1. New Student Orientation

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Feb 12, 2025 1:20 pm
"I've done it!" Marlena opens up a hatch on the top of the hand cannon and slots a small, round chunk of obsidian into it. As the cannon accepts the obsidian, the runes along the barrel gradually light up with an eerie dark purple, almost black, glow. She quickly rises to her feet and takes aim, trying to draw a bead on the mimic.

Steady... Steady... Now.

She pulls the trigger. A blindingly quick bolt of decaying magic blasts from the hand cannon.


Marksmanship (Physical) + Hand Cannon - (1d6, 1d8, 1d8)

1d6 : (6) = 6

1d8 : (8) = 8

1d8 : (3) = 3

Feb 12, 2025 3:05 pm
Kiraen is in very close combat with the thing so she slices at another leg


Melee Combat (Physical), Daggers - (1d8, 1d8, 1d10)

1d8 : (1) = 1

1d8 : (7) = 7

1d10 : (3) = 3

Feb 12, 2025 3:52 pm
Rolling... Results in my next post


Marlena's shot: Extra die because of Severed leg - (1d8)

(6) = 6

Kiraen's attack: Extra die because of severed leg - (1d8)

(3) = 3

Marlena's DR (Chair Mobility, Force field) - (1d8, 1d6, 1d6)

1d8 : (6) = 6

1d6 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (5) = 5

Kiraen's DR (Chair Melee Combat, Force field) - (2d8, 1d6)

2d8 : (56) = 11

1d6 : (6) = 6

Feb 12, 2025 4:26 pm
Kiraen gritted her teeth as the mimic's jagged teeth clamped down on her shoulder. Pain flared through her, but she refused to let it slow her down. With a sharp breath, she twisted her wrist and slashed at another of its legs, aiming to cripple the thing and force it to release her.

But the mimic moved in ways no proper chair should. Its wooden limbs scuttled unnaturally, bending at sharp, unnatural angles. Kiraen’s blade cut through nothing but empty air. Off-balance from the failed strike and the weight of the mimic still latched onto her, she stumbled, her boots skidding against the floor as she fought to keep her footing.
Kiraen 10 vs Mimic 12. There is also a hitch from Kiraen, so, please roll an extra D4 at your next attack.
Marlena snapped the hatch shut on her hastily assembled hand cannon, the eerie black glow of its runes intensifying as it charged. She barely had time to aim—Kiraen was in too close, but the mimic was wide open.

Steady... Steady...

She pulled the trigger.

A bolt of raw decaying magic howled from the barrel, searing through the air. It struck the mimic’s warped wooden body dead center, burning into its structure. The creature let out an ear-piercing, unnatural shriek as the corrupting energy ripped through it.

The force of the impact sent the mimic skidding backward while cracks splintered across the force field protecting it and then ... Snap! The shimmering energy surrounding it was gone.
Marlena 14 vs Mimic 11. There is also an opportunity, so the force field is gone.
Dorian, Zix, what do you do?

Complications and injuries
Chair mimic: Severed leg (Major injury, D8), Burned (Minor Injury)
Nervous gnome: None
Room: Slippery floors (D6)
Kiraen: Bitten (Minor Injury), Unbalanced (D4, temporary, roll only once)

Assets and bonuses
Chair mimic: Force field (D6) None
Nervous gnome: Mirror images (D6)
Greta: Enhanced strength (D8)
Feb 13, 2025 8:18 am
Zix decides to not spread out the effort as much this time, and try again. Everyone except the gnome seems to be doing fine without further advice.

No, trying again is not an option with the gnome already on the ground.

And so Zix would try to manoeuvre through the room, avoid bumping into anyone or anything, and help the gnome get up and retreat.


Physical + Mobility - (1d8+1d6)

(6) + (4) = 10

Nervous gnome


Feb 13, 2025 12:14 pm
The gnome was still on the ground, half-curled into himself, his red pointy hat knocked askew. His denim jacket was dusted with fallen papers, his small hands scrambling for purchase on the smooth floor. People rushed past, paying him no mind.

