DireHalfling says:
Welcome to the funhouse! You like Draw Steel!? How's the playtest? I don't know anyone to play with but I preordered the books.
I liked it! it reminded of 4e, which isn't my favorite D&D but is better than people give it credit for. There are a lot of fun tactical abilities that interact really interestingly. And many of this abilities are reactions you can take on other people's turns. That promotes engagement with the game when it's not your turn and lots of fun combo moves. "ok I'll hit them and that will push them ten feet." "And I'll use my ability to double forced movement" "And I'll ..." etc until you are really laying down the hurt together, all in one combo. It removes the "it's not my turn so I am on my phone" thing that D&D has, for sure. I played at GameHoleCon last year.