Char Gen January

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Jan 20, 2025 8:30 am
#20: Mecha Hack Colossus Zero

HP: 13
Power: 14
Mobility: 9
System: 13
Presence: 10

Damage Die: d6
Reactor Die: d6

Pilot: Commander - Commanders are natural-born leaders and skilled tacticians. They represent the heart and soul of a fireteam, and lead their allies to victory against all odds.

Battle Tactics: As a use action, choose one close or near mecha. They can immediately take a single move or attack action that does not count towards their total actions, then your turn resumes.

Record: I’m infamous for my ruthlessness in combat. It wasn’t always like this, but the war has shaped me into this!

Chassis: The Titan - The titan is a heavily armored mecha chassis, relying on thick steel and brute force to outlast the enemy. They excel at absorbing damage and protecting their allies.

Weapons & Armor: All weapons, all armor, shields.

Equipment: Comlink Chaingun (Heavy Ranged Weapon, [+2 Attack & Damage]), Heavy Armor (+5 AP).

Kinetic Absorbers: If a close mecha would take damage, you can choose to take that damage instead.

Energy Shield: As a use action, choose yourself or another close or near mecha. Roll your reactor die. Once at any point before the start of their next turn, the mecha may roll 1d4 and reduce incoming damage by the result.

Module: Energy Beam - As an attack action, test Power. If you succeed, one close enemy takes 1d8 damage and is pushed to near range. Roll your reactor die.


Jan 21, 2025 9:12 am
#21: Mothership Janae Rye

Class: Teamster - Teamsters are rough and tumble blue-collar space workers, mechanics, engineers, miners, and pilots.

Strength: 37
Speed: 39
Intellect: 32
Combat: 42

Sanity: 45
Fear: 51
Body: 49

HP: 11
Wounds: 0/2
Stress: 2/2

Trauma Response: Once per session, you may take advantage on a panic check.

Industrial Equipment +10
Zero-G +10
Jury Rigging +10
Mechanical Repair +15

Vaccsuit (AP 3), Laser Cutter (1 extra battery), Patch Kit, Toolbelt with assorted tools.

Trinket: DNR Beacon Necklace
Patch: "Solve Et Coagula" (Baphomet)
Jan 22, 2025 12:43 am
This is super cool!


Jan 22, 2025 4:04 am
#22: Ten Candles Benjamin Little
Concept: A tough old son-of-a-gun; Little ain’t one to take things lying down. He didn’t when City Hall came knocking and he ain’t about to do it now.

Virtue: Brave - One of those things crosses our path and it’ll be just about the sorriest thing it ever done!

Vice: Controlling - We are going to get through this, but only if they listen to what I say. Divided we fall…
The Module: The fallout shelter was only meant to be temporary. The high school’s gymnasium was just a meeting place. Some basic supplies, cots, and company, while waiting for rescue. The generator was old, as was the company, and it wasn’t long before they both started to go. Folks started to vanish straight out of the hallways whenever the lights would flicker for too long. Of the eighty-odd people that once gathered here, now only a few of you remain, huddled close on cots as the lights above you flicker dangerously low. Perhaps you shouldn’t have stayed this long, but where would you have gone? In the hills of Pennsylvania the nearest town is an hour’s drive, assuming you could even find a car. Some people say there’s light north of Lake Erie for those who can get to it, but that’s just a rumor. What isn’t a rumor is that the generator is in its final throes of sanctuary. Soon enough you’ll all be in the dark. No point to stay and fight, but there aren’t too many places to run and hide either. Gathering supplies and hitting the road might be your best bet. You’ll at least need to find some new batteries for the radio. It’s up to you, but the time has come to move…
Moment: I will find hope when… one of them things lays dead at my feet!

Brink: I’ve been seen… breaking down. Some nights, I just about lose my mind wondering what happened to my two children.
Jan 22, 2025 7:26 am
Might have to run a game for Ms. Rye...


Jan 23, 2025 6:20 am
#23: ACHE Island Lonnie Hughes.
Role: Sr. Administrative Coordinator at Mercy East Hospital.

Mental: +2
Physical: +0
Wounds: 0

Frank - That horse’s rear-end has never gotten over the fact that I got this job and he didn’t! I put in the hours! I wasn’t about to let some blow-in steal what’s mine!

Jennifer - Thinks the medical staff runs this place! Hah! Oh, sure! They do good work! You won’t hear me deny that! But we keep the lights on in Mercy East!



