The story in the diary grows darker with every page Boudica flips.
The infatuated young woman follows the noble back to his castle, desperate to be near him. She learns that he is married, but it does nothing to deter her. Her conviction that they are meant to be together only strengths, and she takes a job as kitchen help, hoping that somehow, he will notice her. She grows desperate when the man remains devoted to his wife, and becomes certain that he simply needs to ‘see the truth’ that they are destined to be together. She resolves to do whatever it takes to make him hers.
She concocts a potion that will make him fall desperately in love with her for ‘a year and a day.’ She slips it into his food, and it works.
The man abandons his wife and marries the young woman, much to the dismay of some of his retainers who leave him in disgust. Thing settle over time, and they marry, eventually having children. Each year, the woman ensures that the noble drinks the potion on the anniversary of the day she first saw him in the woods, to keep him bound to her.
As the years go by, the noble becomes consumed with passion for his wife, while his lands and ‘ungrateful’ people begin to suffer from his increasing detachment.
One harsh winter, he grows ill. While he does recover, the young woman grows terrified at the thought of losing him. She cannot imagine a life without him, and this fear drives her to darker magic. Convinced that she can find a way to save him, and their children, from death, she delves deeper into forbidden practices.
The diary ends with a chilling description of her plan; to sacrifice her family and bring them back as undead, and to cut her own beating heart from her chest to sustain the ritual, with the final sentence promising that 'they will all be together, forever'
You can now confirm that the three brownish potions in the chest you found are extremely potent 'Philters of Love'. Mixing the liquid with a single strand of your hair will make anyone who consumes it fall in love with you for a promised 'year and a day'.
@Madclergy - this is exactly the type of dark magic the guild is supposed to safeguard against.
@Drgwen - As Boudica flips through the last few pages, she cannot shake the eerie feeling that she is no longer alone. She is suddenly convinced someone is standing just over her shoulder. Give me a 'Spells' Saving Throw, please.