Zix moved.

His form instinctively changed, making him subtly smaller as he advanced through the chaos.
You could have used your shapeshifting dice here. But alas, you didn't, so I am not rolling it to prevent hitches and will keep it just as flavor. =)
He ducked past a student, sidestepped a tipped-over stack of books, and leapt over a shattered bench leg—all with fluid grace.

The gnome yelped as another student nearly trampled him. Before he could even register what happened, Zix was there.

"Up," Zix said, gripping the gnome's arm with surprising gentleness.

With a quick pull, he lifted the smaller student to his feet, steadying him with an arm around his back. The gnome looked up at him, wide-eyed and breathless.

"Time to move." Zix didn't wait for a response. With Critic already circling ahead, he guided the gnome toward the nearest exit, keeping a firm hold on him to prevent another fall. The gnome stumbled at first, his legs shaky from adrenaline, but Zix adjusted, setting a pace he could follow.
The gnome is safe and, in the next round, will be out of combat. The slippery floor is also gone (I rolled an opportunity).
Nervous gnome
Complications and injuries
Chair mimic: Severed leg (Major injury, D8), Burned (Minor Injury)
Nervous gnome: None
Room: Slippery floors (D6) None.
Kiraen: Bitten (Minor Injury), Unbalanced (D4, temporary, roll only once)

Assets and bonuses
Chair mimic: None
Nervous gnome: Mirror images (D6)
Greta: Enhanced strength (D8)


Zix's DR - (2d4)

(43) = 7

Slippery floor - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Feb 13, 2025 3:20 pm
Dorian tries illusion magic this time, setting the battlechair up against a great cat with huge, upholstery shredding claws that need oh so much sharpening.


Illusio (Deceive) - (1d4, 1d6)

1d4 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (4) = 4

Feb 13, 2025 5:21 pm
Kiraen stabs again, but then retreats from the creature. She is not happy with the bite that she got
The 1d4 she has as a penalty, does that replace one of her dies, or how does that work?


Melee Combat (Physical), Daggers - (1d8, 1d8, 1d10, 1d4)

1d8 : (4) = 4

1d8 : (8) = 8

1d10 : (4) = 4

1d4 : (1) = 1

Feb 15, 2025 11:05 pm
runekyndig says:
The 1d4 she has as a penalty, does that replace one of her dies, or how does that work?
It's an extra dice. Sometimes it could be useful, but it's likely another hitch (like yours =))
Dorian took a step back, adjusting his cuffs as if preparing for some grand performance. He swept a hand through the air, murmuring the arcane syllables of his spell. Shadows coiled at his fingertips before unraveling into the shape of a massive feline—a sleek, predatory beast with fur like shifting velvet and wickedly sharp claws that glinted in the library’s dim light. It stretched luxuriously, its tail flicking, its golden eyes locked onto the mimic with the kind of patient hunger only cats possessed.

The mimic looked at it and did not, in fact, react with terror.

It did not recoil.

It did not freeze in place.

It did not even hesitate.

Instead, it lunged—straight at the illusory cat—before promptly slamming right through it like a particularly aggressive ottoman.

Dorian’s confident smirk faltered. The illusion flickered and the cat, which had been poised to pounce, suddenly distorted, its elegant form warping like an ink stain soaked in water. Its once-imposing claws wavered, turning into oddly shaped blobs, and its golden eyes went comically cross-eyed before the entire illusion imploded into a mess of swirling, nonsensical colors.
Dorian 4 vs Mimic 16. Doran receives an extra D4 (Embarrassed) in his next spell or social roll
For a moment, the battle seemed to pause. Even the mimic hesitated—not because of fear, but because whatever Dorian had just conjured looked so absurd that even the chaotic monstrosity seemed confused.

