The Night Market

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Feb 12, 2025 11:47 am
Remember, we'll want to put a lot of those tokens on the Night Market's Question to get a Memento for this chapter. At least 7 gets us a Square Memento while 13 or more nets us a rarer Circle Memento!
[ +- ] Chapter Status
Feb 12, 2025 2:53 pm
As Demi fixes Jess with gaze, Jess's eyes sparkle and for just a moment they are mirror bright. "Sorry dearie. You came on Monday's invitation so you are already bound by her rules. You buy on her tab or you don't buy. Now if we aren't doing business, I have others to tend too.

Monday flits around Gertrude and the Moon Prince as Whiskered Tom wraps up the tapestry with a silver ribbon. They settle by Gertrude as Demi and the Prince fall into conversation. "It does my heart good to see you making connections like that. Has anyone ever told you that you guard your heart too closely?"
Pretty sure I only have one question pending. I asked the one triggered by Gertrude's coin and Demi hasn't brought yet.
Feb 12, 2025 4:23 pm
Demi takes a step back, raising her shades.

"I’m bound enough," she says to Jess, and that is all she says to indicate there will be no sale. Whatever Monday has in mind is not her problem, and she’s not about to incur a debt that makes it her problem.
WHOOPSIE - ⚡️ Lounge and let the little people worry about...whatever's going on.

I’ll give the token to Monday to symbolize the gorgon’s silent admission: she knows which immortal truly holds the power here.
Feb 12, 2025 4:55 pm
Correct, there was only one question pending before but now there is another.
Gertrude looks at Monday. "Nobody has said this exact words, I don’t think. But I do try to keep my feelings to myself, if that’s what you mean. I’ve been hurt before. A lot. I... don’t really want to give anybody the chance to do that to me again."
Feb 12, 2025 6:55 pm
Monday makes supportive tutting sounds. "That is hard. To try and rebuild when the walls around your heart have been breached." Monday nods in sympathy. "But we all must still try. After all, what are you so scared of?"
The token Demi gave me goes immediately to the Witches Question.
Feb 12, 2025 7:17 pm
"I’m scared of being hurt," Gertrude says, "of being looked down on. Of not being able to be myself without judgment. Of losing my friends and family. Again." The masked teenager looks down at her shoes.
Feb 14, 2025 8:57 am
Whiskered Tim lets out a little squeak of fear and cowers as the Ptisilith looms over him. "Ah! What are you? Did the Starving King send you?!?"

Gertrude notices the scene and quickly makes her way over there. "It didn't mean to startle you. The Ptisilith is just a litte... socially challenged," she says apologetically. She turns to the hovering stone. "Are you looking for something to buy? Do you want me to help you find it?"

She heads to another stall, hoping the Ptistilith will follow and allow her to help it pick out an appropriate keepsake.
Bingo: Make myself useful.

@Redcroc, in addition to the Ptislith, Demi asked the Moon Prince some questions they can reply to. :)
Feb 14, 2025 8:20 pm
Thrilled to be talking to such a glamourous starlet, the Moon Prince stammers out a reply to Demi, "Yes I am from the moon. Originally. It is very... uhm.... barren in most places. But beautiful in a sparse way. There are wonderous things there, but they tend to be underground, like the cheese mines, or on the dark side, like the pink shadow pools. But mother said that was all too dangerous for the next ruler of the moon to be playing about in." The Moon Queen's scolding voice and overprotective tone flash into the Moon Prince's mind and they feel their vision begin to swim as their chest tightens. But they continue on, trying to will it away.

"There is a Moon King and Queen of course. Father would address his subjects every Moonsday and on special occasions from the main balcony, but Mother kept me away from high places since they were dangerous. And...Moon...Princesses...urk" the Moon Prince feels their mind float away as they stumble and reach out to steady themselves against Whiskered Tim's stall. "I'm...sorry. I don't know...what came over me. I just need to rest for a moment." They clutch their temples and squeeze their eyes shut, leaning hard against the support arm of the stall.
Whoopsie: Mess up something I thought I could handle.

