Mistamere Castle

Jan 13, 2025 8:10 pm
15th of Flemont, Nytdain, 990 AC. Near Mistamere Castle

The day has been peaceful, the sound of your boots crunching lightly against the gravel path along the Windrush River blending with the steady rush of water. There a subtle chill to the soft breeze whispering through the trees, a reminder that up here in the north summer is more like a fleeting season.

You’ve been walking upstream for hours, the river’s current pushing gently against your progress as it winds toward the vast expanse of Windrush Lake. The water here is clear as glass, almost unnaturally so, revealing the smooth stones beneath the surface. Tributaries feed into the lake from the steep cliffs of the majestic Black Peak Mountain range to your north, their jagged, snow-capped summits towering high above the land.

As you follow the winding path along the lake’s shore, Mistamere Castle appears on the horizon, its crumbling silhouette perched ominously atop a forested peak. By the time you reach the base of the mountain, the sun has begun its descent behind the peaks. The air grows colder still in the shadow of the mountain. It would take at least a few hours to scale your way up to the ruins, so making camp will give you some time to plan, rest, and to prepare for what awaits atop the mountain.
according to the Scruffers, there is a goblin tribe taking refuge in the ruins, so you should be cautious on your ascent.
Let me know how you would like to proceed.
Jan 14, 2025 4:41 am
I suggest we find a discreet place to camp for the night, and in the morning, we will circle the mountain the castle is on and see the best way to approach.
Jan 14, 2025 2:59 pm
"Well, isn't that imposing." Anton remarked regarding the castle on the mountain. "We should be wary of Goblins, but from Humphrey's findings once we are nearing the grounds we should be wary of ghosts as well."
Agreed Nightshade
Jan 14, 2025 7:12 pm
Our fightery fellow strides valiantly towards the castle. His morning mind evidently…preoccupied. He passes the day busying himself with warrior-minded duties, but it’s clear to his friends, his head is somewhere else.

Um…yes. Yes, Anton, I agree, completely. We should certainly be wary of goblinkin. And ghosts too yes. Definitely watch out for ghosts and whatnot.

Will helps find an optimal campsite and hunts for local game. Gotta conserve those rations!


Hunting (Wis 10) - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Jan 15, 2025 12:05 am
"Quite imposting, yes. I can see why you would put a castle up there as opposed to down here."

Yakov helps set up camp, offering whatever insight his experience as a wilderness traveller can provide.
Using his Wilderness Survival skill to help in whatever way a Wilderness Survival skill might help. He's not trying to do anything fancy or specific, so I don't know if a roll is required. But I'm including one just in case.


Wilderness Survival vs Wis(14) or Int(9) - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Jan 15, 2025 5:37 am
The night is colder than usual for summer, and the chill creeps through your clothes and into your bones. The fire Brother Yakov started seems to struggle against the mountain's grasp, the flames constantly flickering as if they are on the brink of being extinguished. The wind that howls through the trees carries a faint, distant screams that seem to come from the ruins above. You can see ghostly pale lights flickering atop the mountain as if someone still resides in those ruins.

Sleep is uneasy; the unsettling noises of the wind, and the occasional crackle of branches, keep you all on your toes.

The cold still hangs in the air when morning arrives, and the fire has almost gone out entirely, leaving only faint embers.

You begin your climb, the first light of the day offering little warmth, and once you reach the upper reaches of the mountain you spot goblin tracks. Scattered, but fresh. The trail leads toward the ruins, but there is no sign of the creatures themselves. The sun hangs high in the sky, and knowing goblins, they hate to venture out in broad daylight.

Brother Yakov set up a decent camp, but the night was far from comfortable.
Will wasn’t able to catch anything, so you’re relying on your rations.
You’re very close to the ruins now, so let me know how you plan to proceed.
Keep in mind - you know that there are goblins hiding in those ruins. If you move recklessly, you’ll alert them, but if you approach carefully you might have a chance to catch them by surprise, especially since the sun is still up as you reach the summit.
Jan 15, 2025 6:06 am
Nightshade watches as his fellow adventurers settle into camp.
Will vanishes into the underbrush, intent on securing some game for the night's meal.
After a moment's contemplation, Nightshade decides it's wise to watch their surroundings.
With practiced ease, he slips into the shadows at the camp's edge, the forest's gloom quickly embracing him.
His keen eyes scan the undergrowth, while his ears strain for any sound out of place.
Moving with deliberate care, Nightshade ventures about a hundred yards from the camp.
He crouches low, his movements quiet and fluid, as he begins a wide, slow circuit around the camp.
His boots find silent purchase on the loamy ground, and his gloved hand instinctively rests on the hilt of his blade.
As he completes his circuit and begins his approach back to camp, he feels a certain satisfaction.


Perception + wis - (1d20+1)

(15) + 1 = 16

Stealth + dex - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Jan 15, 2025 6:30 pm

The first thing that hits Nightshade as he approaches the ruins of the keep is the overpowering stench. It's a nauseating blend of filth, rot, and something more acrid, like spoiled meat left to bake in the sun.

The source is not hard to pinpoint. The courtyard inside the crumbling walls is thick with the stench of unwashed bodies, decaying food, and the unmistakable scent of waste. Even from his position outside, you can see the filth that covers the ground within the keep’s broken walls.

Through the haze of the smell, you can pick out the figure of goblins. A handful of them stand on the crumbling battlements, squinting against the unforgiving sunlight, their eyes not accustomed to the bright day. They shift uncomfortably, oblivious to your presence, at least for now.

Inside the courtyard are the rest of the goblins—dozens of them, huddled together in small clusters, their emaciated forms covered in grime and pestilence. They scurry about, desperate to find even the smallest scrap of shade beneath the towering battlements. Their bodies twitch with the discomfort of fleas and hunger, scratching at themselves in an almost ritualistic manner, too worn down to care about anything except avoiding the sun.

You count at least sixty goblins, though the number is difficult to pinpoint with certainty. Only a handful seem capable of defending themselves—not more than ten or so. Among their numbers are two hobgoblins, seemingly more alert than the others, but just uncomfortable in the heat of the day.

But the most unsettling thing is the keep itself. Despite the goblins' aversion to the sun, none of them dare enter the keep. The large, shadowy doors stand ajar, but there is an undeniable tension in the air, the haunting presence of something malevolent lurking within. None of the goblins seem to want to get closer. Even the bravest among them shudder at the thought of crossing the threshold.

@nepets - you've already left the camp before ascending up the mountain, so I am assuming your scouting is for the keep itself.
Keep in mind for next time that there isn't a 'stealth' skill (you roll percentile for 'move silently', or 'hide in shadows' abilities). Also, skill checks are regular 1d20 roll against your attribute (lower than your attribute score is a success). Since the goblins sentries can't see very well in the sun, you can sneak without too much problem and peek into the courtyard. But if you want to go inside and have a closer look, you will need to roll.

As for the picture of the keep - it is a small one (~ 100 feet at its widest part, and the structure itself is ~60 feet wide). Ignore the trees - nothing grows inside the castle or its surroundings, not even grass.
Jan 18, 2025 3:57 pm
Will bounces his mind back from mysterious daydreaming. At Nightshade’s kind report of goblins within yon courtyard, our fightery fellow strategizes with his friends.

It seems the goblins aren’t in any kind of condition to fight. If not for their sheer number, I’d say we’d have no trouble simply overtaking them. I feel like our bigger concern is, what’s beyond the courtyard, in the Keep itself? And why are the goblins so afraid of it?
Sry for my delay.
Jan 19, 2025 4:10 am
Nightshade withdraws from the castle, keeping low and blending with the sparse underbrush under the harsh sunlight. The crumbling walls of the castle stand stark against the bright day as he silently makes his way back to camp.
Rejoining his companions, he speaks quietly but with purpose. "The goblins aren’t here by choice. Something darker forces them into the sunlight and keeps them from fleeing. If treasure’s to be found, it’ll be in the castle or more likely, in the dungeons below. It’s not with the goblins."
Nightshade leans back slightly, his report finished. The sunlight glints off his gear, but his eyes remain sharp, scanning his companions for their reactions.
Jan 19, 2025 3:23 pm
Maybe we walk into the courtyard, tell the goblins we’re going to clear out the keep, and convince them to leave for their own safety.
Jan 19, 2025 4:01 pm
"Perhaps it is the ghosts that Humphrey advised us about that command the goblins out of the keep. But why they stay still on the grounds is a mystery" Anton rubbed the back of his head as he thought through the issue.
Jan 20, 2025 9:37 pm
Friends, is there a secret door or a side door into the Keep? I say we peruse the perimeter, see if there’s such entry. Bypass the goblins, and simply go in.
Jan 22, 2025 2:02 am
Nightshade settles down at the camp, taking a seat near the fire as he lights his pipe. With a few practiced puffs, the pipe comes to life, and he exhales, sending a large smoke ring drifting lazily over the campsite. "Did I mention there are a couple of hobgoblins up in the castle, keeping the goblins in line? The real question is, who’s pulling their strings?"
He falls silent, the pipe resting comfortably in his hand, his eyes scanning the treeline as he listens to the sounds of the woodland around them. After a moment, he speaks again, his voice thoughtful. "I suspect you’re right, ghosts, secret passages, who knows what else? But we won’t find out until we head back to that castle and take a proper look."
Nightshade leans back slightly, his gaze turning upward as the smoke from his pipe curls into the air, lost in quiet contemplation.
Jan 22, 2025 12:01 pm

The goblins in the courtyard panic when they notice the party approach. The emaciated creatures scramble in every direction, some stumbling over their own feet as they try to retreat further into the shadows of the walls.

