DC 20 was what was needed so you guys got it!
Many stories are told of what a mother bear will do when her cub is in danger, but not enough tales on what a mother dragon does when her egg is kidnapped. Another deafening roar rattles the window before a fully grown red dragon smashes through and crushes the landing Ervan had stood on moments before. The dragon immediately clocks her egg, but swings her head around towards the party still standing.
Merton and Hindle fall back closer to Leana and Alax, joining Pouncy behind the two.
Brickowsky steps forward with Firina. The paladin gives a subtle nod to Leana who keeps her head and blesses the noble woman to speak for them and hopefully pacify the wrathful lizard.
"You are lucky I was able to smell who took my egg and that you never touched it. However, do not think you can command me. I will not risk my egg and shall leave, but I have your scent now. If you or any in this valley attempt to come near my lair again, you will feel the wrath I had saved for this sorcerer and his crew tenfold."
With that, the dragon puffs a small flame to the ceiling, setting timbers on fire, and grabs her egg in one mighty claw. She turns to leave, but pauses a moment, looking over her shoulder at the dragonborn, the druid, and then the wizard.
"You think you have felled this sorcerer, but this is not the first time I have encountered him. This body will crumble and fade, but he will certainly be looking for revenge on you now. To help you on your journey."
Some scrolls drop to the ground from the dragon's other claw. They shimmer and sparks fly as they fall on the stone floor of the workshop. Stones start to fall out of the ceiling and land next to them, narrowly missing burning them. Leathery wings beat, extinguishing the felled stones, and the dragon and egg are gone. Brickowsky gathers the scrolls into the bag of holding and the party follow Alax and Pouncy out of the fiery crumbling tower back to Inn Plain Sight.