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Paying the Price (OOC)
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Feb 5, 2025 10:33 am
Out of character chatter about Paying the Price can go here to avoid cluttering up the Roleplay thread.This is for longer questions and answers related to that Roleplay, general rules questions not answered in the Help! or Resources threads can go in General Chat or here if they are directly related to the RP.
Add a link back to the post in question so we can have context. After posting you can right-click on the orange header and select 'copy link address' (or whatever your browser calls it), then paste that in your OOC post.
Use the OOC tag in your posts in the Roleplay thread to clarify what is happening or suggest Moves.Add a link back to the post in question so we can have context. After posting you can right-click on the orange header and select 'copy link address' (or whatever your browser calls it), then paste that in your OOC post.
Feb 9, 2025 1:19 am
Oof that was dark. I hope not too dark for folks. I decided to go that route rather than simple violence because it felt more... evil in a certain way, more corrupting, to get him to be complicit in this, rather than just to kill him. Violence is easy, but messy. This felt how a devil would do it.
Let me know, please, if it was a bit too much!
Let me know, please, if it was a bit too much!
Feb 9, 2025 8:20 am
Fine by me. It's your choice what happens to him, just so long as the higher-up get his soul (just like they got yours).
I don't believe this (mechanically) Corrupts you, I don't think this counts as 'convincing someone to meaningfully act in your patron's interests', since you are just nudging how his life ends. Strangely —by the rules— if you convinced him to hand over his soul while still alive —maybe a Dark Bargain to recruit him to come work for your Dark Patron as you do— that probably would Corrupt your soul (but maybe you don't know that, or even that that is an option... which it might not be?).
He came here 'prepared' for it, but has found he does not want to die, so it probably needs some Persuasion from you to get him to act on his own (still, this is about your interests, not your Patrons, since it is the same to them whether you force his face into the powder or get him to do it himself).
If you don't want to risk a Miss on Persuade (which could frighten him into running off so you need to hunt him down?), you could Let It Out to 'impress, dismay, or frighten someone with a display of demonic fury'. Lower Stats, but will, almost definitely, achieve your goal, just with other messy consequences on a Miss.
You could risk using your Demon Form in any of these approaches, to help frighten him. Make his last moments hell.
I don't believe this (mechanically) Corrupts you, I don't think this counts as 'convincing someone to meaningfully act in your patron's interests', since you are just nudging how his life ends. Strangely —by the rules— if you convinced him to hand over his soul while still alive —maybe a Dark Bargain to recruit him to come work for your Dark Patron as you do— that probably would Corrupt your soul (but maybe you don't know that, or even that that is an option... which it might not be?).
He came here 'prepared' for it, but has found he does not want to die, so it probably needs some Persuasion from you to get him to act on his own (still, this is about your interests, not your Patrons, since it is the same to them whether you force his face into the powder or get him to do it himself).
If you don't want to risk a Miss on Persuade (which could frighten him into running off so you need to hunt him down?), you could Let It Out to 'impress, dismay, or frighten someone with a display of demonic fury'. Lower Stats, but will, almost definitely, achieve your goal, just with other messy consequences on a Miss.
You could risk using your Demon Form in any of these approaches, to help frighten him. Make his last moments hell.
Feb 9, 2025 3:00 pm
Drgwen says:
... I'll roll Heart!If you want to propose some other 'price' for the Persuade 8, we can talk about it.
You don't need to honour his plea, and you don't need to honour any promise you make to get him to act. You will have to live with yourself afterwards, though.
Feb 9, 2025 4:32 pm
@Drgwen: What do you want to do next? We could feed the 'price' you choose for Escape a Situation into that, or we can leave that price as an insignificant side-note.
• you suffer harm during your escape
• you end up in another dangerous situation
• you leave something important behind
• you owe an NPC a Debt for their aid
• you give into your base nature and mark corruptionI don't how you would suffer Harm in this. But any of the others could make sense, and could influence what happens next.
We can talk about the implications of each of the ones you are interested in, or we can gloss over it (it was a low stakes roll).
Escape a Situation says:
• On a hit, you get away and choose 1. On a 7-9, the MC chooses 1 as well:• you suffer harm during your escape
• you end up in another dangerous situation
• you leave something important behind
• you owe an NPC a Debt for their aid
• you give into your base nature and mark corruption
We can talk about the implications of each of the ones you are interested in, or we can gloss over it (it was a low stakes roll).
Feb 9, 2025 5:24 pm
With my Escape a Sitch roll of 11, I assume I get out without trouble. but I also think Persephone might either take one Harm from nausea or Mark one Corruption for the vileness of her act. I think I'd prefer to mark Corruption. I assume this counts as a demonic job, so I should also mark Wild, and now my patron owes me a debt?
Feb 9, 2025 5:54 pm
Drgwen says:
... With my Escape a Sitch roll of 11, I assume I get out without trouble. ...Drgwen says:
... take one Harm from nausea or Mark ...Faint Harm is something you can get over with some rest, but the next step up is things like getting shot. See the notes on Harm.
Drgwen says:
... Corruption for the vileness of her act ...You also left in a hurry, so maybe you left your purse and umbrella behind? Depending on what we feel like this could lead to questions later, or to needing to endure the cold and rain now (though you have a car waiting?). But if we don't fancy those we can ignore that (either you grabbed them or they aren't important).
You could end up Owing someone, but that does not fit with the fiction we have, so we would need to add that detail.
Or you could end up in a dangerous situation. A scantily clad women in a back alley is asking for trouble. This would probably amount to a chance for you to vent, more than something that actually threatens you, though.
Drgwen says:
... I assume this counts as a demonic job, so I should also mark Wild, ...Drgwen says:
... now my patron owes me a debt? ...Record it in the Debt Ledger, and on your sheet if you want. Remember to record the reason for the Debt, they are not fungible numbers, they are actual events that you have to specifically refer back to when you Cash in each Debt.
Add the 3 you Owe your Dark Patron to the ledger as well.
We can deal with the Starting Debts when we get a chance, unless you have ideas?
(Do you have thoughts on what colour we should use for Persephone in the chart? I will try to find something that is distinctive, works for both light and dark themes, but also hearkens back to their portrait image, but that can be hard.)
Feb 9, 2025 6:28 pm
Hmmm... Choices! Well, I chose my demonic patron to be a master manipulator, so I imagine this was a case of Persephone channeling that particular form of evil. Tapping into her patron like that leaves a mark. No amount of vomiting, or showering can remove it. She'll be taking a loong hot shower afterwards, trying to wash the blood off her hands, Lady MacBeth style, Out, out damned spot!, to no avail. She may begin to bite her nails or some other nervous habit as well, something she never used to do -- something Emma would notice, as well.
I'm totally fine not actually marking Corruption for this though! Instead, this kind of sets the stage for when she allows herself to succumb like this later, maybe? I can describe it in colorful detail then. But sure, let's say she left her purse and umbrella with the coat check boy, because she was so distraught that she just walked out with only her phone.
How does that all sound?
Also, I made a debt ledger post. Speaking of, I just realized that I haven't answered my Debt questions for the tainted:
Someone is trying to save you from damnation and keeps suffering for it. Ask them why they care when no one else does. You owe them a Debt.
You hurt or killed someone’s good friend or ally on your demonic patron’s orders. You owe them a Debt.
I'm totally fine not actually marking Corruption for this though! Instead, this kind of sets the stage for when she allows herself to succumb like this later, maybe? I can describe it in colorful detail then. But sure, let's say she left her purse and umbrella with the coat check boy, because she was so distraught that she just walked out with only her phone.
How does that all sound?
Also, I made a debt ledger post. Speaking of, I just realized that I haven't answered my Debt questions for the tainted:
You’re protecting someone from a dark power, a rival and enemy of your demonic patron. Your charge owes you a Debt.Someone is trying to save you from damnation and keeps suffering for it. Ask them why they care when no one else does. You owe them a Debt.
