Paying the Price (RP)

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Feb 25, 2025 5:26 am
Emma assumed Persephone was about to tell her how she got into escorting, and at first, everything seemed to align with the narrative she imagined: her partner, lover, and friend fleeing with all the money, then going back to the investor, signing over ‘everything’ for another chance at success.

She didn’t flinch when Pers said she ‘sold her soul to the devil’. At first, she thought it was just a metaphor. But when she insisted it was all real, Emma blinked and frowned.

The story was getting stranger and stranger by the second. What the hell was going on???

Pers sounded sincere, but the words didn’t make any sense. How could she have signed herself over to a devil? Was she having a psychotic break over everything that happened? Was she off her meds? Using drugs? The idea that she actually did sell her soul was worse than any of the more plausible options.

She didn’t rule out the possibility of demons existing. After all, she knew vampires were real, and Bev had mentioned a ‘demon hunter’ friend. But she was desperately hoping that Persephone was totally off her rocker rather than making a conscious choice to sell her soul.

Whatever the case, this was bad. Real bad. She wasn’t equipped to help her one way or the other.

She hesitated, struggling to figure out what to say. "Pers… this is horrible." She put her coffee down on the table and reached out to take her hands. She wanted to tell her everything would be okay, that they’d figure this out somehow, but she couldn’t. There was no comforting way to say everything will be okay when Pers was talking about selling her soul to a demon and spending the rest of eternity in hell. This wasn’t something she could fix with reassuring words and a tub of ice cream.

She shifted, trying to think through it. Maybe this wasn’t just a spiritual crisis. Maybe Persephone was suffering from something medical. That’s what Emma wanted to hope for at this point.

"Look, I don’t even know what to say to all of this" Her tone softened, and she rubbed her thumb over Persephone’s hand. "I think you need some rest. It’ll be good for you, at least to clear your head. Maybe things will make more sense after you get some sleep. Take a break. Take care of yourself."

She paused before continuing, unsure of how to broach the next part, but knowing she had to say it "And maybe… maybe you need to talk to a professional. A doctor? Or, a priest?" A doctor could help rule out the possibility that she is hallucinating it all, or help her if she was. And, if she really believed she made a contract with a demon, maybe a priest could guide her, help her repent, or whatever they do. Maybe that would be enough to set her mind at ease...
Feb 25, 2025 5:55 am
"No, this is the book," Benji insists. "It was inside the computer so I had to get a librarian print it out for you. I know it probably doesn’t look like you were expecting it would, but it’s still the same book. See?" Benji climbs up onto her pedestal to place the ‘book’ in Millicent’s arms, holding his umbrella over her to protect the papers from the rain.
Feb 25, 2025 6:11 am
- Benji -

"I don't trust those computers." Millicent says. "Sand that can think? Sounds like a terrible idea." You can't tell if she is messing with you.

Once up on the statue —Millicent does not seem to mind at all, but the (German) tourists tut in a very English way— you see that, tucked in behind the banner she holds, is a perspex cover. Millicent instructs you to place the book behind it, out of the elements, but first to turn to a particular page. There is a little back and forth to make sure the page numbers match on your printing.

"Well, that was nice of you, Benji." The statue says. She still looks a little dubious about the newly printed work, but it is better than nothing. It might occur to you that she will need someone to turn the page for her, reading a book could take a long time, that way, it is a good thing the statues are patient.

What do you do?
Feb 25, 2025 10:50 am
"Any time," says Benji, truly very pleased to have been able to help her. He hops down from the pedestal and glances up at the sky. The sun is hidden behind the rainclouds (thankfully), but it’s nearly noon and he’s beginning to feel quite sleepy. He’d been hoping to take a detour past Jacob’s bookshop on his way home (to pick up another copy of Emma’s book for Byron and to try to find some food for Snowy), so he’d better get going if he wants to get any sleep at all before Miriam comes over later. Turning back to Millicent, he bows politely and says, "It’s been a pleasure, Mrs Fawcett. I hope you enjoy the book."
Feb 25, 2025 12:18 pm
Persephone laughed bitterly. "Ha! You think I’m insane. Well, I guess I don’t blame you. I didn’t truly believe it either, not until I saw it for myself. Ok. I guess I’ll just… show you."

