1. New Student Orientation

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Feb 1, 2025 10:31 pm
Kiraen walks backwards through the spot where the door is/was. If she is right and the door is not there, she is going to look so cool. If she is wrong, then she will boink her head, and the green first-year student just failed a test. As a new student, she has nothing to lose, whereas an experienced student would look like a fool.
Feb 2, 2025 6:27 pm
Dorian thinks more literally, although he's keen on watching Kiraen boink his head. He turns have to the side and looks back toward where they come from, seeking a similar doorframe as the one before them. He sees the building they ignored when they came around the corner. "We've the faculty offices behind us. Aha! We're here to complete paperwork before we can begin our studies."
Feb 2, 2025 6:44 pm
Marlena steps back a bit and curiously watches Kiraen to see how it plays out.
Feb 2, 2025 6:56 pm
Zix giggles at the sudden realisation Dorian just voiced.

"There's that," Zix agrees, and then resumes watching Kiraen's experiment.
Feb 2, 2025 8:19 pm
Kiraen's grip tightens on the wand. The realization settles in her mind like a puzzle piece clicking into place. The runes, the illusion, the lesson…

She lowers the stiletto, glancing back over her shoulder. The door still stands, solid and unmoving.

Turning forward again, she lifts her chin and squares her shoulders. A slow breath in. Then, with nothing to lose, Kiraen takes a step backward.

And another.

And another…

The moment her foot crosses where the threshold should be, she feels it—not a door, not a wall, not resistance, but a subtle shift in the air, like stepping through the surface of still water. The scent of fresh grass sharpens, the light bends…

Then, in an instant, the door is gone for all of you.

As the last of the illusion dissipates, silence settles over the group. The once-enigmatic door is gone as though it had never been. Where the door once stood, a parchment flutters in the air, and slowly falls at the group's feet.
What do you do?
Feb 2, 2025 8:58 pm
Yes! She solved it and she dared to look foolish. She grabs the page and read it aloud
Feb 2, 2025 10:04 pm
She reads the message:

Perception is the first step toward wisdom. You have glimpsed beyond the veil—perhaps you are ready to learn more.

The Society of Subtle Truths extends an invitation to all of those who seek to master the art of deception, revelation, and the spaces in between.

Our next gathering shall take place when the moon is half-hidden and the Biblioplex’s clocks whisper thirteen. Should you desire entry, present this parchment at the door that does not exist.

Be warned: not all truths are meant to be known.

Dean Mirthwhistle, who has remained a respectful observer, chuckles softly. His knowing gaze lingers on the parchment. "Ah, the Society has found new prospects. An intriguing lot, aren't they?"

He folds his hands behind his back and steps forward, surveying the space where the door once stood.

"That, my dear students, was the ‘Door of False Paths’—one of the Society’s ongoing public experiments. Every year, they create a new illusion somewhere on campus, weaving their deceptions into the fabric of Misthaven University itself. Their goal? To challenge students to question what they see, to unravel the unseen, and, in some cases, to waste an inordinate amount of time on a puzzle that isn’t truly a puzzle at all."

He smirks, eyes twinkling with mischief.

"You see, the Society doesn’t believe in direct teaching. Their philosophy is that illusion and deception are best understood through experience. Some students stumble upon their creations and walk away frustrated. Others, like yourselves, press on, test the boundaries, and discover something more. And that, my young students, is exactly what they want."

He glances at the invitation. "Now, while the Society insists that their illusions are harmless intellectual exercises, not all faculty members are quite so enamored with their antics. There have been… complaints. You wouldn’t believe the number of students who have spent hours trying to ‘solve’ a mystery that was, in truth, a lesson in deception itself. But I? I find them delightful. After all, the best lessons are the ones you don’t even realize you’re learning."

He gestures toward the parchment. "You have seen beyond the first illusion, and now, they’ve taken notice. The invitation is yours to accept or ignore—but I will tell you this: the Society is not without merit. Should you choose to follow this path, you may find yourself in rather... interesting company. But, be warned, The Society of Subtle Truths is not the only extracurricular group on this campus seeking your attention. Misthaven University is full of such… opportunities. There are other clubs, societies, and organizations—each with their own challenges and rewards. Some will test your intellect, others your character. Some will tug at your ambitions, and others may pull at your very soul. Literally. You must choose wisely, for time is a finite resource. Yet, I believe that whichever path you follow, it will shape you in ways you cannot yet comprehend."

Dean Mirthwhistle clasps his hands together.

