The Night Market

Jan 28, 2025 3:13 pm
[ +- ] Unfamiliar Faces
Jan 28, 2025 3:29 pm
Gertrude looks around the wondrous market with her hands in the pockets of her hoodie. With all the dazzling wares on display and the buzz of magic all around, the humid air seems full of possibility. A question lingers on her mind:

"Who would I be, if I really could be anyone?"
Jan 28, 2025 3:49 pm
Monday takes a deep breath and let's it out with a very satisfied sigh. "Isn't it delicious?'' They purr. "Magic and dreams, savory and sweet, joy and desire and all with just a hint of getting the better of the deal." Monday smiles wide. "I don't know why I ever leave really. I must really enjoy you mortals, I suppose." They chuckle. Monday pauses to wave hello to a stall vendor juggling glass globes with four of their six arms who waves back with the other two. "Where to, my deary ducks? The night is young but not forever. What are you looking for?
Last edited January 28, 2025 3:49 pm
Jan 29, 2025 3:26 am
A little ways off from Gertrude and Monday’s exchange, Ichor lurks in the shadow cast by a tall, crooked stall. The flickering lantern-light glints on its slick, amorphous "skin" as it crouches low, silent and unmoving. Now and then, it forms just enough of a head and eyes to watch the crowds bustle past—a wary night-thing studying a world that feels too loud, too bright. When a boisterous vendor passes by juggling glass globes, Ichor hunches even lower, shrinking from the spectacle. Ichor makes no sound, offers no comment, and makes no moves beyond autonomous undulations. Instead, it observes; a quiet, unnerving presence in the peripheral gloom of the dreamy Night Market.
Jan 29, 2025 8:52 am
"What am I looking for?" Gertrude echoes Monday's question. She scratches at her arm. "Um, I don't know, exactly. Something to help me learn magic, I guess? I've started looking through some of the books in Yazeba's library, but I haven't made much progress yet." She steps up to the nearest stall and begins to browse its wares.
Somebody else can roll twice on the Stranger chart and create the stall's owner.
Jan 29, 2025 5:55 pm
The Moon Prince follows a little behind Monday and Gertrude, their leg aching slightly from following the fairy path through the wood. The Moon Prince looks in wonder at the bright and sundry creatures moving throughout the Night Market and the wonderous items for sale everywhere. The fresh and unknown beauty on display well up joy in the Prince's heart even though this also causes a brief dizzy spell for them.

It seems you can find almost anything here, but if you can find anything, the Moon Prince is forced to ask What is my heart's fondest desire?
Last edited January 29, 2025 5:56 pm
Jan 29, 2025 6:01 pm
The Ptisilith hovers along with the group. When it had heard about the trip to the Night Market, it practically begged to go along as this was a sightseeing experience of a lifetime. The variety of stone and moss displayed throughout the Night Market was astounding to the stone. And the stalls were filled with so many things magical and mundane. But what to get? This is the perfect place to get a souvenir for its vacation at the B&B.
Jan 29, 2025 9:54 pm
Rolling for the owner..!

The owner is Rosy Chex!
• She has a body composed of delicate, semi-translucent petals resembling a rose.
• And is wearing a plaid blazer, like a used car salesman.
Last edited January 29, 2025 9:58 pm


🥇 - (d20)

(11) = 11

🥈 - (d20)

(3) = 3

Jan 30, 2025 8:38 am
"Greetings to you, mortal wanderers," says the faerie woman, adjusting her plaid blazer. The petals on her face ripple and part to assume a shape resembling a person's smiling face. "You may call me Rosy Chex. I offer curios from the four courts sure to make your interest bloom. Feel free to browse, but try not to carouse!"

Taken by the floral lady's strange appearance, Gertrude belatedly notices the Moon Prince struggling to keep up. She offers them an arm to steady themselves. "Hey, you okay? I know that was a lot of walking. I guess the gravity here in the Night Market is the same as on Earth, then. Thanks for coming with me, by the way. I thought you wouldn't want to miss something cool like this! And... I just, I don't know, feel better when you're around. I guess." She clears her throat and looks back to the stall to hide her sudden embarrassment.
Bingo: Give a very genuinely sweet compliment. Take a token off my question for myself.
Jan 30, 2025 5:06 pm
Ichor coils itself a little tighter in the shadows as this new figure—Rosy Chex—greets the B&B guests with a warm yet unsettling smile. Her petal-formed face and checkered blazer serve a jarring contrast to Ichor's more pedestrian tastes.

As Gertrude offers the Moon Prince her arm, Ichor inches forward, still keeping a comfortable distance from the group. Its body shifts fluidly, a million spindly legs forming then disappearing to propel it forward. Like a rocket, it extends an eye shaft up and over to stare at the curios on display: glass bottles with glowing goo, bags woven from feathers and twilight, and self-coiling ropes in every color yet-to-be-imagined. Just as swiftly, it withdraws its eye shaft back into itself, as though the act of being caught interested might hurt it.

