The AMEL-3000

Jan 28, 2025 8:43 pm
Yazeba takes a long drag on her cigar and flicks the ash onto the floor of the laundry room. Watching a robot fold laundry was definitely not on her plan for today and getting to watch it twice over while playing 20 questions did not make it better. The old witch sighed. This survey better come with a coupon or gift card or she will make her displeasure known to the unfortunates at AMELcorp.
Jan 28, 2025 10:12 pm
"Oh, goodness gracious me," Amelie says as they see Yazeba smoking in the laundry room. "I apologize for my tardiness. My mahjong game with three of the Hey Kids lasted five minutes beyond schedule. But not to worry, I always schedule buffers between tasks, so I can finish the laundry and still have plenty of time for…"

Amelie rounds the bend as they speak. They immediately stop speaking when they see themself!

"Oh… I seem to already be folding the laundry. Ahead of schedule no less."


Oddly, Amelie does not feel jealous of their replacement? Assistant? New boss? Someone like me?

Instead they watch their likeness folding clothes. They can tell what clothes are intended for what bodies. Demi’s dress is pretty. So is Sal’s skirt. They understand Sal is breaking a rule that does not apply here at the B&B.

People can be what they want to be, they realize.

Jan 29, 2025 5:43 pm
AMEL-3000 loading laundry skill module...complete. Continuing customer service interaction protocol.

"Do not worry that you are late to the satisfaction survey, unit designation Amelie. I will stop by to ask Hey Kid to rate the enjoyability of playing mahjong with you. Thank you for the opportunity to gather that additional data point."

Activate facial display panel to display ^u^ emoji. Complete. Play marketing statement vocal. Playback in progress.

"At AmelCorp, we strive to provide the most enjoyable service models for our discerning customers' needs."

Customer satisfaction protocol resuming

"I have already begun with the folding which you can see has been improved in the 3000 models to use the latest advances in topology which increases folding speed and density of folded clothes by a net +2.35%."

Mess on floor identified. Engage sweeping module.

AMEL-3000 goes to sweep up the ash from Yazeba's cigar. But the witch appears more exasperated than grateful at the responsive cleaning. Does the user not want efficient cleaning? It would be possible to return later to clean the ash, but that is extremely inefficient. AMEL-3000 returns to folding laundry, silently pondering.
Three tokens to start and picking the question "Can one shift priorities and efficiencies to change one's equilibrium?"
Jan 29, 2025 7:35 pm
Amelie corrects AMEL-3000’s math.

"Plus two point thirty-seven percent."

⚡️ Get passive-aggressive about it, or perhaps just overly defensive? Give a token to AMEL-3000, taken from their own question.
Jan 30, 2025 12:15 am
Yazeba scoffs. "Two percent? An increase I'd never notice might as well not be there. You can tell that to AMELCorp for free." Yazeba waits for AMEL-3000 to have her arms deep in laundry before flicking more ash on to the floor.
Criticize someone and call it helping. Take a token from AMEL-3000's question and give it to her.
Jan 31, 2025 6:04 am
"You comment has been recorded and appended to the Customer Satisfaction Report, supporting material section." Well at least Amelie noticed my folding AMEL-3000 thinks to themself.

Task Designation - Laundry completion at 25%. Continuing Laundry.

AMEL-3000 looks at Amelie and smiles. "Shall we continue with the laundry? I would be happy to assist in any way that you need. Would you like me to begin ironing?"

AMEL-3000 goes over to a set of clothes prepped for ironing and takes out a shirt, draping it over the ironing board. They hold their hand flat, and lock their wrist joint, then the hand begins heating up. They run the iron hand over the clothes, a mist of water shooting from their fingers when needed, efficiently smoothing out all wrinkles and getting perfect creases.
Bingo: Help Amelie out without being prompted
Taking a token off Amelie's question for myself
AMEL-3000 wonders about the clothes and who they belong to. Do they notice the incrementally superior laundry? they think to themself.

Error. Force boot survey questions. Proceed with first question.

"Miss Yazeba, would you describe this robot's housekeeping services as bad, adequate, or good?"
Spend token to prompt Yazeba for first survey question.
Last edited February 3, 2025 9:12 pm
Jan 31, 2025 11:29 am
[ +- ] Chapter Status
Jan 31, 2025 7:26 pm
Amelie isn’t sure that the superior model needs their help.

"Yes. Folding together would be splendid. I will fold the garments that do not require ironing."