Jan 25, 2025 10:24 am
#24: Warlock! Milo Puddlefoot.
Community: Halfling.
Career: Noble - You had a great education, the best food, clothes and servants that money could by, but you’re still a massive disappointment. Now you’ve fled your family home, determined to make a name for yourself or escape the bondage of your station. You’re beginning to think this was a bad idea.

Why Did You Leave?: Father and mother agreed that my younger brother would prove a more grateful successor to the family business. I didn’t get much say to the contrary!

When Will You Return?: Never! I’d rather die! Though, death puts too final a bow on things! Let’s say… not for a good long while! Give brother time to make a right good mess of things!

Stamina: 20
Luck: 12

Career Skills (Maximums): Language 10, Medicine 10, Command 12, Diplomacy 12, History 12.

Level 6 & More - Appraise 6, Language 6, Diplomacy 10, History 7, Command 10, Medicine 8, Bargain 6, Persuasion 6, Navigation 6, Lie 6.

Level 5 - Athletics 5, Crossbow 5, Disguise 5, Incantation 5, Intimidate 5, Dodge 5, Ostler 5, Sleight of Hand 5, Small Blade 5, Stealth 5.

Level 4 - Blunt 4, Bow 4, Brawling 4, Endurance 4, Pole Arm 4, Repair 4, Spot 4, Streetwise 4, Survival 4, Swimming 4, Thrown 4.

Bossy - I may have lost my position, but I still hold my family name! And whilst I have that, I will press others into my service to do my bidding!

Capable - Despite what mother and father think, I will pull the family back from the ruin they have brought upon themselves… Or soon will, in any case!

Talkative - Woe is anyone who gives me an inch, for I will take a mile! I shall clear the black mark left on my name by mother and father through sheer weight of words!

Fine Clothes,
Interesting Books,
Silver Cutlery,
An Arming Sword (the highest quality),
Father’s Letter (unread),
7 Silver Coins,
2 Days of Food,
Eating Knife,
Clothes & Boots.
Jan 25, 2025 3:03 pm
I would be happy to run another game of Warlock! and murder Milo, KCC.
Jan 25, 2025 3:31 pm
KCC says:
#23: ACHE Island Lonnie Hughes.
Role: Sr. Administrative Coordinator at Mercy East Hospital.

Mental: +2
Physical: +0
Wounds: 0

Frank - That horse’s rear-end has never gotten over the fact that I got this job and he didn’t! I put in the hours! I wasn’t about to let some blow-in steal what’s mine!

Jennifer - Thinks the medical staff runs this place! Hah! Oh, sure! They do good work! You won’t hear me deny that! But we keep the lights on in Mercy East!

NICE! Such a well-designed game. 😁


Jan 26, 2025 9:18 am
#25: Grimdark Millennium Helven Skybane
Chapter: Space Wolves

Presence: 0
Strength: +2
Toughness: +1
Agility: -3

Hit Points: 13
Corruption Resistance: 7
Omens: 1

Skills: Athletics, Awareness, Intimidation.

War Gear:
Heavy Armor (-d6 Damage, DR+4 Agility)
Chain Sword (d10, AP -1)
Plasma Gun (d8, AP -1)


Jan 28, 2025 12:45 am
#26: Escape From Dino Island Hicks
Playbook: The Soldier - You are a warrior by profession. But is your training enough to best a foe honed by 179 million years of evolution?

Clever: -1
Fit: +1
Steady: +2

Personality: Commanding - The more people I get off this rock, the bigger my bonus will be! So listen up, alright?!

Look: Scarred - See that?! Gulf War. I’ve been around, so stick close!

Rumor: There are people on this island that worship the natives like gods! Not on my watch!

Stories You Tell:
• The time you cheated death.
• Why you enlisted.
• An inside joke you share with your squad.
• Something that haunts you.
• A superstition that kept you alive.

Special Starting Move:

Kill of be Killed: When you open fire on a dinosaur or group of dinosaurs, roll +Steady.

On a hit, you gun them down.
On a 7-9, you use too much ammo. You’re out!
On a mission, you get mauled, and immediately make a Casualty move. (Don’t miss!)

Assault Rifle,
Combat Knife,
One Extra Clip.


Jan 28, 2025 1:27 am
#27: The Dead Are Coming Carlo Caputo
Occupation: Musician - Rocking out at the end of the world!

Strength: 8
Dexterity: 13
Willpower: 11

Hit Protection: 6
Resources: 1
Food: 0
Water: 1
Bullets: 0
Fuel: 0

Physical Detail: Always Smiling - This place is pretty wild! Too bad the guys can’t be here to see it! RIP, bros!

Personality Trait: Adaptable - Keep high and carry on! Isn’t that what they say?

