Gathering Information 1a

Jan 8, 2025 8:51 am
The creaking door of The Hearth swings open, and you’re swallowed by the dense warmth inside. The tavern is crowded, every table packed with townsfolk and villagers alike – all Traladarans by their looks. The space is tight, and the heat from the dozens of bodies pressed close together is stifling.

The rough-hewn tables are filled with bowls of steaming stew made from hunks of slow-braised beef or pork, root vegetables, and aromatic herbs. The broth is rich and heavy, laden with onions, garlic, and fiery red paprika that stings the back of your throat with its spice. Each bowl is heaped with a dense, crusty slice of dark rye bread, perfect for soaking up the broth. The spirits here are a potent concoction, something strong enough to knock the legs out from under a dwarf. They call it ‘Spirytus’, distilled beverage that burns like fire and leaves a dull thrum in your head after merely a few sips.

At one of the tables, near the far corner, among the gathering of Traladarans, sits a man with long black hair falling in unkempt waves over a thick beard. His fingers strum lazily over the strings of a lute. You recognize him from the townhall as one of the Scruffers, a group of adventurers known for their wild and questionable tales.

Next to him, perched casually with one leg thrown over the side of the bench, is a woman whose beauty turns heads. Maja's black hair is loose, just like the top buttons of her blouse. She curiously glances over at you as you enter, a light smile on her lips.

The rest of the Scruffers (including a massive bald man who reeks of alcohol), are scattered around the table.

They’re a tough bunch, but right now, their attention seems focused on the music, the food, and the ‘Spirytus’.

What do you do?
Jan 8, 2025 9:16 pm
As Nightshade steps into the tavern, the warm, savory aroma of food hits him like a comforting embrace, a stark contrast to the chill of the evening outside. His stomach growls in quiet protest, reminding him of how long it's been since his last meal.
Scanning the room, his eyes settle on the serving wench bustling between tables. He makes his way over, offering a polite nod as he places his order. "A bowl of stew and a cup of green tea, please."
While waiting for his meal, he glances around the lively room, the hum of conversation and clinking mugs filling the air. Spotting the Spirytus table in a corner, he approaches with measured confidence. "Mind if I join you?" he asks, his tone courteous but casual.
Receiving a nod of welcome, Nightshade takes a seat across from Maja, settling into the chair with practiced ease. After a few moments of light conversation to break the ice, he leans forward slightly, his tone shifting to one of genuine curiosity. "I've heard whispers about your adventures in Castle Mistamere. I'd love to hear the tale firsthand if you're willing to share, of course."
Jan 9, 2025 5:30 am
"‘Please do. Join us" Maja purred, her voice low and playful as she flashed a sly smile. With a slow, deliberate motion, she drew her leg back, her foot sliding gracefully off the bench as she straightened up. She settled into the seat, her knees parting just enough to create an inviting posture, as if daring the elf to notice.

"I’m always willing to share" the corners of her mouth twisted into a smile.
"We came to scout the ruins of Mistmere Castle" She leaned back against the table with her elbows, her pose growing ever more suggestive "What I spotted inside was a sorry lot, really. Goblins and hobgoblins—half-starved, with barely enough to call possessions. Not a pretty sight. They're holed up in the castle’s courtyard. Hiding from whatever misfortune got them running"
Jan 9, 2025 5:30 am
"Don’t go making nice with them, Maja," the man siting besides her leaned in closer to her, his voice carries not a small hint of annoyance "They're the competition."
Jan 9, 2025 5:31 am
"Competition, hmm?" Maja lips curled into a playful smile "Personally, I’d rather see a merger than a competition."
Jan 9, 2025 5:32 am
The lute player in his soft strumming. His long fingers hovered over the strings for a moment before he spoke

"The castle's been uninhabited for centuries. Yet... the forest never claimed it. Nothing grows near the ruins. Not a single tree, not a blade of grass." His dark eyes met theirs "Evil lurks in the shadows of those crumbling walls"

Maja’s smile faltered ever so slightly, though she masked it quickly.

"That place... is best avoided"
Jan 9, 2025 5:33 am
Maja leaned back again, letting the silence stretch for a moment before her teasing tone returned. "Well, I’m sure we all have our own opinions" she looked back at you with mischief in her eyes "But where there’s danger, there’s usually something worth discovering. Don't you think?"
Jan 9, 2025 12:19 pm
Will strides up and joins the adventurers at the table.
Sorry I’m late, my friend, our fightery fellow says to Nightshade. I thought you might need some company. I see we’ve new associates among us.. Will gazes emerald eyes over the Scruffer-minded duo.
Jan 9, 2025 7:16 pm
Nightshade pauses mid-conversation as Will approaches, gesturing for him to join the group and introducing him to the Scruffers, nodding as his companion settles into a chair.
Turning back to Maja, he offers a faint smile, his tone light but laced with caution. "I must admit, spending time in your company is an enticing invitation, but a castle full of starving goblins? That sounds like a lot of work, high risk with little reward. Not exactly the most appealing prospect for an adventurer."
He leans back slightly, his sharp eyes flicking briefly toward her companions. "And your adventuring partners…" he adds, his voice lowering slightly, "they seem a bit less than hospitable. That gives me pause as well."
Nightshade's expression turns thoughtful as he continues. "Then there's another issue that's hard to ignore. I've heard stories that packs of wolves are driving the goblins out of their lands. And Caliban's rumor of a lurking evil does make sense. Something is holding those goblins to that lifeless castle. If those tales hold any truth, we might be walking into something far more dangerous than a squabble over scraps."
He pauses, giving Maja a chance to respond, his gaze steady but curious. "I'm curious, what's your take on all this? Surely, there's more to the story than what we've heard so far."
Jan 10, 2025 6:08 am
Maja turned to Will when he joins their table, her eyes wandering over his muscular frame with just enough lingering attention to make him feel self-conscious. It looked like she was considering something, but finally decided it was best left for later....