You hurt or killed someone’s good friend or ally on your demonic patron’s orders. You owe them a Debt.
Feb 9, 2025 6:45 pm
Drgwen says:
... my demonic patron ... master manipulator ... Persephone channeling that particular form of evil ...Do they also have a 'support group' or 'call me if you need to talk' type arrangement for you?
Drgwen says:
... Out, out damned spot! ...Drgwen says:
... She may begin to bite her nails ... -- something Emma would notice ...Drgwen says:
... when she allows herself to succumb like this later, maybe? I can describe it in colorful detail then. ...Drgwen says:
... left her purse and umbrella ...You knew (roughly) what you were going there for, so may have avoided taking anything that could easily identify you? Do you expect to get 'carded' at clubs and bars?
Drgwen says:
... haven't answered my Debt questions ...We can use the general shape of the 'suggested' Starting Debts and make up our own wordings. Some of them could date back to when you knew Emma before, if you want.
Being new in town it may be hard to fit those exact words to NPCs, but we can make NPCs to fit them, either from your busy few weeks here, or from before, or someone followed you (maybe 'trying to save you')?
We can also have those happen in the near future instead of before the game started, just to better fit them into the story.
Feb 9, 2025 7:47 pm
vagueGM says:
Do they also have a 'support group' or 'call me if you need to talk' type arrangement for you?vagueDM says:
... left her purse and umbrella ...Cool. Why does that matter? Does it matter now, leaving you unprotected; or matter later, when questions are asked; or was there something valuable in your purse that you might need back?
Concerning debt questions, I am fine with filling them in as we go! But here are some ideas:
Maybe Howard Winters was "someone’s good friend or ally", and when I found out I feel guilty and owe them a Debt. Maybe Persephone has a little sister, Circe, that she is trying to protect from the demonic world, so she owes Pers a Debt. And I could imagine, maybe, Emma wanting to save Pers when she finds out. We shall see!
Feb 9, 2025 9:05 pm
Drgwen says:
... Well it was like a $3k purse. So maybe she’ll be short on cash for a little while. ...Drgwen says:
... she would not having anything that could identify her. ...Drgwen says:
... Maybe Howard Winters was "someone’s good friend or ally" ...Drgwen says:
... Maybe Persephone has a little sister, Circe, that she is trying to protect from the demonic world, so she owes Pers a Debt. ...Would a sister Owe you a Debt for you trying to protect them? I would have thought that was a given.
I say we bring her in anyway. Did she follow you from the States when you suddenly moved here? Is she asking lots of awkward questions? How old is she and does she need to live with you? Was she here already? Was there some other reason your parents sent her away? Does Persephone have any of these answers?
If she is still fully insulated from the 'demonic world' she would not be Mortalis, she would be merely mortal and not subject the the Debt system. You could always try to find a safe way to introduce her to the supernatural without involving demons if the story take us in that direction.
Drgwen says:
... And I could imagine, maybe, Emma wanting to save Pers when she finds out. ...We can introduce these Starting Debts later in the story, when something comes up we can say: "This is probably my ... Debt."
Their main function is as a story seed, but, when the story is already going, sorting them out slows things down. Do the ones that feel natural, we can even out the numbers later. Actually, many of the PbtA Playbook 'starting prompts' can have the opposite effect to what is intended in PbP where they slow down the start, they are meant to take a few minutes at the table to save a few dozen minutes, but in PbP they can take days, and still save the few dozen minutes of thinking about 'how to start'. :(
Feb 9, 2025 9:49 pm
OK this all sounds good! We'll bring in the little sister, as a mortal, who may or may not get inducted into the world and become a member of Mortalis. I'm guessing the wants to come visit her sister and get shown around town, etc! She asks awkward questions, innocently. Maybe she wants to stay for a few weeks. She is a few years younger, possibly just graduated college, and she is hoping I can help her get a good job. I *am* a big corporate agent now, after all. Supposedly.
And yes, the purse is likely traceable, via video at least. If they decide they want to pursue it.
And finally, yes, let's develop Debt in play.
And yes, the purse is likely traceable, via video at least. If they decide they want to pursue it.
And finally, yes, let's develop Debt in play.
Feb 10, 2025 9:15 am
Drgwen says:
... become a member of Mortalis ...Drgwen says:
... wants to come visit her sister and get shown around town ... possibly just graduated college ...If she is already in town (came in a few days/hours ago or something), then did she also want to party tonight and followed you, but got turned around at the door? Does she find you puking in the gutter and the rain?
Drgwen says:
... she is hoping I can help her get a good job. I *am* a big corporate agent now, after all. ...Is she also in 'tech' or was she more into the arts? (or whatever).
Drgwen says:
... And yes, the purse is likely traceable, via video at least. If they decide they want to pursue it. ...Drgwen says:
... yes, let's develop Debt in play. ...We don't have an exact time for what we saw, so there could be a time jump if you want, though I have a slight preference towards seeing the aftermath and how it affects you.
Feb 10, 2025 9:23 am
vagueGM says:
That seems in character. @Delirium, do you want to take on this Starting Debt now, or leave it for after you meet and see how it goes?Feb 10, 2025 8:15 pm
vagueGM says:
That's a bit presumptuous! She could be anything she wants to be! :)vagueGM says:
OK. Where did she show up? Or do you want to see that happen in the future?If she is already in town (came in a few days/hours ago or something), then did she also want to party tonight and followed you, but got turned around at the door? Does she find you puking in the gutter and the rain?
vagueGM says:
Seemed like a good way to link Howard's ... let's say 'family'?, yeah, family you are indebted to into the story and to you. The Debt could be even more than just 'guilt' if their having the purse means the cops don't?As for what's next, how about the scene with her sister at the door?
Feb 11, 2025 1:54 pm
Drgwen says:
... maybe she is waiting at my apartment when I get back, with vomit on my dress and soaking wet ...Go ahead and set the scene. Show us something of where you live and what your apartment is like.
(We can talk about details if you want, we are centered around this [maps] part of London. But you are much more upmarket than the other PCs, so you could live anywhere in that area without worries. We can define as much detail of where you stay as you want, or leave it vague 'upmarket apartments' is fine, 'overlooking the ...' would be nice.)
Introduce us to your sister and show us your reaction to her unexpected arrival.
Feb 11, 2025 5:36 pm
OK posted! I tried to give some detail on her sister and the condo. I also played ut a bit of their conversation, establishing what Circe is doing in town. Feel free to do with Circe as you see fit, @vagueGM! And yes, Persephone is still trying to trick her family into believing she is a happy successful corporate worker, and not someone spiraling.
Feb 14, 2025 7:20 pm
Delirium says:
(elsewhere)... Emma typically likes to sit down at the coffeeshop near her house and do some writing. They can encounter there by chance, or Pers knows she is likely to find her there and tracked her down. I can set up the scene if you’d like.Drgwen says:
(elsewhere)Sounds good! I like the idea that Pers knows Emma hangs out there and, so, arranged an "accidental" meeting.Feb 14, 2025 7:29 pm
Delirium says:
In which thread should I post it?If you need to finish up with David (or something quick with Sarah) you can finish that in After Arundel.
Feb 16, 2025 10:03 am
Delirium says:
(OOC in RP) ... I think it would be fun to get both Kat and Pers on the same scene Feb 16, 2025 10:30 am
Yay! More awkward misunderstandings!
Are Kat and Pers working for the same organization?
Are Kat and Pers working for the same organization?
Feb 16, 2025 3:56 pm
There is an old 'gentleman club' which is actually a façade for a demonic cult. They recruit powerful figures from the world of business, finance, and politics. It is unclear if 'Kat' (Ekaterina) is working for the cult, or merely 'dating' one of their members. Emma took a liking to Kat when she met her at a boring dinner party, because she was the only other woman her age, and seemed like a 'party girl'.
