Boudica looks for a spot she can take cover behind. If she doesn't see one, she'll try to make one, tipping a table, for example. She prepares her sling and nods, ready.
I fear once we start firing upon them, they’ll surely come in for us. If they all come for us, we’ll be overwhelmed. I’m short on good ideas, at the moment, but I’m not sure if we should make what might be a final stand, just yet.
Throwing Javelins out of a narrow window is a bit tricky. I'll give you a -2 to hit penalty. There is no other place from which you can throw them safely, unless you move to the front door leading to the courtyard.
Will, worn out from spending a a solid hour moving furniture against a door, huffs out, I…have…no… (cough) oil. And I’m not moving all that furniture back from the door to get to the stairs, if I did!
Boudica nods and says, "Sure! Here, just step up on the top of this barricade and pour it onto the stairs. It will run down them a bit and make it very difficult for them to get up. At least, I hope so!"
Yes that would be my assumption as well, I also didn't think about the fact of a fire hazard, maybe we should secure a rope to escape out a second floor window?
One oil is poured, Will barricades the door. Then, producing rope from his pack, our fightery fellow fashions a knotted rope to drop over the window as a means of escape.
I can’t think of anything. Weird plan, in retrospect, I think we were all just wanting to post actions.
I’ll defer on the trigger, I guess, since Will only has javelins.