using the sheets or blankets to bundle up the treasures and the bed posts or wood from other furniture to fashion the rails of the sled? I know it might take a little while, but if there isn't anything pressing.

As for the Goblins, they may become more of an issue of the sinister nature of this place dies down due to the undead having been taken care of. Maybe we can run them off some simple theatrics? Spooky noises, some random lights, possibly one of us running out and faking injury with tale of an evil worse than all else?
Mar 2, 2025 11:47 pm
I’m happy to try all of the above! I’m concerned if we are too over encumbered headed back, though, that we would be an easy target.
Mar 3, 2025 1:01 am
We should deal with the goblins first, then worry about how to get the goods back. As much of a problem as it is going to be, I recommend that we deal with the goblins (and for the record, Miyana is fine with putting them to the sword or scaring them off), return to Threshold, procure some beasts of burden and bring them back to collect the goods. I'm also wondering along the same lines as WhiteDwarf. What would it take to make this place livable?
Mar 3, 2025 11:01 am
Assuming you have the proper tools to build a sled, getting it down the forested mountain isn't going to be any easier.
@WhtKnt - how livable the ruins are is a matter of perspective. You could close one of the inner doors of the castle, and forage for food at the surrounding forest. It won't have any of the amenities of a bigger human settlement. The ruins could be theoretically restored (the walls rebuilt, furniture replaced, craftsmen invited to take permanent residence), but it would cost a large sum of money both for the initial investment, and in maintenance. Much less than building an entire keep from the grounds up, but still a sizeable sum.
Mar 3, 2025 2:35 pm
heh Boudica is happy to give up her "share" of the castle in exchange for a greater portion of the gold. Maybe she'll open an orphange.
Mar 3, 2025 7:19 pm
I don't suppose there are any murder holes near or above the goblins?
Now that the ghosts are gone, you can go up to the second floor and pick one of the narrow windows overlooking the courtyard. It will take time to reposition in case the goblins decide to flee, but I don't think you would mind in that case (unless you're set on killing each and every one of them). I'll give @Madclergy a chance to say if he wants to make any preparation before the fight begins, and then we will kick-off the battle.
Mar 3, 2025 7:30 pm
Anton is not going to be very helpful in a straight on fight, chucking daggers and all that, but if we set up some fortifications inside, that might help. Maybe we flip over some tables to provide cover?

Does anyone know how to fashion traps?
Mar 3, 2025 8:06 pm
Will does not. Good idea though!
Arrow slits also seems like a great idea. Will just has a few javelins to toss. Do we have bows and arrows, from PC’s or any loot?

Re- Traps etc, I’m thinking about the movie Home Alone lol.
Last edited March 3, 2025 8:07 pm
Mar 5, 2025 6:15 pm
Drgwen says:
Boudica turns to the others and asks, "how many are there?"
There are close to a hundred goblins in the courtyard, but only about a dozen or so can put up a fight. The rest are either women/too young/half-starved and in no condition to fight. It IS noon right now, but once the sun sets and there is no sign of the ghosts the goblins might decide to risk it and venture into the ruins.
Mar 5, 2025 11:43 pm
Wow ok. So if we attack them through the arrow slits and they enter the building, can we position ourselves so that they have to come through a narrow choke point? So we can barricade it and continue to shoot at them? Perhaps at the top of the stairs?

Also, does anyone have oil? We could put oil in the stairs, making them slippery, until we ignite it…?
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