Stage 1 - The Massholes!

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Jan 10, 2025 7:49 pm
Lacey's feistiness has thrown a wrench in the pilot's diabolical, patriarchal plans!

She pulls out a tube of lipstick (Crimson Whisper, the color men can't say no to), but not to freshen up her appearance. No, the tube also functions as a dart gun!

She clicks a button, and a dart whizzes towards the captain. The dart doesn't contain lethal poison, but rather a calming potion that'll make the captain want to chillax and ponder life. Well, that's what's supposed to happen...but he's so pumped up, the effects may be minimal. Being a newly emancipated woman, Lacey hasn't had much time to test out her abilities and weapons....


💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(221) = 💥💥COMBO

Jan 11, 2025 10:12 am
One of the good things about being a radical skater is there's a type of music culture that comes with it. Intending to get the whole spirit of the experience, Gemini designed tiny earphones to wear and get her rhythm while skating. She's wearing them now, and the music blots out some of the loud noises.

The downside is it can be distracting, and she doesn't think to strike back. Or maybe it's just that she's nice like that. Hard to say.
Last edited Jan 11, 2025 10:13 am


🧚🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(112) = 💥HIT

🧚🏻‍♀️ - ☢️ - (2d2)

(11) = 💢MISS

Jan 11, 2025 12:03 pm




You needed to roll ㊙️BLOCK to defend against that attack. But no need to re-roll, since this coin toss means the battle’s over (unless someone rolls an attack).


🪙 - (1d2)

(2) = 💥HIT

Jan 11, 2025 12:59 pm
[ +- ] 🎹 SFii Stage End

👨🏼‍✈️ B. GUILE

🧑🏼‍✈️ GNASH

Lacey, like the combo that was attempted against you, if you combo, you can include a hindering effect as one of the hits. Normally, I’d have just nerfed his attack but a coin toss to determine whether he contemplates felt situationally-appropriate…
Captain B. Guile feels the effect of Lacey’s dart. The effect is as subtle as a whisper. (Not a crimson whisper; the regular kind.) Like a little voice saying hey, listen…

And what B. Guile hears is a crewman extinguishing his Friar Tuck hair. He literally went down in flames! And the rest will surely fall to their unscathed opponents!

B. Guile

"Whoah.. no means no, right? So how about no more fighting? I got, uh… money. Yeah."

He whips out a red envelope.



"We all got money," the co-pilot adds.

He whips out a red envelope too. So do the crewmen!

B. Guile

"Shit, Gnash. I meant to just give ’em mine and split the rest."

The Mother gets up and stands over the singed crewman. He does not dare put that envelope in his pocket.

The Mother

"You boys started this. Frankly, I don’t care if they accept your surrender or slap you silly and take your money."
You won your first fight! Take the bribe, or beat these guys up and still take the bribe!

Either way, each of you will end up with a 🧧 and The Mother will fly you out to The Massholes.
Jan 11, 2025 7:09 pm
Lacey is a bit surprised that her dart was that potent. But there's a saying about gift horses and mouths....

She moves closer to the other Bombshells and speaks softly:

"Some smarty-pants once said that to err is human, to forgive is divine...but I think that person was a pansy. These would-be sexual assualters haven't learned their lesson yet, but pain is a very good teacher."

"But if you all have had enough, I'll go with the consensus. Apparently I'm somehow the leader of this group, but I don't want to be a dictator. Not like them."
Jan 12, 2025 12:27 am
"Forgiveness has its place at times, but they have not truly seen the error of their ways. I can see it in their eyes. In my humble opinion, further punishment is necessary to ensure they don't continue their shameful behavior the moment we leave." Marusaki says, arms crossed as her third eye glares over at the crewmen. "I also have not fully warmed up yet, so I vote to break them."
Jan 12, 2025 1:32 am




The bad guys aren’t going to wait for the vote. Hearing you talk about it, they move. But you’re ready for that, so… let’s see how the coin votes!


🪙 - (1d2)

(2) = 💥HIT

Jan 12, 2025 1:41 am
[ +- ] 🎺 Guile’s Theme

👨🏼‍✈️ B. GUILE

🧑🏼‍✈️ GNASH


The men see they ain’t talking their way out of this. They rush the Bombshells.

The Mother grins as she sees the heroines are ready for this..!

The Mother

"Kick their asses."
The bad guys paid the price for hesitating! Since you don’t have to defend, you can each take a single action!
Jan 12, 2025 8:19 pm
Lacey once again roots around in her purse (which, in case it isn't obvious yet, is like Batman's utility belt), and pulls out...a hammer?

"A mustachioed plumber gave me this. Said it was a rare power-up. Must not've been too rare, since all I had to do was give him a lapdance to get it...."

She concentrates on the hammer, which then disintegrates, its essence warping around her body! She now wears a black turtle-shell and a black helmet, with her dress also turning black.

"Ughh...not very fashionable, but..."

