After Arundel (RP)

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Feb 15, 2025 5:39 am
The young woman was clearly in pain, and Emma felt bad for forcing her to talk about it. But she didn’t have any choice. She couldn’t help her without knowing what happened:

"It’s okay to feel scared. It’s okay to not have all the answers, but shutting it all out... it won’t make it go away" she leaned closer and held her hand "Do you remember his name, or what he looked like? When did it happen? How often? Anything you can remember will help. I have to know if you’re still in danger..."
Feb 15, 2025 10:31 pm
"Oh, that’s an excellent idea!" Benji says. "I was focused on finding the copy that was stolen, but you’re right — it would certainly be easier to find or print a new one. Thank you! This has been very helpful. What was the book you were reading, by the way? The one that melted in the rain? If I’m going to visit a university library anyway, I might as well see if they have a copy of that one too."

"It’s a violin," he says, about the case. When asked if he’s intending to play, he sighs forlornly. "I was hoping to, but it looks like the rain is going to make that difficult."
Feb 16, 2025 5:16 am
- Emma -

"He? Who?" Sarah asks. "I don't remember anyone. I thought it was a dream, and could not look. Maybe I just cut myself." This last possibility is not really something she wants to admit or talk about either, and she may have been able to convince herself of it if you had not described the exact experience she was struggling to fit with her explanation.

"But, I am safe now." She points out, unhappy that you making her talk about things that are in the past.

What do you do?
Feb 16, 2025 5:18 am
- Benji -

"Oh, that's sweet of you. But it's nothing. I doubt they would have it, or that a gentleman like yourself would know of it. I don't know where one would get such books." He sounds positively embarrassed to talk about it, but a little probing would reveal it to be: "A piece by a new author, Emma Harper."

"The rain?" Byron says, as though this is news to him —a statue may not care about such things. "We can wait for it to stop. I am in no rush."

Lizabeth is cold and confused. She only sees your side of the conversation and it is not making a lot of sense, and she is not exactly dressed for standing in the rain.

What do you do?
I was not sure what book Byron would have been reading —something unexpected, I figured— but Persephone's glowing endorsement [ref] clinched it for Emma's book. :)
Feb 16, 2025 8:58 am
Emma has seen Sarah's clothes. She knew the vampire feeding on her wasn't just one isolated incident [ref]. She believed her when she said she couldn't remember, but that only made the situation more worrying. A vampire with the ability to wipe memories wasn't someone to trifle with.

She didn't want to worry Sarah if she couldn't remember anything, but there must be something she could tell her. Someone invited the vampire into her home. Someone must have seen it coming and going, because he (or she?) visited her on multiple occasions.

She stopped, considering her next words carefully:
"Can you give me your address? The name of your roommate? I want to drop by later and talk with them. Maybe pick up a few of your things?"

She didn't want to scare Sarah. Maybe the vampire wasn't that bad, if it kept Sarah alive while sparing her the memories of being preyed upon. Still, there is no way she could stay to live with her and David forever. "How would you feel about leaving the city? I have a few friends that can make arrangements for you. It might be safer, for all involved. At least until we figure out what to do?"
Feb 16, 2025 10:05 am
- Emma -

A little cajoling gets you an address —not a good part of town— and a malformed name for the roommate. Sarah pronounces it something like 'Shah-Bliss', but maybe it is supposed to be Chablis.

"Leave the city?" Sarah says, surprised. "But where would I go? Who would take care of me?"

What do you do?
Feb 16, 2025 10:28 am
She hesitates for a moment "Do you have a job? Studying somewhere? I don’t want to put you in a situation that’ll make things harder" she tried to understand her situation, and if she would be leaving anything behind if she moved away "There are places you can stay until things calm down. It's not a permanent solution, but it might be a way to keep you out of danger while we figure this out. Once you're safe, you can take some time, find a new place, start over. We could get you settled somewhere quieter, away from all this"

She noted the address of the apartment, and the name of her roommate, determined to go talk with Chablis the first chance she gets "What’s your roommate like? Have you known her for long?" she tried to coax just a little bit more information "Can you send me her number?"
Feb 16, 2025 5:39 pm
- Emma -

The barrage of questions causes Sarah to clam up, it was worth a try, but you know she does no want to talk about her job —if any— or the situation. The threat of sending her away is like pulling the rug out from under her, she was starting to feel safe, and you can see that eroding away rapidly as you speak.

You do get the contact details for 'Chablis Valour'. "I don't have a key. Shah-Bliss can buzz you in." Sarah says.

Continues in the main thread Paying the Price ...
Feb 17, 2025 3:24 am
"Not only do I know of it, I’m a friend of the author!" Benji tells Byron, excited. "I can certainly get you another copy. I’m sure Emma will be delighted to hear that you like her book."

When Byron suggests they wait until the rain stops, he shakes his head. "I’m afraid I can’t, but I’ll return as soon as the weather improves. It’s been a pleasure to speak with you, Lord Byron, and thank you again for your advice."

Upon wrapping up his conversation with Byron, he turns to speak to Miriam and is alarmed to see that she looks quite cold and irritated with him. "Oh goodness! You’re shivering! Are you cold? Do you want to borrow my coat? We should start heading back before you catch something."
Feb 17, 2025 3:27 am
- Benji -

"I'm tough." Miriam says. "They only thing I am going to catch is a taxi."

She looks at you, intently. "Which one of us is crazy?" She asks, only half joking. "Do you really think you were talking to Byron?"

What do you do?
Feb 17, 2025 7:18 am
"Of course I was really talking to him," Benji insists. "Or a statue of him anyway. Have you really never tried talking to the statues before? They’re good company, for the most part, and always happy to hear a bit of music, in my experience."
Feb 18, 2025 7:15 am
- Benji -

"I mean, sure. I have said 'hello', but always in a joking way. I never expected them to answer, and they never have." Miriam says. "You know it was not talking back? Right? Just you, having a conversation with yourself."

She turns to the statue and salutes. "Hello, Mr Byron. Hello, dog." She greets, but the statue remains stone-faced, though Miriam watches you to see if you react. "See?" She says.

What do you do?
Feb 18, 2025 11:03 am
"Well, they don’t talk to everyone," Benji admits. "Only people they trust, I think. I was talking to them and playing for them for a very long while before they started talking back… But Byron was talking to me. You just couldn’t hear him."
Feb 18, 2025 6:36 pm
- Benji -

"I'll take your word for it." Miriam says sceptically as her summoned taxi pulls up on the roundabout.

"You coming?" She asks, shivering slightly.

What do you do?
Feb 18, 2025 10:13 pm
Benji shakes his head. "Thanks, but I’d like to walk home, I think. It was really nice to see you, Miriam. I’ll visit again soon?"
Feb 19, 2025 5:38 am
- Benji -

"Or I will come visit you... tomorrow." Miriam says, sounding both nervous and hopeful. It is good that she is talking about getting out of her house again..

What do you do?
Feb 19, 2025 9:16 pm
"Of course! I would love that," Benji agrees. "See you tomorrow then!"

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