After Arundel (RP)

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Feb 9, 2025 4:07 pm
- Emma -

"If she can get out of the city," Miriam says, "Then she should get out. But I was always more of a 'take the fight to them' kinda gal. Why should we run, they should be the ones who have to leave!"

If one can't avoid the vampire, Miriam's modus operandi is to tackle it head on.

"'Safe houses' aren't cheap. And anyone who can smuggle her out would expect payment... and not always just in money from what I hear."

What do you do?
Feb 9, 2025 4:09 pm
- Benji -

You recall Jacob mentioning something about a friend of his who specialized in 'smuggling people' and fake identities —which Jacob helped forge. You think he called them 'Crowley', but you don't know how to contact this person, and Jacob is not available.

What do you do?
Feb 10, 2025 9:27 am
- Emma -

"Fighting is all I know." Miriam says, sounding frustrated, possibly by her inability to fit back into the world, or to contribute in any other way. "But I will ask if any of my old contacts know anyone who can help."

Miriam seems much better already, just getting out of the house has done her good. Even if Sarah does not agree to these arrangements, coming back to visit again may be beneficial to everyone.

What do you do?
Feb 10, 2025 9:46 am
"I would really appreciate that" Emma's expression softened with relief "Could you tell them I would reach out to them? I need to talk to Sarah first, make sure she's on board before making any arrangements" Emma wasn't important, or well-connected. She wasn't sure she could bear the costs of smuggling Sarah out of the city, so if she was going to meet people would demand something of her in return, she had to make sure Sarah was actually willing to leave the city first.

It looked like the night wasn't a total bust after all, but there was one other thing she was hoping to get out of Miriam. She wasn't (only) thinking about her well-being, but about the stories she could gather from her for her novel. It was a bit selfish, but it would require her to drop by her apartment every now and then and spend some time in her company, which she was sure would be good for her. So, win-win?

"And I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to drop by sometimes. Just to check in. I think it’d be good for both of us; keep some normalcy, you know?" she decided to leave it at that, and not mention how she would like to talk about Miriam's life experience. That would come later, once the Vampire Hunter felt more comfortable talking about what she's been through.
Feb 10, 2025 10:02 am
- Emma -

Miriam mutters something negative about 'visitors' but that may be due to the state of her home. Motivating her to clean up, and take out the garbage, would be beneficial to her on its own.
We can leave any Persuade or other such Moves for when they become relevant in such a future scene.
Feb 10, 2025 1:22 pm
- Benji -

After a few more pleasantries Emma has to leave, it is late for normal folks. Miriam has finished her coffee and suggests taking a walk, she does not seem to mind the cold and wet —though she is shivering slightly— in fact, she seems to be enjoying feeling anything.

"I had no idea the weather was this bad." She says inanely.

It is less obvious, and the car that was watching you guys disappears around the time Emma leaves, but wherever you go, you still feel like you are being watched.

What do you do?
You can continue this scene, or we can assume it plays out as you please.
Feb 10, 2025 1:25 pm
- Emma -

It is late when you get home, Sarah is —for a change— asleep on the couch in the living room, though she wakes like a startled animal when you pass through, and watches you from under the covers. David is asleep, but makes happy noises when you snuggle into bed beside him.

When you wake, it is already light, and the bed is empty. You find David at the kitchen counter with his laptop, looking through stack of flyers you left there. You don't fully remember where you got the flyers —I mean, who pays attention, really— the rain has meant less people handing out paper on the street, but these are probably from yesterday afternoon, on your way back from Benji's place.

"Do you know these guys?" David says distractedly, by way of greeting. He indicates a business card and his laptop screen on the website of a legal firm:

Shimmerman & Silverman are taking on pro bono work.

Sarah is still under the covers. Your flat is really only one room aside from the bed and bath, so she may have trouble with 'decency', getting up with a man in her space. You did not buy her all that much clothing, does she have enough pajamas?

What do you do?
Feb 10, 2025 2:24 pm
Emma climbed into bed late that night, snuggling against her husband. He was a safe harbor in a world that felt more and more crazy, and tonight, she couldn't help but feel guilt weighing on her. Sneaking around behind his back, like a thief in the dark, was starting to wear on her. She was tired of keeping secrets from her husband. Maybe it was time to tell him everything. About the vampires, Sarah, the whole mess she had found herself in.