"Well then! Come along, our tour awaits! There is much more to see, and who knows? Perhaps another mystery will present itself before we’re through."
What do you do?
Feb 3, 2025 7:25 am
Kiraen joins Dorian, Marlena, Zix and Greta as the follow the professor.
What do you say guys? Do you want to check out this Society?
Oh... when will the moon be half hidden? I haven't really being paying attention to the moon cycles up here.
Feb 3, 2025 8:46 am
"It's intriguing, but also likely to be frustrating. While I admire learning of hidden truths, I think I'd appreciate a more direct approach to them more. Perhaps that marks me as a bit of a hypocrite, for I do like pulling off a good trick, and can appreciate having on pulled on me, depending. I just don't think I'd appreciate study being replaced by subjecting myself to trickery."
Feb 3, 2025 7:58 pm
Dorian eyes the parchment for a few moments. "I would seek them out and hear what they have to say. However, we have much of the tour to see and I for one will continue to keep an eye out for what Misthaven has to offer us."
Feb 3, 2025 11:19 pm
It takes Marlena a moment to think about this. "Hm... It does sound rather interesting, but I'm not quite ready to commit to an extracurricular. I'll keep weighing my options for now. Though I may at least check it out if there's room in my schedule." For now, she continues paying attention to the tour and Professor Mirthwhistle.
Feb 3, 2025 11:43 pm
As the group moves, their floating lantern guides them along a winding stone path through the campus. Ahead, standing at a crossroads where several pathways converge, a small contingent of Misthaven’s Dragon Guards waits. Cloaked in shimmering, deep-blue armor etched with arcane sigils, the guards exude an air of unwavering authority. Their presence is regal and their capes are embroidered with the four legendary dragons - Misthaven’s founders.

At the center of the group, a tall, broad-shouldered captain regards the students with a piercing gaze. His polished breastplate catches the lantern light, and his gauntleted hand rests lightly on the hilt of a long, silver-etched sword. His presence alone is enough to remind any onlooker that while Misthaven is a place of learning, it is also one of power—and it is well defended.

"Halt." His voice is steady, practiced, and commanding. "You are new here, correct? Identify yourselves."

The other guards remain silent but alert, watching with disciplined patience.

Dean Mirthwhistle, still as smugly amused as ever, folds his hands behind his back. "Come now, Captain, surely you don’t suspect them of some grand crime already?" His tone is light, but he does not dismiss the formality of the exchange.

The captain inclines his head slightly. "Protocol, Professor. Even in a place of knowledge, security is paramount. The Dragon Guard ensures the safety of all within these grounds."
What do you do?
Feb 4, 2025 2:22 am
"Marlena Everbrook, sir." She takes a small but respectful bow before the captain. "Of course, we don't mean any harm. Professor Mirthwhistle was just taking us on a tour of the grounds. Is that enough, or will you need some identification?"
Feb 4, 2025 7:24 am
"Zix the Traveller along with the Critic," the student replies, glancing at Marlena after her last question with a hint of concern.
Feb 4, 2025 12:42 pm
Kiraen straightens up, and look the guard directly in his eyes.
Kiraen Nyrazzrin, first year student.
I have been here for days and this is the first time I'm being challenged.

She looks around at the other guards
I guess this is your way of introducing yourself.
She is not impressed by this little show.
Feb 5, 2025 4:16 am
"Dorian LaCroix," he says reluctantly. While his name has opened many doors for him, here he's not sure that he had answers to the questions that could follow.

Of course, his lips ready four lies before settling on a fifth.

"Captain, will you tell us about the Dragon Guard?" he deflects.
Feb 5, 2025 8:54 am
The captain gives Dorian a measured nod, then retrieves a thick parchment from a leather satchel at his side. Inscribed with intricate glyphs, the parchment shimmers as he traces a pattern over it with two fingers.

A soft hum fills the air, and golden light spirals outward, scanning over each student in turn. As the light passes over their faces, delicate ink strokes begin forming on the parchment—quick, precise, and impossibly smooth. Within moments, a detailed sketch of each of them is captured, their likenesses drawn in elegant, lifelike strokes.

Satisfied, the captain lowers the parchment and tucks it back into his satchel. Another guard steps forward, carrying a heavy, leather-bound ledger. Flipping through its thick pages, he pauses at intervals, skimming over the neatly penned names inside.