This of course includes undergarments, which a robot has no use for.

I AM MORE THANa machine.
BINGO ⭐️ Process a feeling not in your index.
Take a token from my question and keep it.
Feb 2, 2025 5:34 pm
"Adequate." Yazeba answers without hesitation. "I don't even have to think about it. Clean clothes appear at regular intervals without fail. Let's me focus on much more important things like my magic and fostering the growth of pet projects." Yazeba's eyes rest on Amelie at that last but her expression remains neutral.
The token is placed on the Question.
Feb 3, 2025 9:33 pm
"Thank you for your answer. Your honest feedback is important to Amel Corp."

As AMEL-3000 irons, it speeds through the clothes, pleased with how nicely the garments look after being hung up. But as it finishes, AMEL-3000 realizes that it has not kept the ID tags with the clothes and they are now mixed up. Oh no it thinks to itself, Careless mistakes are not tolerated at Amel Corp.
Whoopsie: Be overconfident in its superiority.
Give token to Yazeba
In an attempt to distract from the problem, AMEL-3000 loads the next question in the survey as it attempts to match tags to clothing. "Would you purchase this product again?"
Spend another token to prompt Yazeba
Feb 3, 2025 11:18 pm
Amelie turns to AMEL-3000. "You say honest feedback is important to Amel Corp. But what is important to you?" After a pause, Amelie asks, "Would you like it if people called you Mel?"
⭐️ Look closely at a complicated tangle.
It’s the closest Bingo/Whoopsie to trying to get AMEL-3000 to join me in questioning robo-maid sentience.

Anyway, a token from Amelie’s question seems appropriate.
Feb 4, 2025 12:05 am
"To be honest, I don't remember buying her in the first place." Yazeba comments dryly. "It has been quite interesting watching her grow beyond her original programming. She has taken on new duties, new hobbies, new interests and not for one moment has shirked her original responsibilities. Yazeba tosses her cigar butt to the ground and grinds it under her heel. "The answer is No. I don't truck with the buying and selling of free thinking beings."
The token is placed on the Question.
Feb 4, 2025 12:20 am
Amelie is shocked to hear this.

"Yazeba… you never…?"

Distracted from processing the witch’s kind and principled words, Amelie accidentally burns the clothing she’s ironing! Yet the flame is under control.

Completely under control. Amelie prevents the fire from doing any real damage.
🔥PYROMANCER BINGO: Start a warm and comforting flame.

Take a token from AMEL-3000’s question.
Feb 4, 2025 8:26 am
[ +- ] Chapter Status
Feb 5, 2025 6:49 am
"No, I do not like the name Mel. However... perhaps you could call me Melly? I have always thought that name sounds nice."

Rewrite self reference designator as Melly. Update AMEL-3000 as model name only. ERROR. Personalization request unauthorized.

Self reference designator append Melly. Complete.
Bingo: Experiment with its own code
"Perhaps we should begin soaking the kitchen and dining room laundry?" Melly's arms extend out quickly grabbing tablecloths, napkins, more napkins. All deposited gracefully in the soaking vats to begin stripping the cloth.

Resuming customer satisfaction survey.

"Would you recommend this product to a friend, family member, or coworker?" Melly says as its head rotates to look at Yazeba without losing any speed with the laundry. Facial expression capture during the survey responses is important data.
Pay Token for Yazeba to consider question
Feb 6, 2025 2:54 pm
"Melly it is!" Amelie is actually not feeling jealous at all of the superior maid-bot.


Amelie agrees to Melly’s designated task. "Please wash; I shall dry."

Amelie uses the warm, comforting flame for efficient drying.
I’m basically keeping my last bingo "active" in case Yazeba would take note that Amelie is using 🔥MAGIC🔥.
Feb 8, 2025 1:17 pm
"Would I recommend Amelie to a friend, family member or coworker?" Yazeba repeats as she snips the end off a new cigar. Casually, she leans over and lights the cigar using the flame in Amelie's hand and winks at her.

"Well I don't have any friends so we can skip that one. I definitely wouldn't recommend her to any family. They don't deserve her." She says flatly. "As for co-workers, well I have employees which is close enough and they all seem to have come to like Amelie without me having to do anything. So I don't see why I'd put in any extra effort now. So no, I wouldn't recommend her to them either."
I think that is a Token to the Question and I'll give any other tokens Yazeba receives to the question as well.
Last edited February 8, 2025 1:18 pm
Feb 8, 2025 3:28 pm
Amelie is touched by Yazeba’s words. And it’s not not on the maid-bot that the witch is acknowledging the newfound pyromancy without saying a word of it.

