- Benji -
Teddy deflates when you don't take the hint, step up your Status and take him under your protection. He is the sort of person that needs someone to tell him what to do, and would not survive as an independent. He would much rather the decisions and dealing with the aristocracy be done by someone else.
"I can't keep going on like this!" He wails, and you can guess he is speaking more about denying his appetites than about the beatings.
"I'm going to snap, man!" He is a good guy —by vampire and thug standards— but his concern is still probably more about the unsanctioned feeding than about any harm it might do to who he feeds on.
"If you could... let me have a little taste of one of yours... we can... I don't know... bloody me up again afterwards so they don't know?" This ruse only has a small chance of working, and you know it will come back to bite one or both of you in the ass.
"Or, if I can bring back some valuable information ... maybe about your demon friend," he looks around the shop for anything that he can glean now that you have brought him past the threshold, but does not know what to look for in this, 'public', section.
"They let us eat if we prove ourselves."
What do you do?
He is
Cashing in the Debt you owe him, he already alluded to it but was hoping you would help of your own accord.
He is asking for a a favor, or for answers, though he would have settled for a Debt on someone above him as leverage if you had any.
If you don't want to —or feel you can't— help him, you can try to
Refuse to Honor a Debt, maybe putting it off till a later time.
You can't expect the other NPCs to solve this for you, so suggesting he go ask them for help does not count (even if he were to do it).
If you took responsibility for his wellbeing and took him under your protection that would elevate you to Status 2, but that would be a very tentative Status. You could solidify it with an Advance, or in the fiction.