"There’s something far more dangerous lurking in that castle than mere goblins," her voice carried a hint of a challenge. "But it was a lord’s castle once. I imagine there’s great wealth to be found there—plenty of coins, at the very least." her gaze became more intense, trying to entice Nightshade and Will "Whatever survived the ravages of time must still be there, waiting to be claimed."

Her attention sharpened when Nightshade mentioned the wolves. It was the first time she’d heard of such rumors, and it piqued her interest. Leaning in closer, she placed her hand on his thigh

"Wolves?" she murmured "That’s... quite interesting. Where did you hear such rumors?"
Jan 10, 2025 5:53 pm
Our fightery fellow settles into his seat, and winks at Maja with playful look in emerald eyes.
Greetings, m’lady. Name’s William, William Winter. Call me Will!
Aye, the castle sounds like a treasure for the taking, yes?
Jan 10, 2025 7:16 pm
"Great wealth and plenty of coins?" Nightshade muses, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Well, when you put it that way, how could I possibly refuse? Of course, there's always cheese in a mousetrap. The trick is getting the cheese without springing the trap."
He pauses, leaning back in his chair as he taps a thoughtful finger against the table's edge. "After a proper rest, we set out tomorrow morning. No point in venturing into danger half-dead from exhaustion. Besides, I'd like to hear what the Sheriff has to say about the murder investigation. I'm certain he's cooked up some distraction to keep the townsfolk occupied."
Satisfied that he's made his point, Nightshade picks up his spoon, letting the aroma of the hearty stew wash over him. "For now," he says with a shrug, "I'll enjoy what might be my last hot meal for a while."
With that, he settles in, savoring the warmth of the stew as the tavern's lively chatter swirls around him.
Jan 11, 2025 1:02 am
Is this all happening the evening when the body was found, or the next day?
Jan 11, 2025 10:11 am
"Nice to meet you, Will" the woman shamelessly reaches to put her hand over Will’s muscular biceps, running her fingers down his arm "yes; it's ripe for the taking" with a playful gleam on her lips, she locks her eyes with the strong warrior. But her teasing falters once Nightshade mentions the murder investigation, and she turns much more somber as she glances at the elf.

"Mia’s death is a tragic loss," she says quietly. "I hope they find the murderer, though from what I’ve heard, it won’t be easy. So many people walk this path to their farms each day." she sighs
"I wish I could do something to help, but there aren't any leads to go on"
This is the day after, around noon.
Jan 12, 2025 3:51 pm
I appreciate your candor, and your…support, Will replies to Maja with heroic smile. Perhaps an alliance between our two adventuring groups will be helpful for everyone, yes?
Jan 12, 2025 7:29 pm
After finishing his meal, Nightshade leans back in his chair, pulling a well-worn pipe from his pouch. He lights it with practiced ease, the soft glow of the ember casting fleeting shadows on his face as the fragrant smoke curls lazily into the air.
He lets his gaze wander across the room, his sharp ears picking up snippets of conversation from the surrounding tables. The townsfolk are united in their belief that the goblins are to blame for every misfortune that has befallen them. Nightshade smirks faintly, exhaling a plume of smoke. Well, if nothing else, killing goblins will certainly win us some popularity points with the locals.
Turning to his companions, he leans forward slightly, resting an elbow on the table. "Speaking for myself," he begins, his voice carrying a note of restless energy, "I can tell you my toes are getting itchy. I’m anxious to return to the forest and get some earth under my feet again. If you’re all agreeable, I say we return to the Woodlands first thing tomorrow."
He takes another puff from his pipe, the ember glowing brighter as he exhales slowly, his eyes glinting with quiet determination. "The forest holds the answers we’re looking for. It’s just a matter of finding them."
Jan 12, 2025 8:01 pm
"An alliance is exactly what I had in mind" she glances over at Nicolai, who was less enthusiastic about the prospect of cooperating with anyone. But Mistamere castle wasn't a simple goblin hunt. All the riches in the world won't matter if they won't survive to haul it back to town "Maybe you and I can talk it over in private? It is too " she stops to think of the right word "-noisy in here"
Jan 12, 2025 8:04 pm
"You're an Elf, right?" one of the warriors sitting at the table leans closer to have a better look, examining Nightshade up close "My mother told me about the Forest Folk. She says they are shy, and never leave their wooden homelands"
Jan 12, 2025 8:17 pm
"Very well, Miss Maja," Nightshade says with a slight nod, his tone measured and diplomatic. "Consider us officially allies. I’d be happy to discuss the situation with you further, in private, of course."
His eyes linger on her momentarily, searching for any hint of her true intentions before a faint, courteous smile touches his lips. He gestures toward a quieter corner of the room, inviting her to lead the way.
Jan 12, 2025 9:18 pm
Our fine fightery fellow takes a heroically-confident swig of his ale. Like the competent adventurer he is.
(Cou-u-u-gh, cough)…sorry…

Will sets his drink down gingerly. He manages a nervous smile at Maja, clears his windpipe, and eventually manages meager reply, Yes, let’s speak together away from this hustle n’ bustle. Come with me, outside.

At an opportune time, Will takes Maja by the hand and leads her out of the tavern.
Last edited Jan 12, 2025 9:22 pm
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