Feb 16, 2025 4:23 pm
Ooh! I love it. Possibly competing demonic forces! And Pers probably is kind of a party girl too, as an escape from her feeling of being trapped/doomed.
Feb 16, 2025 5:07 pm
Drgwen says:
Hmm... Is there something else we want to accomplish in this scene?Feb 16, 2025 5:21 pm
I enjoy shooting the breeze too! In character, even. I mean, I did go through the trouble of describing my outfits in detail, my coffee choice, etc, so I am happy to have more conversation. But I also know that, if it is unlikely any moves will get triggered, that we could also choose to do a summary if we like.
I'm open!
I'm open!
Feb 16, 2025 5:36 pm
Drgwen says:
... Possibly competing demonic forces! ...Feb 16, 2025 5:37 pm
Delirium says:
... Emma can shoot the breeze with Pers for hours. ...Drgwen says:
... I am happy to have more conversation. ... if it is unlikely any moves will get triggered, that we could also choose to do a summary if we like. ...Delirium says:
... I'm more than happy to proceed directly to the party ;)Feb 16, 2025 5:44 pm
We will move to the party then. I will set it up. Unfortunately, I couldn't get Sarah out of the apartment yet, otherwise, Emma would have invited Benji to join too!
Feb 16, 2025 5:49 pm
Yeah I do hope we get to have scenes with all three of us at some point. Scenes with PCs > scenes with NPCs!
Feb 19, 2025 3:39 pm
Apologies if I am missing your hints entirely about Kat, vagueGM! Sometimes I can be super insightful and sometimes I can't find the tv remote because I put it in the freezer when I went to grab the ice cream, you know?
Feb 19, 2025 10:18 pm
Drgwen says:
... Apologies if I am missing your hints entirely about Kat ...Kat does not know about the demons, so she will misunderstand how your situation is like hers.
Drgwen says:
... sometimes I can't find the tv remote ...Drgwen says:
Actual artist of those two is Joanna Barnum, a favorite of mine.Feb 20, 2025 5:17 am
Drgwen says:
(OOC in RP) ... She will cash in her one debt with her patron if necessary to ask for this. ...You can always (try) Cash in a Debt you hold to cancel the Debt you Owe from this, giving you two bites of that pie.
Drgwen says:
(OOC in RP) ... Shall I roll Spirit for the Let It Out? ...Er...? What do you want your Patron do actually do, though?
Generally speaking we don't use NPCs to 'solve our problems' (unless they are too boring to see in play), just asking them to 'fix this' for two other NPCs not only takes away Emma's ability to solve the problems she has been dealing with for a while, but also... do you really want a (seductive, manipulative) demon solving what it thinks their problems are?
Persephone probably thinks her Dark Patron is an all-powerful being —it can look that way from her vantage point— but they are not necessarily more powerful than whoever is running the cult Emma encountered, do we want a 'demon war' over this?
There is a power-vacuum in the vampire hierarchy, so they are probably strong enough to deal with Sarah's current problem. Are you giving them carte blanche to deal with it?
What are you, the player hoping for? What is Persephone hoping for?
Feb 20, 2025 5:24 am
I'll specify here rather than writing something in the RP. What Persephone thinks is, yes, her patron can wave its hand and free them. What in fact I am asking for is leverage that Persephone can use to do the freeing herself. That might be information, or some opportunity, to strike at those who control these two women. Especially given that whoever controls Kat is demonic, it is likely that the patron won't intervene directly. But it could empower me to cause my own trouble.
I intended her to be offering another Debt.
I will go ahead and roll, with +0.
I intended her to be offering another Debt.
I will go ahead and roll, with +0.
Feb 20, 2025 6:00 am
Drgwen says:
(OOC in RP) ... Persephone will take the Corruption, but ignore the Complications. ...Mark the Corruption on you rsheet.
Drgwen says:
(OOC in RP) ... offer him a Debt to give her some guidance on how she could free these women ...Do you want more? Else we can treat this as a freebie.
Feb 20, 2025 6:38 am
@Delirium Emma can tell that Pers is not well. She looks shaken, upset, ill, and possibly about to cry.
Feb 20, 2025 7:01 am
Oh! I probably should have refreshed my browser before posting, because I haven't taken enough of that into account.
Feb 20, 2025 7:04 am
vagueGM says:
I am not sure if I have given you is enough. I am not sure what I gave would cause a Debt?Do you want more? Else we can treat this as a freebie.
Feb 20, 2025 7:07 am
That’s ok Delirium! I think Pers is gonna need to confide in Emma soon tho. And poor Emma, being a warm friendly person only to have her guest literally opening a portal to hell in her bathroom! Pers is a hot mess.
Feb 20, 2025 7:12 pm
Drgwen says:
Also, @Delirium , I wasn't thinking that Emma and David would have necessarily overheard Persephone's whole conversation with Kat and Sarah -- Emma was over speaking to Circe about her art, after all. But they certainly could have overheard some of it! She certainly wouldn't have wanted Circe to hear, though.Feb 20, 2025 7:15 pm
Delirium says:
Drgwen says:
Also, @Delirium , I wasn't thinking that Emma and David would have necessarily overheard Persephone's whole conversation with Kat and Sarah -- Emma was over speaking to Circe about her art, after all. But they certainly could have overheard some of it! She certainly wouldn't have wanted Circe to hear, though.Feb 20, 2025 8:40 pm
If you'll scroll up, you'll see I wrote Emma as not overhearing any part of the conversation up to that point. Hope I didn't misread vagueGM intentions, but it looked like Kat wasn't too careful about who might overhear them (definitely not Sarah) after being questioned for as long as she was. Or maybe she is just evil ;)
Feb 20, 2025 10:38 pm
That was not my intention, I would have included Emma in the description if I meant to include her. I thought Sarah was sitting apart from the the rest of the group, not over where Emma was feeding Circe. But the flat is small, so maybe I misjudged how separate she was? She felt pretty out of the conversations, no one had included her till Kat did.
I assumed 'Kat sitting next to her' [ref] was later, once Persephone was in the bathroom and that Kat told Emma then... it seemed a bit weird, but if the player wanted to use an NPC to include them in a conversation that is fine... so long as everyone is happy with them being included.
Do we want to change how much Emma thinks she knows? Her assumption about Persephone is wrong, and she always sorta knew, deep down, that Kat's attendance at the earlier party had a transactional element. We can rewrite that post, @Delirium, you had doubts about it already [ref].
Kat also made a distinction between her having a pimp and Sarah having a manager, suggesting Sarah was not the same.
I assumed 'Kat sitting next to her' [ref] was later, once Persephone was in the bathroom and that Kat told Emma then... it seemed a bit weird, but if the player wanted to use an NPC to include them in a conversation that is fine... so long as everyone is happy with them being included.
Do we want to change how much Emma thinks she knows? Her assumption about Persephone is wrong, and she always sorta knew, deep down, that Kat's attendance at the earlier party had a transactional element. We can rewrite that post, @Delirium, you had doubts about it already [ref].
Kat also made a distinction between her having a pimp and Sarah having a manager, suggesting Sarah was not the same.
Feb 20, 2025 11:25 pm
I am fine with the currently established fiction, as Delirium and I just agreed to. But I will happily go along with a change if you and/or Delirium prefer. I am comfortable rolling with it either way.
Feb 20, 2025 11:32 pm
I don't think it matters all that much, since its a misumderstanding that would eventually be cleared. I rather not do additional editing.
Feb 21, 2025 7:08 am
If you are both happy its fine by me. Misunderstanding what Persephone was saying and misunderstanding why Emma invited her here, Kat could easily put her foot in her mouth.
Feb 23, 2025 5:12 am
Delirium says:
(OOC in RP) I don't know if I have anything else for this scene. We can sum up and move forward, as far as I'm concerned.Drgwen says:
(OOC in RP) im also ok moving on. I promise i wont have pers being a mopey killjoy all the time!What comes next for each of you? If it flows naturally from the party, carry on, else we can set the scene for whatever you want to do.
