Having exhausted all of the survey questions it was programmed to ask, the AMEL-3000 now considers a question of its own:
And then, with the laundry all folded and ready to be put away, both robots and Yazeba all ponder something more:
@Redcroc can answer the first question, then all three of you can answer the final big question based on the number of tokens on it. Right now there are 6 tokens on the question. Amelie has 9 tokens and AMEL-3000 has 5 tokens if they want to put some of them on the question before answering.
+ Less Than 5 Tokens: Brush off the question by muttering about directives, platitudes, or something else meaningless.
+ 5-8 Tokens: Give a general answer, one that’s not too shallow but not too deep and most of all, not very honest.
+ 9-12 Tokens: Answer honestly. Amelie may decide they do want help, and how to ask for it. The AMEL-3000 may realize housework is not the quick job their code made it out to be. How Yazeba answers this question is up to her.
+ 13 or more Tokens: Answer confidently, honestly, and unashamedly.