Part 1: No Business Like Show Business

Jan 7, 2025 11:44 am
Stories of heroes have excited the masses for as long as the art of storytelling has existed. Often for such stories, the more grandiose and outlandish the medium, the better it is at conveying the epic struggles and legendary victories heroes achieve. Stories are still told in the Inner Sea region today of Iomedae’s acts leading up to her ascension to godhood, of Old-Mage Jatembe’s magical legacies, or of High King Taargick’s storied Quest for Sky. More recently, tales of still-living heroes who stood against the runelords of Varisia, who helped to close the demonic rift in the Worldwound, who saved the northern River Kingdoms from an invasion from the First World, and more have proven to be popular inspirations for more modern audiences.

Traditionally, legends of these heroes have arisen organically from their adventures inspiring bards and writers years after their exploits have settled into the annals of history. For Fallenta Sumac d’Venenoux, the passage of time between deed and stage seemed awkward at best and wasteful at worst. Why wait years for these legends to find their way to the stage when one could simply work with the actual heroes fresh off their most recent acts of derring-do and hire them as consultants for Kintargo’s biggest opera since the foundation of Ravounel?

And soon she will find just the right heroes for the show...

Curtain Call

It's been six months since your greatest victory. After dealing with treachery and betrayal and facing down mind-controlled and corrupted minions, you finally thwarted the plans of Osoyo, the Blackfrost Whale, and ensured the alien entity remained trapped beneath the Crown of the World. You certainly have earned a break after everything you went through to foil its nefarious schemes!

All around the region, your friends, allies, and even people in the street have been sharing stories about your heroic exploits—you are, quite literally, the talk of the town. Your fame is even spreading beyond the region in which your previous adventures took place. Awkward hero worship, tall tales, and scandalous rumors about you have become an almost daily occurrence as your legend is already spreading to distant ports that none of you has ever visited before.

On this particular day, a courier has arrived to hand-deliver a scroll case to you. The elegant scroll case is made of silver, blue-painted oak, and abalone shell. Within the case is a scroll curved around a long, slender object wrapped in silk, along with a few loose garnets worth a total of 500 gp.

The scroll reads as follows:

It is my great honor to present you all with the singular opportunity of a lifetime: immortality. Not literal deathlessness, but the immortality of the stage. Like so many others, I have followed your group’s exploits, and they strike me as wonderful inspiration. I wish to turn your epic story into an opera, one that will thrill and delight audiences for ages to come. I ask you to visit me in Kintargo so that we may discuss the possibility of your involvement in this soon-to-be-classic production of your very lives! I’ve enclosed advance payment for your time, including this fine scroll case, but also enough netherwalk incense to cover your journey to Kintargo at speed. Should you choose to travel here via other means, consider the incense additional advance payment.

Seek me out at the Tarry Imp at any time between sunrise and sunset. I apologize in advance for contacting you without revealing my identity, but for the moment, I must use secrecy in order to maintain my advantage over possible competition. When you arrive at the Tarry Imp, simply let the kindly proprietor know that you are there to speak with Auntie Hemlock. I look forward to meeting you, and hopefully beginning a profitable and memorable relationship!
[ +- ] Theater Lore DC 18 or Performance DC 25
[ +- ] If you get a critical success
Within the rolled silk is a slender cylindrical incense container that holds enough sticks of netherwalk incense to travel to Kintargo. A shorter scrap of paper wrapped around the incense gives precise instructions on how to use it.
[ +- ] Netherwalk Incense
Jan 8, 2025 9:27 pm
Bekassine sat dressed in her usual furs. She wore them no matter what the weather was. Her temperature always seemed to run a little cold ever since her patron granted her powers, so the warm clothes were almost always comfortable.
Her adventures didn't appear to have made her any kinder, she was still grouchy to most new people she met, (although she always eventually helped those in need), but she was greatly enjoying the company of her old friends. She was just about to gather Fox, her clever white-coated familiar, and leave when the courier arrived. She looked to the others to see if they were as clueless as she was.
Looking over the case again she says, "Well, this is too fancy to be from anyone I know. Auntie Hemlock a friend of any of yours?"
Jan 8, 2025 10:19 pm
Aurelia had been enjoying a cuddle with Fox, if he allowed such a thing, when the courier arrived.

"I think such a fancy scroll case is saying that the sender means business, don't you think?" She reads the missive, and her first reaction is not to trust the nameless sender, but glancing at the case again has her biting her lip, a habit that tells an observer that she is deep in thought.

"We should be flattered, right? And I feel like this is a dream come true, which is precisely why I feel we should exercise great caution, for I've learned my lesson well enough, not to be impetuous. But Auntie Hemlock ... Hmm ... does it ring a bell?"

After all, Aurelia was and had been student and teacher of the arts. The stage was often a small world with many of its participants knowing each other.

"No I don't believe I have heard of her."
Last edited January 11, 2025 2:36 pm


Performance DC 25 - (1d20+22)

(2) + 22 = 24

Jan 9, 2025 9:12 am
"The only living aunt I have is called Mulbu," the small kobold known as Ramank shrugs. "They have evidently heard about our exploits."

Behind him the dragon Yarthadrix, now towering over the small kobold speaks up. "It's about time someone recognizes our excuisite splendor?" it pauses and then have a new thought. "Do you think they will feed us?"

"They don't seem to have spared expenses, I am sure they can afford a steak... or whole goat," Ramank says patting his companion. They were once at odds, but after the encounter with Osoyo have come to an understanding.
Jan 11, 2025 10:54 am
Horace sits with the others and reads over the scroll carefully when its his turn to examine it. "Not a friend of mine," he says, putting the scroll down on the table, "but I agree the elaborateness of the invitation seems to bespeak they are serious in their offer. It also tells us they have the capital to perhaps pull something like this off."

He takes a breath and looks at the scroll, "A promising venture, perhaps, in light of things. It's been some time since we've had good reason to travel, and this at least seems exciting without the threat of impending disaster."
Last edited January 11, 2025 10:55 am


Performance (Cha) - (1d20+18)

(5) + 18 = 23

Jan 11, 2025 2:43 pm
"We should accept! But Horace, nothing is without risk and so far, we know very little about this auntie. Let's be careful."

Aurelia was excited to begin this adventure with the others. The idea of being involved in such a project, it almost felt too good to be true.
Jan 12, 2025 3:09 am
"Of course, of course. She could be a devil-in-disguise for all we know, but I agree: we should accept. It would be far more interesting than sitting around this place letting the locals fawn over us while leeching off their hospitality. I need to do something again - get out, explore, learn the secrets of the world. And sure, maybe be part of an opera."
Jan 12, 2025 3:27 am
Aurelia was delighted they were all in agreement. It put her in a good mood, so much so that she put her slight fear of Yarthadrix away for the moment. It was a healthy respect, she told herself.

"I'm sure we will find something delicious for you Yarthadrix. We all have to eat," she said, smiling.
Jan 12, 2025 4:09 am
"I don't really like going into this situation with no information, but then I guess if Auntie Hemlock turns out to be a demon, we can feed her to Yarth. Are we really leaving right now? I guess I can send word home that I'll be gone a bit longer. . . . " Bekassine says as she starts to think of all the task that will have to be done in her absence.
Jan 12, 2025 6:57 am
"Well, we don't have to leave right now, as in now-now. Why don't we rest up and leave tomorrow morning, or the next day? But I'm ready to be moving. Whatever time you all need is good with me."
Jan 13, 2025 6:55 am
Once you are ready, you light the incense that was given you and travel swiftly through the shadowy Netherworld. Before long, you find yourselves emerging back into the material world just outside the city of Kintargo.

Known as the "Silver City," Kintargo is the largest settlement in Ravounel. The city gained this moniker for the silver salmon that dwell in the nearby Yolubilis River, the silvery sheen of the silty river’s water at dusk and dawn, and the unique silver-streaked white stone used in the construction of many of its buildings. Kintargo is also one of the largest bastions for the arts on Avistan’s west coast. Since its liberation from Cheliax’s oppressive rule, Kintargo has steadily grown in population (much of that number coming from halflings and nephilims fleeing from Cheliax to the south) and has become an increasingly important trade port along Avistan’s west coast.

The Tarry Imp is a cozy hole-in-the-wall eatery and coffee shop located down an alley in Kintargo’s arts-and-entertainment district of Jarvis End. As you move through the district, you pass by the People's Temple. Originally the Temple to Aroden, this massive structure sits higher than any other on Argo Isle. Under the auspices of House Thrune, the temple was transformed into a temple to Asmodeus. Following Ravounel’s independence, the Silver Council voted to turn the reclaimed temple into the government capitol. Officially renamed the Administrative and Civic Center of Ravounel, the building is colloquially called the People’s Temple. Progress on the building’s transformation has been slow, as squabbling stakeholders have yet to agree on the ultimate style and configuration of the building.

You can also see Castle Kintargo dominating the skyline to the northwest. This ancient fortress’s imposing edifice houses Kintargo’s civic offices, city watch, and prison. Following the ousting of the Order of the Rack (whose overt loyalty to House Thrune makes it unwelcome in Ravounel), Kintargo’s own small group of Hellknights, the Order of the Torrent, stationed itself here, where its members can be called upon to help keep the peace whenever necessary.

Your path also leads you by the Kintargo Opera House. This enormous theater in Jarvis End has long been the heart of Kintargo’s robust arts scene. Temporarily closed by House Thrune during Barzillai’s rule, the theater is now reopened and busier than ever, with performances nearly every night. The rebels known as the Silver Ravens, led by the opera house’s most infamous star, Shensen, use the site as a base of operations as they continue to watch over the city’s interests. Its facade has recently been restored from the damage the building endured during the city's rebellion against Cheliax.

After you navigate a few winding alleyways several city blocks north of the opera house, you reach your destination: a plain-looking doorway next to a post upon which perches a life-sized imp seemingly made of black wax. In fact, it’s actually a real dead imp preserved in a layer of tar—both a warning to potential diabolists and a trophy of the city’s triumph over House Thrune.

Within, the heady scent of tobacco joins that of coffee. Behind the counter, a single elderly man named looks slightly amused as he tips his crumpled hat to you upon your entrance. When you ask about "Auntie Hemlock," he replies by saying, "She’s waiting for you in the far room—head on back," while he indicates a door at the far end of the dining area.

When you enter the room, you see a well-dressed woman seated at a large table surrounded by chairs. Aurelia and Horace quickly recognize her as Fallenta Sumac d’Venenoux. Fallenta is a famous director whose productions have delighted audiences throughout the Inner Sea region. She smiles and rises to greet you. "Well, look who it is! I’d know these faces anywhere—you are my inspiration, after all! Welcome to Kintargo! I’ve taken the liberty to arrange a light, four-course meal for us to enjoy as we chat. That way, even if nothing comes of our meeting, at least we’ll be well-fed. And thank you for suffering my secretive shenanigans—Fallenta Sumac d’Venenoux, at your service!"
Jan 13, 2025 12:22 pm
Ramank bows respectfully, but Yarth is less respectful. "What's the first course?" the eidolon asks before Ramank can even introduces himself.

"I apologize for my companion," he says. "We haven't been invited to many parties. Mostly it's dank dungeons and things that try to kill us."

He realizes he still haven't introduced himself and quickly adds. "I am Ramank and the dragon is Yarthadrix."

"Yes, yes, introductions are done. Is it time to eat now?" the dragon asks hopefully.
Jan 13, 2025 3:46 pm
"At least let me say it is nice to see you again, Auntie Hemlock!"

And without further ado, Aurelia dug into course number one, for she was famished after all the travelling. She did suppress a giggle when Yarth cared nothing for manners and only with filling his belly. She supposed if she had a stomach the size of his, she would be the same way.

Between mouthfuls of carefully chewed food, Aurelia asked about the opera.

"What will be the order of business, Auntie?" she asked playfully.
Jan 14, 2025 8:51 am
Fallenta moves to each of you in turn to greet you by name and guide you to the seat she's selected for you. The first course of the meal comes out immediately, as a few servers who are obviously excited to have a famous director in their establishment bustle in and out while somehow avoiding any overt fawning or awkward declarations of admiration. They’re well paid for their discretion.

As you settle in for the meal, Fallenta clears her throat. "I am thankful that you've decided to take the time to speak with me. To prove that I'm all in on telling your story, and to serve as an initial consultation fee, please accept these gifts." She procures a maroon silk bag and upends it onto the table. Out clatter a significant payment to in the form of six runestones: two etched with +2 armor potency runes, two etched with +2 weapon potency runes, and two etched with greater striking runes. These runes, she explains, are yours to keep regardless of how the meeting plays out. "But if you do decide to work with me to turn your story into an opera, these will be but the first of your rewards!"
This influence encounter uses the Influence Rules. It plays out over the course of 4 rounds, each lasting 30 minutes and each corresponding to a different course of the meal that Fallenta has arranged for you all to share. At the start of each round, Fallenta speaks a few words to set the tone of that round’s conversation, but the PCs are free to attempt Discover or Influence checks as they wish.
The meal commences with a starter of spiced hare soup steeped in ginger and nettles, served with mint tea. "I'd like to begin by asking you all to keep this meeting hush-hush for now. It's a very real concern that some of my competitors might steal my ideas, and rival companies might rush a less spectacular production to the stage to steal our thunder. Now then, tell me about your favorite pieces of art. Theatrical productions, songs, stories, what have you."
Discovery Skills: Perception, Society, Theater Lore
Influence Skills: Crafting (to talk about methods of creating sets or costumes), Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation, Performance (to share stories of performances both successful and disastrous), Theater Lore (to talk shop with Fallenta and help inspire ideas)
Jan 14, 2025 10:26 am
Ramank is content to lean back and let the other do the talking first. He studies their possible patron carefully between bites of food. He tries to figure her out and why she's gone to all this trouble for them.
Will try to Discover. Will focus on lowest DC first and foremost. And in the unlikely case of a critical success I guess I'll focus on their personal bias as well.


Perception* - (1d20+19)

(5) + 19 = 24

Jan 14, 2025 10:29 am
Horace greets their host graciously with a bow. "Thank you for having us. The powder you provided made the journey remarkably simple. I've never been to Kintargo, it's a lovely city."

He takes his seat, thanks her for the gifts, and when the first course is offered, he waits for the others, then takes a spoonfull of the soup into his mouth, closing his eyes and reveling in the taste. "This is wonderful," he says, "The spices are immaculately balanced."

He otherwise observes Fallenta as she speaks with the others, trying to ascertain what he can about the woman's bearing.
Discovery - Perception - to learn a weakness


Perception - (1d20+21)

(15) + 21 = 36

Jan 14, 2025 5:25 pm
Sorry for Aurelia's jumping the gun on the meal. She was hungry, I presumed erroneously that the food was already there, and it was near dinner time for me too! 😁
Aurelia leans forward, excitement dancing in her eyes. "A few summers ago, I was asked to help with the set design for a children's fairy-tale play at a small village theater. I didn’t have a large budget or an army of helpers, just a handful of eager children and a cramped backstage area. But I wanted that stage to look like a grand forest glen straight out of a storybook."

"So we collected branches and leaves from nearby woods and wove them into arches. We painted old curtains with winding vines and glowing fungi to give everything a mysterious, enchanted atmosphere. Every piece looked different up close, but when the lights hit, it all blended into this fantastic, otherworldly landscape."

"The children were mesmerized; their imaginations sparked when they stepped onto the stage. More than that, the audience loved seeing something so immersive, created from such simple materials. From the moment the play opened, the audience gasped in delight. It taught me that with some creative vision and resourcefulness, I can make any stage a magical realm."

