Persephone transformed as the vampire lunged at her through the doorway, armored plates rising to the surface of her skin just in time, as the vampire's ragged teeth gouged into her now chitinous shoulder. "Arrghhhh! It burns!" she cried out. Shadow flared out of her, almost like smoke from a raging fire, and she shoved the vampire backwards, back through the door. She swang her jagged claw arm at the vampire, striking the wooden doorframe and tearing completely through it. Splinters and shards of wood exploded into the room, peppering the vampire and making an awful noise. Onlookers might not be able to tell if Persephone intentionally hit the door frame or was going for a killing blow and the frame just got in the way. Regardless, the growl, the claw, and the hundreds of wooden splinters now piercing the vampire's skin was enough to break through its ferocity. It collapsed onto its back, on the floor, looking up at Persephone in terror.
Meanwhile, the chitinous plate on her shoulder has two nasty gashes in it, and blood began to pool in the gouges from where the fangs had pierced the armor. She leant against the lone remaining door frame and breathes heavily. In between breaths, she growls, "I don't... I don't wanna hurt you. Are you... Chablis?"