The only thing holding her back was that she wasn't sure how he might react. Finding out the supernatural world was real could shake a person's beliefs to their very core. That it hadn't shaken hers, was only because she didn't spend a single moment considering the cosmological implications behind the existence of vampires. Or demons...

But how could she continue to call him her husband and still keep all these secrets from him? She had to tell him. She just needed to figure out the right time.


She woke up the next morning to the sound of heavy rain tapping against the windows. It was cold, and dark, and all she wanted to do was stay hidden under the warm covers for the rest of the day. Had David was still there, she would have persuaded him to spend the rest of the morning in bed with her. But her husband was already up, and she remembered how much she had planned for today

With a sigh, she pulled on one of David’s thick hoodies and a pair of jeans. She brushed her teeth, and ran a comb through her hair, before finally stepping out of the bedroom. The apartment was quiet. David was tapping away at his laptop, and Sarah was still asleep on the couch. The young woman’s presence in her home still felt strange. She hadn't fully adjusted to her being in their space, and modesty was the last thing on her radar that morning.

Not giving the sleeping young woman a second thought, she walked over to David and wrapped her arms around him from behind, leaning forward and pressing her cheek against his as she looked at the computer screen:

"Good morning" she said softly. Then, noticing what he was looking at, raised an eyebrow "Shimmerman & Silverman? I’ve never heard of them. Who are they?"
Feb 10, 2025 3:16 pm
- Emma -

"Lawyers." David says in a mock-sepulchral voice, then less joking. "Apparently I need a lawyer. Background check says there's a police case that is standing in the way of promotion, or something like that. I have never had to deal with the police, I don't know how all this works."

What do you do?
Feb 10, 2025 3:35 pm
Emma's arms tightened around her husband's body "A police case?" she was completely caught off-guard "What police case?"
Feb 10, 2025 3:43 pm
- Emma -

"I swear I didn't do it!" David says, hands held up in a pantomime of a comedy villain.

Then more seriously: "It's obviously a mistake, everyone at work knows it's a mistake, I just need to clean it up, for which I need a lawyer. I don't know all the details, something about 'breaking and entering, and theft of priceless artifacts'. Did you know you were married to a jewel-thief?" He is trying to keep the conversation light, but these investigations dig deep sometimes, and they dig wide sometimes, and not always both at the same time, it is likely that they confused facts about another case with David...?

What do you do?
Feb 10, 2025 4:13 pm
Emma slowly lets go of David. She shifts to sit beside him, facing away and looking out the window as the sound of the rain continues to pour outside. She could have lied to him, but she knew she couldn't keep hiding the truth. There were cameras. Pictures. He will find out eventually, and then, what will she say?

"There’s something I need to tell you" she took a deep breath, still looking out the window "While I was at the party in Arundel… someone accused me of 'breaking and entering'." she turned to meet his eyes, and pressed on with her explanation, before he could say anything:

"I was just touring the castle grounds, walking around, taking pictures. I found this old church. No signs, nothing warning me to stay out. So, I went inside for a bit, just looking around. And before I knew it, someone started yelling at me for trespassing."

She pulled a blonde lock of hair behind her ear "but I swear didn’t steal anything! Nothing like that. I didn’t even think they’d actually press charges, you know? I thought it was just some misunderstanding, but I guess the police got involved" she lowered her eyes, as if she was preparing to cower before him "I'm sorry" she lowered her voice to almost a whisper "-I didn't think it was such a big deal"
Feb 11, 2025 2:52 am
Benji steps closer to share his umbrella with Miriam. "You should stay out of the rain, if you can. I think it’s been doing funny things to people’s heads," he says. Since they’re going for a walk anyway, he suggests: "Say, want to go up to Hyde Park? I’ve been meaning to speak with some of the statues there."
Feb 11, 2025 1:56 pm
- Emma -

"Ha!" David laughs in relief, not (yet) sounding angry that your antics have caused a problem. "Well, that should easy enough to clear up. We go to the cops and explain. Sign an affidavit or something."