"That’s what I’d bring to your production: a willingness to experiment, a love of detail, and just enough daring to capture the audience’s imagination the moment the curtains rise. I can't wait to begin."
Last edited January 14, 2025 6:13 pm


Performance - (1d20+22)

(11) + 22 = 33

Jan 14, 2025 6:07 pm
Bekassine picks up a runestone and looks it over, only mildly impressed, before setting it back on the table. She then asnwers, speaking for her and Fox. "Most of the 'art' we've come across, are the stories and songs passed down in my village. This place and it's finery are a bit much for us, although I do like the imp outside, that's a nice touch." Bekassine says with a smirk. She was uneasy with the all this is opulence, and Fox clearly wanted to be somewhere they could run around, but resigned herself to al least try and not be rude, and enjoy it while she was here, however long that may be. "You've been very generous so far. All of this begs the question; why us?" she ask before digging into the soup.


Perception (if needed for Discovery) - (1d20+20)

(4) + 20 = 24

Jan 15, 2025 1:30 pm
Fallenta seems delighted by Aurelia's story. Neither Bekassine nor Ramank are able to pick up much about Fallenta by studying her, but based on how she seems to perk up when Beksassine mentions her village's songs, Horace deduces that the director adores song and music. Incorporating these themes will make it easier to gain her confidence.
You have gained 1 Influence Point. Horace learns Fallenta's weakness: either by performing music or just talking about it as part of your Influence check, you can reduce the DC of that Influence check by 1.
"Why you?" Fallenta says, echoing Bekassine's question. "Why, because your adventures are simply fascinating! Missing moments, magical gates to distant lands, ancient evils slumbering beneath the ice: it's a fabulous story to tell!"

The second course of the meal consists of a tapenade made of artichokes, olives, capers, and anchovies, served with crisp crackers, fresh melon, and berries. Fallenta shifts the topic away from the theater to ask each of you about your previous adventures, particularly if you're willing to share your most positive and delightful memories. "Too often, we storytellers focus on the grim and the violent," she remarks with a smile.
Everybody may either make another Discovery check or Influence check.
Jan 15, 2025 2:13 pm
Finally Ramank joins in the conversation. "When we were trapped on Castrovel and had braved its dangerous jungles we met elves from another world," Ramank says. "They sung us the most beautiful songs in an otherworldly language. That was the first time I really relaxed and was able to forget the missing moment."
Ramank lies it on a bit much and while there might be a kernel of truth there somewhere it is all a big fib.


Deception (Cha) - (1d20+21)

(18) + 21 = 39

Jan 15, 2025 9:46 pm
Bekassine thinks for a moment before speaking up. "Early on, before we knew each other that well, one of our first skirmishes was in a forest. It was not going well. I was about to take a hit that would have most likely ended me, but Horace jumped in to protect me. In my village, I'm the one people come to for help, so it was a pleasant surprise to see this lug rush in to be a shield. It was then that I really realized that I wasn't alone on this journey. Also that I'd better quickly learn to heal, by skill or magic." She sighs, not used to talking so much.


Performance (I guess?) - (1d20-1)

(3) - 1 = 2

Jan 16, 2025 8:30 am
Horace listens several moments, then begins to sing a quiet song recollecting their final confrontation with Osoyo. It goes on for a couple minutes before he caps it off with the conclusion of that encounter, and the resealing of the great beast within the ice.


Performance (Cha) - (1d20+22)

(2) + 22 = 24

Jan 16, 2025 4:24 pm
Aurelia listens joyfully to the group recounting their tales and especially Horace's lovely voice, nibbling the second course throughout, and clapping when appropriate.

Then it is her turn. She stands to perform the recitation of a short poem she wrote a while ago. It speaks to Aurelia's desires as an artistic creator of the visual arts, and a performer in her own right, surely something Fallenta would appreciate.

"I have named this The Artist’s Aria."

When footlights sparkle across the stage,
A million dreams wake upon the page;
Colors swirl in notes I hum,
From palette to soul, the visions come.
I weave new worlds with voice and hue,
Yearning to share them here with you.
With brush or bow, my heart sets free—
This is the song that lives in me.
Last edited January 16, 2025 4:24 pm


Performance - (1d20+22)

(12) + 22 = 34

Jan 17, 2025 12:41 pm
Fallenta indulges Bekassine's and Horace's performances, but she seem quite taken by Ramank's tall tales and Aurelia's aria.
You have gained 2 Influence Points (3 total now).
The third course presents a relatively filling meal of jellied Ravounelian whole eel in hot sauce laced with chilies, paired with cabbage rolls containing beef, olives, and pork, and served with local wines.

"Now, tell me more about your nemesis," Fallenta asks. "Osoyo, yes? I've heard some of the danger it presented to the world, but sometimes it's hard to separate fact from fiction."
Everybody may either make another Discovery check or Influence check.
Jan 17, 2025 5:21 pm
"There is probably a grain or two of truth in what you have heard."

Aurelia’s hand darts reflexively to the almost faded rune at her throat. "My true foe is no mere rival, but the ancient horror behind the Missing Moment. When Osoyo unleashed a surge of blackfrost through Golarion’s portal network, I became enthralled. My memories are mere fragments, but I still hear insidious whispers at the edges of my mind. While my creativity has flourished since my brush with blackfrost, so have my nightmares. I fear my art might open a fresh conduit... my nemesis could come to the fore with the next surge of blackfrost or umbral ash. I am afraid my creative gifts could become twisted to do Osoyo's bidding."

Thinking she might have said too much, Aurelia's cheeks redden as she works on the jellied eel, attributing her flushed face to the hot spices.

"My goodness, this is delicious but I'm afraid the spices are hot enough to make me flush," she says, forcing a giggle.


Performance - (1d20+22)

(1) + 22 = 23

Jan 17, 2025 6:19 pm
Bekassine, while not overly concerned with impressing thier host, does want to make sure she knows what a threat Osoyo was. As she talks, Fox shivers and raises their hackels for added emphasis, "The blackfrost whale was indeed a mighty foe, but the scariest oart eas the influence it had over others. As Aurilias mentioned, being granted powers but not knowing where they came from, or if they were going to be used for evil. Not knowing if someone you thought was an ally, or secretly working against you. The fear of knowing that, thanks to the aiudara, Osoyo's reach was global." Bekassine shakes her head as if to clear the bad thoughts away. "By the time you are actually staring evil in the face, thats the easy part"


Intimidation (Cha) - (1d20+15)

(12) + 15 = 27

Jan 20, 2025 3:45 am
Horace takes a breath and recounts his memories of Osoyo, summarizing those events leading up to the final encounter with the creature, doing his best to put it in poetic verse.
Everyone's posts are so great, sorry for the phone-in on this one, but I've been crazy busy and didn't want to stall the game further. TY!
Last edited January 20, 2025 3:45 am


Performance (Cha) - (1d20+22)

(13) + 22 = 35

Jan 20, 2025 12:20 pm
"Hah! Osoyo was nothing compared to our combined strenght," Ramank says and leans back. "We fought everthing from the slenderman to weird otherwordly jungle creatures, to hobgoblin warchiefs by the time we got to Ososyo we could easily beat it."

"It was a chump," he continues. "The story should focus on the journey up to the fight, and not the fight itself."


Deception (Cha) - (1d20+21)

(12) + 21 = 33

Jan 21, 2025 11:10 am
Fallenta seems enthralled by Horace's poetic recitation of the battle with Osoyo and laughs at Ramank's flippant confidence.
You have gained 3 Influence Points (6 total now).
Dessert consists of coffee (the only part of the meal directly supplied by The Tarry Imp) paired with tiny chocolates and berry tarts. "Now, then, let me ask you outright. What do you think of the concept of turning your adventures into an opera? Surely you have some interest in the idea, since you are here speaking with me, but I want to get your honest opinions."
Everybody may attempt one final Influence check.
Jan 21, 2025 2:01 pm
"I think it's time the world heard about our exploits," Ramank says. "Get some respect for once. Present company excluded of course, you have been a graceful host. But make our names known from Mwangi in the south to the Lands of the Linnorm Kings in the north."
Let's switch a little and use intimidation for the final check.


Intimidation (Cha) - (1d20+23)

(9) + 23 = 32

Jan 21, 2025 6:29 pm
For Aurelia, it was not so much the recognition for deeds done, though impressive. No, it was more the idea of being famous the world over for a production that reached for the stars and succeeded. Her dream was that every tavern, every market square, would be abuzz with news of the magnificent production they would produce.

"I can build you a magnificent set!" Aurelia gushes proudly. "One so real the audience will gasp as the curtain opens. I have been known to be quite lavish in costume production as well. I have an eye for that sort of thing and the uncanny ability to picture what the audience would see from any seat in the theater!"

Aurelia could be pragmatic when called for, as pesky as the concept was, and so she came back down to earth and asked for the dreaded details.

"Is there a particular budget to adhere too?"


Crafting - (1d20+18)

(6) + 18 = 24

Jan 21, 2025 11:38 pm
Bekassine sips her coffee and nibbles at the tart. She was probably the least excited about the idea, so let the other do the talking here. "I'll let my friends explain while I have more of this delicious dessert."


Assist - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Jan 23, 2025 7:19 am
"I must say, I was rather intrigued by the idea from the moment we saw your invitation. It would be a unique experience for me, but I admit what I hope moreover is that by being here, and by contributing to the production, we might ensure the story is told properly. Flairs of drama are, of course, to be expected! Yet we can make sure the most important moments are intact and nothing too beyond reason is added. I hope, working together, we can make it something quite memorable indeed!"


Diplomacy (Cha) - (1d20+22)

(11) + 22 = 33

Jan 23, 2025 9:55 am
Fallenta smiles broadly as she polishes off the last of her dessert.
You have gained 2 Influence Points, reaching the maximum of 8!
Having fully gained her trust, Fallenta reveals that she has high hopes for her newest opera and that petty enemies have tried to steal her ideas. She also confides that she fled Cheliax some time ago and that certain shady groups who helped her escape would delight in tracking her down. She asks you to keep her name out of any discussions—for now—thanking you in advance for your understanding and trust as well as complimenting you on your disarming charms.

"I must say, I am quite pleased with how well you all comport yourselves! I have read extensively about your exploits, but the printed word does not do justice to how incredible you are! Please, accept this wand of sending. Should the need arise, it will allow you to contact me from a great distance." She holds out the wand for you to take.
You have gained 4 Production Points!
[ +- ] Production Points
At the end of the evening, Fallenta thanks all of you one by one. She then looks self-conscious before admitting she has a somewhat delicate and embarrassing final topic to broach. "Please don’t be offended by what I’m about to ask of you. You must understand I’ve been deceived by charlatans before—not everyone who inspires deserves to inspire. And so I beg your indulgence—I’ve set up a little test for you. An audition, if you will. A quick set of hopefully fun challenges for you to take on, so I can be assured that you are what you claim to be and not just talented fabulists."

She explains that she’s worked with local crafters and actors to prepare some challenges for you to overcome, set up in an old playhouse that’s been out of business since Barzillai Thrune’s days. There’s no real danger to you, and you should consider this audition more as a set of enjoyable tests of prowess one might indulge in at a festival than anything else, but depending on how you solve the problems Fallenta has set up for you, she’ll be put at ease as to the veracity of your abilities as adventurers.

"If that is is amenable, we shall begin after you've had a good night's rest!"
If the PCs want to take time to etch their new armor and weapon runes, Fallenta understands and even offers to help in the process by connecting the PCs with local artisans skilled enough to perform the task. She also uses her resources to pay for the etching process of these runes. If the PCs accept her offer, they can have all six of the runes etched to armor and weapons of their choice over the course of a single day by drawing upon talents spread throughout Kintargo.
Jan 23, 2025 10:29 am
"It has, and will continue to be, a great pleasure to conspire with you," Horace says with a smile as he finishes the last of his dessert. He nods to the others, "I'm up for a little challenge! I, at least, have been idle too long since our last adventure ended."
Horace already has a +2 potency rune on his sword. Given the choice of the others, he would gladly take a greater striking rune! Perhaps those with lower ACs might benefit the most from the armor runes. Horace has 32 AC currently.
Jan 23, 2025 12:11 pm
"Why don't she trust us?" Yarth complains to Ramank.

"It's fine," Ramank replies calming his companion. "We'll pass whatever challenge comes our way. Right?"
Ramank already have a +2 armor potency as his level 11 item. And a +2 weapon potency as his level 10 item.
Jan 23, 2025 5:05 pm
"A test eh? Well that does seem interesting." Bekassine says with a raised eyebrow
Bekassine will take a armor rune if that's an an available option. I don't think the other ones would be useful to her.
Jan 24, 2025 3:18 am
Aurelia's excitement begins to grow. It's beginning to look like they will be immortalized in song and that she will help in the opera's production.

Glaring at Yarth's bad manners she responds to Fallenta.

"Yes of course. And thank you for the gift. I'd be happy to take any tests. I hope I will be up to solving them," she says with a small nervous giggle.
Aurelia's AC is 27 and she would be happy for some runes.
Jan 24, 2025 11:44 am
Once you have the rune situation sorted out and you're ready to begin, Fallenta informs you that your audition will take place in an old, abandoned playhouse called the Swan’s Shadow Theater that she’s "gussied up" with illusions and props. One of many buildings that fell into ruin during the short but violent reign of Barzillai Thrune, Swan’s Shadow Theater remained abandoned for 8 years after Barzillai’s defeat. With its previous owners one of many who vanished without a trace during that time of unrest, ownership of the theater fell to the city, and Fallenta purchased the dilapidated venue at a bargain price. While the theater is far too small and low-profile to be an appropriate place to debut her new opera, Fallenta does hope to rebuild and refurbish the location to serve as her office and headquarters in town—a place to hold early rehearsals and even to live once it’s been properly restored.

The building is nestled away in the alleys of Old Kintargo, approximately 600 feet west of Aria Park, not far from the eastern side of the Old Kintargo Cemetery. The buildings surrounding Swan’s Shadow Theater are all run-down and mostly abandoned as well, and these structures still bear evidence of violence from the Night of Ashes, from charred marks on the walls to doors and shutters that hang askew. Swan’s Shadow Theater is a one-story building. All of its windows have been boarded up, as has the rear entrance. The double doors at the front of the building have been decorated with a "1" in silver paint. Above these doors hangs a partially destroyed sign showing a swan’s somewhat elongated shadow.

Fallenta asks you to wait a bit as she casts several lengthy illusion spells to prepare the theater for the audition. She intends to observe your progress through the use of scouting eye spells. She tells you that you will have 30 minutes to complete the audition.

"For this audition within, you’ll face several challenges that I’ve designed to test your knowledge, personalities, and skills, but not your strength in battle or magical abilities. You should accomplish these challenges in order according to the numbers on each of the doors you’ll find inside. As you complete steps in a challenge, an object will glow with silver light to let you know that step is completed—complete all of a challenge’s steps in any order to win that challenge! If at any time an object glows red, though, you’ve failed the challenge and must move on. The final challenge consists of a mock battle against actors and life-sized marionettes on Swan’s Shadow Theater’s main stage, so here I ask you to use nonlethal attacks and magic—the use of lethal force against actors will cause you to automatically fail the audition. You’ll need to succeed at more challenges than you fail to pass the audition!"
Jan 24, 2025 12:16 pm
"Nonlethal?! Where's the fun in that," Yarth complains.

"It'll be fine, I'll get you an after dinner, pre supper snack once we're done," Ramank tries to calm his companion then turns his attention to Fallenta. "Sounds easy enough. Any special equipment we'll need?"
Jan 24, 2025 12:21 pm
Fallenta shakes her head. "No, you won't need anything special."
Jan 24, 2025 4:04 pm
Bekassine ask "Hypothetically, is it alright to hurt an actor, if we heal them later?" as soon as the words are out of her mouth, Fox gives her a disapproving look. "Oh fine, nevermind then"
Jan 25, 2025 8:19 am
Horace raises an eyebrow. "Interesting set-up you've made for us here," he remarks, "I hope we do not disappoint." He gestures to the doors with the number '1' on them. "Looks like we know where to start, friends."