She holds out a hand, and large hammers appear out of thin air, and rain down on her enemies! This time, she targets the crewman, instead of the captain.

"Oh yeah! Totally worth it! Ya'll ready for some concussions?!"
[ +- ] Hammer Time


💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(222) = 💥💥💥SUPER COMBO!

Jan 12, 2025 8:20 pm

So I get to do something extra because of the Super Combo?
Last edited Jan 12, 2025 8:22 pm
Jan 12, 2025 9:12 pm
Assuming you just want to do damage, here are your two best options:

• If you just attack B. Guile, it’s a KO!

• If you attack all three enemies, B. Guile still has a little HP, but you KO Gnash and the Crewman.
Jan 12, 2025 9:21 pm
I choose option 2: I'll KO Gnash and the Crewman, and still whup Guile.
Jan 12, 2025 9:54 pm
[ +- ] 🎹 Guile’s Theme Near KO

👨🏼‍✈️ B. GUILE



The copilot and the crewman drop from being bonked on the head by hammers! The captain himself withstands the beating, but one of the other Bombshells will likely finish the job before he can retaliate..!
Jan 13, 2025 12:23 am
"Wonderful, O'hara-san! This is why you lead us." Seeing that the captain is just barely hanging on, Murasaki firmly plants her feet and brings her hands together. As a bright purple energy surges through her body and comes to life in her hands, she shifts her dominant foot forward and thrusts her palms out, throwing a fireball at the captain!



🧘🏻‍♀️ - ☢️ - (1d2)

(2) = 💥HIT

Jan 13, 2025 1:55 am
B. Guile

"Oh shit," the captain says as the fireball spirals toward him.


B. Guile


The captain flees, arms flailing, looking for a mud puddle to extinguish his face! He eventually stops, drops and rolls on the grass, and asks the nearest person for help.

Flight Attendant

The nearest person happens to be one of the ladies he was harassing earlier. She beats the captain’s face with her purse.

"Serves ya right, ya big jerk!"
The Mother steps over the unconscious copilot and picks up the red envelopes that the men dropped after failing to bribe their way out of a painful ‘lesson.’

The Mother

"Looks like my mom found the right crew to get my daughter back." She makes an inviting gesture toward a steamplane at the end of the runway. "Shall we?"
The battle is over for real now. Everyone has a 🧧. Nobody knows what they’re for.
Jan 13, 2025 6:48 am
Gong-Ju had been about to raise her trident to attack, but the other bombshells make quick work of the rude men. She gives the Mother a nod. "Yes, let's go! Although, I do prefer traveling by sea rather than air... But we have no time to lose."
Jan 13, 2025 9:13 am
Gemini flies over to the aircraft, intending to take her seat. It's completely unnecessary of course, since if she flies inside the vehicle she'll move with it while ignoring any turbulence but she's a believer in sharing any discomfort. A group that flies together, stays together after all. She rests her board over her legs, with a mildly perturbed expression.

"It's a shame really. I don't condone violence." She taps out a slow rhythm, on top of the board. "But long as we're together, I'm sure everything'll be totally killer."
Jan 13, 2025 11:18 am
[ +- ] 🎹 OK, We’ll Move
The steam plane looks like it was slapped together with parts of grandfather clocks and potbelly stoves. And yet, it flies.

The V-TOL wings rotate so the chuggy-puffy parts blast their steam at the ground. The plane lifts as a helicopter would.

Once well off the ground, The Mother pulls a lever. The wings gradually rotate to their horizontal position and the plane gains speed at the aviatrix pedals faster and faster.

Yes, pedals. Apparently the plane has bicycle parts too.

The Mother

The Mother looks at the fairy with genuine empathy. "He’ll live," she says for Gemini’s sake.

To Gong-Ju, she says, "If it’s the sea you want, I can fly to the Wolverine Airport after the mission. That’s along the coast, and not too far from Buzzard’s Bottom. You’d love it!

"But my daughter’s trail disappeared around the center of The Massholes’ northern border. The nearest airports are Buckburg and Wusta."

She points to a map that she drew herself on a napkin. Buckburg is close to the northern border. Wusta is halfway between the north and south borders of the uncommonwealth. There’s a trail that leads from Neo Hampshire to Buckburg to Wusta. From Wusta, trails start to branch.

There are several places none of you ever heard of, since the only thing people in Neo Hampshire ever say about The Massholes is that they suck. But there is one town marked on the trail between Buckburg and Wusta: LeMonster.

The Mother says, "Either I land in Buckburg and we follow the trail south, or Wusta, and we go north to cut her off.

"If anyone got her to Wusta this quickly…"
The Mother prefers to leave that sentence unfinished.
Jan 13, 2025 11:19 am

👩🏻‍🎤 Where to? Public

Vote to view results.
Vote to view results.
Jan 13, 2025 9:35 pm




Three votes for Wusta. I won’t need a tie-breaker coin, so what is the coin deciding..?


🪙 - (1d2)

(1) = 💢MISS

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