A long, awkward beat passed.
Continues in my next post


Dorian's DR - (2d8)

(88) = 16

Chair mimic


Feb 15, 2025 11:18 pm
The mimic chair lunged, its jagged maw snapping shut with a sickening clack where Kiraen’s arm had been just a second before. She had barely twisted out of the way, using her stiletto to push against the thing’s wooden frame and pivot herself aside. Teeth had already sunk into her once, and she was not about to let it happen again.
Mimic 10 vs Kiraen 15. It misses.
With a sharp breath, she slashed again, aiming for another one of its spindly legs—but the blade glanced off the polished wood with nothing more than a shallow nick. Her grip tightened, frustration mounting, but she knew better than to let it keep her boxed in.

She took a step back—then another, trying to put some distance between herself and the thing. But in her haste, her boot caught on the uneven floor, and she stumbled. The impact jolted through her as her knees hit the hard surface, pain blooming instantly.
Kiraen 12 vs Mimic 13. You failed and also rolled a hitch. Another minor wound, granting you an extra D6 on DRs for all physical and magical tests.

Complications and injuries
Chair mimic: Severed leg (Major injury, D8), Burned (Minor Injury)
Kiraen: Bitten (Minor Injury), Bruised knees (Minor Injury, D6)

Assets and bonuses
Chair mimic: None
Greta: Enhanced strength (D8)
Continues in my next post
Chair mimic


Mimic attack - (2d8)

(37) = 10

Kiraen: Parry (Melee, Physical), Using daggers, Severed leg - (2d8, 1d10, 1d8)

2d8 : (48) = 12

1d10 : (7) = 7

1d8 : (5) = 5

Mimic dodge (DR for Kiraen's stab) - (2d8)

(67) = 13

Kiraen: her attack should also include the severed leg - (1d8)

(3) = 3

Greta Ironhart


Feb 15, 2025 11:33 pm
With a roar of determination, Greta surged forward, her enhanced muscles given by Dorian coiling like steel cables beneath her sturdy frame. The mimic was already weakened—Kiraen’s relentless attacks had taken their toll, and Marlena’s magic shot had left it faltering. Now, it was Greta’s turn to finish the job.

She barreled through the battlefield like a charging linebacker, her boots thudding heavily against the floor. The mimic turned its jagged maw toward her, but it was too slow. With one massive, iron-fueled swing, Greta slammed her shoulder into the creature’s frame, using every ounce of her magically bolstered strength.

Greta 17 vs Mimic 13. One more injury. Too many. It's the end of the fight.
The chair flew backward, flipping onto its side with a splintering groan. Its twisted limbs spasmed, its gnashing mouth gaping one last time before its form shuddered—and then, just like that, it was over. The monstrous, hungry mimic was gone. In its place lay an utterly ordinary wooden chair, perfectly still, completely mundane.

Greta wiped her brow, panting slightly, then shot the others a wide, triumphant grin. "Well then," she said, dusting her hands off. "That was fun."
What do you do?
Greta Ironhart

Complications and injuries
Kiraen: Bitten (Minor Injury), Bruised knees (Minor Injury, D6)
Dorian: Embarrassed (D4, roll only on your next magic or social roll)


Greta: Physical, Melee Combat, Enhanced Strength, Severed leg - (1d10, 3d8)

1d10 : (10) = 10

3d8 : (472) = 13

Mimic: Dodge - (2d8)

(76) = 13

Feb 16, 2025 12:46 am
"You and I have very different definitions of fun, dwarf." Marlena's heart is beating like a rabbit's. That whole ordeal was a lot to take in, but despite that, she felt proud. Her prototype ice grenade had at least functioned, even if her throw was off, and she'd built a hand cannon on the fly. She looked down at the gun in her hands. Dark purple vapors still drifted from the end of the now misshapen barrel. It surely needs more work, but for now, she's just happy it helped bring the mimic down.

