That was not my intention, I would have included
Emma in the description if I meant to include her. I thought Sarah was sitting apart from the the rest of the group, not over where
Emma was feeding Circe. But the flat is small, so maybe I misjudged how separate she was? She felt pretty out of the conversations, no one had included her till Kat did.
I assumed 'Kat sitting next to her' [
ref] was later, once
Persephone was in the bathroom and that Kat told
Emma then... it seemed a bit weird, but if the player wanted to use an NPC to include them in a conversation that is fine... so long as everyone is happy with them being included.
Do we want to change how much
Emma thinks she knows? Her assumption about
Persephone is wrong, and she always sorta knew, deep down, that Kat's attendance at the earlier party had a transactional element. We can rewrite that post,
@Delirium, you had doubts about it already [
Kat also made a distinction between her having a pimp and Sarah having a manager, suggesting Sarah was not the same.