She sighed heavily and stood. She stepped around the coffee table and took up a position across from Emma. She looked at Emma and said, "I’m going to show you what I have become. But please, I promise I won’t hurt you, ok? You’re safe."

She called on the fell power within, imbued within by her infernal pact.


The Devil Inside - (2d6+1)

(44) + 1 = 9

Feb 25, 2025 12:44 pm
Persephone closed her eyes and, for a moment, nothing happened. No, that’s not right; something happened, but it was subtle. There was a sound, an energy, like an old CRT TV turning on, and a sudden change in air pressure in the room.

Persephone opened her eyes and they were oily black. Smoke began to flow up and out of them, forming a halo around her head. Her skin grew pale, translucent, and her bones began to shift visibly under her skin, twisting into unnatural shapes — jagged, spiky shapes — shapes for rending flesh. Her shirt tore from the jagged bones and gray, fibrous wings sprouted from her back. They resembled giant moth wings, but with wisps of smoke coming off them.

She held her arms out to her sides and spoke. Her voice sounded unnatural, an octave lower, and like there were three of her speaking at once. She said, "This is my true form, Emma. I’m… I’ve become… a monster."

And then she put her arms down and the transformation reversed. But this time, a vortex of smoke whirled around her and dissipated, leaving only Persephone, the human Persephone. Now her clothes were torn, however. And strangely, she looked revitalized. The circles beneath her eyes were gone. The color had returned to her face. She looked fresh and new.
Choosing Heal 2 harm to represent feeling rejuvenated and I guess +1 forward?
Feb 25, 2025 1:35 pm
- Benji -

Something has leaked at Jacob's and everything is wet and stinking like a bog. Mildew and fungus is growing everywhere and there is even a vine creeping out of the pool of stagnant water in what used to be Jacob's most precious part of the shop.

Emma's books were not kept in one of the secured or controlled areas and they are all mouldy and falling apart already (they don't make them like they used to). Maybe you can get one directly from her? Byron might appreciate and autographed copy?

There is nothing here that looks remotely like 'raven food'. You can take everything from the fridge and shelves and try it, though.
When you leave, you spot someone watching the place. Your personal watchers have been more open since you confronted Joe, but this guy is on another level, it is almost like they wants to get caught.

What do you do?
Feb 25, 2025 6:03 pm
Emma’s breath caught in her throat as she watched Persephone’s transformation unfold before her eyes. Part of her wanted to recoil, or flee, but a far stronger part of her was captivated by awe. She had seen things that defied logic before. She invited a vampire to bite her. She has seen Benji effortlessly lift a slab of stone that weighed several metric tons. But this… this was different. Something from beyond.

Persephone wasn’t just a person anymore. She was a monster. Translucent skin, stretched tight across jagged, deformed bones. Empty voids for eyes with smoke pouring from them. Massive smoky wings unfurling form her back, and voices that sounded like thunderous chorus.

Despite the surreal, terrifying spectacle before her, she couldn’t help but feel drawn in by it. It was beautiful, in a way. A primal presence greater than her own understanding. Terrifying, and magnificent, like looking into the heart of some cosmic force. She felt so small and insignificant, and for a brief moment, understood what it was to gaze upon something beyond humanity – not just in power, but in meaning.

When the transformation reversed and the smoky wings dissolved, Perspone looked more alive than ever, as if she transcended human vitality. She looked so much more vibrant, with the weariness gone from her face.

Emma was still reeling as she looked at her, struggling to process everything she had just witnessed.

What the hell did this all mean?

The Devil.
The creation of the world.

Was Persephone now a damned soul, or a demon in the making? Could she be saved, or was her fate to be bound for eternity in hell. She couldn’t make sense of it. Didn’t even know where to begin.

She sighed as she pushed the braided lock of hair behind her shoulder and slowly sank back down onto the couch.
"I swear, I’m like some kind of weirdness magnet" she muttered under her breath. Her voice was quiet, almost a little breathless. "This is a lot to take in."

