Anton struck at the nearest zombie. The blade found its mark, but the creature didn’t react. Its lifeless eyes locked onto him, and it continued its slow advance, as if the strike had done nothing at all. It didn't flinch not even when the arrow struck its chest. The creature didn't feel any pain, and stabbing it didn't slow it down any.
The zombies did recoil at the sight of Boudica's holy symbol, as if they were compelled to pause. The growled as they glared at the symbol, but the resistance was brief. With a hiss, they resumed their advanced, trying to claw at you with their hands.
Only one of the Zombies scored a hit on Anton this round. Will can take his action, then we will move to round two (you act first, because the Zombies always lose initiative)
Unfortunately that all looks like misses. I narrated you hitting the targets without inflicting any damage, but don't take it as if your weapons can't harm them.
Boudica - you were very close to succeeding in turning them away, and you can keep on trying as many times as you'd like.
Anton - you still have the potion of heroism with you, and though it is not unwise to save it for whatever creature killed the adventurers to begin with, you don't want to end up dead either with it on you.
Also, since we're not playing with a map and its hard to visualize the battlefield -you can always retreat up the stairs and fight the zombies in a choke-point.