Stage 1 - The Massholes!

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Jan 21, 2025 1:49 pm


The trident strikes hard and true! The bubble magic works as expected! The giant troll floats upward!!!


The next of you to post can choose to run into the tunnel. Using video game logic, this will change the scene, meaning you avoid the fight. Anyone can make this post, even if she already acted.

However, if someone who has not yet rolled makes an attack, the troll will fart and fall, blocking your escape. (Again, video game logic. There is no exit if someone hits the troll.)
Jan 21, 2025 2:19 pm
"Gabsida!" Gong-Ju says triumphantly. She dashes forward and slides under the floating troll, entering the tunnel!
Jan 21, 2025 2:31 pm
[ +- ] 🎹 FF2 Bust Up the Railway (Conductor, We Have a Problem)
As you dash into the tunnel, you hear the troll yelling, "YOU’VE NOT SEEN THE LAST OF CHARLESTON CHOO-CHOO!"
Combat over!!!
The tunnel is pitch black, with lights on either end. Your footfalls echo along the walls and ceiling around you. Should you speak, your voices will sound like distant echos as if spoken by the lights at both ends of the tunnel rather than through your lips. Somehow, despite the strangeness, it feels safe in here… like an unvoiced guarantee: it will just be the four of you, undisturbed, until you step through the light.
Jan 21, 2025 7:38 pm
Lacey rejects the caressing sense of safety with a snort. A dark tunnel with strange echos? No way were they lingering here, no matter how cozy it felt.

"Let's keep up the pace and reach the other side. This"

She pulls a large candle from her purse. Specifically, a Blue Candle. It can illuminate the area, and also spit out fire if needed.
[ +- ] Witty Caption for the Image
Did she have to seduce someone to acquire this? No, actually...she found it on the desiccated corpse of an adventurer. It's not stealing if the person's dead.
Last edited Jan 21, 2025 7:38 pm
Jan 22, 2025 8:46 am
Gemini flies alongside the group, though she flies backward. She has her board resting in her lap, and a pensive expression on her face. Once again she's glad of a conflict that can be resolved without violence, but there's a pattern starting to emerge. The trouble is, she can't always disagree with the option her comrades take, even if she won't participate every time.

She's abnormally quiet as they go.
Jan 22, 2025 11:15 am
You exit the tunnel.





🪙 - (1d2)

(1) = 💢MISS

Jan 22, 2025 11:43 am
[ +- ] 🎹 MtDB Paranoia

Outside the tunnel is a jungle with a pinkish-purplish sky somewhat obscured by a lush green canopy. Dangling vines sway gently, presumably from a light wind.

The trees here are surely ancient, as if this part of the world was untouched by Man and War. The temperature is warm and inviting. Pink flowers are in full bloom on either side of the footpath leading away from the tunnel, and presumably, toward The Maiden.
As you follow the path—The Mother assuring you her daughter is not only ahead, but somehow, unscathed—there seems to be no one around. Of course, you expect an ambush.

You even might expect that the bushes are the #1 hiding place for ambushes.

But in this case, it is the bushes!


Greedy tendrils reach out to grab Gong-Ju and Lacey!
Defend yourselves! You can 🕹️DODGE or ㊙️BLOCK this attack! With D’n’A and Button Mash, both of you can defend and hit back! (Gong-Ju is currently out of Girl Power, so her second action needs to be an attack.)
Thorns shoot out at Gemini and Murasaki!
Defend yourselves! Only a 🕹️DODGE will work, but you both have Extra Joy so you can dodge and take another action!
Jan 22, 2025 11:48 am
"Eek! Unhand me, vile shrubbery!" Gong-Ju shouts. She tries to block the tendrils before jabbing back at them!


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Defend - (3d2)

(111) = 💢MISS

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Attack - (3d2)

(122) = 💥💥COMBO

Jan 22, 2025 5:13 pm
Murasaki's quick to leap into action! But not quick enough to avoid the thorns!

"Nh...!" The thorns punched into her gi, digging into her flesh. However, she soldiers through the pain to rush in front of Gong-Ju and deflect the tendril's grabbing attempt with a swift kick.
Last edited Jan 22, 2025 5:17 pm


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️Dodge - (3d2)

(111) = 💢MISS

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️Defend-a-friend (Gong-Ju) - (2d2)

(12) = 💥HIT

Jan 22, 2025 7:00 pm
Lacey tries to scamper away from the aggressive bush, while also using the Blue Candle's fire-spewing ability.