He steps forward and attempts to open the doors.
Jan 25, 2025 9:28 am
The theater’s foyer appears in pristine condition with thick blue carpet on the floor and shining crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling providing soft lighting. Sweeping staircases lead upward in both of the foyer’s southern corners, rising to an arch obscured by a thick purple curtain. The foyer contains numerous displays of theatrical paraphernalia, including miniature stage sets depicting a burning volcano, a score of mangy costumes (including a pantomime horse) displayed on mannequins, and even a pair of ten-foot poles that lie on the floor as if forgotten. To the north stand three doors. One near the west side of the foyer is marked with a glowing silver number two and an animated painting of a burning sailing ship, while another near the east side is decorated with a glowing silver number three and an animated painting of crows flying in a cloudy sky above a gloomy prison. Directly opposite the entrance, a double door adorned with a glowing silver number four bears an animated painting of an army of pixies fighting a dragon. Flickering images of burning nets stretching from the west door and iron chains stretching from the east door appear to wrap tightly around the central door.

Once you are ready, you head through the door marked with the number two. This room appears as a section of a sailing ship’s hold. Above, an iron-reinforced wooden hatch provides glimpses through its bars of the sky above—along with plumes of smoke, tongues of flame, and cries of terror, as if one were peering up from the cargo hold of a burning ship. The east and west walls are cluttered with shelves on which hundreds of objects have been crammed with countless alchemical tools and strangely labeled bottles (empty, full, and all stages in between) of various shapes and size. One great bottle—an enormous carboy—has an open top. Here and there between the shelves, gaps in the wall reveal portholes that look out over a rough ocean with no land in sight.

As you enter the room, Fallenta’s voice speaks to you while glowing words in Common manifest around the enormous carboy. The message repeats the following. "Your ship burns! Somewhere among these chemicals lies a solution. Fill the carboy with the right chemicals and assemble a method of dispersal! Move quickly!"
Extinguish a Fire

In this two-step challenge, both of the following steps must be completed (in any order) for the challenge to be completed successfully. Upon completing both steps, the disperser appears to spray liquid all over the fires, extinguishing the flames entirely.

Mix the Right Chemicals (1 minute): A PC selects the correct combination of chemicals and mixes them in the carboy by attempting a DC 25 Crafting check or a DC 30 Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check.

Success: The fluid glows silver as the chemicals are correctly mixed; this step is completed.
Failure: The fluids quickly evaporate, but a PC can try to Mix the Right Chemicals again to get it right.
Critical Failure: The fluid glows red and then creates an illusion of a (harmless but startling) explosion to indicate to the PCs that they’ve automatically failed the challenge.

Craft the Disperser (1 minute): A PC begins to build the disperser from parts found in the room by rolling a DC 25 Crafting check to earn Victory Points. This step can be repeated multiple times; once the party earns 3 Victory Points, this step is completed, and the resulting object glows silver, but if the party ever drops below 0 Victory Points, the resulting object glows red, indicating they’ve failed the challenge.
Jan 25, 2025 3:20 pm
Ramank is quick to react, and goes to look over the chemicals. He attempts to aid his companion in finding the right combination.
None of those are Ramank's best skills, but will try to aid for someone to do the first check.


Arcana (Int) - (1d20+14)

(2) + 14 = 16

Jan 25, 2025 3:49 pm
Aurelia starts with the shelves on the east wall, dragging her fingers along the various bottles and tools as if her digits might decide for her. Selecting two bottles and an object that would fit the length of the carboy as a mixing tool.

"We are stranded with no land in sight! May the gods help us!" she cries in her best panicked acting voice. Her arms exaggerate her movements as she pours and stirs with a dramatic flair.

"Oh dear! I'll try again! It must work, it must!"

Aurelia feigns an overly delighted relief as the fluid glows silver and the ship is saved.
Last edited January 25, 2025 3:52 pm


Crafting (25) - (1d20+18)

(2) + 18 = 20

Crafting (25) - (1d20+18)

(8) + 18 = 26

Jan 25, 2025 7:07 pm
Bekassine is startled for a moment before remembering that this was an illusion. She looks around as the other start working and says to Fox; "Normally we would just try to calm the flames with a spell, but it's been a while since we've built something fun, hasn't it little one? Fetch me anything you thing would be useful, and let's get to work." as Fox starts rummaging, Bekassine starts making some sort of anti-fire delivery system.
edit: ugh, did we start with any hero points?
gonna reroll that one. . .
Last edited January 25, 2025 11:14 pm


Crafting (Int) - (1d20+19)

(2) + 19 = 21

Crafting (Int) Hero Point reroll - (1d20+19)

(7) + 19 = 26

Jan 25, 2025 9:23 pm
You may each start with two hero points.
Jan 27, 2025 6:08 am
"Oh, well this is interesting! Let me see what I can make of these chemicals while some of you work on something to disperse the compound!"

He steps to the shelves and starts looking over the various containers and their contents, hemming and hawing over what he finds and gathering things that might do the trick.


Occultism (Int) - (1d20+18)

(16) + 18 = 34

Jan 27, 2025 11:45 am
Horace and Ramank work together to mix the right chemicals while Aurelia and Bekassine craft the disperser. The disperser rises into the air and appears to spray the chemicals all over the flames, dousing them entirely! The illusory fire and smoke fades away. When you return to the previous room, you see that the burning nets that once extended from this door to the central door have vanished.

Once you are ready, you head through the door marked with the number three. This gloomy chamber is lit by a few fitfully burning candles within strategically placed wall-mounted holders. Between the candles, thirteen small wooden dovecotes have been mounted to the walls. Each has been carved with oddly unsettling facial expressions, so that any birds coming and going from the shelters give the impression of being eaten or spat out of gaping mouths. Brief glimpses of something dark moving within each imbue the room with the sensation of being watched from all sides. In the room’s center stands an impressive iron statue of a four-foot-wide turtle, its eyes closed and its shell adorned with three small brass-ringed plates, each of which bears a numbered dial.

Fallenta's voice speaks as you enter. "You’ve escaped prison, but final freedom lies within a slumbering toothsome guard. You are watched on all sides, but stealthy shellback work might go unseen."
To succeed at this challenge, the PCs must retrieve a prison key found within the turtle statue without alerting the 13 guardian crows that lurk inside the wall-mounted dovecotes. If the PCs examine the turtle statue, they’ll see that the three plates and dials on its back comprise a complex locking mechanism, and clever hinges seem to run along one side of the shell. There’s only one step to this challenge, but it must be repeated several times in order to build up enough Victory Points in order to get to the key inside the turtle.


To complete this challenge, the PCs must attempt to Open the Turtle multiple times. Before the PCs begin, inform them that each attempt to do so without taking a full minute to carefully perform the check has a greater chance to wake the crows. These attempts earn Victory Points; once the party earns 6 Victory Points, the challenge is completed. If the party ever goes below 0 Victory Points, the surrounding dovecotes emit red light from within, and they fail the challenge.

Open the Turtle: The PC can attempt to Force Open the turtle with a DC 30 Athletics check, or to either Disable a Device or Pick a Lock with a DC 30 Thievery check.

Going Fast [one-action] or [two-actions]: This allows the party to attempt to Recover the Key multiple times in a round, with each character potentially attempting their own actions each round, but as soon as any attempt results in a Critical Failure, the crows automatically waken, and the PCs fail the challenge.

Going Slow (1 minute): Only one character can attempt to open the turtle at a time, but others can Aid their attempt. Each attempt to do so takes 1 minute, but there’s no chance of accidently awakening the crows, making it a safer option but potentially using up valuable time to do so.
Jan 27, 2025 1:24 pm
"I got this!" Ramank says with a smile, pulling out a set of thieves' tools.
Have we been given a time limit? And Ramank is Master at Thievery (+22). He'll want to do it quick, unless someone urges him to slow down.

Edit: Hero Pointed

Edit 2: D'oh! :P
Last edited January 27, 2025 1:25 pm


Thievery (Dex) - (1d20+22)

(4) + 22 = 26

Thievery (Dex) - (1d20+22)

(4) + 22 = 26

Jan 27, 2025 1:39 pm
"We did it!" Aurelia claps her hands once with glee, very proud of herself and the team. "But oh dear. I don't think I will be of much use for this next test. Not my forte but I will help in any way I can."
Jan 27, 2025 2:06 pm
Furmyr says:
Have we been given a time limit?
Yes, Fallenta has given you 30 minutes to complete all of the challenges.
Jan 27, 2025 5:06 pm
"Crap on a stick," Ramank whispers, having a bit more problem than he expected. He'll keep on trying. Trying to keep speed in mind.
Rolling for a few rounds at a time here. So I won't slow down the game.

Edit: Hero Pointing round 5, will take it back if we finish it before this round.
Last edited January 27, 2025 5:06 pm


Thievery (Dex) Round 2 - (1d20+22)

(6) + 22 = 28

Thievery (Dex) Round 3 - (1d20+22)

(18) + 22 = 40

Thievery (Dex) Round 4 - (1d20+22)

(19) + 22 = 41

Thievery (Dex) Round 5 - (1d20+22)

(1) + 22 = 23

Thievery (Dex) Round 5 Hero Point - (1d20+22)

(6) + 22 = 28

Jan 27, 2025 5:20 pm
I donb't suppose we can retroactivly try to aid Ramank?
Also, did Fallenta say whether or not we could use magic?
Jan 27, 2025 7:42 pm
You may Aid, yes. The DC to do so is 20, so if you get a 30 or higher, you will add enough to allow him to succeed by round 5. And yes, you may use magic or any other special means at your disposal.
Jan 27, 2025 7:52 pm
Bekassine looks around the room, while Fox softly growls at the faces on the walls. "Hush now Fox. This is not my area of expertise so I'm glad the rest of you are here. I'll help however I can." She then cast guidance on Ramank, then tries to help him crack the turtle puzzle.


Aiid - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Jan 27, 2025 8:24 pm
With Bekassine’s assistance, Ramank wastes no time in getting the turtle's shell to swing open, revealing a comically oversized key that glows silver. The illusion fades, and when you return to the foyer, you note that the chains that once extended to the central door have faded, granting access to it. You pass through that door now, marked with the number four.

The "walls" of this chamber consist of densely packed tree trunks and undergrowth, with the ceiling fifty feet above revealing a full moon in the night sky. No obvious exits lead from this room, save for the double doors that provided you entry, which from this room appear to be strangely set into the sides of a particularly thick wall of tree trunks. Many of the trees and foliage still burn. The scorch marks marring the ground suggest that the immense dead dragon sprawled along the north a mere ten feet from those doors has only recently been slain, while the charred bodies of equally unfortunate dead pixies lie strewn all about, giving the impression of having just missed the end of an intense battle in which neither side won.

Fallenta's voice speak. "The spirits of this recent battlefield shall rise in but three minutes! Quell their rage and soothe their fear with threats, promises, lies, and song!"

As soon as the introduction is complete, ghostly images of tormented pixies start to claw their way up from the bodies, while the dead dragon to the north begins to twitch and shudder, an unholy fire kindling to life within its many wounds.
To prevent these bodies from fully rising as (illusory) undead, the PCs must speak to them and convince them all to move on to their afterlives.

Administer Last Rites

Checks to Administer Last Rites earn Victory Points. Unlike the previous challenges, this one is timed—the PCs have only 3 minutes to earn the 6 Victory Points they need to succeed at this challenge.

Tricks and Treats (1 minute): A PC tries to quell either the pixies’ spirits or the dragon’s spirit by attempting a Deception or Performance check to trick or entice them to move on to the afterlife. Against the fey, this is a DC 28 check, but against the dragon, it’s a DC 32 check.

Kindness or Cruelty (1 minute): A PC tries to quell either the pixies’ spirits or the dragon’s spirit by attempting a Diplomacy or Intimidation check to beg or threaten them to move on to the afterlife. Against the fey, this is a DC 32 check, but against the dragon, it’s a DC 28 check.
Jan 27, 2025 9:31 pm
"Friend of yours, Yarth?" Aurelia asks jokingly. But then she realizes maybe that could play into a scheme.

"Hello, beautiful dragon. We love dragons and believe you to be one of the finest if not THE finest creatures in all the worlds. As proof of this, we have our very own dragon! See him there?" she asks dancing and twirling to where Yarth is.
I hope it's okay to "borrow" Yarth for a moment by pointing him out.
Bah! Missed it by one!
Last edited January 27, 2025 9:34 pm


Performance (Kindness) - (1d20+22)

(5) + 22 = 27

Jan 28, 2025 9:29 am
Ramank sees Aurelia use Yarth in her attempt to sooth the Dragon and so decides to focus on the fey.

"Leave this realm, return from where you came from!" Ramank urges the fey spirit. "Or you will be stuck here in half form for all eternity or until we are forced to kill you. We've dealt with worse than you, so save us the time and leave!"


Intimidation (Cha) - (1d20+23)

(13) + 23 = 36

Jan 28, 2025 4:16 pm
Bekassine decides to take the opposite approach to Aurelia with the dragon. She addresses the dragons spirit while Fox jumps and tries to bite pixies; "Pixies? You fell to pixies!? You were once a mighty dragon," she says, gesturing to the body "Do not besmirch the honor of all dragons that came before you, and will come after, by clinging on when your time has come. Move on to the next life and join your kin!"


Intimidation (Cha) +1 from Menacing Rune - (1d20+15+1)

(20) + 16 = 36

Jan 30, 2025 11:01 am
Horace steps forward to offer his attempt in quelling the spirits of the pixies and dragon, but finds them already settling due to the efforts of Bekassine and Ramank. "Well done, friends!" he says with cheer. "No undead fey or dragons to fight today it seems!"
Jan 30, 2025 11:05 am
Well, technically, you only have 3 of the 6 VP needed to progress right now, but you each have two more attempts so I'll roll for the same tactics to see if you are successful. And you've got it!
Within the allotted time, you are able to soothe the restless spirits. The ghostly pixies sigh and fade away, and the dragon's body decays into a field of flowers leading to a lovely gate that opens in the north wall.

The gate leads into the main theater. This cozy theater has rows of densely packed seats, all filled with quietly expectant illusory audience members, their eyes affixed to the scene on the stage to the north. There, silk curtains have just finished parting to reveal a stage that appears to be a classic dungeon torture chamber, complete with hanging skeletons, partially activated traps, a tantalizing mound of treasure—and countless places for foes to hide in ambush!

You prepare yourselves as you approach the stage, ready for the mock battle against the actors that Fallenta has hired. But what billows up from under the stage into the theater is anything but that! The large being looks like a bank of fire and smoke, yet the flames themselves are made of distorted bodies and faces. The myriad skulls let out a howling shriek as tendrils of brimstone reach out for you!
@C1NDER, Horace may act before the enemy!


Minute 2: Aurelia Performance, Ramank Intimidation, Bekassine Intimidation - (d20+22, d20+23, d20+16)

d20+22 : (6) + 22 = 28

d20+23 : (2) + 23 = 25

d20+16 : (17) + 16 = 33

Minute 3: Aurelia Performance, Ramank Intimidation, Bekassine Intimidation - (d20+22, d20+23, d20+16)

d20+22 : (7) + 22 = 29

d20+23 : (11) + 23 = 34

d20+16 : (20) + 16 = 36

Initiative (A, B, H, R, Enemies) - (d20+20, d20+22, d20+21, d20+19, d20+24)

d20+20 : (6) + 20 = 26

d20+22 : (3) + 22 = 25

d20+21 : (12) + 21 = 33

d20+19 : (7) + 19 = 26

d20+24 : (5) + 24 = 29

Jan 30, 2025 11:27 am
Having been prepared for a mock battle of some kinda, Horace holds his sword and tome in hand. When the creature emerges, he studies it with swift discernment, then attempts to find an angle of attack that would be beneficial against such a foe before moving in to strike! As he approaches the foes, he switches out his tome for his regalia.
Free: Tome Adept - Recall Knowledge (w/ Unmistakable Lore; if successful, he gets +1 to attack on his next attack this around in addition to the normal benefits)
Action 1: Exploit Vulnerability (w/ Dubious Knowledge, Diverse Lore, and Unmistakable Lore)
Action 2: Stride
Action 3: Strike

Reminder: Everyone within his aura (15ft) gains: +3 damage and +1 vs. all mental effects.