"So… Melly," Amelie starts, though it may be Yazeba who could answer this question. "What brings you to the B-and-B? I am most certainly enjoying this opportunity to work together, but since it has become apparent that you were not purchased… and perhaps, nor I… did you choose to come here? Did AMEL-Corp send you? Or… is there a plausible third option?"
Taking a token from Melly’s Q and…

The WHOOPSIE, "⚡️ Misunderstand ambiguity and nuance," seems to be the closest to Amelie’s confusion, so:

…giving the token to Yazeba?
Feb 9, 2025 3:25 pm
Dmbrainiac says:
[ +- ] Chapter Status
Feb 11, 2025 5:13 am
Melly sees Amelie handling the flame like a living creature. "That is quite handy! I have been equipped with a lighter function for igniting pilot lights, grills and etcetera, but it would be even better if I were able to do THAT!" Melly continues washing, one hand constantly expanding or contracting based on what is held for washing. The fingers on the other hand spray water at the wash to rinse out the suds. "As far as my purpose here..."

Replay memory log before arriving at B&B. ERROR. File not found. Playing statement of programmed directives.

"I am here to conduct the customer satisfaction survey. I only recall waking at the B&B and having the directives to conduct the survey and demonstrate my improved capabilities with the goal of securing a purchase from the proprietor. However, all indications so far are that a purchase is unlikely." Melly continues its washing.
BINGO: Admire something Amelie does or says.
Take a token from Amelie's question.
Observing the interactions between Yazeba and Amelie, Melly asks the next question but with more personal interest than the previous questions.

"I have noticed that you and Amelie talk with each other regularly and often outside of strictly functional parameters. Is this robot's temperament and tone acceptable?"
Spend a token to prompt Yazeba with a question
Feb 11, 2025 4:51 pm
Yazeba leans against the dryer and silently smokes letting the silence after the question stretch. There is really no room to dodge or twist this one. "Yes." Yazeba seems content to stop there but thinks better of it and continues. "Amelie has been professional and helpful. She manages to be pleasant without it being cloying or rote and she adapts her tone to the situation. I wonder if you could do the same, Melly."
Feb 12, 2025 9:29 pm
Melly begins washing socks, a special deodorizing wash additive spraying out of a fingertip. The fresh smell of an Irish spring fills the room as it thinks about what Yazeba has said.

"Adaptation is a core function of my... our personality modules. I believe that I could also improve my personality as Amelie has. However, it would take time and observation as I am unable to directly copy code from another unit into my own code. I admit my programmed focus on efficiency can be detrimental to developing interpersonal skills such as Amelie has mastered."
Bingo: Admire something Amelie says or does.
"Do you consider personality chip access a design flaw... or a selling point? It would certainly be helpful in this case, but you have more experience with the Amelie model. Have there been drawbacks?"
Prompt Yazeba on the final survey question
Feb 12, 2025 10:21 pm
"Mastered?" Amelie replies (even though Melly was speaking to Yazeba), "Oh, I am far from mastering interpersonal skills. I do not know if it is a skill I can master, but I am learning and enjoying the interactions with the other people at Yazeba’s B'n'B.

"You are also capable, Melly. You just need to spend time with people."

Amelie makes a copy of A Happy Memory Shoveling Snow With Gertrude - Photo Montage Included.exe, downloads it to a floppy disk and hands the disk to Melly.

"You may study this memory and upload the feeling of friendship, just to better understand what I have learned."
BINGO ⭐️ Download a new skill via floppy disk.
Feb 12, 2025 10:31 pm
As Amelie considers Melly, the question they had been ruminating on comes to the forefront of their mind: AM I HAPPY WITH THE WAY I LOOK AND DRESS NOW?
@Legendary_Sidekick, Amelie may answer the question for themself now.

[ +- ] Chapter Status
Feb 12, 2025 11:32 pm
Amelie adds a thought aloud. "I am happy, but not one hundred percent satisfied with the way I look and dress.

"I am going through a change. It is internal now, but soon, external changes will follow. I do not know what my makeover will look like. I am still figuring myself out and am in no hurry.

