After Arundel (RP)

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Jan 30, 2025 11:31 am
- Emma -

"Well... yes." Henry says, agreeing both that they are important people and with your suggestion that he would fit in with them.

"Uh, I am aware of your work." He says. Was it possible he was actually trying to be polite? You know he does not read your articles, you know they are trash and beneath you, but you have to do what have to do. He does not need to agree that he would not read them... It is just surprising that he would avoid saying it.

Kat clutches at your offer to get together. "Great! Like, tomrrorw. Not to early." She starts making plans. But you already promised David you would spend tomorrow with him, and Kat is a little too eager, indulging her too easily might be overwhelming.

What do you do?
Jan 30, 2025 12:01 pm
- Benji -

"Hey, now. There's no problem here." Your watcher responds, slightly out of kilter with the conversation. They take their hand away from their jacket pocket, holding them both up in a nonthreatening way, clearly not wanting violence.

"We mean you and the ladies no harm." —'ladies'? plural?— "Just trying to get an edge on the artifact, you know. Do you know where it is?" He tries to slip his own question in.

What do you do?
Jan 30, 2025 12:03 pm
- Benji -

We can assume your threatening presence continues to work, and he will answer reasonable other questions while you have him.
Jan 30, 2025 12:09 pm
Kat’s reply made her smile. The girl was definitely enthusiastic, maybe a bit too much, but Emma could understand. She was new to England, and probably didn’t know many people, and even less her own age. How could she probably turn her down? Plus, she seemed like she could be lots of fun when she didn’t have to behave around stuffy old gentlemen.

"Tomorrow sounds great! I’ll call you in the morning once I wake up, and we will make some plans!"

She did promise to spend some time with David, but not for the entire day. She was sure she could find some time for Kat.

Smiling to herself, she turned to Henry, who was the last person she would think would refrain from critiquing her columns. He used to nitpick even the smallest things, usually for petty or imagined reasons. Her columns were actually pretty well written, all things considered, but gossip, fashion, nightlife, and new sexual positions weren’t exactly Pulitzer material. But they were her things, and a reflection of her life. Maybe he read them to keep tabs on her?

"What did you think of my book?" She knew the book was done well, and received positive reviews (for its genre). She was curious to hear his take on it. Would he, for once, give her a real compliment?
Jan 30, 2025 12:23 pm
"...I'm afraid not," Benji answers the question, hoping that this man and his associates (whoever they are) will lose interest in Lizabeth once they know she no longer has the artifact. He studies the man in front of him for a second and relaxes a little. He seems... honest, if only because he also seems quite nervous that he might end up as Benji's dinner. "Who is ‘we’?" Benji asks. "Who are you working for?"
Jan 30, 2025 12:36 pm
- Emma -

"Honesty?" Henry says, sounding genuinely supportive. "I could not get through it. All the vampires and such. It just makes no sense to have to drink blood, or to not be able to enter a home. I mean how would that even work? Homes are not magical," (shows what he knows, and why the real-estate portion of his financing is loosing to Elliot:) "What, would they just bounce off the front door? Vampires are an allegory for menstruation and virginal innocence and men taking that blood. They belong in story books." His criticism is very parochial, and overlooks the fact that your vampires were 'in story books'... and also overlooks the fact that they are, in fact, real and not an allegory at all.

What do you do?
Jan 30, 2025 12:37 pm
- Benji -

"Aw! Come on, man! We are both gents, here. You know I can't tell you that." He says, pleadingly. "Besides. Everyone is watching you guys. Everyone wants a piece of the pie."

He thinks for a moment before continuing. "Though... and bear in mind I am not authorised to negotiate with you. If you wanted to join forces..." He leaves the offer unsaid, but has already revealed a fair bit. There are many parties watching you, and they all would probably be interested in talking about an alliance.
Maybe you have enough to try Figure him Out to see what you can glean from his spoken words, his unspoken words, and his general body language?
What do you do?
Jan 30, 2025 1:02 pm
He actually read it? It was a surprising thought, almost a shock, considering how often he brushed off her interests. And even more of a shock was that he was willing to engage her in conversation about it.

"Well, houses aren’t magical, sure" she said wistfully "but homes—homes are something else entirely. All the emotions, the connections. Memories. There has to be some magic in it"

She turned to look at him, her voice dropping a bit lower:
"But I’m curious. Have you never wished something magical could be real, even just for a moment?"
Jan 30, 2025 1:10 pm
- Emma -

You are parked outside your flat. Henry seemed to revel in letting David see you climb into his shiny car, looking the way you do. But, as your voice drops, and he could reasonably get his hopes up, he swallows in nervous anticipation, but moves further away, against the car door.

"What are you talking about?" He asks, quietly.

What do you do?
Jan 30, 2025 1:32 pm
"Don’t you ever feel like your world is missing something? Like... adventure? Wonder? Something that breaks the monotony of the everyday?" she held his gaze, looking deeply into his eyes "Don’t you wish for more excitement in your life? More...magic?"

She allowed her words to linger in the air before she finally pulled back, breaking away from him.

"Thanks for a splendid evening" He was the one who invited her to the restaurant she could never afford going to on her own. And she did enjoy herself, even if himself made for poor company. She gave him one last nod before slipping out of his car, leaving him to ponder what she truly meant.
Jan 30, 2025 1:49 pm
- Emma -

"Uh... sure..." Henry says, not at all sure what you are on about. "When I was younger. But then I grew up."