Surely the flames would burn it to a crisp...unless it was magical...or wetter than normal, and therefore less conducive to fire...or...well, best not to think too hard about it! Just hope for the best!


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(21) = 💥HIT

💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(111) = 💢MISS

Jan 22, 2025 10:16 pm


Gong-Ju hacks away at the plants as Murasaki gets riddled with thorns fending off the tendrils! Lacey’s candle gets the tendril to back off, but without singeing a single leaf. It seems the bush is both magical and wet.
Gemini still needs to defend herself with a 🕹️DODGE, and she can take an add’l action…
Jan 24, 2025 7:49 pm
Botting: self-defense + defend Murasaki.
(Both successful.. YAY!)


Gemini Starfire: 🧚🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(121) = 💥HIT

Gemini Starfire: 🧚🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (1d2)

(2) = 💥HIT

Jan 24, 2025 8:35 pm
[ +- ] 🎹 MtDB Paranoia


While Lacey, Murasaki and Gemini use defensive techniques to make sure nobody gets hurt, Gong-Ju takes out two of the damnbushes! They burst into poofs of pollen!
Gemini, defend yourself by 🕹️FLYING AWAY FROM THE POLLEN! It’s harmless, but it will temporarily impede flight, and you won’t feel extra joyful while your wings don’t work!
• On a 💢MISS, you can’t take an additional action this round. (Murasaki can’t use 🕹️+㊙️ to protect you from this effect.)

The three remaining plants turn to the wingless heroines. They each toss a pinecone grenade!
Lacey, Gong-Ju, Murasaki, defend yourselves by 🕹️DIVING OUTTA THE WAY or ㊙️BUNTING THE GRENADE!
• Special: If you 💥💥COMBO the ㊙️BUNT defense, the grenade bounces toward the plants!
Extra Joyful Special: If Murasaki fails to 🕹️DIVE AWAY but successfully ㊙️DEFENDS A FRIEND, she dives on every grenade that would otherwise do harm, potentially defending both Lacey and Gong-Ju!
Jan 24, 2025 8:47 pm
Lacey dives away from the grenades...or more like stumbles, since being super-athletic in high heels and a dress isn't that easy.

As she moves, she rips a portion of her dress, by her right thigh. Oh well. It could be patched later....


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(21) = 💥HIT

Jan 24, 2025 8:49 pm
Gong-Ju bunts the grenade but struggles to land a hit.
Last edited Jan 24, 2025 9:15 pm


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (3d2)

(122) = 💥💥COMBO

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (3d2)

(111) = 💢MISS

Jan 24, 2025 9:09 pm
@Totes_McGee , per D’n’A, you get to attack as well.
Gong-Ju bounces a grenade back at the plants. It bursts—the damnbushes erupt in flames!

Jan 24, 2025 9:11 pm
So the bushes can burn! Lacey tries using the Blue Candle again, to intensify the flames!


💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(121) = 💥HIT

Jan 24, 2025 10:02 pm
Her third eye glinting, Murasaki front flips high into the air to dodge the grenades! As she reaches the apex of her jump, she shoots down at the damnbushes as if rocket-propelled, her foot outstretched and glowing with purple flames!
Last edited Jan 24, 2025 10:11 pm


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(222) = 💥💥💥SUPER COMBO!

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️Attack - (2d2)

(22) = 💥💥COMBO

Jan 24, 2025 10:55 pm


Lacey overheats a damnbush with her blue candle—it burns to a crisp! Murasaki’s rocket-propelled flying kick reduces the other two to ash!

After the smoke clears, Lacey sees a fruit among the burnt branches of her ‘kill.’

Baked Apple

The apple is hot! It looks tasty! Too bad there’s only one.
Okay, so you know what food means in a video game world. Though none of you are hurt, Gong-Ju can actually benefit.

The way the Baked Apple works (this baked apple, anyway) is:
• Press ☢️ to eat it an get the weird mutant benefits that many foods have, thanks to the world getting nuked. (That was a reach for making the Nuke Button related to eating. But anyway…)

• On a 💥HIT, you replenish +1 Health or +1 Girl Power. (Player’s choice if both are depleted.)
• On a 💥💥COMBO, replenish +1 Health and +1 Girl Power.

(With everyone at full health, @Dmbrainiac just needs a hit to get Gong-Ju’s Girl Power refilled. And there isn’t a choice since Health is full.)
Jan 25, 2025 1:03 pm
"Jal meokkketsseumnida," Gong-Ju says, giving thanks for the meal before picking up the warm apple and scarfing it down!


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ☢️ - (2d2)

(12) = 💥HIT

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