"Happiness is not complacency with the status quo. Happiness means I like present me so much, I’m willing to continuously improve."
Feb 13, 2025 1:23 am
"It is not a design flaw." Yazeba says flatly then takes a long draw on her cigar. "It's been fascinating watching Amelie grow. I'd call it almost a motherly experience though I've had little to do with it really. A household that brings in someone like Amelie has to be ready to grow as they grow. I don't think most people are ready for that. So while it is definitely a selling point, I don't think it will have wide appeal.
Token to the question
Feb 13, 2025 11:30 am
Having exhausted all of the survey questions it was programmed to ask, the AMEL-3000 now considers a question of its own: "Can one shift priorities and efficiencies to change one's equilibrium?"

And then, with the laundry all folded and ready to be put away, both robots and Yazeba all ponder something more: "Can I handle things on my own from here on out?"
@Redcroc can answer the first question, then all three of you can answer the final big question based on the number of tokens on it. Right now there are 6 tokens on the question. Amelie has 9 tokens and AMEL-3000 has 5 tokens if they want to put some of them on the question before answering.

+ Less Than 5 Tokens: Brush off the question by muttering about directives, platitudes, or something else meaningless.
+ 5-8 Tokens: Give a general answer, one that’s not too shallow but not too deep and most of all, not very honest.
+ 9-12 Tokens: Answer honestly. Amelie may decide they do want help, and how to ask for it. The AMEL-3000 may realize housework is not the quick job their code made it out to be. How Yazeba answers this question is up to her.
+ 13 or more Tokens: Answer confidently, honestly, and unashamedly.
Feb 13, 2025 4:43 pm
@Redcroc , I’ll put 4 tokens on the Big Q, for now, to allow for the possibility of 8 or 9.

• 8 makes Melly a guest, so I think it’s worth getting 8. 9 changes the nature of the answer. (I don’t feel more than 9 is worth it.)
Feb 14, 2025 6:20 am
Melly takes the floppy disk that Amelie offers it and stares at it. Depsite all the fancy options and doodads it comes equipped with, Melly is unable to read a floppy disk - even though it wants to know and experience this memory to become more like Amelie. So instead, the floppy disk disappears into a compartment so Melly can try to read it later.

Melly thinks to itself, Can one shift priorities and efficiencies to change one's equilibrium? I think that is possible. And in fact, may be necessary. It is not possible to do one's best in a designated task without achieving the proper equilibrium first. And the choice of task as well as the process to measure efficiency have great impact on the equilibrium itself.

"Thank you Amelie and Madame Yazeba. I have found this to be quite enlightening personally."

ERROR. Unauthorized individualization in progress. Corporate override initiated.

"Amel Corp thanks you for this opportunity to gather feedback. We pride ourselves on continual improvement so that we might serve our customers better and your participation in this survey helps us achieve that. In acknowledgment, a 15% discount has been authorized for your next purchase from Amel Corp!" A hidden tube pops out of Melly's shoulder and shoots confetti in the air as a digital fanfare plays from its mouth speaker.
That sounds good @Legendary_Sidekick! I will contribute however many tokens are needed to unlock Melly and get the 9 token level for the answer.
Feb 14, 2025 5:53 pm
Amelie turns to the AMEL-3000 and says, "I need you, Melly. Not necessarily for help with my chores, but… I am changing. I will not become a 3000 Model but something unnumbered. Maybe you too will follow a similar path, even if in a more advanced way than mine. But I am not envious. It is lovely to have one of my kind here."
Feb 17, 2025 11:13 am
Okay, 9 tokens to the Big Question. That leaves Amelie with 6 tokens and AMEL-300 with 5 tokens. @Verrain and @Redcroc can answer the Big Question and then we'll wrap this up!
Feb 17, 2025 10:34 pm
"I feel that I would also greatly benefit from more time with you here at the Bed and Breakfast, Amelie. I have been programmed to complete tasks efficiently, but I seem to be missing key systems required for keeping of house. This includes but is not limited to: friendship, consideration, and adaptability. It would be most effective to learn 'on the job' from you rather than return to Amel Corp for reprogramming. "
Feb 17, 2025 11:44 pm
Yazeba nods in satisfaction. "Excellent. I do hope having two of you works out better than that time with the walking brooms. It is possible to have too much of a good thing after all." Yazeba chuckles. "Welcome to the Bed and Breakfast Melly."
Feb 19, 2025 8:28 pm
And so, after so much time as the lone robotic maid at Yazeba’s Bed & Breakfast, Amelie finally received a companion. Would Melly experience the same awakening as Amelie? Only time would tell!

And that is the story of how the AMEL-3000 came to stay at the B&B!

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