Edit: forgot to add his own +3 to the damage roll.
Last edited January 30, 2025 11:28 am


Esoteric Lore (Cha) (Recall Knowledge) - (1d20+22)

(9) + 22 = 31

Esoteric Lore (Cha) (Exploit Vulnerability) - (1d20+22)

(11) + 22 = 33

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+23, 3d8+7+4, 1d6)

1d20+23 : (19) + 23 = 42

3d8+7+4 : (156) + 11 = 23

1d6 : (1) = 1

Jan 30, 2025 11:36 am
Horace recognizes the creature as a hellshadow! When a group of diabolists or worshippers of an archdevil come to an ignominious end, their souls can sometimes be caught between life and death, unable or unwilling to pass on to the afterlife due to the humiliation of their untimely deaths. When enough closely-associated worshippers whose souls aren’t already claimed in existing contracts meet such a fate, the spiritual "weight" of this shame can cause them to merge into a conglomeration of infernally-infused spirits—a hellshadow. Although made of multiple souls, a hellshadow is a singular creature with one mind and typically one goal: to defeat as many enemies of their faith as they can in order to repay the shame of their humiliating deaths.

Knowing that the spectral undead is weak to holy damage, Horace coats his blade with holy water as he moves in to attack, scoring a solid strike, though the flames surrounding his sword have no effect.

The hellshadow shrieks as it retaliates, lashing out with its brimstone tendrils. It then invokes a litany to the glory of Asmodeus in a chorus of foul voice, causing rippling divine power to blast you all! The cloud of burning smoke around the undead scorches Horace's flesh.
25 fire and 9 void damage to Horace. Everybody must attempt a DC 33 Fortitude save against divine decree (18 damage half, 37 full, 74 double). Everybody may act!

The creature has the following aura: Brimstone Cloak (aura, divine, fire, sanctified) 10 feet. The hellshadow constantly exudes a cloud of smoke that scorches flesh but leaves other materials unharmed. Living creatures who start their turn in this aura take 2d6 fire damage (DC 30 basic Reflex). On a critical failure, the creature is also sickened 1.
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Brimstone Tendrils vs Horace - (d20+27)

(9) + 27 = 36

Damage (Fire, Void) - (3d8+6, 2d6)

3d8+6 : (658) + 6 = 25

2d6 : (45) = 9

Divine Decree - (7d10)

(2874484) = 37

Jan 30, 2025 1:27 pm
Ramank grits his teeth as the foul words wash over him. Then he says a few magic words, boosting Yarth as the eidolon strides up to the monster.

It makes two quick strikes at it.
Assuming we haven't had time to get the fancy new runes on the weapon yet? If we have, damage should be an extra die of damage + 2 per attack.

Action 1: Act Together - Boost Eidolon + Stride Yarth
Action 2: First Strike Yarth
Action 3: Second Strike Yarth


Fortitude Ramank - (1d20+23)

(10) + 23 = 33

Fortitude Yarth - (1d20+23)

(7) + 23 = 30

Yarth Claws - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22, 2d8+6+4)

1d20+22 : (20) + 22 = 42

2d8+6+4 : (44) + 10 = 18

Yarth Bite - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-4, 2d6+6+4)

1d20+22-4 : (14) + 18 = 32

2d6+6+4 : (36) + 10 = 19

Extra damage attack 1 - (1d8)

(6) = 6

Extra damage attack 2 - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Jan 30, 2025 1:34 pm
@Furmyr, you had time to apply the runes. Note that the +2 rune only adds to attack rolls, not to damage, but you'll still get the extra die of damage.
Jan 30, 2025 1:40 pm
Boost Eidolon gives +2 damage per damage dice, but I also see he should be Enfeebled 2 by the Divine Decree failure, so that should account for the extra damage. But my attack rolls should be 2 lower.
Jan 30, 2025 3:36 pm
Do our characters think this is also an illusion?
Jan 30, 2025 3:39 pm
You're fairly certain this is not an illusion as its attacks are causing real damage!
Jan 30, 2025 4:03 pm
Aurelia's eyes go wide as the scene plays out before her. Part of her is terrified but the artist in her grins with wonder and appreciation. Then she gets to work, hoping that her rapier doesn't let her down. Despite her successes, the creature's fire damage has left her scorched and in pain.

Action 1 Stride to foe
Action 2, attack with runed rapier, +2 to attack
Action 3, attack with runed rapier, +2 to attack
Divine decree damage 18 (I think?)
Last edited January 30, 2025 4:08 pm


Fort Save DC 33 - (1d20+19)

(18) + 19 = 37

Rapier attack 1 (+2 + 17) - (1d20+19)

(8) + 19 = 27

Rapier attack 2(+2 + 17) - (1d20+19)

(20) + 19 = 39

Damage 1 - (1d6+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Damage 2 - (1d6+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Jan 30, 2025 4:56 pm
Bekassine pauses for only a moment to say; Either that's the most impressive illusion I've ever seen or . . . Fox, go see if here are any people back there and make sure they are safe. And you . . " She says looking up to the creature "You need to calm down!" as she cast Slow on it, attempting to mitigate the damage it can do.
Fox (speed 40) will look for survivors while avoiding the hellshadow.
I was goin g to use Scintillating Safeguard, but i don't think it will help here? It only protects from physical or energy damage.
[ +- ] Slow
[ +- ] Scintillating Safeguard


Fortitude - DC 33 - (1d20+20)

(6) + 20 = 26

Jan 31, 2025 7:15 am
I notice Horace's damage was as rolled, minus the 1 fire damage. Did get any extra damage from Exploit Vulnerability (Mortal Weakness)? Oh!

Also, his base damage should have been +2 higher - I forgot to add that from the Greater Striking rune and his Implement's Empowerment ability. And it was in the OOC from my last post, but he also has +3 more damage from his aura (as does everyone within 15ft of him).

Rolling now - Fort and Reflex saves.

Edit: Horace takes a total of 63 damage. Ouch.
Horace feels the incredible heat and wrath of the creature's attack wash over him. "This is no illusion! Steel yourselves, friends!" He takes his tome in hand and presents it to the creature, sensing a piece of its future as he strikes twice with his sword.
Free: Tome Adept - Recall Knowledge (w/ Unmistakable Lore; if successful, he gets +1 to attack on his next attack this around in addition to the normal benefits)
Action 1: Intensify Vulnartibility (Tome - roll a d20 and set it aside to use for a future strike, if desired)
Action 2: Strike
Action 3: Strike using result of 15, for an attack total of: 33

+ Any damage from Exploit Vulnerability (Mortal Weakness)
Last edited January 31, 2025 7:43 am


Fortitude vs DC 33 - (1d20+20)

(10) + 20 = 30

Reflex vs. DC 30 - (1d20+18)

(3) + 18 = 21

2d6 Fire Damage - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Hero Point Re-roll Fort Save vs. DC 33 - (1d20+20)

(18) + 20 = 38

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Damage - (3d8+7+4, 1d6)

3d8+7+4 : (366) + 11 = 26

1d6 : (3) = 3

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Damage - (3d8+7+4, 1d6)

3d8+7+4 : (782) + 11 = 28

1d6 : (2) = 2

Esoteric Lore (Cha) - Tome Adept - (1d20+22)

(3) + 22 = 25

Intensify Vulnerability d20 - (1d20)

(15) = 15

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+23, 3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

1d20+23 : (2) + 23 = 25

3d8+7+6+3 : (731) + 16 = 27

1d6 : (4) = 4

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - DMG Only - (3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

3d8+7+6+3 : (544) + 16 = 29

1d6 : (1) = 1

Jan 31, 2025 8:17 am
@crazybirdman: Scintillating Safeguard will work against the undead's attacks as fire is a type of energy damage, but that spell protects the whole party from only a single attack. It's better saved against an area attack like a fireball.

@C1NDER: I'll adjust everybody's damage to account for Horace's aura and increase the damage you did last round. The undead took 10 extra damage from your attack due to its weakness to holy damage, but it also resists 10 all damage except for certain types like ghost touch, so they effectively cancel each other out.
The hellshadow resists Bekassine's slow spell. Fox scurries up onto the stage, where he quickly realizes most of the room's trapping are illusory. The familiar doesn't notice anybody else in the room. Aurelia and Yarth move in to assist Horace, both managing to land a critical hit on the spectral undead. Horace scores a solid blow of his own, and the creature's form wavers and flickers as you continue to damage it.

The smoke and fire around the hellshadow intensify as it lashes out at Horace again, scoring a critical hit of its own with its tendrils!
28 fire and 18 void damage to Horace. Everybody may act. The creature has the following aura: Brimstone Cloak (aura, divine, fire, sanctified) 10 feet. The hellshadow constantly exudes a cloud of smoke that scorches flesh but leaves other materials unharmed. Living creatures who start their turn in this aura take 2d6 fire damage (DC 30 basic Reflex). On a critical failure, the creature is also sickened 1.
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Fortitude vs Slow - (d20+23)

(19) + 23 = 42

Brimstone Tendrils - (d20+27, d20+23, d20+19)

d20+27 : (20) + 27 = 47

d20+23 : (8) + 23 = 31

d20+19 : (4) + 19 = 23

Damage - (3d8+7, 2d6)

3d8+7 : (723) + 7 = 19

2d6 : (63) = 9

Jan 31, 2025 12:07 pm
Ramank fires off a telekinetic projectile at the creature, while Yarth strikes twice.
Action 1 & 2: Act Together (Telekinetic Projectile + Strike)
Action 3: Yarth Strike


Basic Reflex Yarth DC 30 - (1d20+19)

(7) + 19 = 26

Fire Damage - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Telekinetic Projectile - Atk/Dam - (1d20+21, 7d6)

1d20+21 : (14) + 21 = 35

7d6 : (4543663) = 31

Yarth Claws - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-5-2, 3d8+6-2)

1d20+22-5-2 : (18) + 15 = 33

3d8+6-2 : (736) + 4 = 20

Yarth Bite - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-8-2, 3d6+6-2)

1d20+22-8-2 : (11) + 12 = 23

3d6+6-2 : (426) + 4 = 16

Jan 31, 2025 4:04 pm
Bekassine decides to try and help her friends, and hopefully hurt their foe. She raises her Staff of Healing, says a blessing, and let's healing energy fill the room.
will use 4 charges from the wand, to cast heal hieghtened to 4 ( i think thats right) using the 3 action version of the spell.
Edit: woooow, i guess that balances out all those 20's i rolled earlier
[ +- ] Heal
Last edited January 31, 2025 4:05 pm


Heal (spell from wand) - (4d8+3)

(1112) + 3 = 8

Feb 1, 2025 12:41 am
Not enjoying the pain of being scorched, Aurelia decides she isn't getting close enough to the creature for it to happen again. Backing up, she loads her sling and fires twice through the smoke, using her memory and the direction she stepped back from to guess where to shoot.

Action1: Stride 25ft
Action 2: Sling Attack
Action 3: Sling attack
Last edited February 1, 2025 12:43 am


Sling Attack 1 - (1d20+17, 1d6)

1d20+17 : (10) + 17 = 27

1d6 : (3) = 3

Sling Attack 2 - (1d20+17, 1d6)

1d20+17 : (8) + 17 = 25

1d6 : (4) = 4

Feb 1, 2025 8:46 am
Horace reels as the attack hits him and feels the heat from the enemy's body wash over him once more.

He repeats his maneuvers against the creature, hoping to do as much to harm it as possible.
Free: Tome Adept - Recall Knowledge (w/ Unmistakable Lore; if successful, he gets +1 to attack on his next attack this around in addition to the normal benefits)
Action 1: Intensify Vulnerability (Tome - roll a d20 and set it aside to use for a future strike, if desired)
Action 2: Strike
Action 3: Strike

EDIT: I think he takes just 1 fire damage from the aura, right?
Last edited February 1, 2025 8:49 am


Fire Damage / Reflex Save - (1d20+18, 2d6)

1d20+18 : (11) + 18 = 29

2d6 : (21) = 3

Esoteric Lore (Cha) - Tome Adept - (1d20+22)

(5) + 22 = 27

Intensify Vulnerability d20 - (1d20)

(7) = 7

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+23, 3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

1d20+23 : (8) + 23 = 31

3d8+7+6+3 : (832) + 16 = 29

1d6 : (6) = 6

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+18, 3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

1d20+18 : (9) + 18 = 27

3d8+7+6+3 : (457) + 16 = 32

1d6 : (5) = 5

Feb 3, 2025 8:55 am
Yes, Horace would only take 1 fire damage.
Bekassine's healing spell soothes some of your burns, but doesn't harm the shade much. Aurelia's attacks miss the mark, but luckily, both Horace and Yarth deliver several solid strikes. With the final blow, the hellshadow shrieks as its spectral form dissolves into harmless wisps of smoke!

A few moments after the battle ends, you receive a sending from Fallenta, hearing her voice in your minds. "This is not part of the audition! Something has gone wrong. I hired six actors for a mock battle. Please find them and rescue them."

With some effort, you disbelieve the illusion cloaking this room. Without the illusions, the truth of this sad, abandoned theater becomes apparent. There are no audience members, and most of those seats are in ruins or have collapsed. The stage is a crumbling ruin as well, with old ropes and tattered curtains hanging from above. Props and scenery from the last play (which was set in a haunted castle) lie among the rubble or in decaying heaps along the corners and back wall—particularly to the northeast, where the ceiling has collapsed entirely into a heap of rubble that only allows brief glimpses of sunlight to filter through during the day. Below this heap of rubble lies further ruin—this area once featured a stairwell leading to the basement below, but that stairwell has since been completely obliterated.

One thing that’s noticeably new is the large, jagged hole in the floor of the middle of the stage; even at a casual glance, it’s obvious that this hole is a very recent development. Beneath the stage, the brick walls and floor of this large, twenty-foot-high space are damp and mottled with strange patterns of mold. Cracks on the floors and walls make the area seem on the verge of collapse, but several still solid-looking support pillars seem more than up to the task of holding the roof up—save for in the middle of the room beneath the hole in the stage, and in the northeast corner, where a much older collapse lies heaped around a crumbled wooden staircase. A partially buried skeleton still wearing a suit of dark-blue leather armor lies in the rubble near the northern wall. This collapse also caused part of the southern wall to topple over to the southeast, and a door is set in this wall west of the collapse. Recent blood trails lead away from the collapse at the center of the room.
With ten minutes of work, you can extract the skeleton from the rubble. While filthy, the suit of +2 resilient greater electricity resistant leather armor the skeleton wears is fully functional, as are the +2 ghost touch striking rapier and hellfire boots.
Feb 3, 2025 4:19 pm
Fox returns to Bekassine and gives whatever a fox version of a shrug is to explain that they didn't find anyone. ''Where would that demon stash a bunch of actors? Does anyone need healing before we start searching? The old fashioned way I mean." She says, glowering at her staff.
Feb 4, 2025 3:45 am
"I'm a little burnt making it difficult to move well. If I am to help pull that skeleton from the rubble and help relieve it of its armor and boots, it might be easier if my burns were eased, Bekassine."

She hated asking but it was best to be practical. She also realized that if there was a problem she needed to be as close to full strength as possible. What had gone wrong, and where were the six actors?
Feb 4, 2025 3:14 pm
Bekassine digs into her healing gear, muscle memory takes over and she gets to work. "Fox, keep a look out while we finish up here." and Fox perks up at her request.
adding the healing rolls in case they are needed.


Treat Wounds (w/ Assurance) - HP healed - (2d8+10)

(54) + 10 = 19

Treat Wounds (w/ Assurance) - HP healed (Continual Recover) - (2d8+10)

(34) + 10 = 17

Feb 5, 2025 9:28 am
Horace nods to Bekassine, "Thank you, as always, for keeping us in fighting shape." He nods to the strange hole in the floor of the theatre. "People are in trouble - seems it's up to us to find them. Let's go!" He takes a moment to fiddle with the scrolls stored for quick access before they move on.
Last edited February 5, 2025 9:29 am
Feb 5, 2025 9:51 am
You carefully climb down through the hole to the chamber beneath the stage. The blood trails here are recent and leads towards the gap in the wall to the southeast. That gap opens into another chamber, dark save for your own light sources.