At the last moment, just before the door closes, Henry calls out. "You do look amazing, by the way." It seems like a completely genuine complement (or observation of fact).

For a long time after you leave he sits in his car, contemplating.

What do you do?
Jan 30, 2025 2:05 pm
Emma appreciated the compliment, but she didn't want to give him any ideas. She didn't respond, her lips curving slightly behind her back. Then, she closed the door behind her and simply turned and walked toward the entrance of her building.

She didn't take the stairs, instead waiting inside just long enough to make sure he drove off. Once the coast was clear she stepped out and headed for her car, parked further down the street.
Jan 31, 2025 1:07 am
"Well... maybe, although I can’t exactly agree to anything without knowing who I would be joining forces with," says Benji, frowning. "Can you tell me your name, at least? I’m Benji, although I assume you already knew that."
Sure! Here's my Figure Someone Out roll:

... :(
Last edited Jan 31, 2025 1:07 am


Benji: Figure Someone Out (+Mind) - (2d6+0)

(31) = 4

Jan 31, 2025 4:14 am
- Emma -

It seems for a while like Henry is never going to leave, and you are not dressed for waiting around in lobbies. Eventually he drives off, slowly.

• How careful are you to make sure he does not see you leave?
If you want Henry to possibly learn hints about the supernatural world, maybe he follows you tonight?
If you don't want to engage that sort of story (or not at this time), then Emma can wait long enough for him to be gone.
If you want to leave it to chance we can have the dice decide. (Keep Your Cool?)
If you want to chat about it, we can do that in the OOC thread.
What do you do?
Jan 31, 2025 4:15 am
- Benji -

"Of course." Boring-Face says. "You can call me Joe. Joe Pine." A boring name for a boring face. He offers you a card with that name and contact numbers printed on it, but no other identifying features.

As he turns to pass you the card you see a flesh-colored wire going to his ear. It might occur to you that some of what he was saying —'no problem here' for instance— was signals for his team. As he said, there is more than just him watching you, and more than just his team. Your life has taken a turn for the less-private.

What do yo do?
Jan 31, 2025 5:22 am
If she didn’t know any better, she would have sworn Henry had been replaced by a body double. The man she had known was always self-assured, smug, always ready to belittle and mock her. She's never seen him off-balance, or not in control of the situation. Tonight she couldn't shake the feeling that he was somehow more...vulnerable. Frazzled. The way he clung to her every word in the car. Admitting to reading her book. Waiting outside her apartment like some sort of lost puppy. And then there was the club. She’d never seen him so uncomfortable in the presence of others before, no matter who they were; he was just too full of himself to care what anyone else thought of him.

Something was definitely going on. Maybe he was just slipping. Or maybe something bigger was at play.

She sighed

There were only so many people she could help, and right now, a rich asshole was at the bottom of her list. If Kat couldn't shed some light on this mystery tomorrow, she was ready to let the whole thing go and let him figure things out for himself, like he always had.

Pulled out her phone, she typed Benji a quick message before turning the ignition key:

"On my way"
It wouldn't make much sense for him to follow her, because he would have to know somehow she will be going out again later that evening. But maybe he already saw something that rattled him a bit, and he refuses to acknowledge it
Jan 31, 2025 11:56 am
"It’s nice to meet you, Joe," Benji says, taking the card and reading both sides. He glances over his shoulder as a pedestrian passes the mouth of the alley, then turns back to Joe with a shrug. "Well, I don’t want to kill you and there’s not much else I can do to stop you from spying on me. I’m going to go find Lizabeth. If you’re going to be following me anyway, I suppose you might as well come along." He turns to leave the alley, pausing to wait for Joe to catch up with him.
Benji still has to meet up with Amira and Lizabeth before the meeting with Emma and Miriam. Perhaps we could skip ahead to the scene with Emma and come back to this later so Delirium doesn’t have to wait?
Jan 31, 2025 12:10 pm
- Benji -

"Much obliged." Joe says, an almost imperceptible tension relaxing out of his posture. He did not seem all that scared, though, but he clearly underestimated you when he let himself get caught.

"It certainly is easier not to have to worry about staying out of sight." He comments as you walk. He seems a bit awkward just walking along, and tries to make small-talk: "So. They give me the mushroom treatment." He says in a friendly manner. "What do you know about this thing? What even is it?"

It may come as no surprise the Joe knows exactly where Lizabeth is on the river-bank, and can lead you directly to where she is picking.

What do you do?
Feb 1, 2025 2:49 am
"I know very little about it, honestly," Benji responds, trying to reinforce the idea that he and Lizabeth don’t know anything and aren’t worth spying on. "Lizabeth didn’t have it for very long before she was arrested, and she didn’t have time to get a proper look at it."

When they reach the river, Benji bounds down the steps to join Lizabeth down on a muddy stretch of riverbank exposed by the lowtide. He hops from rock to rock to avoid sinking into the mud. "Lizabeth! Found anything interesting? This is Joe, by the way. He’s been spying on us."
Feb 1, 2025 5:51 am
- Benji -

"Ma'am." Joe says with an little 'hat-tip' to Lizabeth, and a sheepish, though friendly smile.

Lizabeth seem to take it in stride. "Hi, Joe. Can you carry these." She indicates what looks —to your uneducated eye— like nothing more than a crusty pile of old netting and rope. She is going to want to take that home with her, and 'home' is currently 'your place'. It is going to make a mess.

What do you do?
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