The first thing that hits Nightshade as he approaches the ruins of the keep is the overpowering stench. It's a nauseating blend of filth, rot, and something more acrid, like spoiled meat left to bake in the sun.
The source is not hard to pinpoint. The courtyard inside the crumbling walls is thick with the stench of unwashed bodies, decaying food, and the unmistakable scent of waste. Even from his position outside, you can see the filth that covers the ground within the keep’s broken walls.
Through the haze of the smell, you can pick out the figure of goblins. A handful of them stand on the crumbling battlements, squinting against the unforgiving sunlight, their eyes not accustomed to the bright day. They shift uncomfortably, oblivious to your presence, at least for now.
Inside the courtyard are the rest of the goblins—dozens of them, huddled together in small clusters, their emaciated forms covered in grime and pestilence. They scurry about, desperate to find even the smallest scrap of shade beneath the towering battlements. Their bodies twitch with the discomfort of fleas and hunger, scratching at themselves in an almost ritualistic manner, too worn down to care about anything except avoiding the sun.
You count at least sixty goblins, though the number is difficult to pinpoint with certainty. Only a handful seem capable of defending themselves—not more than ten or so. Among their numbers are two hobgoblins, seemingly more alert than the others, but just uncomfortable in the heat of the day.
But the most unsettling thing is the keep itself. Despite the goblins' aversion to the sun, none of them dare enter the keep. The large, shadowy doors stand ajar, but there is an undeniable tension in the air, the haunting presence of something malevolent lurking within. None of the goblins seem to want to get closer. Even the bravest among them shudder at the thought of crossing the threshold.
@nepets - you've already left the camp before ascending up the mountain, so I am assuming your scouting is for the keep itself.
Keep in mind for next time that there isn't a 'stealth' skill (you roll percentile for 'move silently', or 'hide in shadows' abilities). Also, skill checks are regular 1d20 roll against your attribute (lower than your attribute score is a success). Since the goblins sentries can't see very well in the sun, you can sneak without too much problem and peek into the courtyard. But if you want to go inside and have a closer look, you will need to roll.
As for the picture of the keep - it is a small one (~ 100 feet at its widest part, and the structure itself is ~60 feet wide). Ignore the trees - nothing grows inside the castle or its surroundings, not even grass.