Feb 23, 2025 11:29 am
oopsylon says:
(in RP) ... When the conversation circles back to the topic of hypnosis, he looks to Lizabeth. The decision is entirely hers. "What do you think? I’ll be here the whole time, but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to."Given that we have established Lizabeth does not want to do the hypnosis we will give it a -1.
On a 10+ she will still have reservations, but will agree.
On a 7-9 her 'counter off, or payment' will be that she needs time to think about it, maybe Benji will gain some level of trust for the sisters and that can transfer over to her trusting them, or their actions will lead her to trust them later.
On a 6- she says no, and you lose that source of answers, and a little of the goodwill of the Night Sisters.
Or Benji can take a more active role, somehow, and his actions can decide things.
@oopsylon: What say you?
Feb 23, 2025 12:08 pm
Emma would like to swing by Sarah's apartment the next day. So unless Pers insists on meeting her first thing in the morning, that is what she'll do.
Feb 23, 2025 4:28 pm
Persephone will head home whenever she can get Circe to come with, but without being pushy. Once home, she will claim a migraine and retire. She spends the night awake, thinking, knowing she can't go on like this, alone. She needs support people in her life, but she can't involve Circe in any way; that could endanger her, or worse, tempt her. Not to mention their parents finding out! But Emma? Maybe she can disclose with her. She finally sleeps before dawn and plans to reach out once she is awake, by midday, for an afternoon heart to heart. Maybe tea at Emma's?
Feb 23, 2025 4:31 pm
Also, I love how normal (for lack of a better word) Emma's home life is! it is not often I see such domestic tranquility in a TTRPG, especially one with monsters and vampires and demons and so on! it's a lovely contrast, I tihnk.
Feb 23, 2025 5:41 pm
Drgwen says:
Also, I love how normal (for lack of a better word) Emma's home life is! it is not often I see such domestic tranquility in a TTRPG, especially one with monsters and vampires and demons and so on! it's a lovely contrast, I tihnk.If you want to involve Pers in whatever shenanigan Emma is dealing with, it's best to have the conversation between the two as early as possible.
Feb 23, 2025 10:26 pm
Delirium says:
Thanks, though Emma probably won't like being called 'normal' ;)If you want to involve Pers in whatever shenanigan Emma is dealing with, it's best to have the conversation between the two as early as possible.
Feb 24, 2025 3:25 am
Drgwen says:
Also, I love how normal (for lack of a better word) Emma's home life is! it is not often I see such domestic tranquility in a TTRPG, especially one with monsters and vampires and demons and so on! it's a lovely contrast, I tihnk.Feb 24, 2025 3:30 am
Drgwen says:
Delirium says:
... If you want to involve Pers in whatever shenanigan Emma is dealing with, it's best to have the conversation between the two as early as possible.If you have shared your supernatural-secrets with each other then it makes a lot of sense to take some muscle, there may be vampires there, after all!
If you have not come clean, then Emma may hesitate to bring Persephone along... there may be vampires there, after all! :) But that is even more delicious with them both trying to to conceal 'that same' secret.
@Drgwen: Does Persephone know about the existence of vampires? It is not a huge leap from 'demons exist' to 'vampires exist', but she might not, yet, know these details. Would this be a revelation to her?
Feb 24, 2025 3:43 am
I think that she does NOT know that other supernatural creatures exist yet, no. Becoming bound to a demon was her first supernatural experience. As far as she knows, it's just mundane humans and biblical creatures -- she might now suspect angels exist, but she doesn't know about vamps, werwolves, magic, ghosts, etc.
And yeah, if Delirium is OK with it, I'd like to have Pers and Emma meet sooner rather than later. But I'll leave it up to her whether Emma will respond to that early morning text or not, and whether to plan an early coffee or not, etc
And yeah, if Delirium is OK with it, I'd like to have Pers and Emma meet sooner rather than later. But I'll leave it up to her whether Emma will respond to that early morning text or not, and whether to plan an early coffee or not, etc
Feb 24, 2025 3:51 am
@Delirium: If we might be running into vampires, would Emma want to bring Benji along, as a guide or muscle? (So far she seemed more likely to run headlong into vampire nests without taking such precautions, yeah? :)
@oopsylon: Out of interest: Can Benji recognise other vampires as vampires? Maybe new ones don't 'smell' or whatever, but old ones do? He presumably knows most old vampires in London, but would he recognise someone newly changed? How?
@oopsylon: Out of interest: Can Benji recognise other vampires as vampires? Maybe new ones don't 'smell' or whatever, but old ones do? He presumably knows most old vampires in London, but would he recognise someone newly changed? How?
Feb 24, 2025 4:53 am
vagueGM says:
I am a big fan of 'slice of life' in stories and RPGs. They help offset the 'dramatic moments', else, if everything is 'dramatic', it loses its potency.vagueGM says:
If you two meet before Emma goes to Sarah's perhaps you might end up going together? There is safety in numbers.Feb 24, 2025 4:55 am
drgwen says:
And yeah, if Delirium is OK with it, I'd like to have Pers and Emma meet sooner rather than later. But I'll leave it up to her whether Emma will respond to that early morning text or not, and whether to plan an early coffee or not, etcFeb 24, 2025 5:15 am
@drgwen - wrapping up the conversation with David, and then you can set the next scene? Do you want to invite Emma over, or have them meet somewhere else?
Feb 24, 2025 5:45 am
Hmm. Well, she could invite Emma over if she can get rid of Circe for the morning. Otherwise she might ask to come to your place. Yes, she’ll come up with an excuse to send Circe out and have you come by. I’ll post about that shortly.
Feb 24, 2025 5:49 am
Great! Because getting some privacy in Emma's apartment isn't easy either! Sarah is staying with them, and I noticed she does like to eavesdrop...
Feb 24, 2025 5:51 am
Heheh Emma might be almost relieved to learn the truth about Persephone! That will not be the reaction Persephone was expecting lol
Feb 24, 2025 6:33 am
Delirium says:
... Sarah ... does like to eavesdrop...Feb 24, 2025 6:35 am
vagueGM says:
@oopsylon: Out of interest: Can Benji recognise other vampires as vampires? Maybe new ones don't 'smell' or whatever, but old ones do? He presumably knows most old vampires in London, but would he recognise someone newly changed? How?Feb 24, 2025 6:45 am
oopsylon says:
... no audible heartbeat ...Since you probably not joining Emma in her scene, do you have ideas for what comes next for you? Or do you want me to throw something at you after you are done with the Night Sisters and Lizabeth?
Feb 24, 2025 10:40 am
I was planning to have Benji visit the nearest university after this to see if he can get a copy of that missing book, but I’m happy to have a surprise thrown at me instead :)
Feb 24, 2025 11:05 am
oopsylon says:
I was planning to have Benji visit the nearest university after this to see if he can get a copy of that missing book, ...Either way, you can narrate that scene (university or statue after university) and I can bring in a twist during that.
Feb 24, 2025 9:34 pm
I am tempted to say just enough about Persephone’s situation so as to allow Emma to go on having the wrong idea, until she says something that makes Persephone says, "Wait What?! You think I…"
But I think maybe poor Emma has been misled long enough. I should be able to post her response later tonight.
But I think maybe poor Emma has been misled long enough. I should be able to post her response later tonight.
Feb 25, 2025 2:27 am
I welcome feedback on the big lore dump! Was that clear, @Delirium ? Did it roughly match with what we'd discussed, @vagueGM ?
Feb 25, 2025 5:18 am
Drgwen says:
I welcome feedback on the big lore dump! Was that clear, Delirium ? Did it roughly match with what we'd discussed, vagueGM ?Pity we could not string Emma along for a bit longer... but she could still choose to misunderstand. 'Literally' does not mean what it once meant, quite the opposite sometimes. :) But Emma knows about the supernatural world, and learned (or heard, without experience) that demons (and possibly wizards?) are real a few days ago, so she may not have trouble believing that 'literally the devil' means literally the devil.