Glock G17 (1d6),
Signed Photographs,
Slipcase of Band’s Recorded Music.
Jan 28, 2025 3:13 am
The Dead are Coming, eh?

Jan 28, 2025 3:39 am
I'm 9 days behind!
Jan 28, 2025 7:55 am
ThatTaoGuy says:
I'm 9 days behind!
Make a Lasers and Feelings character. And a Honey Heist Character. And a Roll for Shoes character. You'll catch up in no time.


Jan 28, 2025 8:06 am
#28: Grimwald Fimbod Vordorim
Class: Fighter - You become one with your weapon, and through it find your real purpose in this life.

Clergy, wise in allegories, signs of sin and the faiths of the world.

Warrior, wise in battle plans, military contacts and war stories.

Dragonborn of the Sunken Marsh, wise in strange snacks, hidden paths and survival.

Traits I Definitely Am: Protective, Confident.
Trait I Am Definitely Not: Quiet.

Things I Desire: Glory, Love.
Things I Don’t Desire: Wealth.

Distinctive Features: Glittering Scales, Large Belly, Bright Eyes.

My Weapons Are: Given by my father and notched for each time they’ve saved me.

Fighter Talents:
Weapon Mastery - Choose a fighting style that you have mastered: brawling—dual-wielding—one-handed weapons—ranged weapons—thrown weapons—two-handed weapons. You have a mastery die, a special d6. When you fight in your style, take +1d (the mastery die) on the roll. If the mastery die is a 6, it counts as a critical. If it's already a critical, take spark.

Control - You can push yourself to declare a zone that enemies cannot cross without dealing with you. If they attempt to move past you, you can interrupt them. On a perfect, take spark.

Brawn: 3
Agility: 2
Wits: 1
Presence: 2

Story Arcs: Uncover the Truth and Weather the Storm.
Jan 28, 2025 1:47 pm
#19: Her Odyssey
Name: Nira
Vitality: 2
Quickness: 5
Fortitude: 4

What does your wanderer seek?
The freedom to make her own choices and live a life that brings her joy.

What has Nira left behind?
- A controlling mother tied to tradition and appearances.
- A father deeply rooted in cultural customs.
- A protective older brother who insists on upholding her arranged marriage.
- A best friend and ally in her younger sister.
- The man she truly loved, who was slain in a duel.

Was Nira well-prepared to set off on the road?
She was moderately prepared, bringing practical items and what she thought she’d need. However, her upbringing in an isolated village has left her inexperienced in the challenges of the outside world.

Someone or something Nira loves and has lost:
Her lover, who supported her decision to live her own life and had planned an escape with her, leaving her both heartbroken and resolute.

A shadow that follows her and haunts her steps:
The fear of being caught and dragged back to her old life and arranged marriage. This fear manifests as an almost physical sensation of being watched, along with fleeting glimpses of shadows in the corner of her eye that aren’t truly there.
Jan 28, 2025 4:57 pm
#20: Hiria, the Eternal City
Your Quarry: Eryndris, the Veiled Flame, a forgotten god

Eryndris was not a god of destruction or dominance but of quiet illumination. Their flame was not one to burn or destroy, but to spark ideas, uncover truths, and guide those who sought answers. They were the patron of inventors, philosophers, and explorers, and a light to those who were lost. Their temples once doubled as great academies, with lanterns perpetually burning to symbolize the light of eternal knowledge.

Over time, as their gifts inspired humanity to reach new heights, the people began to believe they no longer needed divine guidance. Eryndris was no longer credited by inventors and innovators. The great academies became institutions of their own, the burning lanterns were extinguished in favor of grand chandeliers and electric light. Eryndris faded into myth, their name becoming a metaphor for enlightenment rather than an actual deity. But as mankind congratulated themselves for their genius, and the God disappeared, progress stagnated; new discoveries became rare, and the world grew darker—not just in innovation, but in spirit.
You Are: A Scholar

You’ve tracked whispers of Eryndris’ presence to an aspect of Hiria, a city where the skyline is dim and its people shuffle like shadows. You carry a good luck token, the battered lantern, an artifact from one of their old temples. The faint light within pulses as though it recognizes something here. But even as you take your first steps, the city begins to shift, its streets rearranging themselves as if trying to hide Eryndris from you.