She paused as she tried to get her thoughts in order, deciding to focus on the practical. She couldn’t comfort Persephone with empty reassurances. She couldn’t pretend she was fine with any of it. With what Pers has done to herself, and to others. But maybe… maybe there was something to be done.

"The contract you signed… I mean, you don’t seem particularly happy, right? Are you sure there’s no exit clause? No terms or conditions that could, maybe, let you out of this? How does this whole thing even work?"
Feb 25, 2025 11:07 pm
Persephone's mouth dropped open an her head tilted to one side. "You're a weirness magnet?? That's all? Huh. I guess I expected you to freak out or something."

She collapsed back onto the sofa across from Emma, looking and feeling more comfortable, energetic, and at ease that she had in weeks. She'd been avoiding taking on the demonic form; it was evil, after all, and good for nothing but death. Or so she had thought. Apparently it could also cure hangovers and sleep deprivation! It felt pretty great, actually. Persephone was equal parts excited and afraid.

She nodded as Emma asked about the contract and replied, "It's irrevocable. In principle my patron can offer me my freedom in exchange for something I might give them, or do for them. But here's the thing; everything it wants, everything it has me do, is evil. I... Emma, I had to kill a man two nights ago! I mean, I was supposed to, but I ended up just convincing him to OD. And he did! I might not have done the deed directy, but he is dead because of me."

Persephone's eyes began to well up with tears, but she shook her head in self-disgust and stopped them. She continued speaking, in a level tone.

"Every time I do something my patron wants, I lose a little of myself. If I ever do pay off my debt to my patron, I don't know if there will be any of me left...So I'm not sure waht to do."

For a moment she looked forlorn, despairing. Then a grim determination set in and she grit her teeth and frowned. She spoke again, but this time there was anger and conviction in her voice.

"No. That's not true. There is something I can do. I might be damned, but I can still use these powers to help poeple, too. There's no rule that says I can't. And first and foremost, I can help others who might be trapped by demonic power and influence. Like your friend Kat. She is a kept woman, and whoever keeps her is a demon. I'm sure of it. Now, your other friend, Sarah, I'm less sure of, but I suspect it may be something similar. Emma, I want to help them. To use my power, and influcence, to help free them."
Feb 26, 2025 2:21 am
Benji isn’t too disappointed about Emma’s book. He had wanted to take it to Emma to sign anyway, and he’s sure she probably has a spare copy lying around that she could give him. He is, however, very frustrated to find no hint at all as to what Jacob’s been feeding his raven. Jacob really could have left him some clearer instructions. He fills his pockets with a tiny bit of everything that looks even remotely like a raven might eat it.

When he leaves the shop and spots the watcher, he stops in his tracks and tilts his head curiously. "Hello?"
Feb 26, 2025 3:58 am
- Benji -

"Bebnjni? Iss phtha' you?" The figure gurgles and splutters, struggling to speak. "I hoped it would be you."

As you draw nearer you realise it is Teddy, though it is hard to recognise him through the pulped face. He has been beaten, repeatedly it seems, and peers in your direction through eyes swollen shut and crusted over with blood.

"I need your help, man." Teddy says, his speech improving as he warms up and the scabs around his mouth break and bleed allowing for more facial movement. "You owe me, man. You were never one to toe the line..." He says, reminding of the the time(s) he smoothed things over with Elliot when your eccentricities got you into trouble. "Now I need someone willing to buck the system. I can't take it anymore."

Maybe the power-vacuum left by Elliot's absence has caused more problems than you realised, insulated as you have been by your own problems. You were sort of 'independent' —compared to people like Teddy who worked directly for Elliot and his predecessors— and Elliot mostly let you get on with your life so long as you did not cause problems, but you do know that you owe fealty to the lord whose territory you operate from... and you currently don't know who that lord is, which could be bad.

What do you do?
Teddy is Cashing in a Debt. If you agree (we can hammer out the details before final agreement) you Mark Night and help him out.
You can try to Refuse to Honor a Debt if you don't want to get involved. If you don't help him you don't Mark his Circle.