A 'wall of text' like that can be hard to read, can put other players off and can take longer to read than we might have, but this one was not a problem and provided good background and an official reference point for how Persephone came to be, so it was nice.
Feb 25, 2025 5:37 am
Glad to hear it was successful!
@Delirium How would you like this scene to play out? I was imagining that Emma‘s experience with the supernatural might make her somewhat more willing to accept and try to help Persephone and her demonic situation. And Emma suggesting Pers might be hallucinating or need to see a priest might rub Pers the wrong way. If Persephone gets angry, it might drive a wedge between her and Emma that becomes difficult to surmount. So I think I will have Persephone make one last overture, to try to reach out. I’ll probably end up posting that tomorrow afternoon though. It’s almost midnight here and I have work tomorrow.
@Delirium How would you like this scene to play out? I was imagining that Emma‘s experience with the supernatural might make her somewhat more willing to accept and try to help Persephone and her demonic situation. And Emma suggesting Pers might be hallucinating or need to see a priest might rub Pers the wrong way. If Persephone gets angry, it might drive a wedge between her and Emma that becomes difficult to surmount. So I think I will have Persephone make one last overture, to try to reach out. I’ll probably end up posting that tomorrow afternoon though. It’s almost midnight here and I have work tomorrow.
Feb 25, 2025 5:41 am
Persephone does have a watertight way to prove her story, she can show Emma The Devil Inside... or try to, there is a dice roll, and a 6- might mean she can't show it that easily, not without a price. A miss in this situation need not carry a price beyond you have to 'go without your form', as that is an option in the Move.
Feb 25, 2025 5:44 am
It's more like Emma not wanting to believe her, because she prefers to think her friend has a medical problem that can be addressed and 'fixed', than accepting she has sold her soul and is basically already doomed. You could say Emma is in denial ;) There is nothing malicious about it, just concern.
Some sort of proof would force her to accept reality.
Some sort of proof would force her to accept reality.
Feb 25, 2025 12:22 pm
Are you clothes safe during this process? Presumably your wings are a problem while wearing most tops?
You can pick and choose which features you manifest each time, so you can skip the wings (and anything else) if they are inconvenient for this demonstration.
You can pick and choose which features you manifest each time, so you can skip the wings (and anything else) if they are inconvenient for this demonstration.
Feb 25, 2025 12:25 pm
How does Pers look like when she assumes her demon form? Did we have a description of it somewhere I can refer to?
Last edited February 25, 2025 12:25 pm
Feb 25, 2025 1:33 pm
Drgwen says:
(OOC in RP) ... Choosing Heal 2 harm to represent feeling rejuvenated and I guess +1 forward?Feb 25, 2025 3:20 pm
Yeah I mentioned her top being ripped from the transformation and wings. So it shreds her clothes a bit. Maybe not to a Hulk extent but there will be a tear or two. The wings would destroy a coat, but they probably just tore two holes in her Stanford sweatshirt.
As for the roll effects, I mostly just wanted to show that the demon form actually feels good for her to be in — which, to me, makes it even more insidious
As for the roll effects, I mostly just wanted to show that the demon form actually feels good for her to be in — which, to me, makes it even more insidious
Feb 25, 2025 3:24 pm
Drgwen says:
... As for the roll effects, I mostly just wanted to show that the demon form actually feels good for her to be in — which, to me, makes it even more insidiousFeb 25, 2025 6:04 pm
That was a very cool transformation, @Drgwen. Made me jealous as a player for not having anything nearly as awesome ;)
Feb 25, 2025 10:53 pm
Thanks! it was fun to describe. One of the challenges Persephone will face is that, well, being a demon and doing demon stuff can be kind of cool, actually! But then sometimes she has ot hurt innocent people, and advance evil causes, and so on. Which is not so cool. For how long can she hold onto her humanity? Find out next time on... Urban Shadows!
Feb 26, 2025 5:45 am
vagueGM says:
• Who is taking over the vampire rulership in the area? Is there one figure most are backing, or are there many contenders to the throne?Feb 26, 2025 6:09 am
Maybe Elliot was the top dog and used his better business acumen to rise above the others? So they were all 'under him' by the time of the soirée?
The vampires were under suspicion of causing the weather —they were benefiting from it— so maybe only a few representatives were invited? Elliot as the de facto leader in London and Alasdair as the representative from underground and ... yourself as an independent... or a mistake?
If there were more, maybe no one wanted to speak and reveal their ignorance in case it is the others doing it behind their back? Maybe Alasdair (and others) offered you up as a scapegoat?
We can easily find ways to explain anything we need to, or leave it open.
The vampires were under suspicion of causing the weather —they were benefiting from it— so maybe only a few representatives were invited? Elliot as the de facto leader in London and Alasdair as the representative from underground and ... yourself as an independent... or a mistake?
If there were more, maybe no one wanted to speak and reveal their ignorance in case it is the others doing it behind their back? Maybe Alasdair (and others) offered you up as a scapegoat?
We can easily find ways to explain anything we need to, or leave it open.
Feb 28, 2025 3:18 am
Delirium says:
(OOC in RP) ... Sarah lived in a 'bad part of the city', but I have no idea where in greater London that could be.It is in (or around) the area where we are playing, but we don't need to describe it much more specifically unless those details becomes relevant. 'The bad part of town' should be enough?
Feb 28, 2025 5:19 am
vagueGM says:
He is Cashing in the Debt you owe him, he already alluded to it but was hoping you would help of your own accord.He is asking for a a favor, or for answers, though he would have settled for a Debt on someone above him as leverage if you had any.
If you don't want to —or feel you can't— help him, you can try to Refuse to Honor a Debt, maybe putting it off till a later time.
You can't expect the other NPCs to solve this for you, so suggesting he go ask them for help does not count (even if he were to do it).
If you took responsibility for his wellbeing and took him under your protection that would elevate you to Status 2, but that would be a very tentative Status. You could solidify it with an Advance, or in the fiction.
Feb 28, 2025 5:38 am
oopsylon says:
... Does he want Benji to find him someone to eat or does he want protection from Ravenhall? ...oopsylon says:
... will Teddy be willing to hide underground with Alasdair ...oopsylon says:
... If Benji offers to protect him, Teddy’s still going to want to eat ...We can hammer out as much detail is needed before we proceed.
I am not sure how we would play an NPC feeding, maybe you need to Persuade someone to let him have a sip, and then maybe you need to Turn to Violence (or Persuade?) to stop Teddy from going too far (maybe after a Keep you Cool (as a 'luck roll?)?). We will see what happens in the fiction and what is needed.
You could Hit the Streets with Mortalis to find a meal, or Cash in a Debt with Miriam for this, both could lead to you Advancing. :)
Feb 28, 2025 5:45 am
vagueGM says:
Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... Persephone stood back, tense and on guard ...Oh yes, there will be a reply.
Feb 28, 2025 6:04 am
Drgwen says:
Also, I assume I should not roll unless instructed to do so.For instance, an angry dismissal would not need a roll, it is less 'Persuade' than 'par for the course'. We can often rely on the character of the NPC (motivations and such) to show how it goes.
In this case, with the possible misunderstanding —all round— a roll might be fun? What do you foresee as a result of a Miss or Partial, for instance? On a 10+ he goes away (and possibly reveals some information), but what if you don't get a clean Success?
I know who he is, so can tell you he would not be likely to fight with girls. More likely a 6- would lead to further misunderstandings and messiness (based on your words), and a 7-9 could lead to ... I am not sure, opportunities to share information if you want to engage?
How do you see it going in each of the three outcomes?
Feb 28, 2025 6:05 am
..and Emma is now running interference. She has a totally different objective; she wants to find out what Sarah has been up to.
