Mistamere Castle

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Feb 20, 2025 1:44 am
Miyana nocks another arrow and shrugs. "We'll probably run into them again," she predicts.
Feb 21, 2025 11:41 am
Will stoops low, and dodging zombie hands, searches the bodies for useful items.
Feb 21, 2025 12:47 pm
Evading the snapping jaws of the maimed Zombies, Will and Miyana retrieve the belongings of the slain adventurers; a bow and arrows, leather armor, and a silvery potion (neatly labelled as ‘healing’) from one of them, and a steel long sword, chainmail, and a folded map from the other.

You barely have enough time to catch your breath, when another figure emerges from the pitch-blackness in front of you. Slow and deliberate, the skeleton, wearing a worn bronze chainmail and an old tattered bear coat, steps into view. It drags a frosty sword behind it, the blade scraping along the stone floor. It stops to look at you with its hollow eye sockets for a moment, then, it hisses, and raises its sword, pointing directly at you. As soon as it does, you hear more noises from the passageway to your right. More shuffling footsteps, growing louder, as if more restless bones are on the move...
Feb 21, 2025 1:56 pm
"More of the undead, quickly miss Boudica, turn them again!" Anton knew that a dagger would do next to nothing against the bones of a skeleton, it would likely clatter through a rib cage or be turned away by a forearm bone and skitter across a floor behind it.
Feb 21, 2025 6:09 pm
Boudica has barely caught her breath from her first encounter ver with the undead when she is faced with more!
She holds her holy symbol aloft once more!



(54) = 9

Feb 21, 2025 9:45 pm
For the first time, Miyana silently admonishes herself for not carrying a secondary weapon, a bashing weapon. Her arrows will be next to useless against a skeleton, and even her longsword will be less effective. A look at the frosty blade fills her with a chill of dread.
Feb 22, 2025 8:40 am
Boudica brandishes her holy symbol, and the group of skeletons from the door to the right falters. Their bones rattle as they halt in place, unable to advance past the threshold.

But the sound of dragging metal still echoes through the room. The skeleton in the tattered bear coat and bronze chainmail continues its march, undeterred by the holy light. Its empty eye sockets fixate on you with malicious intent, the ice-chilled sword it drags along the floor leaves a trail of frost behind it.

Roll initiative and declare your actions
Boudica manages to turn all the other undead (a group of skeletons brandishing swords), but the one approaching you is far more terrifying, and beyond her abilities to turn.
Feb 22, 2025 5:32 pm
Will moves to the fore, dropping his sword abd brandishing his mace. Then he engages the sword-wielding skeleton with ridiculous valor. lol
What are the properties of a Steel Longsword exactly? Are they not all steel in this world? I hope it’s awesome loot! :)


Mace - Atk. - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Mace - Dmg. - (1d6+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Roll Intitative! - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Feb 22, 2025 8:42 pm
Boudica steps back, unnerved by the undead’s inexorable approach despite her faith.
I assume turning was my action this round?


Initiative - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Feb 22, 2025 10:49 pm
Miyana overcomes her momentary fear and launches an arrow, hoping to hit a vital spot.


Miyana vs. skeleton - (1d20+2, 1d6)

1d20+2 : (18) + 2 = 20

1d6 : (6) = 6

Feb 23, 2025 12:19 pm
The mace strikes the undead with a resounding crack, causing it to stagger back, but it quickly recovers. Miyana’s arrow hits its chest, sinking into the bone, but without flesh to damage, the impact is minimal. Turning its hollow gaze on Will, the undead raises its frost-covered sword and swings it dow toward him.
the attack missed. You're very lucky ;)
@drgwen - you can still act this round.
@WhtKnt - unfortunately, slashing and piercing attacks (including arrows) do half damage vs the skeletal undead.


Attack vs Will - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Feb 23, 2025 4:23 pm
Boudica steels her nerves, steps forward, raises her mace, and attacks the frightening skeleton!


Mace - (1d20+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

Bludgeoning damage on a hit - (1d6+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Feb 23, 2025 4:39 pm
Is there anything here that I can pick up and throw at the skeleton, something blunt maybe?
Feb 23, 2025 7:59 pm
Boudica's mace connects, but the worn armor absorbs most of the strength of her blow.

Drgwen - that was a miss, unfortunately.

Madclergy- nothing in this empty chamber you can use. There are two passageways if you dare explore forward- one is blocked by a group of skeletons held at bay by Boudica's strength of faith, the other is the archway from which the armored skeleton emerged.

Everyone can take their action for round 2.

Feb 23, 2025 8:10 pm
Will swings his trusty mace!


Mace - Atk. - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Mace - Dmg. - (1d6+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Feb 23, 2025 10:25 pm
I have got to get a mace! Miyana thinks to herself, already in motion. It's a risk, but a calculated one. She darts for the archway from which the skeleton emerged, hoping to find something useful in fighting it.
Feb 24, 2025 5:47 am
The skeleton warrior pauses the moment Miyana reaches the archway. It breaks off the fight altogether, no longer interested in slaughtering the foolish adventurers (or rather, it is no longer its first priority). Instead, it locks its hollow eye sockets at her and turns its back on Will and Boudica and walks with a slow gait back into the room from which it emerged, determined to pursue Miyama.

Miyama - The room you ran into is pitch dark, offering little more than a vague sense of space. Your torchlight barely provides any illumination, but you are convinced you are in some sort of a temple, or a ritual chamber. The chill inside is worse than anywhere else in the castle, so unnaturally cold it sinks into your bones. The whispers that accompanied you throughout your exploration of the ruins grow louder and sharper, more insistent, as if they are responding to your intrusion. You manage to take just a couple of steps into the room before noticing a dark sheen over the walls, as strange liquid (blood?) starts seeping through the cracks. Whatever lies at the heart of this room, whatever ritual was once performed here, is something the undead want her away from.
let me know what you do - the room is pretty small, so you can get a quick look around in a single action.
However - you lose 1 hp every round spent in the room from the unnatural cold, and something (not only the skeleton), is definitely coming for her.
Feb 24, 2025 2:51 pm
Undeterred, our fightery fellow follows after the skeleton and smacks it with his mace!


Mace - Atk. - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Mace - Dmg. - (1d6+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Feb 24, 2025 3:46 pm
Anton continues to look around, he's holding a torch but doesn't want to smack at the skeletons with it for fear of it extinguishing the light. He chooses to stay nearby Will, helping to provide him with the light necessary to fight off the Skeletons.
Feb 24, 2025 6:07 pm
Miyana quickly backs out of the room and considers the torch she is carrying. Could it be used as a makeshift club against the skeleton?
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