I know it isn't Alasdair. • Who is taking over the vampire rulership in the area? Is there one figure most are backing, or are there many contenders to the throne?
Feb 26, 2025 5:46 am
"Yeah, I’m dealing with all sorts of craziness lately." Emma’s tone was surprisingly calm, more than it had any right to be given what she had just witnessed. But she chose not to elaborate. She didn't want to make the conversation about her.

Her eyes did narrow when Persephone spoke about the consequences of her deal, unable to hide a hint of disappointment. Persephone had sold her soul—she could understand the desperation, and that she regretted her choice. But dragging other people into it?? That crossed a line. It wasn’t just about being a victim anymore. It was no longer a 'mistake' - she was making a conscious choice to delay her reckoning at the expense of other people's immortal souls. Something in her was annoyed with seeing her crying for herself, knowing what she was choosing to do was basically worse than murder.

She pushed those feelings aside. Emma was good at compartmentalizing inconvenient truths, especially when she couldn’t do anything about them.

"Demons exist, right? Does that mean Jesus does too? What else is out there?" she didn't expect Pers to answer, but to give her some food for thought "Maybe there is another way to break this contract. But your patron probably hasn’t told you about it because—why would he? It benefits him to keep you bound to him. There has to be more to it, and we need to find someone who knows about this kind of stuff, because honestly, I don’t think we have the full picture here."

She stiffened when Pers mentioned Kat. Part of her didn’t want to believe her new friend could ALSO be involved with demons (what were the odds?) But she couldn’t ignore what Persephone was saying: "I can tell you who Kat is associating with, but be careful. You can’t just waltz in and confront him. He’s a very powerful man."

It was surprising just how much information Pers was able to glean in that short interaction with Kat and Sarah. Maybe someone with Pers demonic nature had a supernatural sense about these things.

"And about Sarah…" she sighed softly "I was just about to head to her apartment to try to get some answers myself. I’ve got a roommate I need to talk to too." She decided to let Persephone in on a bit of what she knew. There was no harm in it, really. "Sarah’s been fed on by a vampire. Multiple times. That’s why I took her in. To protect her. But I’m worried that whoever sees her as his property might come back to ‘reclaim’ her."
Feb 26, 2025 7:26 am
Persephone shrugged at Emma’s theological questions. "I dunno? I mean, yeah, they’re demons, but they don’t seem especially Biblical or anything. I assume angels exist to counterbalance the demons but, maybe not? Who said the universe had to be balanced?"

She shook her head in doubt at the topic of breaking the contract. "Maybe?? Sure don’t know about it. I guess we could do research? I don’t even know where to begin with that…"

When Kat and Sarah came up, Pers replied, "yeah of course he’s powerful. He’s either a demon or a senior henchman to be putting off that much infernal stink. But yeah, I’ll be careful."

After that, all she could says is, "Wait WHAT? Or you telling me vampires are REAL? Ohmigod… heeeyyy wait a minute! Was your book… like, a field report???"
Feb 26, 2025 8:20 am
"Gosh, my first book?" She put an emphasis on the word 'first', since her next novel was indeed very much a personal journal chronicling her life. "No... I got so many things wrong back then. I didn’t know the first thing about vampires." She let out a soft sigh "But when I started researching for my new novel, someone reached out. He claimed to be a real-life vampire, and proposed an exclusive interview." She paused, her fingers idly brushing her hair. She could have told her about her meeting with the vampire lord. How she carefully designed tomake herself irresistible to him. How she allowed him to feed from her. His growing obsession. But what did it matter now? She didn’t want to dwell on these details right now, and besides; Eliot was gone, and it didn’t look like he was ever coming back.

"So here I am," she brought herself back to the moment "I’ve gotten a lot better at spotting them in a crowd since then. And their victims..." She made a reference to Sarah, without speaking her name.

She looked out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the pouring rain. The dull gray sky, obscuring the light of the sun for so many days now. She drifted for a moment before turning her eyes back at Pers.

"There is so much more going on, but I haven’t had time to look into them yet. Everything’s moving so fast." She gave a small shrug, like the chaos was just another part of her life she was getting used to.

"But I know a few people. I can ask around if you want. There’s definitely someone out there who knows more than what you are being told"
Feb 26, 2025 5:47 pm
Persephone raised her hand in disbelief and asked, "Wait a minute. You got contacted by an elder vampire... for an interview? Wasn't that... from that book? By the romance author? What was her name..." She waved it off and focused on the topic at hand.

