Jan 11, 2025 7:13 pm
#9: Epyllion

The Warrior
YOU ARE NOBLE and strong. Dragonia is your home and you fight to defend it. You are an inspiration to your fellow dragons, but don’t try to take on too much by yourself. Your friends are strong and capable; give them a chance and they will surprise you.
Name: Vera
Colors: Purple, Yellow, and Black
Look: sleek, elegant-bodied with shiny black and purple scales, a narrow head with a long snout, curling horns, feathered crest running down her neck, whip tail, sharp dark claws
Charm +0 | Courage +2 | Cunning -1
Virtue: Daring
House & Obligation
BRYNBAK, The House of Steel
Destroy an unnatural menace born of Darkness.
Warrior Moves
SCALES OF HONOR: You have dedicated your life to the betterment of Dragonia. Choose one boon:
A mark of lunar authority; take +1 ongoing to call upon the Moons.
A voice that penetrates the Darkness; take +1 ongoing to act despite danger in the face of the Darkness.
A lineage that commands respect; take +1 Charm (max +3).
An heirloom from the War of Shadow; take +1 ongoing to stand up to an older dragon.
A large and valuable hoard; take +1 ongoing to give into the Darkness.
Mark a Shadow each time you conceal or hide one or more of your boons.
Signature Move Advancement: Mark a new boon. Tell the DM which of your adventures has earned you such an honor.
BATTLE PLAN: When you face an enemy in combat, roll +Courage. On a hit, you can ask the DM questions. Whenever you act on one of the DM’s answers, take +1.
On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7–9, ask 1:On a miss, they catch you off guard. Take a -1 ongoing until you can assert your dominance or rally your allies.
DRAGONHEART: You are a true friend to your Clutchmates; you may give Gems to characters that act according to either of your virtues (Daring or Humor).
ALL FIRED UP: Once per session, you can return a Friendship Gem to act despite danger with a 10+.
LIES DO NOT BECOME US: When you speak frankly with a character, you can ask their player a question from the list below. If they answer it truthfully, they may then ask you a question from the list. You must answer truthfully.Shadow Track
THE SHADOW TRACK represents how much hold the Darkness has on your dragon.You can mark Shadows in any order. When you mark a Shadow, you must take the action associated with the Shadow. When you mark the last Shadow, you lose yourself to the Darkness and become your Shadowself. While you are lost to the Darkness, do not mark any further Shadows, even if a move asks you to do so.
Shadowself YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE, a hurricane whose might will singlehandedly shatter the Darkness. Dragonia must be protected and no one else is strong enough to help you. Make sure the clutch knows you are the only one who can save Dragonia. You are The Warrior. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to ask your Clutch for help.
__ has recently joined your Clutch and you are training them in the art of capital politics. Take a Gem from them.
__ has stood by your side in a fight against a monster of the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue. Give them a Gem.
__ was there when you were most vulnerable. Give them a Gem.
Adult Advancement
THERE ARE FIVE AGES of a dragon lifespan. Each time your XP track fills, select an advancement from the list and erase your XP track. When you have taken all three advancements, you grow into your next age.
As you grow your connection to the Moons changes and shifts. Every time you take an Adult advancement, cross off one moon. You can no longer call on that moon for strength.
Raw Scaled Drake Moons +0
take another move from your playbook
take +1 to any stat (max +3)
advance your signature move
Winged Drake Moons +0
take another move from your playbook
take +1 to any stat (max +3)
advance your signature move
Long-Toothed Dragon Moons +1
take another move from another playbook
take +1 to any stat (max +3)
advance your signature move
Bearded Dragon Moons +2
take a ritual of your House
advance your signature move
Elder Dragon Moons +3
your House dedicates a stronghold to you
retire your character; arise as a Mystic or Ancient

The Warrior
YOU ARE NOBLE and strong. Dragonia is your home and you fight to defend it. You are an inspiration to your fellow dragons, but don’t try to take on too much by yourself. Your friends are strong and capable; give them a chance and they will surprise you.