Cool, damp air fills this chamber. Mold and water damage mar the brick walls, making unsettling patterns on the stone floor. Six solid-looking support pillars hold up the ceiling some twenty feet above. Here and there in the room’s eastern side, blood spatters and smears stain the floor. A bewildering number of puppets and marionettes in varying stages of decrepitude lie or sit or dangle from shelves or sprawl on the floor around the room’s edges. The old workbenches and tables scattered about appear in states of partial collapse in the middle of the room.

A door stands in the wall to the southeast, and a short phrase adorns it in swipes of dark gray paint, runners of dry paint descending from the letters. The phrase reads, in Common: "Can you hear Him?" The blood trail continues towards the door.
Feb 5, 2025 7:47 pm
Did we take the goodies on the skellie then? Aurelia will take that ghost-touched rapier.

Glancing around Aurelia notices the blood trail. "Let's follow that trail. It's bound to lead to the missing actors, and it looks like they might be hurt as well."

Armed with her new rapier, she familiarizes herself with the heft of it and begins to follow the trail. Then she sees the painted message, stops and listens. I wonder who "him" is?

She pays no attention to the puppets, but does wonder if they might start to animate at any given moment.

"Watch those puppets. You never know..."
Feb 5, 2025 8:46 pm
Bekassine packs her tools, picks up her staff, and gets ready to move "I don't know what's more foreboding, the blood, or the puppets. Fox, please watch our back while we go through the door. I want a bit of warning if those dolls start moving.
Feb 5, 2025 9:00 pm
Horace will have taken the armor for safe keeping, but won't wear it. He'll stow it in his Spacious Pouch, along with any other unclaimed loot he can, for party treasure :D
Horace follows warily, watching for signs of movement among the disturbing scene of puppets.


Perception - (1d20+21)

(18) + 21 = 39

Feb 5, 2025 10:52 pm
Thanks to his sharp senses, Horace’s fears are confirmed as he notified some of the sinister puppets are beginning to stir, moving slightly to track your progress through the room. Faint, mocking laughter reaches his ears...
The puppets are haunted and are about to attack. You have one chance to stop them before they do so. You can attempt a DC 32 Performance check if you have master proficiency in the skill to distract and entertain the haunted puppets and make them forget their anguish and despair, or a DC 35 Religion check if you have at least expert proficiency in the skill to exorcise the haunt.
Feb 6, 2025 12:20 am
"What did I say? Aurelia announces in an almost smug fashion. "The puppets have drawn your attention, Horace. No doubt they have started moving and will cause quite a problem. Allow me."

Aurelia's voice rings out with the booming clarity of a master performer, rich, commanding, and theatrical.

"Ah, at last! My cast has arrived!" she exclaims, stepping onto an imaginary stage. "What a tragedy it would be, for this grand performance to go unseen! And you, oh, you have the perfect energy for it! Let loose your despair and make joyous fun with me, your maestro!"

She twirls, gesturing toward the puppets. With a flick of her wrist, she mimics a marionette, pulling invisible strings above her head, dancing as they do. Then, she claps her hands sharply and takes a sudden, low bow. She repeats her performance, demanding they, "Do as I do."

And they do.
Last edited February 6, 2025 3:58 pm


Performance DC 32 - (1d20+22)

(18) + 22 = 40

Feb 6, 2025 9:15 am
Horace, having immediately alerted the others to the movement, watches in awe as Aurelia masterfully takes control of the situation. As the marionettes take heed, his hand relaxes slightly around the hilt of his sword. "That...seems to have worked. Well done, Aurelia!"
Feb 6, 2025 9:42 am
The haunted puppets delight to Aurelia's performance! Rather than attack you, they dance and caper along with the bard. A sense of joy and exultation replaces their sorrow and rage. At the end of the dance, the puppets go limp, the hateful spirits that had animated them finally departing this plane of existence.

A brief search of the puppets reveals one wears a greater ventriloquist's ring.
The exit from this room leads to a long hallway set with alcoves along the north and south wall that ends in an old wooden door at the far end. Decaying piles of old theatrical supplies clutter each alcove, save for the furthest alcove to the northeast. The north wall of that alcove bears a message in gray paint that reads, "Have you seen Him?"

Smears of blood and signs of a recent struggle are readily apparent in the middle of the room. Studying the signs, Bekassine confirms that a half dozen or so humanoids left the blood trail, but the trail seems to end here. A thorough search reveals a secret door in the wall that the message is written on.

Past the secret door, this room’s north and south walls have been divided into smaller cell-like alcoves by wooden partitions. Those to the north appear to have been converted into cells, while to the south, the walls have been knocked down to make a larger offset sleeping area, complete with bedroll and small bookshelf. To the west, a collapse of rubble blocks a passageway further beyond. The middle of the room features a low table, and with a few rocking chairs, it might have once been a comfortable place to relax between acts, but today, this furniture is moldering and decaying. Dozens of short messages scrawled in gray paint adorn the walls throughout.

The messages on the wall repeat the two messages you saw earlier, as well as other phrases such as "Your hearth is cold," "These skies are dead," "Time eats us all," and "Will you find the Ashen Man?"

Six bloodied and bruised people are in the cells, tightly bound and gagged. They squirm and begin to whimper to get your attention. Sitting comfortably in one of the rocking chairs is a ragged, imposing woman. She dresses the part of a vagabond, her thick layers of mismatched furs, strips of leather, and layered filthy clothing functioning as hide armor that she’s enhanced with runes. An executioner's axe rests across her lap, its haft stained red with blood. A tiny bat nestles in her hair under her hood. She's attended by four awful monstrosities tangles of floating nerves dangling from human brains.

"Welcome to my boudoir," the woman says. "I am the Final Herald. Explain your intrusion here."
Feb 6, 2025 11:37 am
Horace has a regular ventriliquist's ring and would love the upgrade, but if someone else wants it, all good. Happy to share his normal one too, if someone wants it.
"Our intrusion? This place does not belong to you," Horace says, drawing his sword. "We mean to take these people to safety, will you get in our way?"
Feb 6, 2025 11:49 am
The woman slowly stands from the chair and waves her hand at the bound prisoners. "I had wondered when someone would arrive to rescue these fools. They have put me in a most unpleasant predicament.

"Allow me to explain. I am the Herald of the Ashen Man. He is Asmodeus's anger made flesh, anger from the sundering of His holy nation of Cheliax. He is the promise of Golarion's imminent doom. The Ashen Man has chosen me to witness the apocalypse, and in return, I will be among the few that He transports away from this dying world to somewhere better. These people--actors, they call themselves!--barged into my home, fleeing the undead spirit that lurks beneath the stage. I had no choice but to capture them.

"Do you see the conundrum they placed me in? The Ashen Man does not condone sacrifice. The more who live to see the end, the more glorious that annihilation shall be! But if I let them go, they would reveal my presence to the authorities above. And if I killed them, well, that would have resulted in an investigation into their fate, and then I would be discovered as well. Little did I know that you were coming here as I dithered about what to do.

"And now, this is where we find ourselves. I do not relish a fight, and it's best for you all to live long enough to witness the end of our world, but at the same time, I can't let any of you leave. I have little reason to trust you to keep quiet about me, or to let me live on here while we all wait for the Ashen Man's promise. Have you any notions on how best we might solve this situation?"
Feb 6, 2025 5:18 pm
do we know anything about the 'Ashen Man?'
Feb 6, 2025 5:59 pm
Nothing more than what she has just told you.
Feb 7, 2025 10:47 am
"I pretty much like the world as it is," Ramank says, hoping to buy time to figure out what's goin on. "Sure you can't offer up a third alternative? Could you at least illuminate on how the world is ending?"
Feb 7, 2025 11:34 am
"The world will end in fire," says the Final Herald. "All will burn to ash and cinder. This is the promise of the Ashen Man. Nothing you can do will stop it, but we all at least can survive together to see the glorious end.

"Here is my offer: I will let the prisoners, and you, leave this place uncontested if you promise to leave me alone and not to inform the city's authorities about my home down here. I vow that I have no desire to do harm to you or anyone else in this city. As I said, we'll all be gone soon enough, and the more of us who can bear witness to the Ashen Man's promise, the better. Killing anybody before then is a waste of watching eyes for the end of it all."
Feb 7, 2025 2:10 pm
"Don't think we could make that promise, even if we wanted to. Someone sent these people here, just as someone sent us. You won't be able to hide here. Plus, I also like the currently non-charred world"
Feb 7, 2025 6:58 pm
"So you can replace these prisoners with new ones? I don't think so."

Fighting was definitely not Aurelia's forte, but acting was, and she hoped she managed to exude a confidence she didn't actually have, not that talk was going to get them anywhere.
Last edited February 7, 2025 6:59 pm
Feb 7, 2025 7:25 pm
The Final Herald sighs and hefts her axe. "Very well. I will take no pleasure in killing you." The bat under her hood shrieks, and the four horrible bundles of brains and nerves floating around her begin to move closer, crackling with electricity.
Bekassine and Horace may act first!


Initiative (A, B, H, R, Enemies) - (d20+20, d20+22, d20+21, d20+19, d20+20)

d20+20 : (16) + 20 = 36

d20+22 : (16) + 22 = 38

d20+21 : (17) + 21 = 38

d20+19 : (17) + 19 = 36

d20+20 : (17) + 20 = 37



Feb 7, 2025 8:04 pm
"I'd say the same, but . . ." Bekassine cuts herself off as she raises her hands to blask as many fores with cold as she can. She then cast guidance on Horace to assist with his inevitable attack on these creatures.
[ +- ] Cone of Cold


Cone of Cold - (12d6)

(466312524265) = 46

Feb 9, 2025 7:55 pm
Horace sees the attack coming and with his tome in hand, he studies the floating brain-like creatures. Then, he rushes in switching for his regalia, and striking at the nearest of the creatures.
Free: Tome Adept - Recall Knowledge v. the floating brain he intends to strike first (w/ Unmistakable Lore; if successful, he gets +1 to attack on his next attack this around in addition to the normal benefits)
Action 1: Exploit Vulnerability (w/ Dubious Knowledge, Diverse Lore, and Unmistakable Lore)
Action 2: Stride
Action 3: Strike

Reminder: Everyone within his aura (15ft) gains: +3 damage and +1 vs. all mental effects.

With Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, the results of his Exploit Vulnerability will extend to other nearby creatures in a couple different possible ways. If they have a weakness, he will take mortal weakness and his attacks will affect all that share the same weakness.
Last edited February 9, 2025 8:00 pm


Esoteric Lore (Cha) - Tome Adept - (1d20+22)

(16) + 22 = 38

Esoteric Lore (Cha) - Exploit Vulnerability - (1d20+22)

(20) + 22 = 42

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+23, 3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

1d20+23 : (7) + 23 = 30

3d8+7+6+3 : (852) + 16 = 31

1d6 : (3) = 3

Feb 9, 2025 10:26 pm
Aurelia sings a battle hymn she had written for a child who she had been teaching the lute. She sings it now as she attempts to strike one of the tendrilled creatures with her ghost touched rapier.
[ +- ] Courageous Anthem
Action 1 - Cast Courageous Anthem.
Action 2 - Stride toward a brain thing.
Action 3 - Strike with Ghost Touched Rapier.


Attack GT Rapier (+1 CA)(+2GT) - (1d20+20)

(10) + 20 = 30

Damage (+3 Horace)(+1 Rapier) - (1d6+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Feb 10, 2025 8:57 am
Two of the undead creatures dodge some of Bekassine's cone of cold, while the other two critically fail and are badly damaged. The Final Herald herself grunts as she takes the blast full on.

Horace identifies the undead as beings colloquially referred to as "raw nerves." When a living creature is killed by massive amounts of electricity (such as by being struck by lightning or subjected to a magical attack), their dying terror sometimes causes their soul to linger on the Material Plane. Necromantic energy takes hold of their brain and nervous system, causing these organs to burst forth from the charred flesh and become a raw nerve.

Knowing they are weak to slashing damage, Horace brings his sword to bear as he moves in and slashes at one of the more injured raw nerves. He slices its dangling body in half, and it falls to the floor!

The other raw nerve near Horace lashes out with its nerve endings. The remaining two both unleash bursts of mental energy towards you! Meanwhile, the Final Herald raises a magical shield of force in front of her, then casts a powerful illusion, filling your minds with visions of apocalyptic flames consuming you!
Horace takes 22 electricity damage and must succeed at a DC 26 Reflex saving throw or be unable to use reactions until the start of his next turn. Everybody must attempt two DC 23 Will saves against Synaptic Overload (25 and 24 base mental damage) and a DC 32 Will save against phantasmal calamity (38 base mental damage).

Aurelia's initiative was after the enemies', so I'll include your actions in the next round description. Everybody else may act!
[ +- ] Synaptic Overload (enchantment, incapacitation, mental, occult)
Note that this ability has the incapacitation trait. An ability with this trait can take a character completely out of the fight or even kill them, and it’s harder to use on a more powerful character. If a spell has the incapacitation trait, any creature of more than twice the spell’s rank treats the result of their check to prevent being incapacitated by the spell as one degree of success better, or the result of any check the spellcaster made to incapacitate them as one degree of success worse. If any other effect has the incapacitation trait, a creature of higher level than the item, creature, or hazard generating the effect gains the same benefits.

As these creatures are only level 8, you gain the benefits!
[ +- ] Phantasmal Calamity
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Reflex vs Cone of Cold - (d20+16, d20+16, d20+16, d20+16, d20+19)

d20+16 : (16) + 16 = 32

d20+16 : (17) + 16 = 33

d20+16 : (3) + 16 = 19

d20+16 : (1) + 16 = 17

d20+19 : (8) + 19 = 27

Nerve Ending vs Horace - (d20+20, d20+16, d20+12)

d20+20 : (15) + 20 = 35

d20+16 : (6) + 16 = 22

d20+12 : (7) + 12 = 19

Damage - (2d10+9)

(310) + 9 = 22

Synaptic Overload - (4d12, 4d12)

4d12 : (12517) = 25

4d12 : (21057) = 24

Phantasmal Calamity - (11d6)

(24445343243) = 38

Feb 10, 2025 9:27 am
Ramank screams out in pain as he gets the feedback from both himself and the eidolon.

Once Horace calls out their weakness to slashing, Ramank calls out to Ramank. "Use your claws!"

While Yarth pounces at the closest raw nerve Ramank strengthen him through magic. Then once the dragon has closed the distance, it slashes twice with its claws.
Yarth was enfeebled in the last encounter, has that passed?

Action 1: Act Together - Boost Eidolon + Stride
Action 2 & 3: Yarth strikes
Last edited February 10, 2025 9:35 am


Ramank Will #1 - (1d20+20)

(9) + 20 = 29

Yarth Will #1 - (1d20+17)

(18) + 17 = 35

Ramank Will #2 - (1d20+20)

(4) + 20 = 24

Yarth Will #2 - (1d20+17)

(10) + 17 = 27

Ramank Will #3 - (1d20+20)

(9) + 20 = 29

Yarth Will #3 - (1d20+17)

(8) + 17 = 25

Yarth Claws - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-2, 3d8+6+6-2)

1d20+22-2 : (10) + 20 = 30

3d8+6+6-2 : (284) + 10 = 24

Yarth Claws - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-2-5, 3d8+6+6-2)

1d20+22-2-5 : (6) + 15 = 21

3d8+6+6-2 : (142) + 10 = 17

Feb 10, 2025 5:28 pm
Bekassine reels at the incoming mental attacks, but is able to shrug some of it off for now.
Then she cast guidance on Yarth, hoping to help their next clawing attacks. She then turns her attention to the herald, or more specifically the heralds shadow. She points at the shadow, and commands it to attack, watching as the darkness turns on its owner.
action 1: Cast guidance spell
action 2-3: cast Malicious Shadow hex, heightened 1 time (only 1 I think?).
[ +- ] Malicious Shadow
Last edited February 10, 2025 5:33 pm


Will - DC 23 against Synaptic Overload (25 damage) - (1d20+20)

(9) + 20 = 29

Will - DC 23 against Synaptic Overload (24 damage) - (1d20+20)

(6) + 20 = 26

Will - DC 32 against Phantasmal Calamity (38 damage) - (1d20+20)

(13) + 20 = 33

Maliscious Shadow (slashing) damage - (2d10+5)

(62) + 5 = 13

Feb 10, 2025 10:05 pm
Dmbrainiac says:
Aurelia's initiative was after the enemies', so I'll include your actions in the next round description. Everybody else may act!
Should she roll the saves this round?
Feb 10, 2025 11:05 pm
Aurelia's eyes go wide at the scene before her.

