The Night Market

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Feb 3, 2025 3:42 pm
Ichor's spindly, undulating legs shuffle and shift it just beyond the circle of light cast by Rosy Chex’s stall. Damp tendrils strewn from the Ptisilith’s enthusiastic smash-through slowly rejoin the rest of Ichor’s amorphous mass, with a SCHURRRRLLLP! and a GROWLLLLOLLLIP! Ichor's mass begins to twist and bubble and with a slick coalescene it rises to grow into a pulsating, spherical mass with 1,000 rainbow-colored eyeballs.

Ichor looms. Ichor threatens. Ichor --

At the sound of Monday’s question—Do you ever worry about losing control?—Ichor’s inky body stills and shrinks back down to a shallow, oily puddle, surface rippling with a stuttering shimmer. Two bright pinpricks of light form atop the puddle, their attention clearly on the wand in Gertrude’s hands.

The bright lights contort into fully-formed human eyes. They are watchful, cold, waiting to see which way Gertrude’s heart will tilt under Monday’s subtle probing. After a few seconds, those eyes blink and dissolve. Ichor pools, quiet and alone on the unsettling periphery.
Whoopsie: Suddenly transform into something monstrous.
Take a token from G.'s ? and give it to the Ptisilith.
Feb 3, 2025 4:25 pm
I missed that the Moon Prince put a token on the Bargain so I am asking a second question.
"Indeed. Indeed." Monday agrees. "Magic has the ability to be transformative. It is in its nature to change things forever." As if glimpsing Gertrude's thoughts she asks, "Would you change yourself? Are you who you want to be?"
Feb 3, 2025 5:02 pm
Gertrude swallows audibly. Their question cuts right to the heart of the very thing Gertrude has been wondering herself. Am I who I want to be? Who would I be, if I could be anybody?

"Um, well, I don’t know," Gertrude stammers. She doesn’t feel ready to answer such a heavy question yet. "I think I’m still trying to figure that out."

To change the subject, she gently leads the Moon Prince over to another stall to see what they have for sale.
Somebody may roll 2d20 to create the stranger running this stall.
Feb 3, 2025 6:07 pm


Stall Owner - (2d20)

(24) = 6

Feb 4, 2025 1:27 pm
The proprietor of the small is a little, mousy man. As in, he has the head of a mouse and a furry body, with a long pink tail waving behind him. He winces and look around nervously, as if expecting something sinister to jump out and grab him at any moment.

"Psst! Hey, mortals. Come and look at this." He holds out a hand, in which he holds a little tree. Within moments, the green leaves begin to change colors to the bright red, golds, and browns of autumn. Then the leaves fall from the branches, one by one, leaving a bare, skeletal husk behind. The tree withers and dies, crumbling to dust.

"Neat, huh? The name's Whiskered Tim. If that sort of thing don't suit your fancy, I'm sure I've got something else that will! Look around, look around. But, just, uh, don't talk so loud, okay? Best to keep a low profile." He wiggles his pink nose, sniffing the air.
Feb 5, 2025 6:24 am
Moon Prince stands transfixed by the miniature tree and its spectacular transformation and inevitable dissolution.

"What a marvelous display of the cycle of life and death in the natural world!" they exclaim. "The moon has quite a bit of dust you know, so I have read all the family histories of the journey of dust on the moon. My grandfather always said everything turns to dust in the end." Moon Prince smiles wistfully.
Bingo: Share a bit of knowledge that people didn't know I know.
Feb 6, 2025 11:13 am
"Dust to dust," Whiskered Tim agrees. His eyes dart back and forth again. "You say you're from the Moon, eh? Think I got a few things that might appeal to a lunar lad, lady, or in-between."
@Verrain, presenting an opportunity for an item to go on sale that the Moon Prince might fancy.
Feb 6, 2025 3:12 pm
While Gertrude doesn’t seem to want the gorgon’s help, Demi can see Monday is more trickster than sweetheart. And… is it really my business? The gods cursed me, and I’m making it work to this day.

She turns to Whiskered Tim.