She again raised her hands up next to her face in confusion and exclaimed, "Wait, what‽ You 'know people' who might be able to help me with my demon problem?! You know vampires?? Emma! What is happening with you?"

She shook her head in disbelief and then looked at Emma and said, "How did we get involved in all this?!" She sighed. "I miss when we could just go shopping together and talk about our crushes and that big Brit Lit essay we were working on... I miss our friendship. How can we find our way back to that, with ... all this in our lives now?"

She looked sad and added, "And Emma, I'm sorry. I've... I've been selfish, and stupid, and I should have reached out a long time ago. And I should have told you. And... Well, I'm sorry." She reached out a hand to squeeze Emma's.
Feb 26, 2025 7:17 pm
"Anne Rice?" Emma stifled a smile. Obviously, she knew the author. She read all her books; not only the famous ‘Interview with a Vampire’ from the Vampire Chronicles, but the other book series as well, including the ones which were mostly smut. "Her books are obviously all fictional. Real vampires aren’t suave 19th-century gentlemen seducing innocent maidens. They’re predators. Like sharks. Or snakes"

She said it with a casual shrug, as though discussing the nature of supernatural predators was just another day in her life. Unlike Persephone, Emma embraced the supernatural world with an almost giddy fascination, reveling in the strangeness of it all. She wasn’t bound to hell, after all, so she wasn’t overwhelmed by doom and gloom like her friend.

"Are you kidding me?" her lips curled into a smile when Pers reminisced about the old times "We have much more interesting stuff to gossip about now!! And you should see the red dress I got for the recent gala. Even vampires could feel their blood running hot in their icy veins looking at me!"

She instinctively hesitated for just a split second when Pers reached to grasp her hand. Pers was a monster, and something primal inside her recoiled at her touch. But once she overcame the sensation, she pushed the thought out of her mind and folded her other hand over Persephone's, trying to reassure her: "Hey, don’t worry about it. You weren’t in London anyways until recently, right?"
Feb 26, 2025 10:41 pm
"Teddy!" Benji exclaims, dismayed. "What happened? Are you alright? Here, let’s get you inside…"

Encouraging the much bigger vampire to lean on him for support, Benji unlocks Jacob’s shop again and helps Teddy inside. Carefully stepping around the stagnant pool of water, he sits Teddy down on a dry-ish part of the floor and dashes upstairs to look for a first aid kit or something of the sort. When he returns, he has some bandages, a bottle of disinfectant, and a bag of frozen peas to help with the pain and the swelling. He hands the peas to Teddy.
Some more info on the other vampire lords:

Aurelia: Aurelia is the oldest vampire in London. She is Roman, but it’s not known if she’s lived in London since its beginning or moved there later. While some vampires become feral or go mad as they get older, she has become inhumanly cold and detached. The lives and concerns of mortals are insignificant to her and even other vampires are tools to be used or disposed of as needed. She rules everything south of the river. She was not at the party at Arundel, probably because it was of little interest to her.

Lady Ravenhall: A Victorian-era aristocrat in her former life, Lady Ravenhall controls the territory to the west of Elliot’s, although they frequently squabbled over borders. Originally given Kensington and Chelsea when they divided up the former Vampire Queen’s territory, she recently expanded her territory into Elliot’s to include parts of Westminster as well. She surrounds herself with a ‘court’ of other vampire nobles.

Nicholas Flinders: Nicholas is a hedonistic playboy, turned as a young man in the 1920s. He is generally friendly and easygoing (he just wants to have fun!), but his impulsiveness and lack of self control means that his mortal friends and lovers do not tend to live long. His territory encompasses the parts of the City of London not controlled by Elliot and a majority of the East End.

Hawthorn: Reclusive and mysterious, Hawthorn lives in an old manor house in the north of London, which he has not left in a decade. He does not receive guests (except for meals) and he is rarely seen by anyone except his loyal servants. Nevertheless, his name commands great respect among the vampires of London. His territory borders Elliot’s to the north.
Last edited February 27, 2025 1:47 am
Feb 27, 2025 7:22 am
- Benji -

Teddy looks around Jacob's place desultorily, without paying as much attention to the fascinating place as it deserves. Once cleaned up enough to talk without spitting blood all over the place he addresses your question.

