Paying the Price (RP)

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Mar 3, 2025 10:23 am
Feeling that a resolution has been reached (even if Teddy isn’t thrilled about it), Benji gets to his feet and offers Teddy a hand to help him up too. "Nicholas is a Vampire Lord. I’m sure he can protect you better than I can," he says, reassuringly. "And if he can’t help you or doesn’t want to, you can always find me again and we’ll try to figure something else out. I just don’t think I’d be able to stop Ravenhall from killing you if you stayed here, is all."
Mar 3, 2025 10:30 am
- Benji -

"Maybe?" Teddy says. "Sure, he has more people?" There is a slight question in there, you seem to be operating at a higher level than the Status 1 you project, and Teddy —and others— suspect there is more to you than meets the eye.

Teddy heads off to try find Nicholas, which is not always that easy with someone so unpredictable. But that is not your problem anymore... except that he was, sorta, a friend.

What do you do now?
Remember to Mark Night. All you need is Mortalis to Advance.
Mar 3, 2025 2:28 pm
A look of amazement spread across Persephone's face. Is she serious??! Her mind began to rattle off all of the very many things that could go wrong, when another voice inside her, a deeper darker voice, said, You are a demon. None of that matters any more. You have already lost your mortal soul; nothing else compares.

She stood in the hallway for a moment, blinking, processing. Then she exhaled, shrugged, and heaed in after Emma.

Once within, she wrinkled her nose at the stale smell and made a face at the unpleasant sound coming through one of the walls. Worried that someone was home, she began to walk in that direction, trying to tell if it was coming from a room within this apartment, or from another unit.
Mar 3, 2025 2:52 pm
- Emma -

The flat is small, especially for two women, it also only has one bedroom. The trash bin is empty, so someone probably took it out since Sarah (and Chablis) 'went missing'.

The inside of the door has many more locks than the outside, but they were not bolted, allowing ingress from the outside.

What do you do?
Mar 3, 2025 2:53 pm
- Persephone -

As you approach the closed door of what can only be the single bedroom —the small bathroom stands open— you are sure the sounds are coming from in there. You hear what is probably the thump of a heel hitting the other side of the brick wall (unlike what is common in America, interior walls in England are mostly made from the same materials as the exterior ones, though some 'revamped' places use wood as dividers).

What do you do?
Mar 3, 2025 3:14 pm
Persephone grimaces and gestures to Emma. She whispers, "Emma! There's someone in there! And they're... thumping on the wall?? Oh god I hope that's not a headboard..."

She looks at Emma an says, "Should we peek?" She summons her courage and asks herself, What would Emma do? and heads to the door. She opens it a crack and peeks inside.
Mar 3, 2025 3:24 pm
Emma noted the several locks on the door. It wasn’t unusual for a place in a bad neighborhood to have extra security, but it made her curious. Moving swiftly through the apartment, she checked the fridge and rifled through the cabinets, looking for anything that could tell her how long Chablis had been gone, and what kind of person she really was.

She was about to move and check the bathroom when, she, too, heard the sounds coming from the bedroom. She moved to her Pers side immediately, trying to make sense of the noise as Pers peeked through the crack.


Let It Out: Spot a previously overlooked clue or advantage in the immediate area (+Spirit) - (2d6+1)

(36) + 1 = 10

Mar 3, 2025 3:42 pm
- Persephone -

You were just thinking you don't know what a vampire looks like... ell, that is not something you can be saying tomorrow, as one spring from the bed leaps towards you, fangs and nails in full view.

You don't know what Emma picked up on, but she has a moment to warn you of the impending danger before you get your face bitten off... or is it necks that vampires go for.

What do you do?
Mar 3, 2025 3:43 pm
- Emma -

What was it that tipped you off in time to warn Persephone before walking into a trap?

What do yo do?
Mar 3, 2025 3:44 pm
- Persephone -

• You swing both ways, right? Do you notice that Emma is just so damn hot right now? [ref]
Mar 3, 2025 3:51 pm
@vagueGM: when Persephone is suddenly hit with a wave of attraction to Emma (ref), is this literally while a vampire is lunging at her?!
Mar 3, 2025 3:59 pm
Persephone stumbles back just in time to avoid being ...eaten? Bitten? Drank from? She doesn't even know. What she does know, however, is that she does not like this person. At all. She doesn't even want to think about who the victim is in the other room....

She regains her composure and begins to reach inside, only to find the demon within already trying to explode out of her.


The Devil Inside - (2d6+1)

(24) + 1 = 7

Mar 3, 2025 4:02 pm
Emma couldn’t help but notice the stale, rotting food inside the fridge. Half-eaten takeout, moldy fruit, expired milk. If Chablis had been living here, surely she would’ve cleaned it out by now, right?