Did I sign up for this?
I think that's no damage on Aurelia?
Last edited February 10, 2025 11:09 pm


Will Save (DC 23) vs Synaptic Overload - (1d20+20)

(18) + 20 = 38

Will Save (DC 23) vs phantasmal calamity - (1d20+20)

(13) + 20 = 33

Feb 12, 2025 7:52 am
Rolling saves first. With 'Resolve', it looks like he gets crit successes on the Will saves, so no damage there. Everyone keep in mind both those Will saves have the 'mental' trait, so you get +1 bonus from Horace's aura if within 15ft of him. He failed the reflex save, so no reactions this round from him.
Horace steels his mind and shrugs off a majority of the attacks against him, then lays into the strange brain-like creature before him.
Free: Tome Adept - Recall Knowledge (w/ Unmistakable Lore; if successful, he gets +1 to attack on his next attack this around in addition to the normal benefits)
Action 1: Intensify Vulnerability (Tome - roll a d20 and set it aside to use for a future strike, if desired)
Action 2: Strike
Action 3: Strike using pre-rolled d20 (14+attack bonus)

Applying any weakness from Exploit Vulnerability
Last edited February 12, 2025 8:08 am


Reflex v. Attack - (1d20+18)

(4) + 18 = 22

Will v. Synaptic Overload - (1d20+22)

(7) + 22 = 29

Will v. Synaptic Overload - (1d20+22)

(16) + 22 = 38

Will v. Phantasmal Calamity - (1d20+22)

(16) + 22 = 38

Esoteric Lore (Cha) - (1d20+22)

(7) + 22 = 29

Intensify Vulnerability d20 - (1d20)

(14) = 14

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+23, 3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

1d20+23 : (12) + 23 = 35

3d8+7+6+3 : (452) + 16 = 27

1d6 : (1) = 1

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam (damage only) - (3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

3d8+7+6+3 : (238) + 16 = 29

1d6 : (3) = 3

Feb 12, 2025 11:25 am
Aurelia made both saves against Synaptic Overload so no damage, but she still needs one more against phantasmal calamity. I'll roll it for her, adding the +1 from Horace's aura. Unfortunately, it's a failure. So, let's parse all the saves. At the end of it all, Ramank takes 38 mental damage, Bekassine takes 19 mental damage, Aurelia takes 38 mental damage, Horace takes no damage.

Bekassine's hex needs an attack roll for the shadow's Strike. I'll roll it for her here.
Aurelia begins her courageous anthem as she moves in to stab one of the undead with her rapier. Ramank boosts Yarth and send him into melee, the eidolon's claws savaging the same dangling bundles of nerves. Horace finishes it off with a slice of his flaming blade, then he turns and cuts into another opponent. Bekassine animates the Final Herald's shadow, causing it to rip at her with jagged claws!

The raw nerves attack, one lashing out at Horace and the other at Yarth. Meanwhile, the Final Herald quickens a spell to soothe her wounds, healing herself completely! She then attempts to overwhelm Bekassine's mind with a vision of death!
Horace takes 18 electricity damage and must succeed at a DC 26 Reflex saving throw or be unable to use reactions until the start of his next turn. Bekassine must attempt a DC 32 Will save against vision of death heightened to 6th level (44 mental damage base). Everybody may act.
[ +- ] Vision of Death
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Aurelia Will vs DC 32 Phantasmal Calamity - (d20+21)

(3) + 21 = 24

Malicious Shadow Strike, CA Bonus - (d20+22)

(17) + 22 = 39

Nerve Ending vs Horace - (d20+20, d20+16, d20+12)

d20+20 : (19) + 20 = 39

d20+16 : (15) + 16 = 31

d20+12 : (13) + 12 = 25

Damage - (2d10+9)

(18) + 9 = 18

Nerve Ending vs Yarth - (d20+20, d20+16, d20+12)

d20+20 : (4) + 20 = 24

d20+16 : (6) + 16 = 22

d20+12 : (11) + 12 = 23

Soothe (4th) - (4d10+32)

(61096) + 32 = 63

Vision of Death (6th) - (12d6)

(641461326515) = 44

Feb 12, 2025 11:52 am
Ramank sends a telekinetic projectile at one of the nerves, while Yarth strides up to the other. Then Yarth lets out with a claw.
Action 1+2: Act Together (Telekinetic Projectile [Slashing]) + Stride Yarth
Action 3: Strike Yarth


Telekinetic Projectile - Atk/Dam - (1d20+21, 7d6)

1d20+21 : (13) + 21 = 34

7d6 : (4323561) = 24

Yarth Claws - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-5, 3d8+6)

1d20+22-5 : (13) + 17 = 30

3d8+6 : (424) + 6 = 16



Feb 12, 2025 5:44 pm
Bekassine reels from another mental assault. She gives out an ominous laugh as the shadow renews it's attack on the Herald. "Just give up girlie, ya can't win this one." she yells as she raises her hands to lash out with a blast of electricity. Bekassine looks down to see Fox dutifully waiting to assist. "Help Horace little one."
Thank for that summary! You are truly a great DM! What skill does the shadow use for attacking? I'm going to sustain that spell, so for now I'll use what you've posted.
free action - cackle to sustain malicious shadow
action 1: command minion
action 2-3: Electric arc
Fox actions 1-2: Heal spell via Spellcasting ability.
EDIT: Even with the boost from Horace, she failed the save, please adjust my rolls for Frightened 2 :(
Last edited February 12, 2025 5:47 pm


Will - DC 32 save against vision of death - (1d20+20)

(10) + 20 = 30

Malicious Shadow Strike, CA Bonus / Damage - (d20+22, 2d10+5)

d20+22 : (17) + 22 = 39

2d10+5 : (610) + 5 = 21

Electric Arc - (6d4+4)

(332224) + 4 = 20

Heal spell - HP healed (+3 for staff/+8 for using 2 actions)) - (1d8+3+8)

(1) + 11 = 12

Feb 13, 2025 6:49 am
Horace grits his teeth as the weaves through his body but sets his feet. With the knowledge bestowed upon him by his occult tome, he takes in the scene and studies the axe-wielding woman while turning his weapon against the next brain-like creature floating before him.
Action 1: Strike
Action 2: Strike
Action 3: Manipulate - draw scroll - Haste


Reflex - (1d20+18)

(11) + 18 = 29

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+23, 3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

1d20+23 : (18) + 23 = 41

3d8+7+6+3 : (456) + 16 = 31

1d6 : (2) = 2

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+18, 3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

1d20+18 : (1) + 18 = 19

3d8+7+6+3 : (333) + 16 = 25

1d6 : (5) = 5

Feb 13, 2025 5:22 pm
Aurelia reels in fear as her mind jumbles with terrible visions. She fights through it and with her Ghost Touched Rapier, lets out a flurry of attacks on the nerve bundles.
All three actions are rapier attacks on RN2.
Last edited February 13, 2025 5:23 pm


1, GT Rapier/Damage - (1d20+19, 1d6+1)

1d20+19 : (1) + 19 = 20

1d6+1 : (3) + 1 = 4

2, GT Rapier/Damage (-5) - (1d20+14, 1d6+1)

1d20+14 : (5) + 14 = 19

1d6+1 : (6) + 1 = 7

3. GT Rapier/Damage (-10) - (1d20+9, 1d6+1)

1d20+9 : (10) + 9 = 19

1d6+1 : (3) + 1 = 4

Feb 13, 2025 6:56 pm
Aurelia misses with all of her attacks! Ramank and Yarth both strike true, and Horace scores a critical hit, slicing the more wounded of the two remaining undead in half! Bekassine manipulates the Final Herald’s shadow to attack her again. This time, the hooded woman discharges her shield spell, absorbing some of the damage. The Herald avoids some of the dwarf’s electric arc, while the raw nerve ignores it, immune to electricity damage.

The last raw nerve lashes Yarth with its electrified nerve endings. The Final Herald casts a spell, blasting Bekassine with an utterly cold ray of darkness tinged with unholy energy!
21 electricity damage to Yarth, 28 cold damage to Bekassine. Everybody may act!
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Reflex vs Electric Arc - (d20+19)

(19) + 19 = 38

Nerve Ending vs Yarth - (d20+20, d20+16, d20+12)

d20+20 : (12) + 20 = 32

d20+16 : (11) + 16 = 27

d20+12 : (19) + 12 = 31

Damage - (2d10+9)

(102) + 9 = 21

Chilling Darkness (5th) vs Bekassine - (d20+24)

(13) + 24 = 37

Cold Damage - (7d6)

(6561325) = 28



Feb 14, 2025 12:42 am
Bekassine very much dislikes the feeling of cold being used to hurt her. Cold was her patrons gift after all. She laughs wickedly again, willing the Heralds shadow to continuing lashing out. Then she responds with an icy attack of her own, while moving back before the Herald can strike again
Free Action: Cackle to sustain spell
Action 1-2: Ray of Frost
Action 3: Move back
[ +- ] Ray of Frost


Malicious Shadow Strike / Damage - (1d20+22, 2d10+5)

1d20+22 : (5) + 22 = 27

2d10+5 : (19) + 5 = 15

Ray of Frost - (1d20+10, 6d4+4)

1d20+10 : (13) + 10 = 23

6d4+4 : (143342) + 4 = 21

Feb 14, 2025 7:38 am
Ramank grunts in pain, but it doesn't stop him from letting loose with another telekinetic projectile, but this time at the Final Herald. Meanwhile Yarth strikes twice at the last remaining nerve.


Telekinetic Projectile - Atk/Dam - (1d20+21, 7d6)

1d20+21 : (11) + 21 = 32

7d6 : (2364155) = 26

Yarth Claws - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-5, 3d8+6)

1d20+22-5 : (15) + 17 = 32

3d8+6 : (411) + 6 = 12

Yarth Bite - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-8, 3d6+6)

1d20+22-8 : (7) + 14 = 21

3d6+6 : (436) + 6 = 19

Feb 14, 2025 9:01 am
Horace holds his tome and studies the woman with the axe, hoping to find some weakness he can use, or something that might help take her down. He then quickly unfurls the scroll in his hand and uses it's power to quicken his actions.
Action 1: Exploit Vulnerability v. the Herald (w/ Diverse Lore, Dubious Knowledge, and Unmistakable Lore)
Actions 2&3: Use Scroll - Haste on self, he gains the 'quickened' condition.


Esoteric Lore (Cha) - (1d20+22)

(7) + 22 = 29

Feb 14, 2025 5:04 pm
Aurelia looks at her rapier with disbelief and decides she won't have such terrible luck twice. Again she lunges at the nearest raw nerve, envisioning in her mind the tendrils being sliced and diced.

"We can do this! We are mighty and we are strong! A bunch of nerve endings aren't going to defeat us!"
Action 1 - Cast Courageous Anthem +1 to Everyone att/Damage
Action 2 - Attack with Ghost Touched Rapier
Action 3 - Attack with GT Rapier (-5)


1. GT Rapier/Damage - (1d20+20, 1d6+2)

1d20+20 : (5) + 20 = 25

1d6+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

2. GT Rapier/Damage - (1d20+15, 1d6+2)

1d20+15 : (7) + 15 = 22

1d6+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

Feb 14, 2025 8:40 pm
Aurelia resumes her anthem, stabbing the raw nerve once and encouraging Yarth to land a hit with his claws. Ramank and Bekassine strike the Final Herald with magic, injuring her. Horace doesn’t notice any particular weakness in the human spellcaster. He uses his scroll to quicken his movements!

The raw nerve attacks Yarth again. Meanwhile, the Final Herald casts a spell on herself, making her blurry and indistinct.
20 electricity damage to Yarth. The Final Herald has cast blur and gains the benefits of concealment. Everybody may act!

Concealed: While concealed, you can still be observed, but you're tougher to target. A creature that you're concealed from must succeed at a DC 5 flat check when targeting you with an attack, spell, or other effect. If the check fails, you aren't affected. Area effects aren't subject to this flat check.
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Nerve Ending vs Yarth - (d20+20, d20+16, d20+12)

d20+20 : (15) + 20 = 35

d20+16 : (9) + 16 = 25

d20+12 : (18) + 12 = 30

Damage - (2d10+9)

(92) + 9 = 20

Feb 14, 2025 9:25 pm
Ramank sends another telekinetic projectile at the herald while Yarth keeps up its strikes on the nerve. Then Ramank casts another spell, giving Yarth some healing energy.
Action 1 & 2: Act Togeher (Telekinetic Projectile + Strike)
Action 3: Lifelink Surge [Gives Yarth fast healing 12 for 4 rounds]


Telekinetic Projectile - Atk/Dam - (1d20+21, 7d6)

1d20+21 : (14) + 21 = 35

7d6 : (3441226) = 22

Concealment - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Yarth Claws - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-5, 3d8+6)

1d20+22-5 : (4) + 17 = 21

3d8+6 : (668) + 6 = 26

Feb 15, 2025 5:51 am
Horace pulls out another scroll, steps within range of the Herald, and uses its magic to attempt to counteract the enemy's concealment.
Action 1: Manipulate - pull scroll, Revealing Light
Free Action (Haste): Stride to melee
Actions 2&3: Use Scroll - Cast 'Revealing Light'

He'll try to move in a way that keeps his allies out of the 10ft burst. Should be a Basic Reflex v. DC 30.
Feb 15, 2025 3:24 pm
Combat not being her forte; she wishes she could do more, but this is the situation she finds herself in. Never did she consider that this job would lead to fighting living nerves and brain creatures. Her strength was her voice, not her physical prowess, so she belts out another inspiring tune for her compatriots.
Action 1 - Cast Courageous Anthem +1 to Everyone att/Damage
Action 2 - Attack with Ghost Touched Rapier
Action 3 - Attack with GT Rapier (-5)


GT Rapier Attack/Dmg - (1d20+20, 1d6+1)

1d20+20 : (8) + 20 = 28

1d6+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

GT Rapier Attack/Dmg - (1d20+15, 1d6+1)

1d20+15 : (11) + 15 = 26

1d6+1 : (1) + 1 = 2

Feb 15, 2025 8:56 pm
Bekassine wills the Herald's shadow to harm once more, then raises her staff, and uses the last of its energy to heal herself.
edit, hit post too soon, adding rolls. Action 1 sustain, action 2-3 heal.
Last edited February 15, 2025 9:00 pm


Shadow targeting (if needed) - (d20)

(11) = 11

Malicious Shadow Strike / Damage - (1d20+22, 2d10+5)

1d20+22 : (1) + 22 = 23

2d10+5 : (65) + 5 = 16

Heal (heightened once) - Roll/Healed - (2d8+3+16)

(54) + 19 = 28

Feb 17, 2025 11:24 am
Aurelia stabs the raw nerve twice, but Yarth's attack comes up short. Horace moves up to the Final Herald and uses his scroll to bathe her in blinding light. She snarls and raises an arm up as she become dazzled and her blur spell is counteracted! This allow both Yarth and Bekassine to strike her with their magic spells!