Those goblins still capable of fighting scramble to grab whatever weapons they can find. Sharp sticks are pulled from the muck, clutched tightly with shaking hands. The goblins on the crumbling battlements shout out to the ones below as they notch arrows and aim them in the direction of the intruders.

"Go away!" one of the hobgoblins barks at you. His hand grips the hilt of a rusted sword, his eyes darting nervously toward the shadowy doorway behind him. "Go away, or we’ll fight you!"

The other hobgoblin joins in, taking position, while behind them the rest of the goblins (those ones who can fight) muster their courage. One particularly twitchy goblin lobs a spear in your direction, the weapon skittering to the side in a wild, uncertain throw. The other goblins, encouraged by this, start shouting, though the words are mostly frantic, nonsensical curses.

"Go away! Go away! Not for you! not for you!!!"

The goblins shake and hiss, and the longer time passes, the more bold they grow. They would have attacked if you hadn’t approached calling out to them in goblin – the only thing keeping them from fighting you is the hope that they could end this conflict without losing a few of their members.
I'm moving us forward, it looks there are quite a few party members who wanted to try and negotiate, and I didn't hear any objections from anyone. Any of you may talk directly to the goblin, assuming Anton is translating back and forth. The goblins are very twitchy and might decide to attack if they see any sign of hostility from you.
Jan 22, 2025 4:45 pm
What message do we want to relay generally? We come in peace? Do we want to project strength and try to intimidate them? Don't want to speak too soon, against the will of the group. Anton would be voting for peace.
Jan 22, 2025 6:05 pm
Peace, but also that we intend to enter the Keep, and they should leave for their own safety.
Jan 22, 2025 7:00 pm
Suggestions for Dealing with the Goblins:
1. Bluff the Goblins into Fleeing
We could tell the goblins that the local barons have raised an army and are marching to clear them out. By convincing the goblins that an overwhelming force is on its way, we might cause them to scatter without a fight. This plan hinges on our ability to sell the bluff convincingly and may require some theatrics to make it believable.

2. Bluff Our Way Inside:
Another approach is to claim that we have urgent orders to deliver a message directly to their boss. We could warn the goblins that blocking us would bring serious consequences for them. The downside is that this plan would leave the goblins blocking our escape route back to town, which could become problematic if things go south.

3. Prepare for a Fight:
If combat becomes unavoidable, we must remember we’re still first-level and squishy. Hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, and careful positioning will be key. Taking out the hobgoblins first could break the goblins’ morale and send them fleeing. Or we could retreat to town, regroup, and raise reinforcements by recruiting locals for a posse or appealing to the baron for military aid.
Jan 22, 2025 7:46 pm
Are we sure the goblins are guarding entry to the Keep, or that they even care about us going in?
Jan 24, 2025 8:38 pm
Will strides forth, with the party’s brave interpreter, facing the speaking hobgoblin.
We are on orders of the town Baron. This castle will soon be under siege. You are no match for what’s coming. We come offering a chance for you to clear on out! Leave now, and all goblinkin will be spared.

Or stay. And die.


Bluff/Cha - (1d20-1)

(7) - 1 = 6

Jan 24, 2025 9:42 pm
Anton interprets the words to the goblins, as sternly and commandingly as Will says them, or at least he tries. The ultimatum at the end does worry about a possible retort by chucked spear or shot arrow.
Jan 25, 2025 10:14 am
"I see no army!" The hobgoblin inflated his chest. He didn't know anything about the human 'chieftain' they mentioned or his army, but he doubted he would have been magnanimous enough to just allow them leave. He knew he wouldn't, if he was in his place. Maybe that chieftain wants them out of the castle, so they will be easier to hunt. Still, even a small band of adventurers could be more than his small tribe could handle. Maybe retreating wasn't such a bad idea, but he couldn't get his tribe out while who knows how many more of them were waiting out in the woods. Raising his sword, he pointed it at them menacingly "You go! Now!"
Jan 27, 2025 3:34 pm
Nightshade steps forward, his expression calm but commanding, as he addresses the Interpreter with deliberate care. He takes a moment to compose himself, then speaks in a measured tone meant to convey both warning and purpose.

"We are not here to fight you, nor to take what is yours. But make no mistake, if we must fight, we will." He pauses, letting the weight of his words settle before continuing. "What my companions are trying to convey is this: the townsfolk are raising a large army, and they intend to march on this castle. I cannot tell you exactly when they will arrive, but it will be soon."

Nightshade’s tone softens slightly, though his resolve remains evident. "Our boss has tasked us with delivering an important message to the depths of the castle. I respectfully request that you let us pass. There is no need for bloodshed here today."

He steps back, his eyes carefully watching for the Interpreter’s reaction, ready to gauge whether the hobgoblins will listen or whether blades will be drawn.
Jan 27, 2025 5:20 pm
The hobgoblin’s lips curl into a dismissive sneer as he slowly shakes his head, clearly unimpressed by the Nightshade’s words. The stranger sure did talk alot, but if he had the strength or the will to fight, he would have done it by now.
But when you mention entering the keep itself, his entire demeanor changes. His eyes narrow, and his posture stiffens.

"The castle" he grunts, as he thinks things over. It isn't like he changed his opinion about you, or has grown suddenly trustful or fond of you. If he allowed you to go in, it was only because it served his own agenda

"Get out of the way! Let them pass!!" the hobgoblin barked at the others, waving his rusted sword for measure. The smaller goblins nervously scrambled out of the way, scattering and murmuring among themselves – but none of them dared challenge the hobgoblin’s orders.

His eyes stay locked on you as you pass through the main gate, ready for any sign of trouble, and as you step past the crumbling walls and into the courtyard, a wave of stench assaults you. THE stench. It’s sharp, unbearable, and it seems to seep into the very ground beneath your feet. It hits you so hard it is almost physical, like it’s pressing down on your lungs and making it hard to breathe.

The goblins themselves are a miserable sight. Huddled in grimy clusters across the courtyard, their emaciated forms seem to barely hold together. The heat of the day does nothing to ease their discomfort; some of them are covered in thick rashes, scratching at themselves in a frantic, absent way, as if it’s a reflex they can’t control. Their bodies twitch and jerk as they shuffle through the muck, searching for any small piece of shade to retreat into, but most don’t seem to have the energy to do more than sway in place, their movements sluggish and erratic.

You are free to advance and enter the keep itself, if you wish. What do you do?
Jan 27, 2025 7:07 pm
Will strides valiantly into the keep. Waiting for his friends, waving them on into the keep with him. He scowls at the hobgoblin, turns, and enters.
Jan 27, 2025 9:02 pm
Anton was glad that his learning of the language had helped facilitate entry into the keep, but now was the hard part, what lay within the keep that the Goblins, and their Hobgoblin masters were afraid of? He stayed near the rear of the group, allowing the others to advance first. The stench was enough to make his stomach roil, it was worse than any fish market or sewage trench he'd ever smelled.

"We will need light inside, I can be a torch bearer"
Jan 28, 2025 8:51 am
The air inside the keep feels oppressive – a cold that seeps deep into your bones. It is an unnatural chill, and the warmth from your torches does little to fend off the cold. The flames flicker weakly, struggling to keep the light in the face of some unseen force. The faint glimmer is barely enough to illuminate the deep shadows, its reach far too limited to offer any comfort.

The entrance hall’s ground is uneven beneath your feet. There is a noticeable absence of life; no mold, no sign of cobwebs, nothing to indicate the passage of time aside the gathering dust. The large double doors of the entrance lie broken on the ground, splintered and warped with age. On one of the door panels is an odd symbol: three wheat stalks* bound together.

On the opposite wall hangs a tapestry, sagging in places where the fabric has grown weak with age. The image is blurry, the colors faded and frayed. Though it’s hard to make out the finer details, you can just about discern the figure of a large man in a fur bear coat, standing proudly with a beautiful woman at his side. Two children, a boy and a girl, stand in front of them. Their faces, too, have been worn away by time, leaving only the faintest outlines behind.

At the far side of the room, two stairways are visible: one leading upward toward the second floor, the other set of stairs leads downward, disappearing into a pit of shadow.

Whispers, barely audible at first, grow louder the longer you linger in the room. Too distant to make out, but the sensation of being watched grows stronger with every passing moment. The temperature drops even further as you advance, and with each breath, the air grows thick with the vapor of your exhale, spiraling and lingering in the frozen air like a ghostly wisp before fading into the shadows.

What do you do?

