Feb 12, 2025 2:39 pm
- Emma -
"Ah?... Ms ... Harper." Uskglass says after a moment just long enough for him to wrack his brain to put a name to a face, it has not been that long since you met, but maybe he really is busy enough that you are not in the forefront of his mind.
"What can I do for you?" He asks, though you get the impression what he really wants to know is: 'how did you get this number?'.
You knew the information you stole liberated from his computer had a short viable window of usefulness, and your busy life has degraded the value of what is left. You swear there was more, unless it was just the stress of waiting for it to copy. How slow was the USB on that old computer? But, aside from all the contact details you could need, you can't find anything in there to help you with this situation.
His tone is affable and friendly enough, but you well remember how quickly he changed the other night.
What do you do?
Maybe you try your Playbook Move One Way or Another, but that also needs to make sense in the fiction, so what would you have to offer to make him even consider it?
"Ah?... Ms ... Harper." Uskglass says after a moment just long enough for him to wrack his brain to put a name to a face, it has not been that long since you met, but maybe he really is busy enough that you are not in the forefront of his mind.
"What can I do for you?" He asks, though you get the impression what he really wants to know is: 'how did you get this number?'.
You knew the information you stole liberated from his computer had a short viable window of usefulness, and your busy life has degraded the value of what is left. You swear there was more, unless it was just the stress of waiting for it to copy. How slow was the USB on that old computer? But, aside from all the contact details you could need, you can't find anything in there to help you with this situation.
His tone is affable and friendly enough, but you well remember how quickly he changed the other night.
What do you do?
You don't have much by way of leverage, here. Might be you could Persuade him to meet with you? Then you could try Hit the Streets? But what would you offer to get him to drop the charges?Maybe you try your Playbook Move One Way or Another, but that also needs to make sense in the fiction, so what would you have to offer to make him even consider it?