Feb 28, 2025 6:10 am
Delirium says:
What should I roll?Feb 28, 2025 6:11 am
vagueGM says:
Drgwen says:
Also, I assume I should not roll unless instructed to do so.For instance, an angry dismissal would not need a roll, it is less 'Persuade' than 'par for the course'. We can often rely on the character of the NPC (motivations and such) to show how it goes.
In this case, with the possible misunderstanding —all round— a roll might be fun? What do you foresee as a result of a Miss or Partial, for instance? On a 10+ he goes away (and possibly reveals some information), but what if you don't get a clean Success?
I know who he is, so can tell you he would not be likely to fight with girls. More likely a 6- would lead to further misunderstandings and messiness (based on your words), and a 7-9 could lead to ... I am not sure, opportunities to share information if you want to engage?
How do you see it going in each of the three outcomes?
On a 10+, he is intimidated and leaves.
On a 7-9, he wants to know who I am and who these dangerous employers are.
On a 6-, he gets aggressive.
But again, I don't know who he is, sooooo!
Also, just a note. Pesephone is not usually going to be using violence to "solve" her problems. But she has this deep need to "save" these women and (perhaps mistakenly) takes this man as Sarah's oppressor. And another note: Persephone does authnentically want to help these girls, but her motivations are not entirely pure. She wants to be able to use this opportunity to feel better about herself as much as anything.
Feb 28, 2025 6:13 am
But after reading Delirium's posty, I think Persephone would back down, possibly before the man could react at all. I will still roll if you want me to, vagueGM! But I'm happy to cede the floor to Emma.
Feb 28, 2025 6:25 am
Drgwen says:
... given that I don't know who this is, and assume it is Sarah's pimp or something. ...Maybe a Figure Someone Out roll to try glean some of those answers? Though you have not yet done much that would tell you a lot, the results of this Move persists through the whole 'conversation' —if you have one— so you can ask the questions as the scene goes on.
Drgwen says:
... Pesephone is not usually going to be using violence to "solve" her problems. ...Drgwen says:
... But she has this deep need ... opportunity to feel better about herself as much as anything. ...Drgwen says:
... I will still roll if you want me to, vagueGM! But I'm happy to cede the floor to Emma. ...If you want you can risk a Figure Someone Out, but as Apocalypse World says "When you Read a Person in a charged situation..." with the 'charged' part being key, if you roll the Move any situation suddenly becomes charged, and a bad result can turn people against you.
If you don't want to roll I will respond to Emma's post.
Feb 28, 2025 6:30 am
I think I’ll wait to see how he responds to Emma before "charging" the situation.
Feb 28, 2025 10:20 am
vagueGM says:
Either would fulfil the Debt, its his fault for not being clear.vagueGM says:
You could Hit the Streets with Mortalis to find a meal, or Cash in a Debt with Miriam for this, both could lead to you Advancing. :)Feb 28, 2025 10:37 am
oopsylon says:
... maybe he could ask Joe for a favour in exchange for a Debt? ...Hit the Streets doesn't seem to deal with the situation where they might just not want to do what are you are asking for, it seems to assume that they would be willing, so, presumably, you can't use it on people who would not be willing. The Move only deals with if they are available (or if 'the stuff' is available).
oopsylon says:
... Would a Hit the Streets still be appropriate?What you are asking is a big ask, so you will need to Persuade him, or something ... if you even get the opportunity. Offering a Debt might be enough leverage for a Persuade, but maybe you could better your odds by Figuring Him Out to get a handle on what he would consider for payment? (Which could possibly open up Keep Your Friends Close later?)
Feb 28, 2025 11:24 am
I want to give @Drgwen the opportunity to catch up with the conversation, in case Pers has something to say/do. Just letting you know.
Feb 28, 2025 12:42 pm
How important is it to you that he believe you? Because your story is real fishy, what with Sarah being 'a friend of a friend' and him not acting particularly aggressively (talking about work shifts and kids and stuff [ref]). He did not perceive himself as 'big man pounding on door', even if that is how it came across, so he might not want 'crazy chicks'. :)
If it matters maybe you need to roll Keep Your Cool to avoid him smelling the lie and not trusting you? Else I will instil soft-doubts.
If it matters maybe you need to roll Keep Your Cool to avoid him smelling the lie and not trusting you? Else I will instil soft-doubts.
Feb 28, 2025 3:00 pm
I always enjoy rolling because it inserts an element into things that I thereafter have to adapt around. The dice can be like another player at the table, you know?
It does matter, only the cause I don’t want to mess up Emma’s ploy. I’ll roll!
It does matter, only the cause I don’t want to mess up Emma’s ploy. I’ll roll!
Feb 28, 2025 3:03 pm
Delirium says:
Can I try to help Pers roll?Feb 28, 2025 3:15 pm
It's fine ;)
lets see how it goes, I think 'lending a hand' is only likely to make things worse, so I'll skip it.
lets see how it goes, I think 'lending a hand' is only likely to make things worse, so I'll skip it.
Feb 28, 2025 3:24 pm
Delirium says:
... 'lending a hand' is only likely to make things worse ...Looking at the Move, though, (Persephone failed to keep her cool) he is likely to want to get away from you two and want nothing to do with you, losing you this lead (plus other badness (clock) you will discover soon), so, if you want to keep Gene as a useful contact, it may still be worth trying to get this over the hump into Partial Success territory?
Feb 28, 2025 3:51 pm
hah! a '10'. So I bumped Pers roll to a '7', and no complications (for Emma, at any rate).
Feb 28, 2025 10:06 pm
vagueGM says:
you have his number and can call him, and will find that he is near Lizabeth vagueGM says:
(possibly getting breakfast with her?) vagueGM says:
What you are asking is a big ask Also, I’ve just now realised that I forgot to roll Put a Face to a Name for all those Vampire Lords that were brought up in conversation. May I make a few rolls now or have I missed my chance?
Mar 1, 2025 4:04 am
oopsylon says:
... I forgot to roll Put a Face to a Name for all those Vampire Lords that were brought up in conversation. May I make a few rolls now or have I missed my chance?
Mar 1, 2025 4:31 am
Nice! Looks like Ravenhall and Nicholas owe Benji a Debt (or he knows something useful/interesting about them). That’s going to be very helpful! Give me a moment to think about what the Debts might be for or what might be useful to know…
Mar 1, 2025 4:57 am
Did we roll a miss on Put a Name to a Thread? :)
Go ahead and copy this to the RP. Strikeout the oopsie OOC.
Go ahead and copy this to the RP. Strikeout the oopsie OOC.
Mar 1, 2025 6:40 am
I just wanted to check in with @Delirium here. Emma was clearly annoyed with Persephone for not following her lead, for going in hot and aggro. I just wanna make sure that wasn't representing any frustration on the player's part. And if it was, I wanted to apologize.
Mar 1, 2025 6:57 am
That's very kind of you, but there's really no need to apologize for anything! Yes, Emma is frustrated with Pers, and she's also concerned about how quickly Pers resorts to threats of violence (she's not even sure real-life mobsters are that quick on the trigger). But as a player, I loved it. I think it really highlighted what Pers is becoming, and it was a great addition to the narrative, even if it did cause a bit of trouble for Emma.
Mar 1, 2025 7:07 am
Yes. Thank you for checking in. I did not get the impression there were OOC hard feelings, and I would hope everyone is mature enough to address them out of character if there were. But checking in is good, it normalises this sort of conversation and makes things easier.
Mar 1, 2025 7:20 am
OK good! I just wanted to make sure. I always like to check in when I'm not 100% sure. Around a table, it's often easier than via text, because you can guage non verbal expressions, etc.
And yes, I am also a big fan of normalizing check ins, and not just once, but as an ongoing thing.
And yes, I am also a big fan of normalizing check ins, and not just once, but as an ongoing thing.
Mar 1, 2025 7:34 am
Delirium says:
oops. posted in parallel to Drgwen. Can i make some editing?Mar 1, 2025 7:34 am
Sorry about that! I do think it's interesting to see their very different approaches here simultaneously. I won't post again tonigh,though -- it's past my bedtime!
