Feb 28, 2025 5:41 am
Paying the Price (OOC)
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Feb 28, 2025 5:45 am
vagueGM says:
Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... Persephone stood back, tense and on guard ...Oh yes, there will be a reply.
Feb 28, 2025 6:04 am
Drgwen says:
Also, I assume I should not roll unless instructed to do so.For instance, an angry dismissal would not need a roll, it is less 'Persuade' than 'par for the course'. We can often rely on the character of the NPC (motivations and such) to show how it goes.
In this case, with the possible misunderstanding —all round— a roll might be fun? What do you foresee as a result of a Miss or Partial, for instance? On a 10+ he goes away (and possibly reveals some information), but what if you don't get a clean Success?
I know who he is, so can tell you he would not be likely to fight with girls. More likely a 6- would lead to further misunderstandings and messiness (based on your words), and a 7-9 could lead to ... I am not sure, opportunities to share information if you want to engage?
How do you see it going in each of the three outcomes?
Feb 28, 2025 6:05 am
..and Emma is now running interference. She has a totally different objective; she wants to find out what Sarah has been up to.
Feb 28, 2025 6:10 am
Delirium says:
What should I roll?Feb 28, 2025 6:11 am
vagueGM says:
Drgwen says:
Also, I assume I should not roll unless instructed to do so.For instance, an angry dismissal would not need a roll, it is less 'Persuade' than 'par for the course'. We can often rely on the character of the NPC (motivations and such) to show how it goes.
In this case, with the possible misunderstanding —all round— a roll might be fun? What do you foresee as a result of a Miss or Partial, for instance? On a 10+ he goes away (and possibly reveals some information), but what if you don't get a clean Success?
I know who he is, so can tell you he would not be likely to fight with girls. More likely a 6- would lead to further misunderstandings and messiness (based on your words), and a 7-9 could lead to ... I am not sure, opportunities to share information if you want to engage?
How do you see it going in each of the three outcomes?
On a 10+, he is intimidated and leaves.
On a 7-9, he wants to know who I am and who these dangerous employers are.
On a 6-, he gets aggressive.
But again, I don't know who he is, sooooo!
Also, just a note. Pesephone is not usually going to be using violence to "solve" her problems. But she has this deep need to "save" these women and (perhaps mistakenly) takes this man as Sarah's oppressor. And another note: Persephone does authnentically want to help these girls, but her motivations are not entirely pure. She wants to be able to use this opportunity to feel better about herself as much as anything.
Feb 28, 2025 6:13 am
But after reading Delirium's posty, I think Persephone would back down, possibly before the man could react at all. I will still roll if you want me to, vagueGM! But I'm happy to cede the floor to Emma.
Feb 28, 2025 6:25 am
Drgwen says:
... given that I don't know who this is, and assume it is Sarah's pimp or something. ...Maybe a Figure Someone Out roll to try glean some of those answers? Though you have not yet done much that would tell you a lot, the results of this Move persists through the whole 'conversation' —if you have one— so you can ask the questions as the scene goes on.
Drgwen says:
... Pesephone is not usually going to be using violence to "solve" her problems. ...Drgwen says:
... But she has this deep need ... opportunity to feel better about herself as much as anything. ...Drgwen says:
... I will still roll if you want me to, vagueGM! But I'm happy to cede the floor to Emma. ...If you want you can risk a Figure Someone Out, but as Apocalypse World says "When you Read a Person in a charged situation..." with the 'charged' part being key, if you roll the Move any situation suddenly becomes charged, and a bad result can turn people against you.
If you don't want to roll I will respond to Emma's post.
Feb 28, 2025 6:30 am
I think I’ll wait to see how he responds to Emma before "charging" the situation.
Feb 28, 2025 10:20 am
vagueGM says:
Either would fulfil the Debt, its his fault for not being clear.vagueGM says:
You could Hit the Streets with Mortalis to find a meal, or Cash in a Debt with Miriam for this, both could lead to you Advancing. :)Feb 28, 2025 10:37 am
oopsylon says:
... maybe he could ask Joe for a favour in exchange for a Debt? ...Hit the Streets doesn't seem to deal with the situation where they might just not want to do what are you are asking for, it seems to assume that they would be willing, so, presumably, you can't use it on people who would not be willing. The Move only deals with if they are available (or if 'the stuff' is available).
oopsylon says:
... Would a Hit the Streets still be appropriate?What you are asking is a big ask, so you will need to Persuade him, or something ... if you even get the opportunity. Offering a Debt might be enough leverage for a Persuade, but maybe you could better your odds by Figuring Him Out to get a handle on what he would consider for payment? (Which could possibly open up Keep Your Friends Close later?)
Feb 28, 2025 11:24 am
I want to give @Drgwen the opportunity to catch up with the conversation, in case Pers has something to say/do. Just letting you know.
Feb 28, 2025 12:42 pm
How important is it to you that he believe you? Because your story is real fishy, what with Sarah being 'a friend of a friend' and him not acting particularly aggressively (talking about work shifts and kids and stuff [ref]). He did not perceive himself as 'big man pounding on door', even if that is how it came across, so he might not want 'crazy chicks'. :)
If it matters maybe you need to roll Keep Your Cool to avoid him smelling the lie and not trusting you? Else I will instil soft-doubts.
If it matters maybe you need to roll Keep Your Cool to avoid him smelling the lie and not trusting you? Else I will instil soft-doubts.
Feb 28, 2025 3:00 pm
I always enjoy rolling because it inserts an element into things that I thereafter have to adapt around. The dice can be like another player at the table, you know?
It does matter, only the cause I don’t want to mess up Emma’s ploy. I’ll roll!
It does matter, only the cause I don’t want to mess up Emma’s ploy. I’ll roll!
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