Solo games

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Oct 11, 2016 9:30 pm
I've recently been entertaining the thought of running a game with one person running it and one person playing. This could be a one shot or a campaign depending on how well it went.
I'm curious what systems would work with this?
What systems would not work well with this?
And of course why.
Oct 11, 2016 10:06 pm
I've had the same thought and I was thinking something like Pathfinder or Numenera. I've run 1 person campaigns in both and the seem to go well. Though the GM has to tailor the combat more in pathfinder since everything is set up for a group of 4
Oct 11, 2016 10:14 pm
Dungeon World is flexible enough that I imagine it would handle a solo adventure really well.
Oct 11, 2016 10:33 pm
I think /any/ system probably can be single player to some level. That said, I'd vote for 'The One Ring' as being particularly bad for it. There's a lot of mechanics around the Fellowship (specific jobs in journeys, fellowship points, etc.) that really require more than one player for it to work well. So don't do that one (and as a result, probably not AiME since it's by the same people, just using OGL).
Oct 11, 2016 11:26 pm
There is a game called Murderous is specifically designed for one player and one GM. Not sure if you wanted a new game to try but...its a very good story game if you wanted to try.

Might be more complicated on PbP because each person is suposed to read certain pages, but it works like a choose your own adventure book. The GM gives a choice to the player and the players response tells you what page to go to next. And so on.
Oct 12, 2016 12:56 am
Thanks for all the great suggestions! I was thinking Cypher System might work, but figured Pathfinder and D&D wouldn't.
I'm not familiar with Dungeon World. Is there an online srd or something to learn the basics?
Oct 12, 2016 1:10 am
There are certain games where "game balance" overrides all common sense. I'm thinking D&D here, especially 4e. I would avoid those as, as you say, there would be too much tweaking. But a superhero system, or a more generic system like Fate or Cypher, would probably work really well.

I've been meaning to try Hillfolk here - story games might be tricky for one person, though, if the game is meant for group dynamics.

Unless you're planning on dungeon crawl type adventures, then I would suggest haha.
Oct 12, 2016 1:16 am
Lol good one Qralloq. I don't know Fate either. Maybe I should experiment with these.
Oct 12, 2016 1:20 am
I've got a few systems in mind as I've been looking into this subject a lot lately, as it seems to be the only way for me to get to play in person any more (and to try to get the GF interested!). Some that I've come across from various Reddit threads and forum posts: Scarlet Heroes (probably the most suggested by far), Tiny Dungeon/Tiny Frontiers (my opinion that they'd be a good fit), and Risus. I've currently been looking into both Dungeon World and FATE as possibilities as well.
Oct 12, 2016 3:05 am
FWIW I've tried running a one on one game, on this very site, and it was fine. The system I used was Pathfinder, and I tried to make sure that I kept everything scaled for one character, and minimized NPCs. The campaign was literally 1 PC and 2 NPCs in a support role, and then whatever they got into.
Oct 12, 2016 3:25 am
Tiny Dungeon/Tiny Frontiers sounds familiar. I think it was brought up on a podcast recently.
I'm thinking a one-on-one game may be more cinematic, like that PC is the star.
Oct 12, 2016 3:41 am
Can I suggest looking at the party of one podcast. I think you'll find something useful there
Oct 12, 2016 3:45 am
I'll search that out. Thank you
Oct 12, 2016 3:50 am
If you're looking for specific games designed for two, here is an excellent list. I'd particularly recommend Scarlet Heroes, as a traditional D&D experience designed specifically for one player and one GM, with a number of cool rules hacks to suit that style of play. The author, Kevin Crawford, also released a free rules supplement to add the Scarlet Heroes 1-on-1 rules to Stars Without Number, if you prefer Sci-Fi.

I'd also agree with the comment that most games, even if they're not designed for two, will work with two. Some will require some degree of hacking, particularly around social mechanics (Dungeon World's Bonds become tricky when you don't have two PCs, for instance), but you can make them work, usually.

Cypher/Numenera works tremendously with one PC. One small hack though, to my previous point, is thinking about how XP works. As written, the GM is handing out 2 XP for an intrusion--a huge bonus if the PC has no one to pass that second XP to. So, I'd suggest either limiting it to 1 XP per intrusion, or giving 1 XP and a boon (almost like saying "you get 2 XP but must spend one right now") instead.

Some other games off the top of my head that work well: Fantasy Flight Star Wars; D&D 5E (surprisingly well, in fact--the encounter balance tools allow you to specifically tailor an encounter to one PC); any of the GUMSHOE games (The Esoterrorists, Fear Itself, Trail of Cthulhu, etc.); World of Darkness games.
Oct 12, 2016 3:57 am
unique_exemplar says:
I'm not familiar with Dungeon World. Is there an online srd or something to learn the basics?
There sure is! Dungeon World SRD
jeffstormer says:
Some will require some degree of hacking, particularly around social mechanics (Dungeon World's Bonds become tricky when you don't have two PCs, for instance), but you can make them work, usually.
Good point! But yes, that can be worked around.
Last edited October 12, 2016 4:00 am
Oct 12, 2016 7:36 am
How about one player having several PCs? Because 'solo' refers to the number of players, not the PCs. And in that case it 'game balance' wouldn't really be so important, as the one player is always in focus, regardless of which PC takes the stage.

I'd be definitely interested in that, I actually have a swamp-based lizardman + elf Pathfinder party of five created a while ago.
Last edited October 12, 2016 7:39 am
Oct 12, 2016 9:02 am
That's not really what I'm going after. I mean solo as in single PC. I think game balance will only matter for combat, which I suppose is the whole reason for this thread. RP, story, and setting can all be done without regard to the number of players or the system. I believe D&D - and probably other games - have their monster challenge rating calculated for a party of 4. A party of 4 level 1 PCs have the same challenge against a Harpy (CR1 a la 5e) as one level 1 PC would have against a _________?
Oct 12, 2016 10:55 am
Mars Colony is for two people, I've been wanting to play it... as soon as I buy it... which I will do after I read and play the other 10 games in my backlog.
Oct 12, 2016 11:19 am
Reflections is for 2 players (no GM) but the setup is very specific, and might not be what you’re looking for.

There is actually a group currently playing here.
Oct 12, 2016 12:52 pm
I listened to One Shot Podcast and RPG Academy play that. Fun for what it is, but not something I'm really into.
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