Feb 11, 2025 5:13 am
Melly sees Amelie handling the flame like a living creature. "That is quite handy! I have been equipped with a lighter function for igniting pilot lights, grills and etcetera, but it would be even better if I were able to do THAT!" Melly continues washing, one hand constantly expanding or contracting based on what is held for washing. The fingers on the other hand spray water at the wash to rinse out the suds. "As far as my purpose here..."
Replay memory log before arriving at B&B. ERROR. File not found. Playing statement of programmed directives.
"I am here to conduct the customer satisfaction survey. I only recall waking at the B&B and having the directives to conduct the survey and demonstrate my improved capabilities with the goal of securing a purchase from the proprietor. However, all indications so far are that a purchase is unlikely." Melly continues its washing.
Take a token from Amelie's question.
Observing the interactions between Yazeba and Amelie, Melly asks the next question but with more personal interest than the previous questions.
"I have noticed that you and Amelie talk with each other regularly and often outside of strictly functional parameters. Is this robot's temperament and tone acceptable?"
Replay memory log before arriving at B&B. ERROR. File not found. Playing statement of programmed directives.
"I am here to conduct the customer satisfaction survey. I only recall waking at the B&B and having the directives to conduct the survey and demonstrate my improved capabilities with the goal of securing a purchase from the proprietor. However, all indications so far are that a purchase is unlikely." Melly continues its washing.
BINGO: Admire something Amelie does or says.Take a token from Amelie's question.
"I have noticed that you and Amelie talk with each other regularly and often outside of strictly functional parameters. Is this robot's temperament and tone acceptable?"
Spend a token to prompt Yazeba with a question