The raw nerve lashes out at Yarth but the eidolon avoids its crackling nerve endings. The Final Herald swings her axe, cutting into Horace once. He is able to parry her subsequent attacks. The bat crouching inside her hood shrieks at the thaumaturge! It flaps its wings, channeling its power to restore some of its master's health!
19 slashing damage to Horace. Everybody may act!
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Reflex vs Revealing Light - (d20+19)

(2) + 19 = 21

Nerve Ending vs Yarth - (d20+20, d20+16, d20+12)

d20+20 : (9) + 20 = 29

d20+16 : (13) + 16 = 29

d20+12 : (14) + 12 = 26

Dazzled DC 5 - (d20, d20, d20)

d20 : (11) = 11

d20 : (18) = 18

d20 : (5) = 5

Battle Axe - (d20+22, d20+17, d20+12)

d20+22 : (15) + 22 = 37

d20+17 : (2) + 17 = 19

d20+12 : (17) + 12 = 29

Damage - (3d8+6)

(625) + 6 = 19

Restore Final Herald - (6d8)

(585588) = 39

Feb 17, 2025 12:39 pm
Ramank keeps up the same tactic. Sending a telekinetic projectile at the herald while Yarth strikes the nerve twice.
Last edited February 17, 2025 12:39 pm


Telekinetic Projectile - Atk/Dam - (1d20+21, 7d6)

1d20+21 : (3) + 21 = 24

7d6 : (1133355) = 21

Yarth Claws - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-5, 3d8+6)

1d20+22-5 : (18) + 17 = 35

3d8+6 : (171) + 6 = 15

Yarth Bite - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-8, 3d6+6)

1d20+22-8 : (11) + 14 = 25

3d6+6 : (264) + 6 = 18

Feb 17, 2025 10:14 pm
"Blasted flying fox!" Bekassine says as she hurts electricity at the bat and the Herald. Then she tries to get close enough to Horace to help heal him.
action 1-2 electric arc, hoping to hit the bat. Action 3, move toward Horace ( to treat woulds next turn)


Electric Arc - (6d4+4)

(132213) + 4 = 16

Feb 18, 2025 8:42 am
Horace grunts as the axe swipes across his chest. He employs a personal antithesis against their remaining enemy, hoping to bring her down quickly while studying her movements. He pulls out his regllia and gives her a snarling glare, hoping to give her pause, then lays into her with his flaming sword.
Adding +1 status bonus to Attack/Damage from Courageous Anthem. Personal Antithesis gives the enemy Weakness 8 to his attacks.

Free Action: Tome Adept, Recall Knowledge - upon success he gets +1 circumstance bonus to his next attack roll against the herald (not added to his roll)
Action 1: Intensify Vulnerability - Tome: d20, save for a future roll if desired
Action 2: Intimidating Glare (Demoralize) w/ Intimidating Prowess (for +2 to the roll)
Action 3: Strike, 33 to hit, damage: 31 slashing, 6 fire (Weakness 8)
Haste Free Action: Using the pre-rolled d20 for 38 to hit, damage: 29 slashing, 4 fire (Weakness 8)
Last edited February 18, 2025 8:48 am


Esoteric Lore (Cha) - (1d20+22)

(6) + 22 = 28

Intensify Vulnerability d20 - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Intimidation (Cha) - (1d20+26)

(3) + 26 = 29

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+23, 3d8+7+6, 1d6)

1d20+23 : (9) + 23 = 32

3d8+7+6 : (276) + 13 = 28

1d6 : (6) = 6

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

3d8+7+6+3 : (247) + 16 = 29

1d6 : (4) = 4

Feb 18, 2025 3:31 pm
Well it's working, Aurelia decides on her strategy, but Horace needs help. Aurelia belts out a healing battle hymn, to help her fellow combatant. Then she attacks one of the nearest nerves twice.
[ +- ] Hymn of Healing
Cast - Hymn of Healing
Action 1 - GT Rapier attack
Action 2, GT rapier attack 5
Last edited February 18, 2025 3:32 pm


GT Rapier Attack/Dmg - (1d20+20, 1d6+2)

1d20+20 : (19) + 20 = 39

1d6+2 : (1) + 2 = 3

GT Rapier Attack/Dmg - (1d20+15, 1d6+2)

1d20+15 : (18) + 15 = 33

1d6+2 : (6) + 2 = 8

Feb 18, 2025 8:40 pm


Reflex vs Electric Arc - (d20+19, d20+18)

d20+19 : (19) + 19 = 38

d20+18 : (4) + 18 = 22

Feb 18, 2025 8:44 pm
Ramank’s projectile goes wide but Yarth rips apart the last of the raw nerves! Bekassine zaps the Final Herald and her bat familiar with lightning. Aurelia moves into assist Horace, scoring a light hit, then Horace delivers two devastating slices that leave the woman bloodied and burnt! She cries out in agony as she drops to her knees. Her axe clatters to the floor as she raises her arms. "You win. I yield!" she says, her features twisted in pain. Her bat chitters and shrinks back to hide under her hood.
Feb 18, 2025 9:13 pm
can Fallenta hear us if we talk right now?
Feb 18, 2025 9:29 pm
She can see you through her scouting eye spell but can’t hear you. You could use the wand of sending she gave you to send her a message, though.
Feb 19, 2025 12:38 pm
Horace stands near the surrendered woman, breathing hard and lowering the tip of his sword to her. "You should feel lucky. It would be a cruelty to you, removing you from this world you so wish to see burn." He turns to the others, "Anyone have a pair of manacles? Or a bit of rope may suffice." He uses his foot to move the axe out of her reach.
Feb 19, 2025 1:42 pm
Ramank takes a coiled rope from his belt and moves up next to Horace. "Always ready with rope," he says.

He starts tying their surrendered enemies arms behind her back. "Should we assume she's not a random nut job and something is threatening the world?"
Feb 19, 2025 7:28 pm
"I'm inclined to believe her." Aurelia catches her breath but does not yet put her rapier away. She does clean it while the Herald is being bound.
Feb 20, 2025 1:11 pm
The Final Herald has the following gear: +2 greater striking fearsome battle axe, greater clandestine cloak, +1 resilient hide armor. In addition to her gear, the Final Herald has amassed a valuable stash of strange collectables she keeps on the bookshelf near her bedroll. These include: a withered finger wrapped in a bride’s veil (the finger wears a ring of lies), a taxidermy donkey rat’s head clutching a black opal worth 1,250 gp in its mouth, a plush pig toy stuffed with 347 gp, and a flute made from a goblin’s shin bone that bears fine gold and silver filigree work depicting drunk goblins worth 300 gp.
The imprisoned actors are hungry and dehydrated but grateful for the rescue. You escort them out of the theater basement to safety, bringing along the Final Herald with you. Far from being frustrated that her audition fell apart, Fallenta is incredibly relieved to see the actors safe and pays each one a generous amount of hazard pay for inadvertently putting them in danger, going further to offer them jobs as stagehands if they still trust her.

Fallenta genuinely had no idea that Swan’s Shadow Theater was so dangerous and apologizes profusely for sending you into peril... yet she also can’t help but observe and glorify your success. She graciously offers all of her spellcasting skills to heal you or otherwise help you recover. She suggests turning the Final Herald over to Kintargo's city guard so that they can hold her in prison and interrogate her further to see if any of her wild claims hold validity. In the meantime, she will begin the long process of seeing the theater rebuilt and refurbished.

"Let it be known that you have passed your audition with flying colors!" Falenta says. "Indeed, I am compelled to offer you roles as coproducers for the opera rather than as mere consultants. For your initial troubles, I shall arrange for a payment of 100 pp to each of you. Let's call it your last consulting fee. Afterward, your payment will be tied to the finished opera’s box office proceeds as coproducers, but I promise you will get shares equal to my own.

"So, rest and recover. When you are ready, we will begin creating our opera together!"
You have gained 3 Production Points. Everybody gains a Hero Point.
Feb 23, 2025 8:25 am
Horace helps return the captive cultist to the surface and nods his head in agreement to Fallenta's suggestion. "Yes, turning her over to the guard is for the best. Perhaps they can find out more of what she was rambling about, and make sure there is no valid threat to be found there. I'd much prefer she be found crazy than crazy AND a prophetess."

"You hear that, my friends? We got a promotion! I for one will look forward to working on this with you, Fallenta. You are gracious to bring us aboard. Now, we should see about proper accommodations, as it seems we'll be in Kintargo for quite some time. Do you have any suggestions for a place that would be fitting for us?"
Last edited February 23, 2025 8:26 am
Feb 23, 2025 3:06 pm
The Final Herald's prophecies were unnerving, but Aurelia pushed those bad thoughts from her head as she reveled in their success and the loot they found.

"I am so looking forward to this production, Fallenta! I wish the path had been a little easier, but we are all the stronger for it."

Aurelia was all ears when Horace mentioned long-term accommodations. It would be nice to have even a small room to herself. Despite being healed, the efforts of fighting had tired her out.

"And a meal to celebrate!" she suggests.
Feb 24, 2025 8:42 am
"With all the money we found down there we should be able to afford a castle!" Ramank says excitedly in reply to Horace, having no idea what a castle do cost.

"If the old boys in the clan could see me know. From begging in the street to making operas. I'm going up in the world!"
Feb 24, 2025 9:36 am
"As coproducers of the opera, I'm able to pay for your accommodations and provide you with a fine standard of living for the duration of your stay here," Fallenta says. "I have a suite here at the Feathered Fox. It's a lovely inn, and I'm sure you'd find the rooms much to your liking."
Now that you have convinced Fallenta beyond any shadow of a doubt that you're the right ones to inspire her next big work, the famous director and writer is ready to get started on actually creating the opera’s libretto. She expects to work on this project for quite some time and gently declines any requests to help with writing the libretto; she points out that as coproducers, there’s a lot of equally important work you can tackle while Fallenta works on the booklet.

After recovering from your audition, Fallenta calls for a meeting at her suite at the Feathered Fox. Fallenta begins the meeting by explaining she’s chosen to write this opera in the classic style of Chelaxian operas, in no small part because it delights her to use that nation’s traditions to debut her latest work in Ravounel, but also because she’s long admired this particular style of opera. She further notes that Chelaxian opera is further subdivided into three categories: histria (spectacular operas focusing on epic tales), prepostera (comedic operas focusing on more lighthearted fare), and verita (dramatic operas that seek to depict the truth and reality of life). For now, the specific style of opera isn’t important.

Fallenta goes on to say that while she’s heard plenty about your adventures—certainly enough to convince her that your story would make an excellent opera—the time has come for you to give her full details on your stories. She explains that the opera will begin with an overture, the instrumental theme that sets the mood for the piece, and that each of the opera’s three acts will be interspersed with an intermission. As for the opera’s structure, Fallenta wants to use the three acts as follows.

• Act I will deal with your early adventuring careers, including how you initially came together and began your first great adventure, but also spending time showing the genesis of your enemy.

• Act II covers the bulk of your great adventure, potentially including your first direct clash with your enemy.

• Act III focuses on your harrowing final adventures and culminates with your final battle against your enemy.
Play this section out by simply having the PCs recount their adventures. The players can get as deep into this section as they’re comfortable. In particular, for each act, Fallenta asks each PC to recount their most harrowing moment and their greatest triumph. If your players haven’t actually played out this adventure, they can feel free to make these details up as they see fit. There’s no need to roll dice or attempt skill checks here, and it’s perfectly fine for more outspoken players to chat up the triumphs and defeats of less talkative players.
Feb 24, 2025 2:43 pm
Bekassine scratches her head in thought. Then she takes a deep breath and sighs, knowing this is going to be a day of more talking than she's normally used to. She starts with, "Well I'd know how I would tell the story around a fireplace, but I'm not sure how the opening would work on a stage. We all started the story in separate locations when the missing moment happened. Unless you plan to introduce the main villain before we learned of them? That might help build suspense before the audience, to see how long it takes us to find out what's really going on in the background. I'm curious operas don't normally have narrators do they?"
Feb 24, 2025 2:53 pm
"Not a narrator, per se, but most operas have a chorus," Fallenta explains. "These are singers playing the part of bystanders who comment on the action as it occurs. I'd like them to respond to your group's formation in the first act. So I'd like you to come to a consensus on the most important part of your formation. In particular, what is it that brought you together, and why did you stay together?

"And yes, I plan to introduce your nemesis early on to increase the stakes!"
Feb 24, 2025 2:57 pm
"But that's very good though, Bekassine! Don't sell yourself short. A story is a story no matter where it is told."

Aurelia feels her inspiration rising. "We could have a scene for each location, within the acts of course, and maybe one for the villain, and then bring it all together for a grand finale!" Clapping her hands excitedly, she looks gleefully at the others for their ideas.

"Of course this is very basic. We'd have to fill in the details, but it could be a framework to start with within the suggested three-act set up."
Last edited February 24, 2025 2:58 pm
Feb 24, 2025 3:00 pm
"We had no memory of what happened when we entered the gates. Then it was Dr. Ritalson who brought us togheter," Ramank adds. "My greatest triump was to finally accept that me and Yarth here is stuck together in good times and in bad. No longer trying to rid myself of him."

"You got it wrong, the greatest triumph was the meals on Castrovel, especially the unplanned ones in the jungles," the dragon replies.

"You mean when you ate whatever tried to kill us?" Ramank asks and the dragon nods vigorously.
Feb 24, 2025 3:25 pm
"Oh please let me design the dragon costume!" Aurelia blurts out to no one in particular.

Turning towards Ramank she offers,"You can always make up a story of what happened when you entered. I too remember nothing."
Feb 24, 2025 4:53 pm
Bekassine says; "Alright, how about this for the opening? You show Osoyo, or maybe just glimpses of them, making the gates. Then you can quickly show each of the stories characters enter a gate. The doctor, the druid, everyone. That way you'll be able to introduce most of the cast during the overture."
Feb 25, 2025 1:37 pm
"Yes, yes, this is all good stuff," Fallenta says, scribbling notes in her journal.

"Now, let’s talk some about Act II. Tell me of your trials during the bulk of your great adventure. I suspect this Act will be the longest, so I would like to include a ‘spotlight’ moment for each of the actors playing you. They’ll each have a chance to perform an aria—a solo song that encapsulates your essence. So I’d like each of you to single out the most important event in your adventuring career and contextualize its emotional impact. Was it a fearful moment? A joyous one? A shameful one? A humorous one? Something else? Inquiring minds want to know!"
Feb 25, 2025 1:54 pm
"Well, where in the show will you want to reveal the Dr is a villain? And how will act 1 and act 2 end?"
i am way too emotionaly invested in this opera, lol.
Feb 25, 2025 2:19 pm
"We're still just brainstorming here," Fallenta says with a chuckle. "But I think we'd end Act I as you are about to head through the gateway to Skywatch where you met Sakuachi. And I think we'd save the Doctor Ritalson reveal for a cliffhanger ending of Act II!"
Feb 25, 2025 11:17 pm
Well, I'm not sure if it 'encapsulates my essence', but at some point after meting Sakuachi, when we learned just how big the task we'd take on was, I really wanted to give up. I'd given, and lost so much, we all had really. I don't know why, but something compelled me to press on . ." at this, there's a frustrated 'yip' from Fox. "Oh alright, Fox and something else, compelled me to press on. My patron? My Friends? Fate? Whatever make the best song I guess." She says with a shrug.
Feb 26, 2025 7:40 am
"For me it was Castrovel," Ramank remarks. "It was so impossibly far away from home. When we found out I despaired, thinking I'd never see Golarion again. And it was before we learnt about Osoyo, so it felt like I'd left the planet for no reason."
Feb 27, 2025 9:48 am
"I think for me, it was during the trials we faced for the Sarkorian god, Ruun. Particularly our fight with Malgamon. I nearly died there, but Bekassine brought me back into the fight and seeing everyone down to their last ounce of strength, I found a great sense of fear...but also the courage to overcome that fear.