She heads closer to Greta and Kiraen, weapon gripped tightly in case the mimic's just playing dead. However, she realizes it's definitely gone, so she relaxes her grip. Her eyes are drawn to Kiraen's injured shoulder. "That looks awful. Do you want me to patch you up? Find you a healer?" She offers quickly.
Feb 16, 2025 10:55 am
Is anyone else hurt? Kiraen climbs into a chair, an ordinary wooden chair and assesses her own injuries.
This was not fun, but I'll manage.
The shoulder needs some attention, yes, see what you can do Marlena. But first: Could you get me some of that ice from the floor? She points at a block of ice from a water pitcher that was shattered in the frost explosion. With some discomfort, she raises the knee on another chair and uses the ice to handle the swelling.
Feb 16, 2025 11:42 am
"Everyone's fine, thankfully. Strange how a mimic popped up out of nowhere. I suspect foul play."

She fetches the ice for Kiraen, then starts to dress the bite wounds with emergency supplies from her satchel. As she works, she calls over to Zix. "Zix? How's the gnome?"


Healing (Mental) - (1d6, 1d10)

1d6 : (4) = 4

1d10 : (10) = 10

Feb 16, 2025 11:55 am
Zix looks around just in case, and then turns and silently points towards the exit the gnome ran to, and finally turns again to face Marlena.
Feb 16, 2025 8:13 pm
Dorian cringes at the lack of his magical ability. At least Greta seemed to benefit from it, but it was his strongest talent, apparently. "That cat was beautiful, for a moment." His cheeks burn red with embarrassment, but he follows the pointing finger of Zix with his eyes.

"A hearty battle, my friends, well done. I wager it was a test by some mishief-making, um, upholsterer."
Last edited February 16, 2025 8:14 pm
Feb 16, 2025 8:19 pm
Only now did Zix realise that both of them made fools of themselves a bit. And yet both did make themselves useful. Zix turned to the companion.

"Oh. Dorian. Yeah, sure was. Also, thanks for replacing my enchantment with yours when mine faltered. I . . . I think I may have overextended myself when I saw that the initial chaos didn't subside and decided to do something about it. Thankfully seconds later everyone managed to do the right thing anyway. It was unwise of me to step into the spotlight at a moment like that."

Professor Ellowyn Starforge


Feb 16, 2025 10:10 pm
Professor Starforge arrived just as the tension in the room was settling. She swept into the scene, deep-blue robes flowing behind her, a satchel of healing potions slung over her shoulder. Her keen eyes flicked across the scattered students, assessing injuries.

"Students, well done!" she declared. "Such bravery! And what a bizarre occurrence. I can’t remember any of those old benches ever bearing a hint of magic—let alone that manner of transmutation." She huffed, shaking her head. "I will be having a word with the maintenance crew. They’re supposed to keep this sort of thing from happening!"

She crouched beside Kiraen first, noting the way Marlena was already tending to her shoulder. "Here, let me help," the professor said, pulling out a small vial of glowing red liquid. "This should ease the pain."

"Is it normal for furniture to attack students, or is this a special kind of welcome gift?" - Greta asked

Professor Starforge sighed. "Misthaven has its... eccentricities. But no, this is not standard practice. Something’s off about this." She turned to Zix and Dorian, raising an eyebrow. "I saw some remarkable spellwork from you two. And Greta—well, I’d hate to be anything standing in your way." She flashed an approving smile.

Greta grinned, rolling her shoulder as if testing it. "Aye, professor, that chair never stood a chance."
What do you do?
Professor Ellowyn Starforge

Complications and injuries
Kiraen: Bitten, Bruised knees None
Dorian: Embarrassed None
Feb 17, 2025 4:22 pm
Dorian looks at the others appraisingly. "I'm sure I have no shortage of enemies if this was a targeted attack. Although, it did not seem to be interested in me at all."

He thinks of his nemeses who employed the dark arts in his presence, but this doesn't seem their style.



Feb 17, 2025 6:23 pm
Thank you Professor Starforge Karien examines her shoulder and the general state of her outfit.
Where did that creature come from? And why was it after the gnome we saved?

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