[Interest Check] Eternal Lies / Cthulhu Year Zero

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Jan 16, 2025 11:29 pm
Hello! I'm a decently experienced TTRPer looking to get into PbP so I recently joined this site. I've loved the Cosmic Horror genre ever sense I first played Arkham Horror The Card Game, but I really need to work through more my my cosmic horror lit collection than I have so far >.< I've Never played Year Zero but have played Call of Cthulhu and plenty of other games with a variety of mechanics.

Like I said I'm new to pbp but the whole idea is that while I don't have any remaining blocks of 3+ hours to set aside, I have plenty of time to hop on my computer/phone once in a while, so unless something comes up I should be able to post at least once every day or two at the minimum. I'm most interested in doing an investigative journalist, field researcher, or librarian (probably using professor stats). What can I say, I love nerds who find out too much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I go by Rook online and identify as "woman-lite" haha. Favorite cheese is a hard one, I don't really do favorites and I'm bad at remembering names of things. I know I love a good triple cream with some fig jam on a cracker, or goat cheese on roasted/grilled bell pepper. Also while the US is home to plenty of things that technically cannot call themselves cheese, I have to defend our cheese game. We have some amazing stuff if you know where to look. Also google "Missouri Cheese Caves" for a fun time.
Jan 17, 2025 10:21 pm
timplausible says:
A fine fellow Yorkshireman with great taste!
Jan 17, 2025 10:24 pm
RollingforStew says:
Also google "Missouri Cheese Caves" for a fun time.
I shall do that this weekend when I get chance!

Some good interest so far, I'm going to leave this up till after the weekend (probably tuesday) and then choose, I think, as I know there may be another player who's interested. I also have to set up the game forum, which I haven't done before here, so that might take me a while to learn how to do and then attempt it. :)
Jan 20, 2025 10:05 am
Hi, I'm Neil and my real life name is ... aha ... the same!

I'm from the UK, South Yorkshire to be a little more specific and I have mainly just bobbed about in metals related industries, though for a while I've been working as Quality Engineer with white goods related stuff.

Gaming-wise, I've been playing since the 80's, so many rpgs, some historical wargaming and boardgaming have been on the menu since then.

On the Lovecraft related front, I'm more familiar as a player, having left it alone as GM to let others have a bash, though I haven't been involved in this type.of game for a long while. I tended to end up in more investigative roles (actually that can happen in a lot of games) but I'm open to playing a lot of character types. Faintly wondered about playing a jazz musician when I was reading Nick's rules.

I'm not playing as much as I did in RL, but I have been DMing some D&D once a month and running The One Ring rpg weekly-ish for few years, along with a touch of Star Trek thrown in.

I have travelled a bit, though these days I am alarmingly domesticated (can cook a bit) and fail to herd a couple of cats. Musically, I'm all over the shop, though much of it is rock adjacent.

Wensleydale is the cheese I eat the most of, favouring it for sandwiches. I have the same haircut as your favourite plasticine inventor, so laugh it up. I'm also fond of a lot of others; for example, last night's tea featured an artesinal gruyére and cream sauce.

Oh, I like PbP, but don't go overboard in too many games at once. I did play in a multi dm campaign over some 5 years or so on Discord; I still goof off online with those folks regularly.
Jan 20, 2025 10:19 am
(wanted to mention, since I am in quite a few GPlane games already, that I'd be happy to leave room for fresher players/new members so they can have a go! Spread the SAN losses, as it were...)
Jan 20, 2025 1:34 pm
Same goes for me too. I am in a few games.
Jan 20, 2025 2:19 pm
Thanks Dr B and Windy, I'll bear that in mind.

Just a quick note - I'm not likely to be able to set the game up in the next week or two, though I will be doing so when I get back. My dad's taken a turn for the worse, so we're flying back to England in thursday. I may also go quiet for several days at a time, but I will try to keep an eye on this thread, and I will still be running the game. I won't be taking my laptop with me, and posting with my phone is a pain, hence being incommunicado for a bit probably. I'll keep you updated though when I can.
Jan 20, 2025 4:19 pm
I'm sorry to hear about your dad! Please feel no pressure to worry about this stuff unless it's actually a reprieve for you. Wishing you and yours the best <3
Jan 20, 2025 4:52 pm
I echo what RollingforStew has said. We will all still be here when you are ready.

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