I realized in that moment, I had been afraid nearly my whole life. Afraid of the unknown and the dangers in the dark corners of the world. I had tried to study and learn what I could to face those things, but it wasn't until those final moments, when nearly all hope was lost, I plunged my sword into Malgamon's back and the demon fell. I knew then, study and learning would help in knowing those hidden dangers, but only by facing those things with strength of spirit and companionship, can the shadows be vanquished.

The rest, of course - Sakauchi's triumph and the gift bestowed on her - would become pivotal to the everything happens next."
Last edited February 27, 2025 9:50 am
Feb 27, 2025 11:14 am
Fallenta takes more notes. "Alright, now let's move to Act III. The final act is the opera's climax, and I want the majority of it to be an epic reconstruction of your final clash against Osoyo. But before that battle begins, I want to afford the enemy performer an aria as well. So, tell me these two things: the greatest danger your nemesis represented and the greatest weakness it harbored."
Feb 27, 2025 2:39 pm
Aurelia’s hand rushes to her throat. "Osoyo for me. She had my mind in her grasp and I was helpless to pull away. I hear her malicious whispers from time to time and fear it could happen again, twisting my artistic talents to do her bidding, and I, impotent to stop it."

Her eyes turn distant. "Imagine a scene, a tortured mind, the actor flailing in dance across the stage, hands clutching her head. Oh it would be so wonderfully dramatic," she cries.

Albeit a little close to home.
Mar 2, 2025 4:45 am
"I believe Osoyo's greatest weakness was its own doubt and fear of failure. This was made manifest when we defeated Ogmunzorius, the waking dream, and took up Osoyo's fear and doubt in physical form. It was, in the end, one of our greatest weapons."

He takes a breath. "The greatest danger, of course, was Osoyo actually waking up. If it had, if it become free of their icy cage...all would be doomed, I fear. The world would have turned to servitude."
Last edited March 2, 2025 5:04 am
Mar 3, 2025 11:29 am
"Splendid! I think I've got a stronger grasp on your stories now," Fallenta says.
You have gained 1 Production Point.

With the basic framework of the opera settled on, Fallenta is eager to get started on writing—a process that will take time. As she writes, though, there’s still plenty you can do to help, and foremost on that list is to secure a venue for the opera.

Fallenta already has a venue chosen, but there’s a problem with it. Her choice is the famous Kintargo Opera House, as a significant premiere hasn’t taken place there since before Barzillai Thrune took control of the city nearly 10 years ago. After a time under the stewardship of the Silver Ravens, the opera house has spent the last few years under the care of Songbird Hall, Kintargo’s largest temple of Shelyn.

Further complicating things is Fallenta’s continued desire for her presence to remain secret. She wants to wait to announce the premiere of the opera until they have the venue locked down and she at least has a completed first draft—so as to prevent competitors from beating her to being the first new premiere at the famous theater.

It thus falls to you to speak to high priest Zachrin Vhast to secure the Kintargo Opera House for the upcoming premiere. While Fallenta trusts Zachrin with the knowledge that she’s writing and directing the opera, she impresses upon you that you should only mention her to the priest if you have to. It’d be best if they could secure a general "reservation" for the venue, pending further information. She expects you to lean into the fact that it’s about your own adventures and to rely upon your reputations to help convince Zachrin.

However, a wide range of poets, artists, directors, bards, and the like tend to court Zachrin, and he’s constantly being bombarded with requests to perform in one of the many venues the church controls (beyond the opera house and Songbird Hall, the church maintains well over a dozen smaller venues throughout the city). As it turns out, Zachrin will soon be hosting a fete at the Kintargo Opera House to celebrate several of the city’s painters and sculptors. Fallenta produces invitations to the fete for each of you, explaining that it’s a great opportunity to not only impress Zachrin, but to start building your reputation among the city’s artists! Once the party is over, you should be able to get a private audience with Zachrin to secure the opera house as a venue—and the better impression you make at the fete, the better the chances you'll have of success.

Fallenta also notes that most of the attending artists are bringing samples of their work to be put on display during the event, and that at the end of the event, Zachrin intends on running an auction for all of those in attendance to purchase artwork. Submitting a work of art isn’t a requirement to attend, but it’s a great chance for the artistic among you to show off your talents!

The fete in question is scheduled to take place in a week, so you should have 7 days to rest, recover, and prepare. Fallenta suggests that the you dress in your adventuring gear to help sell that you're heroes but simultaneously encourages you to "gussy up" and add flourishes to your outfits to impress.

Zahchrin Vest is a public figure, so it is easy to gather information about him. He’s a friendly man and well-known for his philanthropic works; he also takes pride in boosting awareness for talented but relatively unknown artists, which means that you might find yourselves at a slight disadvantage when pitching your proposal, being relatively well-known heroes already. While Zachrin never openly supported the rebellion during Barzillai’s rule, he was in a delicate position as the leader of the only non-evil church in the city allowed to openly worship—once the rebellion succeeded, he and his flock have been instrumental in helping Kintargo recover and find itself.
You can learn more about the fete itself by wandering Kintargo for 4 hours and attempting a Diplomacy check to Gather Information.

A PC who wants to create artwork to display at the fete and to place in the end-of-party auction can do so by taking the Create a Work of Art downtime activity below.
Mar 4, 2025 4:49 pm
Just the thought of a night of heavy socializing fills Bekssine with dread. But that's a problem for the future. Right now she decides to get some rest, and then try to figure out what would even impress Zachrin.
assuming it's ok if we rest for the night before starting. Also not sure which skill to use to learn about Zachrins likes/dislikes, so going with diplomacy, althou almost any other skill would ne better :D


Diplomacy - what does high priest Zachrin like? - (1d20+13)

(7) + 13 = 20

Mar 5, 2025 8:25 am
"I know how to spread rumors, not how to learn them," Ramank says with a shrug.
Could Ramank go around town spreading outlandish news of their deeds using Deception so that by the time the fete takes place they will seem just a little bit more legendary?
Mar 6, 2025 3:25 am
Excitedly, Aurelia blurts out that she will create a work of art. In her head, she sees a miniature stage diorama called Echoes of the Masquerade: a small, hand-crafted model of a theater stage, with tiny curtains, papier mache props, and painted wooden figures acting out a scene.

The diorama shows a moment from a made-up opera, where a dancer is reaching out to a mysterious, cloaked figure surrounded by shadows. She will try and obtain colored glass and candlelight to make wonderful lighting effects.

This piece is meant to show off Aurelia’s talent for set design and share her love of the theater. It’s small enough to carry around but detailed enough that people can look closely and feel like they’re part of the story.
Mar 6, 2025 7:00 am
Horace raises his eyebrow at the idea of attending the fete. "Oh, now this sounds like my kind of event! I will go out today and see what I can learn about the event ahead of time, but I am with Aurelia - I will also try my hand at creating something interesting. I am thinking a wooden sculpture of, well, at least my interpretation of, the Blackfrost Whale."

He stands and nods to the others. "I will see you all back at the Feathered Fox tonight, then."
I'm not sure about the time of day - if he doesn't have time to gather information on the fete tonight, he'll do so tomorrow instead. Adding the roll here - he gets +2 from his Regalia.


Diplomacy (Cha) - (1d20+24)

(8) + 24 = 32

Mar 6, 2025 11:51 am
You have time to gather information on the first day.
Bekassine is unable to learn more about Zachrin than what Fallenta has already told you. Horace, however, is able to learn that three score or so of high-society people—both established and aspiring—have been invited to the fete; all of them hope to break into the arts scene and are eager to catch Zachrin’s eye at the party. The most notable among them include Delmonia Crape, Almidia Decarruf, Mulberry Hymp, Motman Primm, Louise and Chopperly Smynne, and Abigail Tottlescloff. Additionally, one of Fallenta’s greatest rivals, the outrageously confident and magnificent Elleste Gudgeon will be attending the party, with hopes of securing the Kintargo Opera House for her own premiere; despite Fallenta’s work to avoid direct competition, fate has already set Elleste (unknowingly) against her.

With your combined knowledge of society, you know the following about the guests:

Delmonia Crape: A provocative anti-establishment female human sculptor. Delmonia is enthralled by anyone who appears to be dangerous or transgressive in some way.

Almidia Decarruf: A nervous and jittery female aiuvarin painter. Almidia is socially awkward and easy to overwhelm with numbers.

Mulberry Hymp: An arrogant and self-assured male halfling sculptor. Mulberry becomes flustered if he feels that someone is disrespecting him.

Motman Primm: A bumbling but good-natured male gnome painter. Motman is something of a walking minor disaster, constantly causing drinks to spill or committing faux pas of one embarrassing kind or another.

Louise and Chopperly Smynne: Gossipy female and male human and dromaar art critics. Louise and Chopperly can dish it out but have trouble accepting criticism.

Abigail Tottlescoff: A flirtatious and scandalous female human hellspawn nephilim painter. Abigail doesn’t take competition well.

Elleste Gudgeon: A competitive female human diva and playwright, author of the Queen of Peasants, among many others. Elleste enjoys using obscure words to generate veiled insults in conversation.
Those of you who wish to create a piece of art for the fete may make all of their rolls now. After that, we will proceed with the party!
Mar 6, 2025 1:42 pm
Geez only 2 successes
Last edited March 6, 2025 1:43 pm


Crafting DC30 - (1d20+18, 1d20+18, 1d20+18, 1d20+18, 1d20+18, 1d20+18)

1d20+18 : (18) + 18 = 36

1d20+18 : (7) + 18 = 25

1d20+18 : (4) + 18 = 22

1d20+18 : (7) + 18 = 25

1d20+18 : (10) + 18 = 28

1d20+18 : (3) + 18 = 21

Crafting - (1d20+18)

(12) + 18 = 30

Mar 7, 2025 8:08 am
After a good night of rest, Horace studies his tome and prepares himself to sink into the rhythm of his creative endeavor.
Using his Tome Implement to give himself Master proficiency in Crafting and Society until the day of the fete. The first day, when he gathered information would be day 1, I believe, so he gets 6 rolls? Is the last day of rolls the same day as the fete?

He'll use a Hero Point to re-roll the 4

Sad, I think he came up just shy of the 5 victory points needed.
Last edited March 7, 2025 8:10 am


Crafting (Temp +18 total for Master Proficiency) - (6d20)

(19104141416) = 77

Re-rolling the 4 - (1d20+18)

(11) + 18 = 29

Mar 7, 2025 11:43 am
Sorry, missed Ramank's question earlier. You can certainly spread stories of your accomplishments, though it will just have RP benefits, no mechanical ones. Horace, you make a check for the 7th day as well. I rolled it for you: a natural 20, so that's 6 points total!
Soon enough, the day of the fete arrives. The party is scheduled to begin an hour before sunset. The Kintargo Opera House is fully lit, its marquee and poster boxes adorned with "SPECIAL EVENT—INVITATION ONLY" signs. Acolytes of Shelyn stand out front, checking invitations, and they welcome you once you arrive.
The fete is split into four stages, each treated as a different 1-hour-long event detailed below. During each hour, the PCs can attempt two half-hour activities, chosen from the basic Fete Activities or from one of the specific Fete Activities listed for each hour. Many of these specific Fete Activities help the PCs earn Victory Points (called Fete Points) that will ultimately determine how open Zachrin Vhast is to their request and will help decide how memorable of an impression they make to the other attendees.
[ +- ] Basic Fete Activities

After you are checked into the theater foyer by neatly dressed acolytes of Shelyn, you're led into the main theater where the art show takes place. Guests mill about on the stage, look over the art and compare notes, or mingle in the seating area or balcony above. As you enter the main theater room, you're each announced by a herald, herself dressed in incredible finery—as are all the staff. The finest drinks and delicate appetizers are served throughout the event, but never to an extent that appetites for the feast are in danger of being ruined.

Shortly after you arrive, Zachrin Vhast steps up onto the stage and calls for attention. Zchrin is an androgynously handsome human man clad in fine blue-and-turquoise robes. "Hello everybody, and thank you for coming. I would like to pay particular homage to our biggest sponsors tonight, Elleste Gudgeon, and to Kintargo's most influential art critics, Louise and Chopperly Smynne, who will be helping to judge each of the works on display tonight. Those who pursue the arts are blessed by the Eternal Rose, and I know that Shelyn herself smiles down upon us tonight. I hope you all appreciate the artists' work, and that you might see fit to purchase the art here later in the evening when the pieces will be auctioned off. Now then, enjoy the festivities!"

The crowd applauds as the party gets into full swing.
All of the previously listed NPCs are present except for Delmonia Crape, who has yet to arrive. In addition to basic Fete Activities, the PCs can pursue either of the following Fete Activities during the first hour. Remember you may choose to take two activities each hour.
[ +- ] Artwork on Display


Horace Crafting Day 7 - (d20+18)

(20) + 18 = 38

Mar 7, 2025 6:01 pm
Ramank shows spends the week relaxing in the city's bars and taverns, spreading news of their daring deeds to anyone willing to listen, and as he has bought drinks aplenty, getting listeners haven't been the biggest problem.

He arrives in his explorer's clothing, though he has taken the effort to clean it up. He sees people staring at him, but he's sure it's the dragon that's drawin attention.

"Is that the target?" Yarth says, looking to one of the sides.

Ramank sighs and shakes his head. "That's the appetizers."

He takes a round around the room before stepping up to Almidia Decarruf. "Interesting picture you painted," he starts by saying. "Who's the subject? It wouldn't be you?"

Ramank will be very forceful and asking probing questions to impress her.


Intimidation (Cha) - (1d20+23)

(12) + 23 = 35

Mar 7, 2025 9:59 pm
Rolling first...
Not sure what a Discover roll is (rolled a straight d20), or how to fill up 4 hours with 8 separate activities or can I repeat some of those listed?
[ +- ] Activities


Art (bragging) 25 1st hr - (1d20+18)

(18) + 18 = 36

Perception (examine) 32 1st hr - (1d20+20)

(19) + 20 = 39

Diplo (Impress) vs Will 2nd hr - (1d20+20)

(2) + 20 = 22

Perception (mingle) 25 - (1d20+20)

(5) + 20 = 25

Discover - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Mar 7, 2025 11:10 pm
You only need to roll for the first hour right now. Each hour presents special actions you can take during that hour. You can also repeat actions if you would like.

I forgot to include the information about Discover checks. They are part of the Influence rules. The specific skills you can use to Discover information about Zachrin are Kintargo Lore, Perception, or Religion.
Mar 7, 2025 11:15 pm
Oh good because both of those passed! Lol.
Mar 7, 2025 11:22 pm
Aurelia schmoozes with the milling guests as she engages with those she feels might be interested in seeing her work. Those that do follow her to her tableau are presented with an animated (can Aurelia be any other way?) description of how she came up with the idea and her technique to do it. Then she followed that with a bit of history of herself.

Once she had introduced anyone interested in her art, she then examined the other works. Finding one of interest, she tried to steal glances of others viewing the piece. If the work didn't excite others, was it worth having for herself? She thought not.


Perception DC28 secret check - (1d20+20)

(2) + 20 = 22

Mar 9, 2025 9:15 am
Thanks for adding the roll, and making it a good one! lol
Horace arrives to the fete with the others, dressed decidedly dapper, black attire. He carries his statue under his arm and brings it to join the other entries into the auction. He looks it over approvingly as he sets it down and a moment later someone approaches and asks about the work. He briefly describes what it represents as another person joins, and before he knows it he finds himself talking up his own art piece, his pride getting the better of him over his humility.

After a short time, the crowd disperses. He spots a pair of humans, male and female, nearby discussing the various art pieces and approaches them, intending to mingle and get to know some of the other attendees.
Task 1: Brag About (his) Artwork
Task 2: Impress Louise and Chopperly Smynne
Last edited March 9, 2025 9:20 am


Task 1: Society DC 30 - (1d20+20)

(9) + 20 = 29

Task 2: Diplomacy DC ? - (1d20+24)

(19) + 24 = 43

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