Lego D&D Adventure - Red Dragon's Tale [ EDIT ]

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Hello, this will be my first attempt at GMing. We will be exploring the Lego one-shot adventure collaboration between Lego and Wizards of the Coast. This is definitely an adventure that is more designed for beginners or a younger crowd, PG to PG-13 themes. All levels of experience and backgrounds welcome! LGBTQ+ friendly!

You are adventurers, hired by local townsfolk to protect them from the wrath of the great red dragon Cinderhowl, who has recently left her lair to terrorize those nearby and no one knows what has awoken her and her wrath. You were enticed, both by the gold and the famous hot wings the area is known for. Come along for a one-shot adventure!

Since we do not have the advantage of using the Lego set to set the scene, we will be doing some homebrewing. Once per scene, players will have the option to "build" something like the Lego movie. You can build a catapult with bricks in the scene to get over the castle wall or a rickshaw to quickly transport an NPC. You may also earn inspiration to use for an additional build or re-rolling a poor result by providing especially creative solutions or pun-tastic quips during the game! I will try to provide some images as well to help set the scene.

All puzzles/fights will have the potential for a non-combat solution, but please feel free to deal with each situation as you please! We are working together to create a fun story for all!

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We are building Level 5 characters. The standard Dunges & Dragons 5th character template is good or Level Up Advanced 5e is the character template I would recommend using as it has a spot for inspiration. The one-shot pre-generated characters provided include an orc rogue, gnome fighter, elf wizard, and dwarf cleric. Puzzles and loot are designed with these classes in mind, but I believe any class could work at the end of the day so if you are not interested in playing one of these classes, feel free to get creative! We will be using character creation content from Player's Handbook, Tasha's, and Xanathar's.


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