*Anton can identify the symbol as an old one used by the Faith (no one uses this imagery these days, but it was more common in the distant past).

There are also two doors on your right, and a hallway continuing to your left
Jan 28, 2025 3:10 pm
Nightshade follows closely behind Will and Anton as they step into the keep, his hand resting lightly on the hilt of his sword. His eyes sweep the room, taking in its shadowed corners and the faint scent of damp stone. The heavy air carries an unsettling stillness that makes his instincts bristle. This is no place to linger, but recklessness here could be just as deadly.
He moves with caution, his steps deliberate and soundless. As they approach the first door, Nightshade takes his time and listens for any sounds beyond. His sharp eyes scan the frame and hinges, searching for any sign of traps. The second door, in turn, gets the same treatment.


first door, listen and look for traps - (1d6)

(5) = 5

second door, listen and look for traps - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jan 28, 2025 6:39 pm
"Seems they favored the Faith here in the past, the three wheat stalks bound, that's an old symbol." Anton struggled to keep his nerves in check, he expected ghosts to pop out with every step. What would he do if presented with one anyways? He had no faith to turn the undead, or magic even to cast at them, he doubted his daggers would do anything but sail through their ethereal forms. Powerlessness was not a coat he wore proudly.
Jan 28, 2025 7:12 pm
The faint whispers make it harder to concentrate, but Nightshade is positive he can hear distinct footsteps from the room behind the second door, the one farther away from the entrance.
Jan 29, 2025 1:22 am
Will keeps in step with his friends, but pauses at the sound of whispers. Perhaps discerning Nightshade’s wariness, our fightery fellow keeps his sword abd shield ready.
Feb 1, 2025 5:20 pm
Will strides to the second door. He briefly attempts to make out the whispers beyond the door, before he slowly opens it.
Feb 2, 2025 5:25 am
The room behind the creaking door is swallowed by darkness, the flickering light of your torch casting only faint shadows. The air in the room is unnaturally cold, and the weak torchlight does little to dispel the chill that clings to the room. The floor is coated in a thick layer of dust - undisturbed for centuries.

At the far end of the room, next to the wall, a large, heavy table stands in solitary stillness. Its surface is worn and scratched, bearing the marks of years of use. Upon it rests a scattering of brittle scrolls, their edges yellowed and curling with age. The faded ink, now barely visible, is almost indecipherable. Some scrolls are tightly rolled, others unfurled slightly, as though hastily abandoned in a moment of urgency.

Along the walls, several cabinets line the room, their wood worn but otherwise intact. To your right, an empty fireplace, its stone hearth cold and barren, with the faintest trace of ash still lingering inside.
this is the same room from where you heard the footsteps, yet, there is no one inside, and the layer of dust on the floor looks like it hasn't been disturbed in ages. What do you do?
Feb 2, 2025 12:57 pm
Anyone coming, Will says quietly back to hid friends. Checking out the table. Stepping lightly, our fightery fellow does just that. He approaches the table, and gazes emerald eyes upon the tattered scrolls.
Feb 2, 2025 1:37 pm
The ink on the parchments has faded long ago, but the book kept inside the drawer seems to be in better condition. Relatively. It's pages are brittle, and there is a risk of them turning to dust when you turn them. Not every page is legible, but with some effort, you might make out a few of them.

What do you do?
Feb 2, 2025 3:35 pm
Anton followed Will into the room, spotting the scrolls and pages as well. "Will, we must be careful with these as they are older, may I?" Anton was very interested in the pages, and his experience as a scribe gave him some knowledge on how best to handle the brittle pages.
Feb 3, 2025 12:31 pm
The pages of the book you retrieve (a diary, by the looks of it), would have crumbled to dust if it wasn't for the cold, dry air of the keep. It also helped you didn't spot a single vermin anywhere that could potentially harm it. Not even mold grew in these dark halls. Nonetheless, handling the book was a very delicate matter. You could try to read it, but perhaps only once. Flipping the pages has a good chance of irreparably harming them.

What do you do?
Feb 3, 2025 12:37 pm
Our fightery fellow breaks off from the desk. He strides over to the cabinets. He opens them, one by one, and begins searching for interesting items.
Feb 3, 2025 3:03 pm
Will searches through the cabinets and uncovers remnants of frayed and worn noble clothes. The once fine fabric is tattered and threadbare, with the family crest half-erased by the passage of time. Nearby is a weathered pipe which rests among the dust, still faintly carrying the scent of tobacco. A few tarnished silver candlesticks can be found in the lower cabinets, as well as a cloth pouch holding a collection of silver and gold pieces. Last is a set of iron keys, each distinct and worn with use.
the silver candlesticks could definitely fetch a price, as well as the pouch with silver and gold
Feb 3, 2025 3:17 pm
Anton thinks about the book in it's current condition, "It would be best if I were transcribe this as I read it, so that if it crumbles I don't have to recreate it from memory. But that will take some time, and an area where I can concentrate without the threat of ghosts"

Anton takes out his blanket from his pack and lays it out, then moves the book over into the blanket and wraps it so as to add some cushion before moving it into his backpack. "There, when we set up camp I can begin working on that."
Feb 3, 2025 5:57 pm
Quietly following Will and Anton into the room, Nightshade moves with practiced silence, his keen eyes scanning the dim space. As he steps forward, something catches his attention a curious contradiction. He heard the soft sound of footfalls, yet no footprints were visible on the dust-covered floorboards. His muscles tense slightly, his grip shifting instinctively toward his sword, but he keeps his expression neutral, wary yet composed.
He joins the search. Moving to one of the other cabinets, he carefully inspects it, his fingers tracing its edges for hidden compartments or anything out of place. He listens closely as he opens it, half-expecting a telltale creak or something unexpected lurking inside. Whatever secrets this place holds, Nightshade is determined to uncover them.
Feb 4, 2025 7:12 am
Nightshade finds no hidden compartments in the cabinet, though it was worth checking. One could never be sure what secrets might be lurking in the haunted keep.
Nothing else of note to be found in this room. What’s next?
Feb 4, 2025 3:07 pm
Will loots the candlesticks into his backpack, and secured the pouch if gold and silver for all his friends.

Keys from the cabinet, Will remarks, clutching the worn keys in gauntleted grip. Let’s be on the lookout for locks herein!
Feb 5, 2025 8:48 pm
Nightshade nods in approval as Will pockets the candlesticks and the pouch of gold. "A good haul," he murmurs before straightening. "I suggest we clear this floor before moving to the other levels. There’s still the door across the hall and that hallway leading off."
Nightshade strides toward the other doorway, his movements measured and cautious. Reaching the door, he tests the handle. His fingers are light but ready, prepared for whatever might be waiting on the other side. With a steady breath, he attempts to open it.
Feb 5, 2025 9:25 pm
Anton followed behind Nightshade, but allows Will to go ahead of him if he wants. There is no part of Anton that wants to be the first person to see the Ghost behind that door. It will be behind every door for him, he can feel his anxiety about seeing a ghost rising.
Feb 6, 2025 1:43 pm
No sooner does he close the cabinet doors, that our fightery fellow reopens them. Taking, also, the pipe from the cabinet.
Still smells of tobacco, Will remarks to his friends. How long does the smell of pipe tobacco linger?
Moving into the dining room, Will quickly examines the crystal goblets, trying to apprise their value.
Feb 7, 2025 12:26 pm
As Will picks up one of the crystal goblets, a sudden chill sweeps through the room. The temperature plummets, and the whispers that had lingered in the corners of the hall grow louder and more distinct.

Feb 7, 2025 12:49 pm
Anton was astonished at Will's, brashness? Maybe it was bravery. With this scene unfolded in front of them he had walked in and just grabbed a drink from the table. Now the mood soured though and a chill ran down Anton's spine. This was it, this scene playing out, they were in the presence of the undead, he could just feel it.

"Will, we should probably leave this room" Anton nearly whispered.
Feb 7, 2025 2:03 pm
Will places the goblet back on the table. I’m sure you’re right my friend, he replied to Anton. With that, our fightery fellow strides with his party to the next unexplored area.
Feb 8, 2025 7:07 am
A single plate begins to tremble as you make it toward the door. At first, it hovers just a few inches above the table. Then, with a sudden violent jerk, it is flung across the table with terrifying force, crashing against the wall next to the door and shattering into jagged pieces.

As you step out of the door, you can just about make several utensils; knives, forks and spoons, begin to lift off the table. The sharp ones – particularly the knives, seem to hover with eerie precision, pointing directly at you.

You manage to close the door behind you just in time to avoid getting skewered. The sharp clink of metal against the wood is unmistakable. The sound of the impact echoes throughout the empty halls, drawing attention from distant corners of the haunted keep.
Added a small map of the first floor. You explored the study and the dinning hall, and are now back at the Entrance.
@Drgwen - Boudica explored the 'left' (lets call it 'west' from now) of the keep. The Kitchen didn't have anything noteworthy, but she found a decomposing body lying on one of the beds in the Servant Quarters.
@WhtKnt - Miyana is arriving to the Entrance hall from the main courtyard. Fortunes smiled upon her, and the goblins and hobgoblins assumed she was part of the party they agreed to let through, allowing her to go in unchallenged as well.