Mar 1, 2025 7:37 am
Ok. I don't think their stories actually contradict each other, so lets keep it as is.
And goodnight!
And goodnight!
Mar 1, 2025 7:37 am
Drgwen says:
Sorry about that! ...Mar 1, 2025 7:40 am
Delirium says:
Ok. I don't think their stories actually contradict each other, so lets keep it as is. ...
Mar 2, 2025 1:11 am
Okay, so for Debts I’m thinking:
Lady Ravenhall owes Benji a Debt because Benji discovered that one of Elliot’s underlings was secretly reporting to Ravenhall and did not tell Elliot about it.
Nicholas owes Benji a Debt because Benji helped Nicholas hide from a group of vampire hunters when he got himself into trouble as a newly turned vampire.
Sound good?
Lady Ravenhall owes Benji a Debt because Benji discovered that one of Elliot’s underlings was secretly reporting to Ravenhall and did not tell Elliot about it.
Nicholas owes Benji a Debt because Benji helped Nicholas hide from a group of vampire hunters when he got himself into trouble as a newly turned vampire.
Sound good?
Mar 2, 2025 5:37 am
oopsylon says:
... • Ravenhall: Benji discovered and 'hid' spy.
• Nicholas: Benji helped hide from vampire hunters when newly turned.
Playing both sides on both counts, I see. :)
(Helping Ravenhall and Elliot, and for and against hunters.)
Mar 2, 2025 6:09 am
I rolled a 'Let it Out' to 'Spot a previously overlooked clue or advantage in the immediate area', because it seems more relevant than a general 'Keep your Cool'. I hope it's fine. Anyways, it was an atrocious roll (don't want to start breaking with tradition, do we), so I guess we will have to wait and see if Pers manages to find some clue...
Mar 2, 2025 6:22 am
Delirium says:
... I rolled a 'Let it Out' to 'Spot a previously overlooked clue or advantage in the immediate area', because it seems more relevant than a general 'Keep your Cool'. I hope it's fine. ...What about this would have led to Corruption? Let It Out is specifically about 'tapping into the darkness inside you' (a dismissed thought about stealing a sexy outfit does not come close:). It is tricky with the Aware, I am not sure what but I think we need a little more, don't you? Hard to judge the consequences otherwise?
Delirium says:
... Anyways, it was an atrocious roll ...Delirium says:
... (don't want to start breaking with tradition, do we) ...Delirium says:
... I guess we will have to wait and see if Pers manages to find some clue ...Mar 2, 2025 6:31 am
I figured sneaking into the club under false pretenses was dark enough to justify corruption? Emma has no intention of going on stage - she just wanted access into the locker rooms to check things out and search for clues. That's kind of shifty, no?
Mar 2, 2025 6:40 am
Delirium says:
... I figured sneaking into the club under false pretenses was dark enough to justify corruption? ...Delirium says:
... Emma has no intention of going on stage ...Committing to the bit and actually going on stage, maybe to give Persephone more time to search, would definitely be a valid cost for this miss and carry Corruption, but that is not something I would demand of a character without checking with the player first. Aside from the fact that you can always say no to such an offer, I would not even make it without checking first, 'hard choices' need to actually be choices, so if one is a 'guaranteed no' then there is not a choice involved.
• How far is Emma willing to go?
Mar 2, 2025 6:52 am
It's not that I have any issue with sexual themes, per-se, it's more that it is something I can't see Emma doing. Flirting and some light teasing, sure, but that is where she draws the line.
Right now, she figures they could just leave after spending a few short minutes at the changing room and chalk it up to the club looking too downtrodden and they don't expect they will make any money dancing there. Whatever clues they manage to find will have to do. There are still other avenues she can think of exploring outside the club. Even if there weren't, she still won't go up stage and compromise herself.
Right now, she figures they could just leave after spending a few short minutes at the changing room and chalk it up to the club looking too downtrodden and they don't expect they will make any money dancing there. Whatever clues they manage to find will have to do. There are still other avenues she can think of exploring outside the club. Even if there weren't, she still won't go up stage and compromise herself.
Mar 2, 2025 6:54 am
Delirium says:
... she still won't go up stage and compromise herself.Mar 2, 2025 1:52 pm
Delirium says:
I figured sneaking into the club under false pretenses was dark enough to justify corruption? Emma has no intention of going on stage - she just wanted access into the locker rooms to check things out and search for clues. Mar 2, 2025 2:13 pm
Posted! With my own Keep Your Cool roll, which Persephone absolutely did not do! Two misses... this is gonna be bad/interesting. Which is to say, fun and exciting!
Mar 2, 2025 3:12 pm
Delirium says:
(in RP) ... she was still disappointed to come up empty-handed."Well, that was a bust" she muttered under her breath, and with a nod to Pers, started heading toward the door "- Let’s get out of here."
I don't really have strong ideas about the double-cost here. Do we want to get away free or get caught snooping? Getting caught could burn some bridges, but might lead to 'clues', it could also just slow things down.
Do we have ideas about what we are going to do next? That might affect what I do.
Mar 2, 2025 3:24 pm
Getting caught snooping would mean they would need to do a bit more then just look at some outfits, and right now, I don't see Emma willing to risk more than that. I want to see them leave the club, and since they passed on the opportunity for employment, returning would look mighty suspicious. Emma would want to double back to Sarah's apartment, now that Gene is no longer there they might have better luck cajoling Chablis out, or, think of something else.
Mar 2, 2025 3:35 pm
Delirium says:
... they might have better luck cajoling Chablis out, or, think of something else.Mar 2, 2025 3:37 pm
Yes, I did consider breaking in, in fact. But first Emma will try to call Chablis from outside the door (she does have her number), and hope she picks up.
Mar 2, 2025 3:39 pm
Delirium says:
... Emma will try to call Chablis from outside the door (she does have her number), and hope she picks up.If you want in, you have to find a way in.
Mar 2, 2025 3:41 pm
So yes, Emma will break in. I'll wait to see if @Drgwen has anything to say before we leave the club before heading to Sarah's apartment.
Mar 2, 2025 4:10 pm
Don't forget, Chablis is missing too, (ref) after pulling a double to cover for Sarah's absence. So she either quit because it was too much work, or, worse, whoever had been preying on Sarah took out their frustration about her absence on Chablis.
And Persephone would definitely be comfortable just leaving! With consequences to be discovered later....
And Persephone would definitely be comfortable just leaving! With consequences to be discovered later....
Mar 2, 2025 6:01 pm
Finally, some luck!
I will take the corruption to avoid any complications.
Would Pers stick around for this? ;)
I will take the corruption to avoid any complications.
Would Pers stick around for this? ;)
Mar 2, 2025 9:35 pm
vagueGM says:
he is scared of Ravenhall and not going to be open to new people…… it does not guarantee that teddy will receive a welcome there (warm or otherwise) nor that you won't have complications for dropping a problem at Nicholas' door or getting involved.
Mar 3, 2025 7:11 am
Delirium says:
Finally, some luck! ...Delirium says:
I will take the corruption to avoid any complications. ...Mar 3, 2025 7:12 am
oopsylon says:
... That’s the point of giving Teddy the debt, right? So that Nicholas would be obligated to help him?It is out of your hands now, so, unless you get involved you have no say in how it goes. Unfortunately you are not so 'out' that any blowback won't blowback on you. Both Nicholas and Ravenhall might blame you. :)
Mar 3, 2025 10:01 am
vagueGM says:
Mark the Corruption on your sheet (though I think you have? I don't track these, so cheat and lie if you must:).
Mar 3, 2025 10:11 am
Delirium says:
... Just one more corruption to make my first advance ;)Mar 3, 2025 2:53 pm
While you might not feel human anymore, you are not a demon, you just work for them. Till you die and they take your soul you are still human... or mostly human... well, a little bit human.