As the guard checks the ledger, his eyes flick over the pages, murmuring each name in turn. "Everbrook, Marlena… LaCroix, Dorian… Nyrazzrin, Kiraen…" He pauses, then glances up at Zix with a curious tilt of his head. Rather than reading their name, he simply says, "Critic, the Corvid, and his assistant." His tone is neutral, but there’s the slightest note of amusement, as if he understands more than he’s letting on.

Professor Mirthwhistle remains still beside them, hands folded neatly behind his back. His usual air of amused detachment is still present—but something is off. A flicker of something in his posture, in the way he holds his breath just a moment too long. Guilt? Hesitation? Whatever it is, he does not speak up, does not correct the captain, and does not acknowledge the weirdness.

Once all names are confirmed, the captain closes the book with a firm thud. "All in order. First-years, welcome to Misthaven. There’s no need to carry identification—our records are quite thorough."

He turns to Kiraen. "We just do this registration process in the first day of classes, Miss Nyrazzrin, but the Dragon Guard is always watching."

Finally, with a measured nod to Dorian, he eases his stance slightly and answers his original question.

"Misthaven is a sanctuary of knowledge, but it is not without its dangers," he says, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "The Dragon Guard stands as the first and final line of defense for this university. We do not merely watch—we act. Should any of you seek to test your mettle beyond the halls of academia, we offer training, discipline, and purpose."

One of the other guards, a younger woman with a long scar across her cheek, uses the opportunity to step forward.


"I am Lieutenant Veyna Kallisar, second-in-command of the Eastern Dragon Guard.", she says to the group of students, "We are the shield that protects this university, its students, and its knowledge. Some threats require a keen mind and quick spellwork. Others—" she taps the hilt of her sword lightly, "—require a steadier hand."

"Many students join as cadets, like I did. Some remain with us after graduation; others take what they’ve learned and apply it to their own pursuits—adventuring, military service, even diplomacy. Magic and combat are not separate arts here. We teach you how to wield both."

"If any of you think you have what it takes, I’ll be the one evaluating your first drills. Don’t let the books make you soft—magic and muscle work best together."

Dean Mirthwhistle chuckles softly. "Ah, yes. Thank you for that, Lieutenant. Nothing like a bit of steel and spellwork to keep things exciting. Though I must warn you," he adds, smirking at the students, "if you join the Guard, not even a Dean like me will be able to get you out of the early morning drills."
What do you do?
Feb 5, 2025 6:49 pm
Well Dean Mirthwhistle what will be the next exiting thing you will show us? We are getting spoild for choice for interesting options. First the Socirity and now the guards. I'm already getting into the dualing club, and works at the library.
She fakes a lady-like swoone
How ever will we poor students find time to study?
Kiraen jumps and gives Marlena a wink
Last edited February 5, 2025 6:49 pm

Professor Calien Mirthwhistle, Dean of Illusio


Feb 5, 2025 10:52 pm
Dean Mirthwhistle chuckles.

"Ah, the eternal struggle of university life—too many temptations, too little time. A cruel joke, isn’t it?" His tone is light, but there’s an unmistakable gleam of amusement in his eyes. "But alas, dear students, you are now adults. You must learn to prioritize. Choose wisely, for what you commit to will shape your time at Misthaven."

He gestures ahead. "When we return to the Biblioplex, you’ll receive flying flyers listing even more extracurriculars—clubs, societies, research projects. Far too many for any sane student to juggle at once." His smirk deepens. "Then, of course, there’s the matter of your actual coursework. You’ll soon receive your class schedules, and after that, you’ll meet with your assigned academic advisors to refine them."

He gives a dramatic sigh, mirroring Kiraen's earlier theatrics. "A tragic fate, truly. Soooo much to do! Soooo little time!! How will you ever manage?"

He winks

"Meaningful choices, my dear, is part of the adventure."
What do you do?

I will be reacting to the decisions you make, the plot hooks you choose to follow, and the NPCs and factions you choose to make friends or enemies with, as soon as the group get back to the Biblioplex and chooses their individual schedules.

Professor Calien Mirthwhistle, Dean of Illusio
Feb 6, 2025 3:29 am
Dorian thanks the captain and the beautiful lieutenant, although his thoughts are on "Critic the corvid and his assistant". What a wonder is that? Or is it merely a ruse from the minstrel?

As the Dean addresses them and send to be waiting for a reply, he says, eyes meeting Veyna's, "Kiraen is partly right, but we could also say, if we're too busy studying will we have time to learn the truly important lessons available to us? Dragon Guard does have a nice ring to it. It isn't a lot of work is it? Relatively speaking?"
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