The noise from the bedroom broke her train of thought, and her blood ran cold. That was when it clicked, everything connected in a single moment. The multiple locks on the door? Probably to keep anyone from breaking in during the day. The heavy curtains in the living room? Designed to block out the sunlight. Chablis had been Sarah’s roommate. She was always there.

"Pers, watch out!" She called as she saw her friend moving toward the bedroom door "It’s Chablis... She’s a vampire!"
Mar 3, 2025 4:05 pm
Shadow swirls around her and her skin once more becomes translucent. Bones twist, muscle and sinew stretch and throb, and her hands twist into jagged, chitinous raptorial limbs, like a human sized preying mantis made of obsidian. Emma might notice that this time Persephone's form is subtly different, adapting to the situation; no wings sprout, for example, and her skin grows plates of chitin. With the mantis arms, she looks more insectile than she did before.

Persephone speaks, that low and rumbling, three voice chorus once again emanating from her. "What have you done with Chablis?!"
Rolled Blood for the Devil Inside, with a 7, so chose weapons (3-harm hand) and armor +1.
Mar 3, 2025 4:31 pm
Persephone growls in her demonic voice and swings her claws at the door frame next to the lunging vampire, hoping the shower of splinters, not to mention the sound and sight of Persephone, would cow the vampire for a moment.


Let It Out (+Spirit) - (2d6+0)

(53) = 8

Mar 3, 2025 4:48 pm
"No, Pers! Don’t hurt her! She’s starving!!!"

Emma’s mind raced. Chablis had mostly been feeding off one person—Sarah. That didn’t make her a monster in Emma’s eyes. She heard of far worse vampires. The ones who fed indiscriminately. The ones who killed their victims without a second thought. Chablis, on the other hand, seemed to try to limit the damage. She fed on Sarah. She made sure she forgot all about it. It was still cruel and unfair, but as vampires went, was she really that bad?

That didn’t change the situation, however. Chablis was out of control; she could see it in her eyes. Nothing they could say would calm her down until she got what she needed. She almost considered offering her own blood, but she didn’t trust Chablis not to drain her dry, or bit too hard and leave a deep gash that would never heal.

This could turn into a tragedy if they didn’t figure out a way to incapacitate her.

But how?
Mar 3, 2025 5:03 pm
Persephone transformed as the vampire lunged at her through the doorway, armored plates rising to the surface of her skin just in time, as the vampire's ragged teeth gouged into her now chitinous shoulder. "Arrghhhh! It burns!" she cried out. Shadow flared out of her, almost like smoke from a raging fire, and she shoved the vampire backwards, back through the door. She swang her jagged claw arm at the vampire, striking the wooden doorframe and tearing completely through it. Splinters and shards of wood exploded into the room, peppering the vampire and making an awful noise. Onlookers might not be able to tell if Persephone intentionally hit the door frame or was going for a killing blow and the frame just got in the way. Regardless, the growl, the claw, and the hundreds of wooden splinters now piercing the vampire's skin was enough to break through its ferocity. It collapsed onto its back, on the floor, looking up at Persephone in terror.

Meanwhile, the chitinous plate on her shoulder has two nasty gashes in it, and blood began to pool in the gouges from where the fangs had pierced the armor. She leant against the lone remaining door frame and breathes heavily. In between breaths, she growls, "I don't... I don't wanna hurt you. Are you... Chablis?"
Mar 3, 2025 5:17 pm
- Persephone -

"I... I don't know anymore." Chablis says pitiably. This strongly indicates that, at one time, she was Chablis ... even if she pronounced it Sha!-Bliss! Given the strip-club connection, it is probable her (assumed?) surname, which was spelled 'Valour' in Sarah's contacts, was meant to be 'Velour', like the posh fabric?

"I'm so hungry." She whines, her gaze being dragged by her sniffing nose past you to Emma.

What do you (both) do?
Mar 3, 2025 5:23 pm
Persephone turned to Emma, about to yell at her for ...but then Persephone forgot. As Emma approached, entering the dark hallway near the bedroom, she was backlit in the dusty light, giving her a glow about her, almot like an aura of beauty, or an angelic halo. Persephone's head tilted... Wow... she thought. Persephone had always found Emma to be attractive, but they had been more like sisters than lovers. Besides, Persephone didn't know if Emma was bi, and now she was married! Yeah but maybe ...No! What the hell Pers... she thought, and tried to refocus.

She turned back to Chablis and said, "Behave and maybe we can help. She, uh, knows vampires apparently. Maybe they can help."

Turning back to Emma and shaking off her own sudden arousal, Pers asked, "Can your vampire 'friends' help? I'm not feeding her and I don't know want else to do?"
Mar 3, 2025 5:27 pm
- Persephone -

"What the fudge are 'vampires'?" Chablis asks, cowed enough by your looming presence that she is not going for your friend right away, but the fear may wear off at any point, you can't exactly have a long conversation, here.

What do you do?
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