"Sorry to interrupt." (She isn’t.) "You were calling out to mortals. What about those who aren’t? Where might I find an outfit more comfortable than my own skin?" She half-twirls to show off her glittering gown, made from her own snakeskin. "You’ve heard of One-Size-Fits-All? I’m looking for a One-Fits-All-Size dress. It’s for a role. I’ve got to slim down for one part of the film, then for another part, I’ve got to be plus sized.

"It’s called Me Myself and My Plus One, a comedy that takes a serious look at body expectations and pokes fun at it, but in the end, there’s a heartwarming lesson. So the studio claims. The script is full of raunchy fratboy humor, which doesn’t fit anywhere in the blurb other than the word ‘pokes’ sans ‘fun.’ I’m only in it for the money.

"Speaking of, which kiosk..?"
⚡️ Demand luxuries that aren't available. Take a token from G’s Q. and give it to the Moon Prince as an ‘apology’ for the interruption.
Feb 6, 2025 3:41 pm
Sorry, @Legendary_Sidekick , I didn’t mean for Gertrude to ignore Demi’s offer. She probably would have agreed to it before quickly becoming distracted by the wonders of the market and kind of forgetting about her again.
Whisker Tim looks Demi’s curvy figure up and down. "Well, with a full body like that, I’m sure you’re not a spy for the Starving King," he murmurs. "Ah, try Sparkle Jess, over there? They might have what you’re looking for."

Sparkle Jess turns out to be a beautifully androgynous being wearing a swirling cloak made of iridescent beetle shells, lined with neon-purple chiffon. As Demi approaches, Sparkle Jess spins a pirouette and gives a whistle, conjuring a swirl of cotton-candy clouds which dissolve into a giddy laughter causing nearby folk to dance uncontrollably in gleeful abandon for a few moments.


Stranger - (2d20)

(1012) = 22

Feb 7, 2025 4:26 pm
"Sparkle Jess, darling… love the outfit." She assumes Jess can tell her own gown is snakeskin, and won’t point out the obvious to such an elite fashionista. "Perhaps you have what I need or the means to craft it…"

She gives Jess the gist version of what she told Tim.

"…or perhaps you’ve something else that suits my taste? I’m all eyes, isn’t that right, ladies?"

Her snakes hiss in delightful affirmation!
Feb 8, 2025 12:57 pm
Whiskered Tim watches Demi wander with a shake of the head and then turns his attention back to those before him. "Now, something for the lunatic." He chuckles. "No offense meant I'm sure."

He comes up with a pair of tapestries. It is hard to tell if they actually move or if you just see different images as your eyes dart around it. One shows the Moon and the other shows the Earth; each goes through its phases as seen from the other.

Meanwhile Sparkle Jess listens to Demi with smile. "Oh that's too easy, luvvy. Come to me with a challenge next time." Jess reaches behind a pile of hats and brings out a large earthenware jar. She takes the lid off and shows the swirling iridescent liquid inside. "Ever seen a lady with a dress that looked painted on? Well with this you literally can. Just dab on the outfit at any size you may be." She dips a hand in and pulls it out clad in a skin tight glove glittering like gemstones. "Responds to your thoughts it does until it dries so keep a clear head."
Placing one coin of the Earth tapestry, one on the Moon tapestry, and one on the Dress Up Paint.
Feb 8, 2025 3:02 pm
Demi Gorgone is definitely interested. And this is not the immortal’s first time at the Fairy Market.

"I love it. Enough that I’ll purchase it for the right price. What is the cost, and… how many applications might I get out of one jar?"

She knows the game. The fey can see right through feigned unenthusiasm. Haggling comes in the form of an informed counteroffer. Never be desperate to buy, for the fey are not desperate to sell…
Feb 11, 2025 5:21 am
The Moon Prince stares in wonder at the tapestry of the moon. "How amazing! I am not used to seeing the moon shift through its phases from so far away! I think I can even see the Moon Palace over there." A sad look passes over their face and they look down. "I try to avoid looking at the Moon since I came to Earth. Silly I know, but I don't want to doubt my decision to leave."
Bingo: Question or examine something Earthlings take for granted
Feb 11, 2025 11:44 am
Gertrude puts a comforting hand on the Moon Prince's shoulder. "I don't think it's silly, MP. Sometimes, I think it about if I made the right choice leaving home, too. Despite all the bad stuff that happened there, there was a bit of good, too. Why don't you get the moon tapestry, and I'll get the Earth one, and we can both put them up in our rooms so we have a matching set? It'll be like... a friendship locket, with two halves that come together to make a whole."
Gertrude will buy the Earth tapestry. @Verrain has a token to ask a question of Gertrude now.