Sorry for the delay, having a busy week. :\
Feb 14, 2025 8:37 pm
The Ptisilith lets itself be directed toward another stall by Gertrude. It pulses with beige light, swirled with milky grey. The last stall didn't have much for me, but maybe the next will. But I just can't decide. Maybe some help would be nice. It emits a low hum.
Bingo: Respond to events as if self-aware
Feb 14, 2025 8:43 pm
The woman behind the latest stall defies mortal logic. She is vast and beautiful, like the ocean or the sky, but beneath her waist, she’s all legs… one hundred twenty-nine legs! But only two left feet. And on each foot is a silver slipper.

"I am the Baronette," she intones in an all-encompassing voice. "And you are the Ptisilith. I think I may have exactly what you are looking for..." Her slippers are legion, a chorus of whispering shuffles as she walks over to procure a special object for the obelisk.
[ +- ] Chapter Status


Unfamiliar Faces - (2d20)

(151) = 16

Feb 14, 2025 8:52 pm
As she stands beside the Ptisilith, Monday’s earlier question bounces around in Gertrude’s head. It’s fhe question she’s been asking herself for a while now, and she finally gives voice to it.

"Who would I be, if I really could be anyone?" she ponders.
Everyone goes around answering the question. Gertrude answers last.
Feb 14, 2025 9:48 pm
"The Star in your life story, my dear."

Demi delivers that one-liner with such graceful sincerity, her ‘inner director’ calls cut.
Feb 17, 2025 11:15 am
@Verrain,@Redcroc may both answer the question. After that, we can all put some tokens on the Night Market's question before we answer it. 7-11 gets us a Square Memento while 13+ tokens gets us a Circle Memento. Following that, Monday can make their offer to buy Gertrude's heart. Of course, Monday may still create an item for the Ptisilith to buy and if it does so, they may ask Gertrude another question from their list before making their offer.
Feb 17, 2025 10:41 pm
After resting a moment, the Moon Prince considers the question. "Someone strong and decisive. Someone not weighed down by the past."
Feb 18, 2025 11:39 am
"I am already who I want to be." Monday slowly flits around Gertrude and the surrounding company. "That's why I spend all my time trying to help others become who they want to be."
Feb 18, 2025 7:40 pm
"I would be somebody who was strong, and confident, and comfortable in my own skin," Gertrude says quietly. "Somebody whose outer appearance matched how they saw themself on the inside."

All around the Night Market, the various fey merchants seem to lean closer to the gathered group. A question seems to whisper on the wind, prompting the mortals to answer:

"What is my heart's desire?"
Everybody but Monday should answer the Big Question. Monday can put her 7 tokens on it, and Gertrude will put her 3 tokens on it as well. 3 more tokens will net us the Circle Memento.
Feb 18, 2025 11:48 pm
I’ll spend the 3 to get the momento.
Demi says aloud to the whisper. "My heart’s desire? Ha! I have it, and if I desire more, I will have it when it pleases me to."

Inevitably, the fey hear the unspoken truth:
The Big Question says:
"What is my heart's desire?"
Feb 19, 2025 4:25 pm
The Moon Prince hears the whisper of the wind through the Night Market and thinks To belong somewhere that I can be myself without hesitation.
I can throw some tokens in if there is any benefit to that. Or if Demi can use them for advancements.
Feb 19, 2025 4:47 pm
To be loved for who I am, without having to compromise, Getrude answers to herself.
Feb 20, 2025 3:08 pm
Monday flits over in front of Gertrude. "My dear, I am so pleased that you have enjoyed your time here. You are a truly sweet person who deserves to grow without boundaries and without cares." Monday frowns slightly. "I've seen glimpses of your heart, dearest. You feel so deeply and I can see the pain that brings you. All your struggles and fears holding you back." Monday sighs. "So, I have one final deal for you. I will speed you along your path of magical power: ancient grimoires, maps to places of power, a few favors called in for tutoring and guidance. Everything you need to become the witch that you want to be, that you deserve to be. In return, I will take that pain away removw all of the doubts and fears that hold you back. Grant me your heart and you shall receive all that its desired.

Monday unrolls a scroll and places it and a quill in Gertrude's hands.
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