Other than the areas you explored, there are still stairs going up (presumably to the rooms of the lord and his children), and going down, to the dark basement.

Feb 9, 2025 1:07 am
Miyana arrives just in time to witness the slamming of the door. "Have I come at a bad time?" she queries.
Feb 9, 2025 1:24 am
A human woman emerges from the western wing of the ruin, knocking some rancid flour from her armor. She has the appearance of a Traladaran priestess or the old Faith. She wears plate and wields a shield and mace, with a sling tucked in her belt.

"Oh! Greetings. I, uh, don't suppose you've seen my friend Prasutagus?"
Feb 10, 2025 11:23 am
No, not a bad tone at all.
Prasutagus? I know him, her or they not.
I am William Winter. Call me Will. My friends and I are exploring this castle.
Feb 10, 2025 8:23 pm
Boudica nods and says, "Yes, I as well. May I join you? There's safety in numbers."
Feb 10, 2025 8:56 pm
"I am also an explorer seeking my fortunes here, may I join as well?"
Feb 11, 2025 12:41 am
We will welcome your company, friends. Terrible danger is afoot!
Feb 11, 2025 2:59 am
Anton was taken aback by the sudden appearance of two corporeal beings in the castle, when did they arrive? Did they too haggle with the Hobgoblins to gain entry? Did they know how to defeat dinner having ghosts?

"I.. I'm Anton Rybakov, currently mage of little renown"
Feb 11, 2025 3:07 am
Boudica nods to all everyone and says, "I presume you all snuck past the goblins, as I did? In any event, I have looked in this area, behind me, and found only an empty kitchen with some rancid flour, as well as a servant, long dead, in a cot. Have you had any luck? I was told this ruin might be of interest to the history of the Faith."
Feb 11, 2025 5:48 am
"Snuck past? They bade me safe travels! You are the first thing I've seen since I entered the ruin. But if you would have me, I am Miyana Dradov, of Kelvin, daughter of Sergi Dradov!" She readies her bow and nocks an arrow.
Last edited Feb 11, 2025 5:48 am
Feb 11, 2025 3:36 pm
Kind introductions made, our fightery fellow leads his brave party upstairs, presumably to lord and lady quarters!
Feb 11, 2025 5:14 pm
"How different our situations, I had to negotiate with the Hobgoblins on behalf of our party to get in. Several of our party members had to depart, so you are both welcome additions. We have looked in an office of sorts, and the dining room. We found an old diary and some silver in the office, and a ghostly feast in the dining room." Anton followed behind Will as he recounted their tales to the newcomers.
Feb 11, 2025 8:49 pm
At the top of the stairs lies another hallway, not too different then the one on the first floor. The stone walls are rough and cold, and the soft, barely inaudible whispers, continue to accompany you. The dim torchlight reveals more faded tapestries hanging against the walls. Like the one on the first floor, the color from from the fabric has long since faded, and the once vibrant scenes of hunts and battles seem ghostly and fragmented, their intricate details lost to decay. The fabric of the worn fur rug that lies upon the floor is stiff and brittle, and the threadbare surface is so uneven and jagged it is hard to make out its origin. A fallen candleholder lies near the base on the stairs, matching another one which hangs near the large mirror on the wall opposite to the staircase.
There are two doors on this floor (east and west) - both ajar, though it is too dark to see what lies beyond them.
Feb 12, 2025 2:47 am
"Maybe we head east?" Anton said questioningly. He wasn't sure it mattered at this point.
Feb 12, 2025 3:38 pm
Yes, replies our fightery fellow. Leading his party due east. Will holds his torch outstretched, and peers inside.
Feb 12, 2025 8:20 pm
You find yourself in the lord and lady’s private suite. The room is split into two parts; a small waiting room, which leads into the main bedchamber, and the intimate space beyond.

The waiting room is dim and airless, with a few torn chairs around a dust-covered table. The main bedchamber itself has the same marks of decay; the four-poster bed is stripped of the rich fabrics that once adorned it, and the mattress lies sunken and shredded. Tall wardrobes, filled with musty faded fabrics brittle to the touch, stand in either side of the bed. Beyond a screen in the corner of the room is a small table with a single drawer, sitting beneath a tarnished mirror, and two large chests, each carved with intricate but fading designs, stand against the far wall.

The only thing that still gleams with faint luster, untouched by rust or corrosion, is the bronze* sword hanging above the bed, and the piece of chainmail (also bronze) draped across the chair.

*The Taladarans were in their bronze age until very recently. Bronze is inferior to steel, but at least it has the advantage that it doesn't rust.
Feb 12, 2025 9:21 pm
Will strides into the room with utter fightery confidence. He attempts to remove the sword from the wall to examine it. Might be worth something, if it’s old, he remarks. Speaking as though he knows exactly what he’s talking about!
Feb 12, 2025 9:30 pm
"Indeed," Miyana says appreciatively, watching his movements with the weapon. "It obviously belonged to someone in a position of power," she adds.
Feb 12, 2025 9:42 pm
Yes, both Will and Miyana are correct; though they are not forged of iron, the ancient sword and armor will be prized by patriotic Taladarans who will see them not as weapons, but symbols of a bygone era, carrying significant historical prestige.
Feb 12, 2025 10:58 pm
"What of these chests here?" Anton said motioning to the large chests, each carved with intricate but fading designs, that stand against the far wall. "Most likely not trapped in a bedroom, right?"
Feb 12, 2025 11:03 pm
"Possibly? To keep greedy servants out, perhaps? I have no skill in such matters, though." She enters and explores the room, examining the contents of the two wardrobes and then opening the drawer in the table.
Feb 13, 2025 12:28 am
Will strides confidently towards the nearest chest. He gives the lock and the sides a cursory examination, before then attempting to open it.
Feb 13, 2025 6:38 pm
Both of the chests are locked, but the rusted keys you picked up earlier fit perfectly.

The first chest contains exactly what you’ve been hoping for: a small fortune in gold and silver pieces, a pouch of precious gems, and several intricately engraved (tarnished) silver goblets. Nestled among them is a large sapphire ring, and a stack of crumbled letters, whose ink faded beyond recognition.

The second chest, however, is far more sinister. Inside, you find an assortment of black candles, a collection of animal skulls, a curved, blackened blade, and a bone amulet. There are also three flasks, filled with a yellowish-brown liquid that seems to shimmer unnaturally.

Meanwhile, Boudica opens the drawer of the dresser. At first, the contents seem mundane: a hairbrush, a silver brooch, and tattered handkerchiefs. But as she pulls the drawer all the way out, her fingers brush against something unexpected: a hidden compartment. Inside, lies is a book that appears to be remarkably intact despite the years. The black cover of the diary is ice cold, almost painful, as if the book draws the heat from her fingers

What do you do?
Feb 13, 2025 6:40 pm
Boudica alerts the others to what she has found, while also oohing and ahhing over the wealth in the first chest. Then she sets the book on the dresser and opens it to read.
Feb 13, 2025 6:44 pm
This is good. I say we leave this area closed up, for now, finish exploring, and wyen we’re finished we can haul it all out at our leisure.
Feb 13, 2025 6:57 pm
The diary begins with a tale of a young woman living deep in the woods with her mother. The first entries are short descriptions of their life in the wilderness, but everything changes one day when a handsome young warrior rides through the woods during the hunt. The girl describes how she is struck by love at first sight when she sees the warrior for the first time. She is sure destiny itself has woven their lives together, and she can't imagine life without him.

As Boudica flips through the pages, it becomes apparent that the girl becomes consumed with thoughts of the warrior. Each entry grows more intense, more desperate, as the young woman’s infatuation deepens. The words hint at a creeping sense of obsession. Finally, the young woman decides to leave her mother, and go search for the young man.
This is just the start of the diary, but you need to decide if you want to spend a few hours to read it in its entirety.
Feb 13, 2025 7:00 pm
Boudica turns to the others and says, "This diary could tell us much that is important about this location and what might await us below. But it will take time to read. I'd like to read it. Would you all mind waiting? You could count the coin..."
Feb 13, 2025 7:31 pm
I am ok to wait.
Feb 13, 2025 10:11 pm
Miyana nods curtly, feeling impatient, but understanding that the diary may hold vital information.
Feb 14, 2025 8:17 am
The story in the diary grows darker with every page Boudica flips.

The infatuated young woman follows the noble back to his castle, desperate to be near him. She learns that he is married, but it does nothing to deter her. Her conviction that they are meant to be together only strengths, and she takes a job as kitchen help, hoping that somehow, he will notice her. She grows desperate when the man remains devoted to his wife, and becomes certain that he simply needs to ‘see the truth’ that they are destined to be together. She resolves to do whatever it takes to make him hers.