[ +- ] Chapter Status
Feb 11, 2025 12:01 pm
Sparkle Jess looks a little surprised at Demi's attempt to haggle. "Didn't you know luv? Monday's footing the bill for your little outing. Enjoy the paint." She urges pushing the pot forward. "If you run out, then come back and we can talk business like proper fishwives. Jess cackles.

Whiskered Tim rolls up the tapestry and ties it shut with a green ribbon. "Try and keep it out of the sun. It is weaving of the night, you see."

Monday flits over. "That is such a lovely sentiment Gertrude. It gives one perspective to get the long view of things. What do you think people see when they look at you?"
Feb 11, 2025 12:31 pm
Gertrude looks over at Monday. "Oh? Um, I don't know... A girl in a mask. Maybe. Just a plain, kind of... Bigger..." She shifts uncomfortably as her old insecurities start to flare up. "Sorry. I hope they see me better than I see myself, sometimes." She pulls her hoodie closer around her.
Whoopsie: Assume the worst of what's going on. Take token from question and give it to the Ptisilith.
Feb 11, 2025 5:44 pm
Demi Gorgone is highly suspicious of Monday footing the bill.

"Then if you have no set price, you’ll not object to me paying you. Snakeskin, venom, a statue of my third ex-husband? If none of those suit your fancy, at the very least an autograph, or something immaterial: my heartfelt gratitude."

She peers over her star-shaped shades just enough to reveal her brow. It’s as close to a look in the eye a gorgon can safely exchange—a look that ensures Sparkle Jess she knows the rules. Accepting Monday’s favor puts her in their debt.

"A gal cursed by the gods can never be too careful."
⭐️ Stop a problem in its tracks with a glance.
Feb 12, 2025 5:35 am
The Moon Prince turns to Gertrude with a smile on their face. "I love that, Gertrude! I will cherish this tapestry and our friendship. To friends who head into the unknown away from home to find a home of their own making." The Prince carefully takes the tapestry nodding at Tim's advice. "Thank you, Whiskered."
MP will take the moon tapestry @Verrain
After watching Demi's exchange with Monday, the Moon Prince says to Demi, "That was amazing! I felt like I was watching your performance in Twelve Angry Serpents again! You really are amazing. Did I say that? Oh well, I just really mean it. I have always loved your movies and followed your personal life in the tabloids. I wanted to buy a pair of sunglasses just like you wore to your third wedding, but I couldn't get them with prescription lenses. I still bought them but just kept running into things and had to stop wearing them."
Whoopsie: Try way too hard to make someone else like me
Taking the token from Gertrude's question and giving it to Gertrude
Feb 12, 2025 5:44 am
The Ptisilith hovers about the stalls, humming monotonously. As the deals are done and conversations are had, the large stone inches closer and closer to Whiskered Tim, hoping for another display of magic.
Whoopsie: Hover ominously close to someone
Take a token from Gs question and give it to Demi
Feb 12, 2025 11:31 am
Demi is never one to ignore a fan.

"You’re from the Moon, aren’t you? I hear the gravity is much lower… I had a bit part in Amazon Women on the Moon, but it was filmed in a California desert, near the statue of the original director.

"But never mind my fourth husband."
After a pause—"’s statue."—she smiles at the Prince. "What’s the Moon like? What with you being a Prince, is there a… Moon Princess? People you wave at from the palace balcony? A cinema… or a stage?"
(This sounds like a…)

⭐️ Shine my spotlight on someone else.

(I’m getting a lot of tokens, but… they’re for a good cause?)
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