You have always sought truth in a world that seems to have lost its way. You stumbled upon an ancient artifact, a lantern from one of Eryndris' temples, still faintly warm to the touch. You began to dream of the Veiled Flame, glimpsing their flickering light in the depths of your subconscious. After searching through forgotten lore, you are convinced that Eryndris' absence is why progress has faltered, why the people of your world seek comfort in old, outdated ways rather than pursue the light of imagination and innovation. You wish to enlighten the ignorant and bring flourishing growth to what has grown stagnant. Without Eryndris' guidance, humanity has become lost in its own arrogance. You believe that reigniting the Veiled Flame, literally or figuratively, is the only way to restore balance and growth to the world.
Jan 28, 2025 9:02 pm
#21: Mutant Monster Machine Girls

NAME: Alecta
EYES: inhuman, silent
FACE: stony
DESCRIPTORS: stitches, claws, pale
SCHTICKS: superhuman strength, swift reflexes
I am one of the last of a dying breed of ancient beast who originate from before the dawn of man. Throughout history, we have been called monsters and hunted mercilessly by humanity because they fear the power we hold.
The City wants me dead and has taken away my right to live in peace.
That is why I fight.

Out of all the people who added to my hurt and trauma, there is only one man I truly hold responsible.
HIS NAME: Sebastian Kaine
HIS PRESENCE: violating, unsettling
He forcefully turned me into who I am.
He left me for dead but had no idea I would survive.

When THE MAN RESPONSIBLE enters a scene I’m in, I immediately fill out my entire DOOM track.

In addition to killing THE MAN RESPONSIBLE with cruel vengeance, there’s one more thing I want:
To protect somebody who thinks I’m dead.

• Make the world a better place
• Pursue revenge at all costs
• All risks are necessary risks
• Fight with grief, rage, and, most of all, love
• Embrace your very real and very volatile emotions
• Embrace the queer, bizarre, and absurd
• Stick to a strong moral code - do not compromise

Not quite undead but unfortunately labeled as such, I may continue to fight when I take 4 Harm as if I am uninjured. I can still control my body parts remotely if they are separated from my body.
I may also heal (1 Harm total) and EVOLVE outside my Girl Type by stitching loose body parts or inanimate objects to my own body.
Jan 28, 2025 9:57 pm
#22: Charming Mr. Darcy
Name: Miss Eleanor Hartwell

Background: The quiet daughter of a scholar, Eleanor is better known for her intellect than her beauty. Her love of literature and philosophy often isolates her at social gatherings, but she is determined to step out of her shell at Pemberley.

Motivation: Eleanor doesn’t want to win Mr. Darcy’s heart as much as she wants to prove to herself that she can thrive in high society. Her secret hope is that Mr. Darcy will appreciate her for her mind.

Signature Trait: An unmatched knowledge of poetry and prose.

Flaw: Her shyness often causes her to stumble over words or fade into the background.

Opening Scene: Miss Hartwell is seated in the library, nervously paging through a book of poetry. She catches Mr. Darcy’s attention by quoting a verse that perfectly reflects his aloof demeanor.
Name: Miss Arabella Foxglove

Background: The beautiful and vivacious daughter of a wealthy merchant, Arabella is a social butterfly who dazzles everyone she meets. Despite her charm and impeccable manners, she is plagued by whispers of her family's "new money" status and their connection to trade.

Motivation: Arabella hopes to secure a match with Mr. Darcy to elevate her family’s social standing, but deep down, she longs for someone who loves her for more than her beauty and fortune.

Signature Trait: Effortless charm and a radiant smile that makes everyone feel special.

Flaw: Arabella is deeply insecure and hides her fear of rejection behind a mask of confidence.

Opening Scene: Miss Foxglove glides into the ballroom in an exquisite gown, commanding attention as she greets Mr. Darcy with a perfectly practiced curtsy and a dazzling smile. She begins a lighthearted conversation about the latest fashions, subtly testing the waters of his interest.
Name: Miss Charlotte Pembroke

Background: A kind-hearted but overlooked country girl from a small but respectable family. Charlotte has no wealth or exceptional beauty to boast of, but her sincerity and warmth make her a favorite among those who take the time to know her.

Motivation: Charlotte doesn’t see herself as a serious contender for Mr. Darcy’s affections, but she hopes to use this rare opportunity to make a connection that might lead to better prospects for her family.

Signature Trait: A genuine and disarming kindness that makes others feel at ease.

Flaw: Her lack of self-confidence often leads her to downplay her own worth, which can cause her to be overlooked.

Opening Scene: Miss Pembroke hesitates on the edge of the terrace, watching the other guests from afar. After summoning her courage, she approaches Mr. Darcy with a shy yet sincere compliment about the beauty of Pemberley’s gardens.
Last edited Jan 28, 2025 9:58 pm
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