Mistamere Castle

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Feb 3, 2025 5:57 pm
Quietly following Will and Anton into the room, Nightshade moves with practiced silence, his keen eyes scanning the dim space. As he steps forward, something catches his attention a curious contradiction. He heard the soft sound of footfalls, yet no footprints were visible on the dust-covered floorboards. His muscles tense slightly, his grip shifting instinctively toward his sword, but he keeps his expression neutral, wary yet composed.
He joins the search. Moving to one of the other cabinets, he carefully inspects it, his fingers tracing its edges for hidden compartments or anything out of place. He listens closely as he opens it, half-expecting a telltale creak or something unexpected lurking inside. Whatever secrets this place holds, Nightshade is determined to uncover them.
Feb 4, 2025 7:12 am
Nightshade finds no hidden compartments in the cabinet, though it was worth checking. One could never be sure what secrets might be lurking in the haunted keep.
Nothing else of note to be found in this room. What’s next?
Feb 4, 2025 3:07 pm
Will loots the candlesticks into his backpack, and secured the pouch if gold and silver for all his friends.

Keys from the cabinet, Will remarks, clutching the worn keys in gauntleted grip. Let’s be on the lookout for locks herein!
Feb 5, 2025 8:48 pm
Nightshade nods in approval as Will pockets the candlesticks and the pouch of gold. "A good haul," he murmurs before straightening. "I suggest we clear this floor before moving to the other levels. There’s still the door across the hall and that hallway leading off."
Nightshade strides toward the other doorway, his movements measured and cautious. Reaching the door, he tests the handle. His fingers are light but ready, prepared for whatever might be waiting on the other side. With a steady breath, he attempts to open it.
Feb 5, 2025 9:25 pm
Anton followed behind Nightshade, but allows Will to go ahead of him if he wants. There is no part of Anton that wants to be the first person to see the Ghost behind that door. It will be behind every door for him, he can feel his anxiety about seeing a ghost rising.
Feb 6, 2025 1:43 pm
No sooner does he close the cabinet doors, that our fightery fellow reopens them. Taking, also, the pipe from the cabinet.
Still smells of tobacco, Will remarks to his friends. How long does the smell of pipe tobacco linger?
Moving into the dining room, Will quickly examines the crystal goblets, trying to apprise their value.
Feb 7, 2025 12:26 pm
As Will picks up one of the crystal goblets, a sudden chill sweeps through the room. The temperature plummets, and the whispers that had lingered in the corners of the hall grow louder and more distinct.

Feb 7, 2025 12:49 pm
Anton was astonished at Will's, brashness? Maybe it was bravery. With this scene unfolded in front of them he had walked in and just grabbed a drink from the table. Now the mood soured though and a chill ran down Anton's spine. This was it, this scene playing out, they were in the presence of the undead, he could just feel it.

"Will, we should probably leave this room" Anton nearly whispered.
Feb 7, 2025 2:03 pm
Will places the goblet back on the table. I’m sure you’re right my friend, he replied to Anton. With that, our fightery fellow strides with his party to the next unexplored area.
Feb 8, 2025 7:07 am
A single plate begins to tremble as you make it toward the door. At first, it hovers just a few inches above the table. Then, with a sudden violent jerk, it is flung across the table with terrifying force, crashing against the wall next to the door and shattering into jagged pieces.

As you step out of the door, you can just about make several utensils; knives, forks and spoons, begin to lift off the table. The sharp ones – particularly the knives, seem to hover with eerie precision, pointing directly at you.

You manage to close the door behind you just in time to avoid getting skewered. The sharp clink of metal against the wood is unmistakable. The sound of the impact echoes throughout the empty halls, drawing attention from distant corners of the haunted keep.
Added a small map of the first floor. You explored the study and the dinning hall, and are now back at the Entrance.
@Drgwen - Boudica explored the 'left' (lets call it 'west' from now) of the keep. The Kitchen didn't have anything noteworthy, but she found a decomposing body lying on one of the beds in the Servant Quarters.
@WhtKnt - Miyana is arriving to the Entrance hall from the main courtyard. Fortunes smiled upon her, and the goblins and hobgoblins assumed she was part of the party they agreed to let through, allowing her to go in unchallenged as well.

Other than the areas you explored, there are still stairs going up (presumably to the rooms of the lord and his children), and going down, to the dark basement.

Feb 9, 2025 1:07 am
Miyana arrives just in time to witness the slamming of the door. "Have I come at a bad time?" she queries.
Feb 9, 2025 1:24 am
A human woman emerges from the western wing of the ruin, knocking some rancid flour from her armor. She has the appearance of a Traladaran priestess or the old Faith. She wears plate and wields a shield and mace, with a sling tucked in her belt.

"Oh! Greetings. I, uh, don't suppose you've seen my friend Prasutagus?"
Feb 10, 2025 11:23 am
No, not a bad tone at all.
Prasutagus? I know him, her or they not.
I am William Winter. Call me Will. My friends and I are exploring this castle.
Feb 10, 2025 8:23 pm
Boudica nods and says, "Yes, I as well. May I join you? There's safety in numbers."
Feb 10, 2025 8:56 pm
"I am also an explorer seeking my fortunes here, may I join as well?"
Feb 11, 2025 12:41 am
We will welcome your company, friends. Terrible danger is afoot!
Feb 11, 2025 2:59 am
Anton was taken aback by the sudden appearance of two corporeal beings in the castle, when did they arrive? Did they too haggle with the Hobgoblins to gain entry? Did they know how to defeat dinner having ghosts?

"I.. I'm Anton Rybakov, currently mage of little renown"
Feb 11, 2025 3:07 am
Boudica nods to all everyone and says, "I presume you all snuck past the goblins, as I did? In any event, I have looked in this area, behind me, and found only an empty kitchen with some rancid flour, as well as a servant, long dead, in a cot. Have you had any luck? I was told this ruin might be of interest to the history of the Faith."
Feb 11, 2025 5:48 am
"Snuck past? They bade me safe travels! You are the first thing I've seen since I entered the ruin. But if you would have me, I am Miyana Dradov, of Kelvin, daughter of Sergi Dradov!" She readies her bow and nocks an arrow.
Last edited February 11, 2025 5:48 am
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