"It's a mess, Benji." Teddy says, holding the frozen peas to the side of his face. You can see the he is missing some teeth, including one of his fangs.

"I can't say I was a fan of Elliot. And not only because it is not ... politically expedient ... " He has to think for a moment about that term. "But things were calm, and everybody got to eat." You know that a feeding could have fixed Teddy right up, so, clearly, he has not been able to feed.

"You haven't heard anything about him, have you?" Teddy asks in a quiet whisper. "No? Too bad. I got myself assigned here, watching Jacob's place, in the hopes that you would come by. There are stories that this Jacob guy may have been involved?" He watches you for a reaction. "He was at the party Elliot went missing from... or failed to attend —no one can say for sure which, since none of us were there." There may be little accusation there about the fact you got an invite while others didn't, you don't know the details of how this was decided or if some chose not to come, Alasdair's story of being pressured into attending conflicts somewhat with these facts.

"Lady Ravenhall put a stop to Aurelia's advance." He says. "But the Lady did not take charge, she left us to her lieutenants to squabble over. Some sort of test or worthiness for promoting —at our expense?" He speculates. Lots of people were angry with Elliot's rise to power and wouldn't hesitate to take it out on those who served him —and you may be counted among them— and vampires can be cruel.

"We have to prove ourselves. Every time. If we want to eat, we have to do something for one of the lieutenants ... and hope another does not learn of it... and we get beaten if they don't like something about what we offer.

"A big question... though they are trying to keep it quite... is: 'Where is Elliot?' 'Who took him out?' 'Why now?'" He looks at you pleadingly, if you knew anything it could greatly help his situation. "It wasn't a coup, else they would have been better prepared for the takeover? Right? And they would not be quite so interested in the details of what did happen? Right?" Teddy was never what one would call a great thinker, so these ideas would need to be pretty prevalent and obvious in the courts for him to be speculating about them.

What do you do?
Feb 27, 2025 11:59 am
Benji winces sympathetically at the sight of Teddy’s missing fang. Those take a while to grow back. "Ravenhall’s people did this to you? Why not go to one of the others for help? I mean, not Aurelia, obviously, and Hawthorn won’t see you, but Nicholas is… nice. You could offer to work for him. He would treat you better than this, at least."

He sits down cross-legged on the floor next to Teddy as he thinks over the implications of everything Teddy’s told him. Frankly, he would have preferred that Aurelia take over, rather than Lady Ravenhall. She’s terrifying, sure, but she doesn’t really take much notice of things that don’t affect her or her schemes and she’s not vindictive like Ravenhall is. It would have been easy to simply stay out of her way and avoid her notice. Ravenhall, on the other hand, is petty. She hated Elliot and she’s clearly taking that out on his subordinates. Benji really hopes she doesn’t think that includes him...

In any case, this seems like a great time to hunker down in his lair under the station and wait for things to calm down a little. That’s what he did when they all killed the Vampire Queen anyway. But there’s other things going on this time, and people that need his help – Lizabeth, Miriam, Emma… even Teddy. He can’t just abandon them, can he?

Regarding Elliot: "Personally, I think he was kidnapped by faeries," Benji confides in Teddy, seriously. "I don’t have any evidence or anything. It’s just what I think." He shrugs.
Feb 27, 2025 12:12 pm
- Benji -

"They kill defectors." Teddy responds to your suggestion of doing just that. "Flinders doesn't want to cross Ravenhall. He is scared, I think, though some say there is something else going on there. If I had something to offer him I might try, though. Or even Aurelia if I get desperate enough, but why would they want me?" Teddy has been a good, reliable worker for Elliot, but that does not translate well into a selling-point for his enemies.

"Why would fairies kidnap Elliot?" Teddy asks. It is a change to not get push-back of the 'there are no fairies in London' type, vampires have long memories, and it has not been that long since fairies were a problem.

What do you do?
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