She concocts a potion that will make him fall desperately in love with her for ‘a year and a day.’ She slips it into his food, and it works.
The man abandons his wife and marries the young woman, much to the dismay of some of his retainers who leave him in disgust. Thing settle over time, and they marry, eventually having children. Each year, the woman ensures that the noble drinks the potion on the anniversary of the day she first saw him in the woods, to keep him bound to her.

As the years go by, the noble becomes consumed with passion for his wife, while his lands and ‘ungrateful’ people begin to suffer from his increasing detachment.

One harsh winter, he grows ill. While he does recover, the young woman grows terrified at the thought of losing him. She cannot imagine a life without him, and this fear drives her to darker magic. Convinced that she can find a way to save him, and their children, from death, she delves deeper into forbidden practices.

The diary ends with a chilling description of her plan; to sacrifice her family and bring them back as undead, and to cut her own beating heart from her chest to sustain the ritual, with the final sentence promising that 'they will all be together, forever'

You can now confirm that the three brownish potions in the chest you found are extremely potent 'Philters of Love'. Mixing the liquid with a single strand of your hair will make anyone who consumes it fall in love with you for a promised 'year and a day'.
@Madclergy - this is exactly the type of dark magic the guild is supposed to safeguard against.
@Drgwen - As Boudica flips through the last few pages, she cannot shake the eerie feeling that she is no longer alone. She is suddenly convinced someone is standing just over her shoulder. Give me a 'Spells' Saving Throw, please.

Feb 14, 2025 3:08 pm
Will spends the downtime securing the room, then taking inventory of the treasure chest.
Feb 14, 2025 4:13 pm
Miyana suppresses a shudder. "Foul magics," she spits.
Feb 14, 2025 8:06 pm
Boudica shivers and turns around quickly, startled by the feeling.


Save vs Spells (15, with a +1 to magic saves from Wisdom) - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Feb 14, 2025 8:46 pm
Boudica could sense the presence of the ghost, even if she couldn't see her. A suffocating pressure pushing against her will, trying to wrest control of her body. Had the ghost succeeded, you have no doubt she would have used your body for some unspeakable dark purpose.

Drgwen - Feel free to describe the mental struggle and how Boudica reacts to the possession attempt. Once the ghost has been rebuked, she is forced to retreat, at least for the time being.

What would the rest of the party want to do? You have a chest full of treasure, and other precious items you picked up. Do you try to put the spirits to rest, or leave with what you've already found?

Feb 14, 2025 9:22 pm
Boudica turns and senses a presence stream into her. She falls out of the chair to her knees and screams an old curse of the Faith at the floor, expelling the evil presence from her body. She gasps for air and slowly stands, visibly disturbed. "It... a spirit... it tried to possess me as I finished the dark tale! But by may faith I repelled it. We must be careful, there are dark forces at work here. I feel I must do whatever I can to rid the land of this foul presence."
Feb 14, 2025 9:30 pm
"What do we need to do?" Miyana asks.
Feb 14, 2025 10:08 pm
Boudica says, "I'm not sure. But apparently the lady of the castle tried to preserve her husband and children forever by turning them undead, using some foul ritual. So I guess we must descend below and, maybe, find out if she was successful? Oh, and these are love potions, but maybe let's not use them, ok? And these might be useful later..." She takes the blackened knife and bone amulet, and picks up the potions. She is happy to pass any of these to others if they want them; otherwise, she will stow them in her sack.
Feb 15, 2025 1:53 pm
Shall we descend to the basement, friends?
Feb 15, 2025 7:09 pm
Boudicca nods in agreement.
Feb 15, 2025 7:19 pm
In riveting fashion, our fightery fellow leads his party down the stairs.
Feb 15, 2025 8:45 pm
As they are preparing to leave, Boudicca grabs the sapphire ring, and says, "Just in case we can’t make it back here for some reason. And yes, we will split its value! I’m not laying claim to it."

She then tucks it away and follows Will.
Feb 15, 2025 9:05 pm
Miyana follows the others, bow at the ready.
Feb 15, 2025 10:57 pm
Anton had taken a seat near the chest, and was helping count the coin, but stood and made ready as the others prepared to head to the basement. "Did the Diary give any hint how the spell was enacted?"
Unsure if the diary contents were read aloud or not
Feb 15, 2025 11:42 pm
Have we basically explored all of the ground floor?
Feb 16, 2025 1:48 am
Boudica summarized the contents of the diary, since it took like an hour or two to read.
Feb 16, 2025 9:39 am
You head down to the basement entrance, where an old, rusted metal door stands before you. The key you found unlock it, and the hinges creak loudly as the door swings on its axis. The temperature drops sharply when you begin your descent down the stairs, the air growing colder and colder until it feels like walking through an ice storm.

Then, without warning, a sudden gust of wind blows through the basement, extinguishing your torches and plunging you into pitch darkness.

In that fleeting moment before the light vanishes completely, you catch a glimpse of something unsettling at the foot of the stairs. Several figures, lying motionless on the ground.

There was nothing else of note on the second floor (the children's room were just that, with no treasure or any additional clue to what happened to them). The bodies at the basement look like adventurers, probably dead no more then a week or two.
Feb 16, 2025 1:28 pm
Anton felt the grip of fear constrict his air way as he resisted the urge to yelp at the loss of light and the dead adventurers bodies. He quickly struggled to get his pack off his shoulders, he had to find his flint and steel, to get the torch relit. His hands rummaged through his pack frantically, when he finally felt the tinderbox he felt some ease, but he still need to get the torch lit, so he yanked it from the pack, opened it up and feeling with only his fingers grabbed the flint and steel from within. He hoped the torch would light again with just the oil on the cloth, but if not he did have his lantern in his pack as well.
Not sure if there is a magical aspect to this, so don't want to take any liberties, but Anton will attempt to light the torch
Feb 16, 2025 2:15 pm
Will stoops low and searches the nearest body for identification, cause of death, or items of interest.
Last edited Feb 16, 2025 2:15 pm
Feb 17, 2025 1:31 am
When the light goes out, Miyana is immediately on the alert, listening for any sounds that might be indicative of an enemy. Her fingers tremble as she draws back the arrow in her bow.
Feb 17, 2025 2:05 am
Boudica uses her tinderbox to reignite her torch, holding aloft in front of her.
Feb 17, 2025 5:33 am
Anton sticks the steel against the flint, and after a moment of desperate sparks, the torch flickers back into life. The dim glow barely cuts through the darkness, and it looks like the light struggles to keep the cold at bay.

He only had a short moment to notice one of the bodies lying on the floor reaching out and grasping Will's wrist with its emaciated hand as he stopped low to inspect it. The rest of the fallen adventurers slowly rise to their feet, their eyes blank and lifeless as they reach out to you with their decaying hands...

There are five zombies in total.
Roll for initiative, and, to save time, for your actions as well.
Feb 17, 2025 5:56 am
Boudica raises her holy symbol and calls upon her Faith to turn these undead!


Initiative - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Turn Undead - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Feb 17, 2025 12:28 pm
Were it not for his vocal chords having clamped off in fear Anton would have yelped at the sight of the undead. He quickly pawed at his daggers to try and bring one to hand, but what would good would steel be against the living dead! Still he had to try, he chucked one of the daggers at one of the zombies!
Last edited Feb 17, 2025 12:29 pm


Initiative - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Dagger x5 - Atk. / Damage - (1d20+0, 1d4)

1d20+0 : (7) = 7

1d4 : (1) = 1

Feb 17, 2025 5:15 pm
Miyana looses an arrow at the closest zombie.


Init - (1d6+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Long bow - Atk. - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Long bow - Dmg. - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Feb 17, 2025 8:28 pm
Anton struck at the nearest zombie. The blade found its mark, but the creature didn’t react. Its lifeless eyes locked onto him, and it continued its slow advance, as if the strike had done nothing at all. It didn't flinch not even when the arrow struck its chest. The creature didn't feel any pain, and stabbing it didn't slow it down any.

The zombies did recoil at the sight of Boudica's holy symbol, as if they were compelled to pause. The growled as they glared at the symbol, but the resistance was brief. With a hiss, they resumed their advanced, trying to claw at you with their hands.
Only one of the Zombies scored a hit on Anton this round. Will can take his action, then we will move to round two (you act first, because the Zombies always lose initiative)

Unfortunately that all looks like misses. I narrated you hitting the targets without inflicting any damage, but don't take it as if your weapons can't harm them.
Boudica - you were very close to succeeding in turning them away, and you can keep on trying as many times as you'd like.
Anton - you still have the potion of heroism with you, and though it is not unwise to save it for whatever creature killed the adventurers to begin with, you don't want to end up dead either with it on you.
Also, since we're not playing with a map and its hard to visualize the battlefield -you can always retreat up the stairs and fight the zombies in a choke-point.


Zombie attack vs Boudica - (2d20)

(61) = 7

Zombie attack vs Anton - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Zombie attack vs Will - (2d20)

(315) = 18

Zombie damage on Anton - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Feb 17, 2025 10:00 pm
Boudica grunts in frustration but raises her holy symbol again, and calls one more on her Faith to turn these foul creatures.

If she can do so safely, she also steps backward up the steps.