Name: Vera
Colors: Purple, Yellow, and Black
Look: sleek, elegant-bodied with shiny black and purple scales, a narrow head with a long snout, curling horns, feathered crest running down her neck, whip tail, sharp dark claws
Charm +0 | Courage +2 | Cunning -1
Virtue: Daring
House & Obligation
BRYNBAK, The House of Steel
Destroy an unnatural menace born of Darkness.
Warrior Moves
SCALES OF HONOR: You have dedicated your life to the betterment of Dragonia. Choose one boon:
A mark of lunar authority; take +1 ongoing to call upon the Moons.
A voice that penetrates the Darkness; take +1 ongoing to act despite danger in the face of the Darkness.
A lineage that commands respect; take +1 Charm (max +3).
An heirloom from the War of Shadow; take +1 ongoing to stand up to an older dragon.
A large and valuable hoard; take +1 ongoing to give into the Darkness.
Mark a Shadow each time you conceal or hide one or more of your boons.
Signature Move Advancement: Mark a new boon. Tell the DM which of your adventures has earned you such an honor.
BATTLE PLAN: When you face an enemy in combat, roll +Courage. On a hit, you can ask the DM questions. Whenever you act on one of the DM’s answers, take +1.
On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7–9, ask 1:
• Which enemy is most vulnerable to me?
• What’s my enemy’s true position?
• What’s my enemy’s true position?
• Which enemy is the biggest threat?
• What’s my enemy’s mission or objective?
• What’s my enemy’s mission or objective?
DRAGONHEART: You are a true friend to your Clutchmates; you may give Gems to characters that act according to either of your virtues (Daring or Humor).
ALL FIRED UP: Once per session, you can return a Friendship Gem to act despite danger with a 10+.
LIES DO NOT BECOME US: When you speak frankly with a character, you can ask their player a question from the list below. If they answer it truthfully, they may then ask you a question from the list. You must answer truthfully.
• Whom do you really serve?
• What do you most desire?
• What do you most desire?
• What do you most regret?
• Who have you truly wronged?
• Who have you truly wronged?
THE SHADOW TRACK represents how much hold the Darkness has on your dragon.
• Lash out at a friend.
• Break something valuable
• Escalate a delicate situation
• Blame a friend for your mistakes
• Mock or belittle someone vulnerable
• Seek isolation or solitude
• Lash out at a friend.
• Break something valuable
• Escalate a delicate situation
• Blame a friend for your mistakes
• Mock or belittle someone vulnerable
• Seek isolation or solitude
• Question a friend’s loyalty
• Steal something valuable
• Reject a tradition of Dragonia
• Hide something from your friends
• Avoid a difficult task
• Exaggerate the danger of the situation
• Question a friend’s loyalty
• Steal something valuable
• Reject a tradition of Dragonia
• Hide something from your friends
• Avoid a difficult task
• Exaggerate the danger of the situation
Shadowself YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE, a hurricane whose might will singlehandedly shatter the Darkness. Dragonia must be protected and no one else is strong enough to help you. Make sure the clutch knows you are the only one who can save Dragonia. You are The Warrior. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to ask your Clutch for help.
__ has recently joined your Clutch and you are training them in the art of capital politics. Take a Gem from them.
__ has stood by your side in a fight against a monster of the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue. Give them a Gem.
__ was there when you were most vulnerable. Give them a Gem.
Adult Advancement
THERE ARE FIVE AGES of a dragon lifespan. Each time your XP track fills, select an advancement from the list and erase your XP track. When you have taken all three advancements, you grow into your next age.
As you grow your connection to the Moons changes and shifts. Every time you take an Adult advancement, cross off one moon. You can no longer call on that moon for strength.
Raw Scaled Drake Moons +0
take another move from your playbook
take +1 to any stat (max +3)
advance your signature move
Winged Drake Moons +0
take another move from your playbook
take +1 to any stat (max +3)
advance your signature move
Long-Toothed Dragon Moons +1
take another move from another playbook
take +1 to any stat (max +3)
advance your signature move
Bearded Dragon Moons +2
take a ritual of your House
advance your signature move
Elder Dragon Moons +3
your House dedicates a stronghold to you
retire your character; arise as a Mystic or Ancient