Not only is his idea idealistic and naive, you kinda skated over some of the facts, like that you are probably caught on camera appearing to do what they say you did.

You don't know about the 'priceless artifact', but you did see Jacob handling a rather fancy looking dagger right before you backed out and were discovered.

What do you do?
It might be simplest if you already know that Jacob has 'fled the city'. We can pretend it came up in you conversation with Benji.
Feb 11, 2025 1:58 pm
- Benji -

"Hyde Park?" Miriam hesitates only a moment. Hyde Park is around two miles from the South Bank, so there and back would be a couple of hours. "Wait. Did you say 'speak with some statues'?"

She steps in under your umbrella, though the wind is making that less effective than it could be. You suspect she has not been out of her apartment in a weeks and this was unlike her, so possibly an aspect of the 'funny things' being done to people's heads, so the rain itself is probably not the root cause. Her aggressive behaviour towards those watching was only slightly out of character for her, she has always been a 'tackle problems head on' type of gal.

What do you do?
Feb 11, 2025 2:25 pm
"Or I can call the administration at Arundel Castle and convince them to drop the charges. It would be better that way, right?" crawling back to Uskglass made her sick to her stomach, but she had no other choice. The bastard got the upper hand on her. She knew she didn’t do anything wrong, and was completely innocent of any wrongdoing, but that didn’t change anything. The ‘Administrator’ was friends with the police commissioner, and they could very well pin murder on her if they felt like it.

The thought of going back to him and apologize for something she didn’t do made her skin crawl, but it seemed like her best option. She could only hope there was some way to get back into his good graces, and put this entire thing behind her.

"So, what are our plans for today?" She changed the subject, as if the entire situation were a minor inconvenience she could resolve with a wave of her hand "I was thinking of having a few friends over later this evening, and I still have some work to finish, but my schedule is pretty flexible."
Feb 12, 2025 4:54 am
Benji nods. "I have to ask Byron about a missing book and there’s this big horse head there that — well, I don’t know if it can talk but it feels… conscious and I’ve been wanting to play something for it to formally introduce myself. I was thinking Vaughan Williams. The Lark Ascending, you know?" He hums a little of the melody for her, to demonstrate.
Feb 12, 2025 1:19 pm
- Emma -

"If you think you can clear it up with your contact, then great. I am at your service." He glances briefly at your house-guest, lamenting all the fun you could have had had you had the house to yourselves.

Deep down, you know that there is only a small chance Uskglass will be sympathetic today after how you spoke to him that night. But it can't hurt to try, right?

"Otherwise my plans for today apparently included 'lawyers'." He waves at the laptop screen.

David seems less than enthused by having 'friends' over, but that is just because he is tired and worried... and does not know all your friends. He doesn't object, or ask 'who', and may feel better when the time comes.

What do you do?
Feb 12, 2025 1:19 pm
- Benji -

"Well, no." Miriam says, with a hint of a return of some her humour in her voice. "Because its a horse." She agrees, still not sure if you are messing with her about the statues.

What do you do?
Feb 12, 2025 2:08 pm
Poor David. Emma hated seeing him like this. She knew how much the promotion meant to him. He was shouldering most of their financial burden. His salary was barely enough to provide for their most basic needs, and not nearly enough to support a family. She could only imagine how much stress he must be under. She couldn’t stand seeing him struggle like this. She had to find a way to fix things.

Besides, searching for a lawyer seemed like such a waste, when there were so many better ways to spend their time. Even with Sarah staying in their apartment, they could still sequester themselves in the bedroom...

"Let me make a quick call to Arundel," she rubbed her hand over his shoulder "and then, I’ll help you unwind" With a playful wink she slipped quietly toward the bedroom and closed the door behind her.

She had Mr. Uskglass’s number, thanks to her hacking into his laptop. Her fingers hovered over her phone as she took a deep breath, trying to steady herself before calling that oily bastard. Only when she felt she could keep her cool did she finally place the call.

"Hi, Mr. Uskglass. It’s Emma Harper speaking..."
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