A wet, whispery breath escapes Ichor. Despite its usual aversion to, well, just about everything, the fairy's strange fragrance and charming hustle stirs a cautious curiosity. Ichor slides an inch or two closer still, but utters no words, preferring to keep to listen and watch...
Jan 31, 2025 8:23 pm
The Moon Prince takes Gertrude's arm with a flushed smile as they catch their breath. "Thanks, Gertrude. They do not have... forests?... like that on the Moon. And of course, the stronger gravity here wears me down quite fast. I wasn't sure what gravity would be like in this secret world, but it does seem Earth-like so far. And that path was tricky with all the obstacles. Phew." They think to themselves, If only I could fly about like a fairy, I wouldn't be such a burden on everyone else.

"But don't worry about me, I am thrilled you invited me on such a wonderous excursion! I will be fine." They smile again and their breathing settles down into a normal rhythm.

The Moon Prince looks at the curios on sale at the stall. They can guess at what a few things are since they appear similar to things found in the Moon court (spice shakers decorated like tiny figures, drink coasters with mesmerizing patterns). But anything involving the natural world on Earth is strange and beguiling to the Prince. Wrapped up in their excitement, the Moon Prince touches and picks up everything within reach, without regard for where things belong when they put things down, soon leaving the stall goods disorganized.
Whoopsie: Embarrass myself with my own enthusiasm.
Take a token from Gertrude's question and put it on the Witch's Bargain.
Last edited January 31, 2025 8:25 pm
Jan 31, 2025 8:30 pm
The Ptisilith hovers about in wonder at the curios from the four courts. I think I met that amethyst at a convention ages ago! it thinks to itself. The stone is so focused on the stall that it smashes right through several of Ichor's wet, inky tendrils without even noticing.
Bingo: Smash through something
Take a token from MPs question for the Ptisilith
Feb 1, 2025 5:10 am
Demi’s keels klak-klak along the dry surface (cleared of icky tendrils thanks to the floating rock).

"Good evening little darlings," says the star. "It’s been centuries since I’ve shopped here, but I just completed a film and wish to splurge!

"It’s good to see you Rosy—love the coat, by the way… oh!"
Demi Gorgone spots Gertrude. "I believe I had the fortune to costar with you once. How lovely to meet you here of all places! What brings you to the Fairy Market?"
Feb 1, 2025 6:33 pm
"Miss Gorgone! You're back!" Gertrude says in surprise. "I didn't know you knew how to get to the Night Market. Monday invited me here to find something to help me learn how to do magic, like Yazeba. I invited the Moon Prince along, and, uh, I guess some others followed us."

She looks over at the commotion the Ptisilith is causing as it crashes through things. Is that Ichor, too?
Feb 1, 2025 8:10 pm
Demi laughs lightly at Gertrude’s surprise. "My dear, when the gods turn their backs on an immortal such a myself, none are more open to us heathens than the fey!

"Most of them are sweethearts. Most are tricksters. A Venn diagram of this would be two circles ever-so-slightly misaligned."

If Gertude needs guidance, or protection from being taken advantage of, Demi Gorgone would lookout for the child. (She has done this favor for many a young starlet. There’s a reason why her garden has all those statues of men clothed in varying 20th-century Hollywood fashions.)
⭐️ Take someone under my wing (or at least she’s willing to).
I’ll take a token from Gertrude’s question.
Feb 2, 2025 5:46 pm
Rosy checks smiles at the growing assembly. Demi! Haven't seen you since that awful pirate movie. Imagine picking you for Tink over me." She huffs. Looking out over the crowd, Rosy catches sight of Monday and as their eyes locks, Rosy see the briefest looks of malice of their face.

Rosy stumbles back for a moment then brightens. "Oh, I know just the thing for you gentles." She rummages about beneath her stall and comes up with a wand. It is made of an ebony wood, topped with a cluster of amethyst and moonstone. "This wand was used in the training of Nimue by the great wizard Merlin. Useful of magics of the earth and the stars."
Did a Whoopsie Let my smile slip and show my true nature. Giving a token to Demi. Placing two tokens of Monday's onto the wand for sale.
Feb 3, 2025 8:42 am
Monday's tokens work differently in this chapter. She doesn't take any off of the question, only uses them to put up items up for sale. Then when the items are purchased, those tokens go to The Witch's Bargain so she can ask questions of Gertrude.
Gertrude looks at the wondrous wand. "Oh, sweet. I could probably use that in my own training." She looks to Monday. "And you said you're covering the costs tonight?" At the fairy's nod, Gertrude hesitantly takes the wand from the stall and cradles it in her hands. Rosy's petals ripple in satisfaction.
Buying the wand. The two tokens move to the Witch's Bargain.

[ +- ] Chapter Status
Feb 3, 2025 1:10 pm
"Look at how natural that looks in your hands." Monday coos. "Like it was always a part of you." Monday beams. "Of course you have to be careful with tokens of power while you are still untrained." They remark. "It will make channeling magic dangerously easy. Do you ever worry about losing control?" Monday asks.
Feb 3, 2025 1:16 pm
Gertrude frowns behind her mask as she considers the wand. "Losing control? I guess I've never really thought about it. I've never had much control over anything to begin with. But... I guess that's something I've got to keep in mind now. I don't want my magic to hurt anybody."

The teenage girl imagines herself as a powerful witch, arcane power crackling around her in an awesome aura. Could that be me one day?
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