I can haz turn pls - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Feb 18, 2025 12:19 am
Will pulls gauntleted wrist away from the rising undead. Will then swings his trusty sword at the nearest foe!


Sword - Atk. - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Sword - Dmg. - (1d8+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Feb 18, 2025 1:50 am
Miyana also backs up he stairs, sending another arrow toward the nearest zombie.


Bow attack vs. zombie - (1d20+2, 1d6)

1d20+2 : (13) + 2 = 15

1d6 : (4) = 4

Feb 18, 2025 1:20 pm
Will cleaved the zombie in twain. Even that was not enough to ‘kill’ the undead; the one-armed torso pulled itself forward by its fingernails, the head growling and hissing as it inched toward the fighter. Miyana’s arrow found its mark too, and the Zombie staggered backward before continuing its advance.

Will did eliminate the zombie, and it is no longer considered a threat, though you probably don’t want to fall asleep next to it. Miyana scored a solid hit as well. For reference, the Zombies have 8 hp, and an AC of 11, so if you inflict that much damage you can narrate how you dispatched it.
Still need an action from Will and Anton for round 2. And since the party is retreating back up the stairs ,I need to know who volunteers to stand in front and fight the Zombies off one by one.
Feb 18, 2025 2:25 pm
Content with slashing prowess, Will swings his sword at the next nearest zombie!


Sword - Atk. - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

Sword - Dmg. - (1d8+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Feb 18, 2025 2:48 pm
Anton couldn't believe what was happening, even when Will's blade cut down the Zombies they continued to crawl after them.

"We have to get back upstairs"

He turned and headed up the stairs, stopping only long enough to glance back and make sure the others were following.
Feb 18, 2025 8:49 pm
Targeting the same zombie Will did, Miyana lets fly! Her arrow takes the zombie through the eye and it falls before it can take another step.
Last edited Feb 18, 2025 8:50 pm


Bow vs. zombie - (1d20+2, 1d6)

1d20+2 : (12) + 2 = 14

1d6 : (5) = 5

Feb 19, 2025 7:11 am
After the initial surprise, Will and Miyana start to get the upper hand over the Zombies; Miyana manages to shoot one of them down, and Will slices a Zombies’ hand as it reaches out to grab him. Only three of them remain, and with Will blocking the stairway they have no choice but to fight the armored fighter with their bare hands.
You can post your actions for round 3. Only 3 zombies remain, and one of them is injured. @WhtKnt - I think you already took your 3 actions. Everyone else can take their turn.


Zombie attack vs Will - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Feb 19, 2025 1:28 pm
Boudica prays to the ancient goddesses of the Faith, "I am once again asking for your spiritual support," and she holds her holy symbol aloft.


turnt - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Zombies turned - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Feb 19, 2025 3:59 pm
As Anton reached the top of the stairs he pulled another dagger and flung it at the Zombies.


Dagger x5 - Atk. - (1d20+0)

(3) = 3

Dagger x5 - Dmg. - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Feb 19, 2025 4:39 pm
Will swings his trusty sword once again!


Sword - Atk. - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Sword - Dmg. - (1d8+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Feb 19, 2025 5:15 pm
The zombies staggered back, their twisted forms writhing in agony, when a sudden flash of blinding light erupted from Boudica's holy symbol. Forced to recoil in front of the holy power, their guttural growls turned into angry snarls as they turned and fled into the darkness, disappearing into the shadows...
That was a good 'Turn Undead' Roll.
The three remaining Zombies turn and flee, though you are not sure where to, and for how long they will be kept away.
What do you do?
Feb 19, 2025 5:23 pm
"I am quite glad you are here miss Boudica, I fear my dagger attacks were less than useful" Anton straightened his vest, "We should push forward slowly, we know not what other horrors await in the dark."
Last edited Feb 19, 2025 5:23 pm
Feb 19, 2025 5:24 pm
Boudica falls to her knees and offers a song of thanks to the goddesses of the old Faith.
The song, should you be curious:
Once she has sung the first verse, she rises and says, "I do not know for how long they will flee, nor whether we must face them again. But for now, the goddess has delivered us from their evil."
Feb 19, 2025 5:54 pm
Dope song, does she get all the choir chanting and such mystically? :)
Feb 20, 2025 1:44 am
Miyana nocks another arrow and shrugs. "We'll probably run into them again," she predicts.
Feb 21, 2025 11:41 am
Will stoops low, and dodging zombie hands, searches the bodies for useful items.
Feb 21, 2025 12:47 pm
Evading the snapping jaws of the maimed Zombies, Will and Miyana retrieve the belongings of the slain adventurers; a bow and arrows, leather armor, and a silvery potion (neatly labelled as ‘healing’) from one of them, and a steel long sword, chainmail, and a folded map from the other.

You barely have enough time to catch your breath, when another figure emerges from the pitch-blackness in front of you. Slow and deliberate, the skeleton, wearing a worn bronze chainmail and an old tattered bear coat, steps into view. It drags a frosty sword behind it, the blade scraping along the stone floor. It stops to look at you with its hollow eye sockets for a moment, then, it hisses, and raises its sword, pointing directly at you. As soon as it does, you hear more noises from the passageway to your right. More shuffling footsteps, growing louder, as if more restless bones are on the move...
Feb 21, 2025 1:56 pm
"More of the undead, quickly miss Boudica, turn them again!" Anton knew that a dagger would do next to nothing against the bones of a skeleton, it would likely clatter through a rib cage or be turned away by a forearm bone and skitter across a floor behind it.
Feb 21, 2025 6:09 pm
Boudica has barely caught her breath from her first encounter ver with the undead when she is faced with more!
She holds her holy symbol aloft once more!



(54) = 9

Feb 21, 2025 9:45 pm
For the first time, Miyana silently admonishes herself for not carrying a secondary weapon, a bashing weapon. Her arrows will be next to useless against a skeleton, and even her longsword will be less effective. A look at the frosty blade fills her with a chill of dread.
Feb 22, 2025 8:40 am
Boudica brandishes her holy symbol, and the group of skeletons from the door to the right falters. Their bones rattle as they halt in place, unable to advance past the threshold.

But the sound of dragging metal still echoes through the room. The skeleton in the tattered bear coat and bronze chainmail continues its march, undeterred by the holy light. Its empty eye sockets fixate on you with malicious intent, the ice-chilled sword it drags along the floor leaves a trail of frost behind it.

Roll initiative and declare your actions
Boudica manages to turn all the other undead (a group of skeletons brandishing swords), but the one approaching you is far more terrifying, and beyond her abilities to turn.
Feb 22, 2025 5:32 pm
Will moves to the fore, dropping his sword abd brandishing his mace. Then he engages the sword-wielding skeleton with ridiculous valor. lol
What are the properties of a Steel Longsword exactly? Are they not all steel in this world? I hope it’s awesome loot! :)


Mace - Atk. - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Mace - Dmg. - (1d6+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Roll Intitative! - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Feb 22, 2025 8:42 pm
Boudica steps back, unnerved by the undead’s inexorable approach despite her faith.
I assume turning was my action this round?


Initiative - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Feb 22, 2025 10:49 pm
Miyana overcomes her momentary fear and launches an arrow, hoping to hit a vital spot.


Miyana vs. skeleton - (1d20+2, 1d6)

1d20+2 : (18) + 2 = 20

1d6 : (6) = 6

Feb 23, 2025 12:19 pm
The mace strikes the undead with a resounding crack, causing it to stagger back, but it quickly recovers. Miyana’s arrow hits its chest, sinking into the bone, but without flesh to damage, the impact is minimal. Turning its hollow gaze on Will, the undead raises its frost-covered sword and swings it dow toward him.
the attack missed. You're very lucky ;)
@drgwen - you can still act this round.
@WhtKnt - unfortunately, slashing and piercing attacks (including arrows) do half damage vs the skeletal undead.


Attack vs Will - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Feb 23, 2025 4:23 pm
Boudica steels her nerves, steps forward, raises her mace, and attacks the frightening skeleton!


Mace - (1d20+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

Bludgeoning damage on a hit - (1d6+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Feb 23, 2025 4:39 pm
Is there anything here that I can pick up and throw at the skeleton, something blunt maybe?
Feb 23, 2025 7:59 pm
Boudica's mace connects, but the worn armor absorbs most of the strength of her blow.

Drgwen - that was a miss, unfortunately.

Madclergy- nothing in this empty chamber you can use. There are two passageways if you dare explore forward- one is blocked by a group of skeletons held at bay by Boudica's strength of faith, the other is the archway from which the armored skeleton emerged.

Everyone can take their action for round 2.

Feb 23, 2025 8:10 pm
Will swings his trusty mace!


Mace - Atk. - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Mace - Dmg. - (1d6+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Feb 23, 2025 10:25 pm
I have got to get a mace! Miyana thinks to herself, already in motion. It's a risk, but a calculated one. She darts for the archway from which the skeleton emerged, hoping to find something useful in fighting it.
Feb 24, 2025 5:47 am
The skeleton warrior pauses the moment Miyana reaches the archway. It breaks off the fight altogether, no longer interested in slaughtering the foolish adventurers (or rather, it is no longer its first priority). Instead, it locks its hollow eye sockets at her and turns its back on Will and Boudica and walks with a slow gait back into the room from which it emerged, determined to pursue Miyama.

