Part 1: No Business Like Show Business
He steps forward and attempts to open the doors.
Once you are ready, you head through the door marked with the number two. This room appears as a section of a sailing ship’s hold. Above, an iron-reinforced wooden hatch provides glimpses through its bars of the sky above—along with plumes of smoke, tongues of flame, and cries of terror, as if one were peering up from the cargo hold of a burning ship. The east and west walls are cluttered with shelves on which hundreds of objects have been crammed with countless alchemical tools and strangely labeled bottles (empty, full, and all stages in between) of various shapes and size. One great bottle—an enormous carboy—has an open top. Here and there between the shelves, gaps in the wall reveal portholes that look out over a rough ocean with no land in sight.
As you enter the room, Fallenta’s voice speaks to you while glowing words in Common manifest around the enormous carboy. The message repeats the following. "Your ship burns! Somewhere among these chemicals lies a solution. Fill the carboy with the right chemicals and assemble a method of dispersal! Move quickly!"
In this two-step challenge, both of the following steps must be completed (in any order) for the challenge to be completed successfully. Upon completing both steps, the disperser appears to spray liquid all over the fires, extinguishing the flames entirely.
Mix the Right Chemicals (1 minute): A PC selects the correct combination of chemicals and mixes them in the carboy by attempting a DC 25 Crafting check or a DC 30 Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check.
Success: The fluid glows silver as the chemicals are correctly mixed; this step is completed.
Failure: The fluids quickly evaporate, but a PC can try to Mix the Right Chemicals again to get it right.
Critical Failure: The fluid glows red and then creates an illusion of a (harmless but startling) explosion to indicate to the PCs that they’ve automatically failed the challenge.
Craft the Disperser (1 minute): A PC begins to build the disperser from parts found in the room by rolling a DC 25 Crafting check to earn Victory Points. This step can be repeated multiple times; once the party earns 3 Victory Points, this step is completed, and the resulting object glows silver, but if the party ever drops below 0 Victory Points, the resulting object glows red, indicating they’ve failed the challenge.
Arcana (Int) - (1d20+14)
(2) + 14 = 16
"We are stranded with no land in sight! May the gods help us!" she cries in her best panicked acting voice. Her arms exaggerate her movements as she pours and stirs with a dramatic flair.
"Oh dear! I'll try again! It must work, it must!"
Aurelia feigns an overly delighted relief as the fluid glows silver and the ship is saved.
Crafting (25) - (1d20+18)
(2) + 18 = 20
Crafting (25) - (1d20+18)
(8) + 18 = 26
gonna reroll that one. . .
Crafting (Int) - (1d20+19)
(2) + 19 = 21
Crafting (Int) Hero Point reroll - (1d20+19)
(7) + 19 = 26
He steps to the shelves and starts looking over the various containers and their contents, hemming and hawing over what he finds and gathering things that might do the trick.
Occultism (Int) - (1d20+18)
(16) + 18 = 34
Once you are ready, you head through the door marked with the number three. This gloomy chamber is lit by a few fitfully burning candles within strategically placed wall-mounted holders. Between the candles, thirteen small wooden dovecotes have been mounted to the walls. Each has been carved with oddly unsettling facial expressions, so that any birds coming and going from the shelters give the impression of being eaten or spat out of gaping mouths. Brief glimpses of something dark moving within each imbue the room with the sensation of being watched from all sides. In the room’s center stands an impressive iron statue of a four-foot-wide turtle, its eyes closed and its shell adorned with three small brass-ringed plates, each of which bears a numbered dial.
Fallenta's voice speaks as you enter. "You’ve escaped prison, but final freedom lies within a slumbering toothsome guard. You are watched on all sides, but stealthy shellback work might go unseen."
To complete this challenge, the PCs must attempt to Open the Turtle multiple times. Before the PCs begin, inform them that each attempt to do so without taking a full minute to carefully perform the check has a greater chance to wake the crows. These attempts earn Victory Points; once the party earns 6 Victory Points, the challenge is completed. If the party ever goes below 0 Victory Points, the surrounding dovecotes emit red light from within, and they fail the challenge.
Open the Turtle: The PC can attempt to Force Open the turtle with a DC 30 Athletics check, or to either Disable a Device or Pick a Lock with a DC 30 Thievery check.
Going Fast [one-action] or [two-actions]: This allows the party to attempt to Recover the Key multiple times in a round, with each character potentially attempting their own actions each round, but as soon as any attempt results in a Critical Failure, the crows automatically waken, and the PCs fail the challenge.
Going Slow (1 minute): Only one character can attempt to open the turtle at a time, but others can Aid their attempt. Each attempt to do so takes 1 minute, but there’s no chance of accidently awakening the crows, making it a safer option but potentially using up valuable time to do so.
Edit: Hero Pointed
Edit 2: D'oh! :P
Thievery (Dex) - (1d20+22)
(4) + 22 = 26
Thievery (Dex) - (1d20+22)
(4) + 22 = 26
Edit: Hero Pointing round 5, will take it back if we finish it before this round.
Thievery (Dex) Round 2 - (1d20+22)
(6) + 22 = 28
Thievery (Dex) Round 3 - (1d20+22)
(18) + 22 = 40
Thievery (Dex) Round 4 - (1d20+22)
(19) + 22 = 41
Thievery (Dex) Round 5 - (1d20+22)
(1) + 22 = 23
Thievery (Dex) Round 5 Hero Point - (1d20+22)
(6) + 22 = 28
Also, did Fallenta say whether or not we could use magic?
Aiid - (1d20)
(20) = 20
The "walls" of this chamber consist of densely packed tree trunks and undergrowth, with the ceiling fifty feet above revealing a full moon in the night sky. No obvious exits lead from this room, save for the double doors that provided you entry, which from this room appear to be strangely set into the sides of a particularly thick wall of tree trunks. Many of the trees and foliage still burn. The scorch marks marring the ground suggest that the immense dead dragon sprawled along the north a mere ten feet from those doors has only recently been slain, while the charred bodies of equally unfortunate dead pixies lie strewn all about, giving the impression of having just missed the end of an intense battle in which neither side won.
Fallenta's voice speak. "The spirits of this recent battlefield shall rise in but three minutes! Quell their rage and soothe their fear with threats, promises, lies, and song!"
As soon as the introduction is complete, ghostly images of tormented pixies start to claw their way up from the bodies, while the dead dragon to the north begins to twitch and shudder, an unholy fire kindling to life within its many wounds.
Administer Last Rites
Checks to Administer Last Rites earn Victory Points. Unlike the previous challenges, this one is timed—the PCs have only 3 minutes to earn the 6 Victory Points they need to succeed at this challenge.
Tricks and Treats (1 minute): A PC tries to quell either the pixies’ spirits or the dragon’s spirit by attempting a Deception or Performance check to trick or entice them to move on to the afterlife. Against the fey, this is a DC 28 check, but against the dragon, it’s a DC 32 check.
Kindness or Cruelty (1 minute): A PC tries to quell either the pixies’ spirits or the dragon’s spirit by attempting a Diplomacy or Intimidation check to beg or threaten them to move on to the afterlife. Against the fey, this is a DC 32 check, but against the dragon, it’s a DC 28 check.
"Hello, beautiful dragon. We love dragons and believe you to be one of the finest if not THE finest creatures in all the worlds. As proof of this, we have our very own dragon! See him there?" she asks dancing and twirling to where Yarth is.
Performance (Kindness) - (1d20+22)
(5) + 22 = 27
"Leave this realm, return from where you came from!" Ramank urges the fey spirit. "Or you will be stuck here in half form for all eternity or until we are forced to kill you. We've dealt with worse than you, so save us the time and leave!"
Intimidation (Cha) - (1d20+23)
(13) + 23 = 36