Miyama - The room you ran into is pitch dark, offering little more than a vague sense of space. Your torchlight barely provides any illumination, but you are convinced you are in some sort of a temple, or a ritual chamber. The chill inside is worse than anywhere else in the castle, so unnaturally cold it sinks into your bones. The whispers that accompanied you throughout your exploration of the ruins grow louder and sharper, more insistent, as if they are responding to your intrusion. You manage to take just a couple of steps into the room before noticing a dark sheen over the walls, as strange liquid (blood?) starts seeping through the cracks. Whatever lies at the heart of this room, whatever ritual was once performed here, is something the undead want her away from.
let me know what you do - the room is pretty small, so you can get a quick look around in a single action.
However - you lose 1 hp every round spent in the room from the unnatural cold, and something (not only the skeleton), is definitely coming for her.
Feb 24, 2025 2:51 pm
Undeterred, our fightery fellow follows after the skeleton and smacks it with his mace!


Mace - Atk. - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Mace - Dmg. - (1d6+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Feb 24, 2025 3:46 pm
Anton continues to look around, he's holding a torch but doesn't want to smack at the skeletons with it for fear of it extinguishing the light. He chooses to stay nearby Will, helping to provide him with the light necessary to fight off the Skeletons.
Feb 24, 2025 6:07 pm
Miyana quickly backs out of the room and considers the torch she is carrying. Could it be used as a makeshift club against the skeleton?
Feb 24, 2025 6:16 pm
Seeing the creature turn its back on them, Boudica ran up and smacked it again with her mace.


Mace - (1d20+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

Damage - (1d6+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Feb 25, 2025 5:35 am
Will smashes his mace against the back of the skeleton warrior – who seems much more durable than ever foe he has ever fought against. The undead doesn’t feel any pain or discomfort, and after staggering forward, it continues on its advance toward the archway. It loses all interest in Miyana once she slips out, however, his attention back on the young burly fighter instead. Swinging around with unnatural speed, it tries to cleave Will with its cursed sword!

And...another miss. Your AC really is too high ;)
Boudica - you missed (for reference, the undead AC is 15)
Miyana - yes, you can use the torch as a makeshift club. Not a very effective one, but still better than your arrows.


Attack vs Will - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Feb 25, 2025 11:31 am
Will does what he does, with his trusty mace!


Mace - Atk. - (1d20+3)

(13) + 3 = 16

Mace - Dmg. - (1d6+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Feb 25, 2025 12:04 pm
The undead could only endure so much punishment. Finally, it succumbs to Will's relentless assault, crumpling 'lifeless' to the floor. It's unclear whether it's truly dead, as the skeleton remains almost unchanged from its animated state, aside from a few more shattered bones. At any rate, it no longer moves.

What do you do?
Feb 25, 2025 12:10 pm
Boudica utters a prayer of thanks when it falls. She approaches the bones and examines what remains. Out of an abundance of caution, she kicks its skull away from its body. "Its blade…", she says. "And what was it protecting so zealously?" She looks into the dark room beyond, lighting a torch if necessary.
Feb 25, 2025 1:59 pm
Will sheathes his own trusty sword, and stoops low at the fallen skeleton. He picks up the creature’s sword and inspects it.
Last edited Feb 25, 2025 1:59 pm
Feb 25, 2025 4:34 pm
Anton was glad to see the skeleton fall, "Good work Will!"
Feb 25, 2025 4:52 pm
"Whatever it was, it's cold in there," Miyana breathes, "Like supernaturally cold."
Feb 25, 2025 5:50 pm
Boudica hears what Miyana has to say and reaches down and grabs the skeleton and drags it fully out of that room. "I don’t want this skeleton reanimating on us, and I don’t know how this place works. The lady discovered a way to turn her family and servants all undead, after all…"
Feb 25, 2025 6:07 pm
Boudica kicks the skeleton’s skull away, which rolls a couple of times before ending up upright, staring at her through empty eye sockets. The sword Will picked up is an ancient bronze one, and obviously magical, judging by how chilly the hilt of it felt in his hand.
Feb 25, 2025 6:55 pm
Thank you my friend,Will replies kindly to Anton. A fine team effort!
Will grips his newly-acquired sword in gauntleted grip.
I presume that skeleton was someone of some importance. A family member perhaps? Its sword was surely a weapon of prominence.
Feb 25, 2025 10:38 pm
Boudica points to its bronze armor and says, "that could be useful for someone, too."
Feb 25, 2025 10:54 pm
Anton cursed his scholarly ways at the sight of the bronze armor. A thick metal sheeting would definitely make him feel better against the clawing bones of a skeleton.

"Maybe there is something to be gleaned about the ritual that was used down here, maybe a way to undo it" Anton entered into the room and began looking around for signs of a ritual that could be disrupted.
Feb 25, 2025 11:29 pm
Boudica followed Anton, holding her torch aloft.
Feb 25, 2025 11:37 pm
Will also enters the room, his new sword in tight grip.
Feb 26, 2025 12:11 am
Miyana stands at the doorway, having already experienced the supernatural cold of the room and not really wanting to feel it again.
Feb 26, 2025 8:42 am
An oppressive chill thickens around you once you step into the room – so cold as if you were encased by ice. The air is heavy, saturated with a putrid scent, and you immediately notice the dark liquid continuing to seep from the cracks in the walls, pooling onto the floor in slow, ominous rivulets.

However, the true horror lies before you.

At the center of the room stands a translucent, ghostly figure, its outline faint yet unmistakably humanoid. Its gaze fixes upon you with an unsettling intensity, and an unnatural coldness presses in on your minds. You feel a creeping sense of dread gnawing at your thoughts, as if something is trying to claw its way into your soul.

The ghost's pale glow casts an unnatural light over the room, revealing more of the unsettling details. A stone altar stands at the very center of the room, and on top of it rests a still-beating heart, as though it is somehow alive.

Behind the altar, two small figures crouch in the shadows. Their bodies are hunched and twisted with flesh a mottled grey, as though they are long past the point of decay. They peer out from behind the altar, their eyes glinting with a strange, unnatural awareness.
Everyone in the room suffer -1 cold damage per round. Also, I need a ‘Spells’ SV from each of you, to avoid being paralyzed with fear.
Feb 26, 2025 5:50 pm
"The... the Lady of the House? And her children..."

She holds up her holy symbol, hand shaking, from fear and from the bitter unnatural cold, and calls once more on her Faith to aid her.
Unsure if a Turn Undead would work here, but she'll try!
Last edited Feb 26, 2025 5:51 pm


Save vs Spell, 15 - (1d20+1)

(18) + 1 = 19

Turn Undead maybe - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Feb 26, 2025 6:20 pm
Will clutches the magical bronze sword I b gauntlets grip, as he steps into the room and tries to stay his fear!
Bam. :)
Last edited Feb 26, 2025 6:21 pm


Save on 16 - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Feb 26, 2025 7:25 pm
The ghost, a young and beautiful woman with long, flowing black hair and a gaping hole where her heart should have been, seemed unperturbed by the display of the holy symbol. If anything - she seems irritated by it.

Turning toward your direction, she closed the distance, gliding through the altar, her spectral hands reaching out for you...
The ghost is beyond your ability to turn, @Drgwen
@WhiteDwarf - you are free to act (as anyone else who made the SV)
Feb 26, 2025 7:38 pm
Pleasant dreams, Will quips to the ghostly woman. As he approaches the altar, and brings the magical sword down upon the beating heart!


Sword - Atk. - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Sword - Dmg. - (1d8+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Feb 26, 2025 8:14 pm
Miyana tries to swallow her fear, but is unsuccessful. She can only stand mutely as the ghost approaches the rest of her party.
Last edited Feb 26, 2025 8:15 pm


Save vs. spells (16+) - (1d20+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Feb 26, 2025 8:31 pm
A sharp shriek fills the room the moment Will's sword strikes the pulsing heart on top of the altar. The ghost's features twist with intense pain, and then, with a final, sorrowful cry, she dissolves into mist, vanishing completely into the darkness.

The blood oozing down the wall comes to a sudden stop, and the cold and heavy air begins to warm, lifting the oppressing chill that filled the room. The two smaller zombies now lay motionless by the altar, whatever force animating them fading with the disappearance of the ghost.
Feb 26, 2025 8:41 pm
Well done, friends, Will exclaims. Now, I feel like we just need to deal with the hobgoblins and their wretched ilk outside the gates. Thoughts?
Feb 27, 2025 2:19 am
Still at the doorway, Miyana comments, "There is more to be found down here, I think." Her voice is still quaking with fear.
Last edited Feb 27, 2025 2:20 am
Feb 28, 2025 12:02 am
Anton watched Will strike the heart, scared, but not paralyzed. "Wait...was that it. A single sword strike?" he looked about the room, expecting something more, but it seemed the curse was indeed shrinking away as he watched the blood stop it's oozing. "It's almost like she let you do it, doesn't that seem strange?"
Last edited Feb 28, 2025 12:04 am


Spell Save - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Feb 28, 2025 8:55 am
Boudica lowers her holy symbol and relaxes. She steps into the space and begins to examine the altar and area.

Replying to Anton, she says, "Was her guard with the ice sword not enough for you? Perhaps defeating him left her defenseless. Perhaps? Or perhaps not." she shrugs, uncertain, and continues her examination.
Feb 28, 2025 11:36 am
The room is small and doesn't take much time to search. Besides the alter are skeletal remains, with several broken ribs and a sharp ritual dagger. The small alcove at the far end contains candles, an overturned table, and the remnants of books, their pages reduced to dust. One particular book, however stands out from the rest. It remains intact despite the passing of the centuries. Its cover is cool to the touch, much like the journal you discovered earlier, only these pages are filled with frantic scrawls and dark magical formulas.
This is a spellbook, though what spells it contains will require magical aptitude to decipher
Feb 28, 2025 1:34 pm
Will searches the skeleton next to the altar, then picks up the ritual dagger and inspects it.
Feb 28, 2025 3:33 pm
Miyana refuses to enter the room, standing guard at the door.
Feb 28, 2025 5:25 pm
Boudica, too, withdraws from the room. Once the heart is destroyed, though, does the unnatural and damaging cold subside?
Feb 28, 2025 8:23 pm
Anton couldn't help himself as he touched the front of the spell book, "It's not the intent of the spell but how you use it, or choose not to, right?" he lifted it and felt it's heft in his hands. "If nothing else we should take it with us to dispose of if it doesn't provide anything that can be used for any good"
Mar 1, 2025 5:08 am
It is too soon to tell if the unnatural cold has subsided (you're at the basement, and it would take some time until the temperature starts to rise). The whispers that have been accompanying you all along did cease, however, and your torches burn with their natural intensity rather than the flickering lights that struggled to remain alive.

There is one other room in the basement, the one where several skeletons were held off at the entrance of by Boudica's faith. You find all these skeletons unanimated as well, the room they were at nothing but a guard room with several cots. You can pick up several old copper weapons and armor off the skeletons, but their personal items have long since decayed and lost any value.

Where to from here?
Mar 1, 2025 1:24 pm
Having completed the search of the basement, Boudica turned to the others and said, "Where haven't we searched yet in this castle? It only occurs to me now that I should have been mapping as I went..."
Mar 1, 2025 5:38 pm
I think we’ve searched everything in the basement. I think we’ve just one more room upstairs.
Mar 3, 2025 5:17 pm
Our fightery fellow loots the ritual dagger, then sashays upstairs. From the dining room, he loots as much silver as his sack will carry!

Unless someone has a plan for negotiating with the goblinkin, we’ll need to fight our way out of here. Hopefully we can break their morale if we take out the hobgoblins first.
Mar 3, 2025 5:25 pm
Boudica agreed that they should deal with goblins and then return for the bulk of the loot. Still, she kept the pouch of gems and the expensive jeweled ring, just in case. "OK, let's do it, then. I'll follow your lead."
Mar 3, 2025 6:15 pm
I don't suppose there are any murder holes near or above the goblins?
Mar 4, 2025 12:53 pm
From her vantage point on the second floor, Miyana has a clear view of the courtyard below. The goblins look even more wretched than before; they huddle beneath the crumbling battlements, desperately shielding themselves from the scorching sun. The miserable lot are too busy scratching at their skin, rolling in the dirt, and covering themselves in filth to notice you - even if they could see that far in the blinding light. Even from this height, the stench of the goblins is almost unbearable. A fetid odor that makes you regret having your breakfast that day.

The sentries they posted on the walls are likewise barely a threat, constantly squinting against the light of the sun, and struggling to spot anything beyond the courtyard. They’re more concerned with their own discomfort than with watching for intruders. A handful of goblins, along with a couple of hobgoblins, stand near the castle entrance, their eyes watching the main door that leads inside.

They've seen you arrive and are preparing for whatever may come next. To the hobgoblin leader, you were either doomed to perish at the hands of the ghosts haunting the castle, like every other adventuring party before you… or, if you somehow manage to drive the spirits out, you’ll have done him and his tribe a great service. After dealing with you, they will have a much better place to hide from the hated sun...

It wasn't obvious where each of you want to be at the start of the fight, so include it as part of your post.
Trying to block the main door will reveal your presence and immediately start the fight. If all of you want to start on the second floor and pepper them with arrows/javelins, you will have a surprise round (I'll just skip the goblins' turn if that is the case, so don't wait up on any other player).
Mar 4, 2025 5:11 pm
Miyana draws back her bow, aims carefully for a hobgoblin, and waits for the signal.
Mar 4, 2025 8:51 pm
Boudica looks for a spot she can take cover behind. If she doesn't see one, she'll try to make one, tipping a table, for example. She prepares her sling and nods, ready.
Mar 4, 2025 9:20 pm
Anton positions him at the top of the stairs, ready to throw a dagger at an approaching goblin and then retreat into one of the upstairs rooms.
Mar 4, 2025 10:48 pm
I fear once we start firing upon them, they’ll surely come in for us. If they all come for us, we’ll be overwhelmed. I’m short on good ideas, at the moment, but I’m not sure if we should make what might be a final stand, just yet.
Mar 5, 2025 12:49 am
Boudica turns to the others and asks, "how many are there?"
Mar 5, 2025 6:35 pm
Seems only a dozen or so that’ll put up a fight. Not bad, I say we say start shooting!
Will has javelins. Can he toss those from his present location, or is there a place I can hustle to for that?
Mar 5, 2025 6:46 pm
Throwing Javelins out of a narrow window is a bit tricky. I'll give you a -2 to hit penalty. There is no other place from which you can throw them safely, unless you move to the front door leading to the courtyard.
Mar 6, 2025 4:01 pm
Will begins lining up furniture to barricade the door.
Mar 6, 2025 7:30 pm
A short hour later, you manage to complete barricade the stairway with tables, cabinets, and dressers that you hauled from the bedrooms.
What's next?
Mar 6, 2025 8:51 pm
Boudica takes up a position behind the barricade with her sling and says, "Does anyone have oil we can put on the stairs?"
Mar 6, 2025 10:45 pm
Will, worn out from spending a a solid hour moving furniture against a door, huffs out,
I…have…no… (cough) oil. And I’m not moving all that furniture back from the door to get to the stairs, if I did!
Mar 7, 2025 1:08 am
Anton opens his back, "I have two flasks of oil here, will that do the trick?"
Mar 7, 2025 1:28 am
Boudica nods and says, "Sure! Here, just step up on the top of this barricade and pour it onto the stairs. It will run down them a bit and make it very difficult for them to get up. At least, I hope so!"
Mar 7, 2025 3:32 am
"How bright!" Anton steps up and pours the flasks of oil as instructed. "Like that yes?"
Mar 7, 2025 12:01 pm
Anton and Boudica poured the oil over the stairs, which are now slippery, and a fire hazard. What's next?
I'm assuming you poured the oil before building the barricade, otherwise it would be too easy to climb on top of it.
Mar 7, 2025 3:23 pm
Yes that would be my assumption as well, I also didn't think about the fact of a fire hazard, maybe we should secure a rope to escape out a second floor window?
Mar 7, 2025 4:36 pm
One oil is poured, Will barricades the door. Then, producing rope from his pack, our fightery fellow fashions a knotted rope to drop over the window as a means of escape.
Mar 8, 2025 7:07 am
Will prepares his rope, and finds some to secure it against one of the bedposts - just in case they found themselves trapped on the second floor.
Any other preparation, or will someone finally pull the trigger ;)
Mar 8, 2025 2:16 pm
I can’t think of anything. Weird plan, in retrospect, I think we were all just wanting to post actions.
I’ll defer on the trigger, I guess, since Will only has javelins.
Mar 9, 2025 2:16 am
I think the kickoff is to the pleasure of our resident archer
Mar 9, 2025 2:21 am
We have good news, abd bad news. The good news is, we secured your castle. The bad news is, we may have burned it down. lol
Mar 9, 2025 5:22 am
If the honor falls to Miyana, then she will do it, firing the first arrow.


Bow vs. hobgoblin - (1d20+2, 1d6)

1d20+2 : (20) + 2 = 22

1d6 : (5) = 5

Mar 9, 2025 5:36 am
The sound of the bowstring releasing echoed through the air, followed by the unmistakable 'thwack' as her arrow found its mark. The hobgoblin had not even seen it coming. One moment it was standing in the courtyard, the next it was lying still on the ground, a shaft protruding from his throat.

Panic immediately erupted in the courtyard as the other goblins and hobgoblins shrieked and scattered. They darted around frantically, searching for any sign of the unseen assailant, each creature pointing in a different direction, unsure of where the deadly projectile had originated.
Great shot! Everyone else can take their actions for the surprise round. following that, we will roll initiative normally.

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