We can leave Persephone with this perception, or we can introduce her to a 'real demon' to give her some perspective, as you like. Just say the word.
We can leave Persephone with this perception, or we can introduce her to a 'real demon' to give her some perspective, as you like. Just say the word.
Mar 3, 2025 3:09 pm
vagueGM says:
While you might not feel human anymore, you are not a demon, you just work for them. Till you die and they take your soul you are still human... or mostly human... well, a little bit human.We can leave Persephone with this perception, or we can introduce her to a 'real demon' to give her some perspective, as you like. Just say the word.
And I am more than happy to leave the question of if or when she will meet a true demon in your capable hands, vagueGM!
So, in case it isn't clear, the idea I'm going for here is that she actually knows next to nothing about demons or the supernatural. She knows she has sold her soul, she 'must' work for them now, doing bad things, and if she doesn't, then worse things happen. She doesn't know her patron's name, or what it looks like in its true form. She doesn't know if the man who wooed her -- the angel investor who got her to sign the infernal contract -- was the demon itself in mortal guise, or just another pawn like her. Perhaps she tried to protest or resist at first, but they threatened her family.
Mar 3, 2025 3:26 pm
Detective Emma reporting:
(36) + 1 = 10...hope it already made sense in the fiction?
Let It Out: Spot a previously overlooked clue or advantage in the immediate area (+Spirit) - (2d6+1)(36) + 1 = 10
Mar 3, 2025 3:31 pm
Delirium says:
Detective Emma reporting:Quote:
Let It Out: Spot a previously overlooked clue or advantage in the immediate area (+Spirit) - (2d6+1)(36) + 1 = 10
Mar 3, 2025 3:31 pm
vagueGM says:
While you might not feel human anymore, you are not a demon, you just work for them. Till you die and they take your soul you are still human... or mostly human... well, a little bit human.Mar 3, 2025 3:33 pm
vagueGM says:
What's your choice for Let It Out? You gonna Corrupt out and keep it 'safe...r' or avoid the Corruption but take it in the face?
Mar 3, 2025 3:34 pm
Drgwen says:
... Oh yes, she is simply mistaken. ...Drgwen says:
... she actually knows next to nothing about demons or the supernatural. ...Drgwen says:
... she 'must' work for them ... if she doesn't, then worse things happen. ...Drgwen says:
... but they threatened her family. ...Such an overt display might not really fit with your Dark Patron who 'seduces with pleasantries, gifts, and vices' and 'manipulates friends'?
Mar 3, 2025 3:35 pm
Delirium says:
... and no complications.Delirium says:
... and the advance, ...Mar 3, 2025 3:45 pm
Well, ‘Heart’ is the sum of Emma's charm and charisma, and she has grown increasingly comfortable to use these qualities to manipulate, beguile, and tempt others in order to get what she wants. I think it fits.
Mar 3, 2025 3:47 pm
vagueGM says:
Drgwen says:
... but they threatened her family. ...Such an overt display might not really fit with your Dark Patron who 'seduces with pleasantries, gifts, and vices' and 'manipulates friends'?
I think you're right. I think instead of the stick, it's the carrot. If she keeps doing these things, good things will keep happening to her family. For example, Persephone actually thinks she might be able to get her sister a job, but not in ther way Circe thinks. Instead, Pers will keep doing the bad work and something good will "just happen to come along" for Circe.
Of course, there is still an unspoken threat. You do what we want, good things for your family; you don't do what we want...well, you have seen what we can do.
Mar 3, 2025 3:48 pm
Delirium says:
... I think it fits.Mar 3, 2025 3:55 pm
Up to you, that is when she suddenly got as hot as one can get (without being a corrupted by fairies:) (Heart +3!). There is no mechanical effect, but you are welcome to incorporate it into what you do, or leave it.
Mar 3, 2025 3:57 pm
Ah! Gotcha. OK I will wait until Persephone is not seeing a vampire for the first time in her life, who is trying to actively attack her, before I notice. lol!
Mar 3, 2025 4:05 pm
I should say that I AM planning on taking the Faerie move too, as my next advance. Would it have to be actual Faerie power, or can it be related to another supernatural, or even none at all?
Mar 3, 2025 4:07 pm
oops! Cross posted. I think it still stands as is, but I'll post again once I see the response from the vampire.
Mar 3, 2025 4:09 pm
Hey, I was just throwing it out there, I have no idea what vagueGM planned, and maybe Emma was completely wrong.
Mar 3, 2025 4:14 pm
Delirium says:
Hey, I was just throwing it out there, I have no idea what vagueGM planned, and maybe Emma was completely wrong.Mar 3, 2025 4:16 pm
Delirium says:
... I should say that I AM planning on taking the Faerie move too ...Delirium says:
... Would it have to be actual Faerie power ...Remember being this hot can bring lots of Corruption.
Mar 3, 2025 4:16 pm
Drgwen says:
vagueGM says:
Suit yourself. :)Mar 3, 2025 4:18 pm
Drgwen says:
oops! Cross posted. I think it still stands as is, but I'll post again once I see the response from the vampire.• Attacking? Describe the 3-Harm Weapon you manifest and roll Turn to Violence.
• Impress, dismay, or frighten someone with a display of demonic fury? Roll Let It Out.
• Or, if you are feeling extreme, you could imbue your touch with demonic corruption (2-harm hand ap) bringing it to 5-Harm, which will obliterate most things with one hit.
Mar 3, 2025 4:25 pm
vagueGM says:
Planned? What's that word? People keep using that word! :)
Mar 3, 2025 4:28 pm
Delirium says:
vagueGM says:
Planned? What's that word? People keep using that word! :)
Also, you rolled a 10, so you are probably correct, but you don't know what Chablis looks like (you never got into Sarah's phone, nor fount the pictures of her at the Velvet Sin).
So, go ahead and ask... but the vampire is attacking!
Mar 3, 2025 4:29 pm
Frighten, at first, until I know who this is and what their intent is. I didn't want to roll a second roll in a row until I heard from you. I'll roll the Let It Out.
Mar 3, 2025 4:38 pm
Drgwen says:
... I didn't want to roll a second roll in a row until I heard from you. ...Drgwen says:
Frighten, at first, until I know who this is and what their intent is. ...The fact that you have your 'game-face' on does not change the dice roll, but does, heavily, influence what the outcomes mean, and, possibly, give you the narrative licence to even try this on a vampire (without needing other setup first).
With an 8 you both Mark Corruption and pay a price.
Do you have a preference for which price it is? Costly would probably mean you get hit (they were attacking); limited would only give you a brief window to act; and unstable might mean it does not go the way you hoped but ends it and does not cost you more (right now).
Mar 3, 2025 4:45 pm
Let's do Costly. I think Persephone would perversely enjoy telling Emma, See? This isn't all fun and games. Be safer, girl!
Mar 3, 2025 4:49 pm
Drgwen says:
Let's do Costly. I think Persephone would perversely enjoy telling Emma, See? This isn't all fun and games. Be safer, girl!Mar 3, 2025 4:56 pm
vagueGM says:
Drgwen says:
Let's do Costly. I think Persephone would perversely enjoy telling Emma, See? This isn't all fun and games. Be safer, girl!Mar 3, 2025 5:32 pm
Drgwen says:
Uh oh. I'm guessing Chablis was not the one feeding on Sarah... But maybe?And, yes, she actually said 'fudge' [ref].
Mar 3, 2025 6:16 pm
vagueGM says:
Though the fact that she knows Benji, and did not mention it..Mar 3, 2025 6:20 pm
Delirium says:
vagueGM says:
Though the fact that she knows Benji, and did not mention it..I think it was the fact that Benji was the vamp she mention letting feed on her that did not come up?
Mar 3, 2025 6:41 pm
@Drgwen: Persephone has a silver tongue, which (aside from the mechanical) means you are good at talking to people. This is not the reason you did not need to roll Persuade to get her in the closet [ref], that is part of her NPC Profile ('Drives', or whatever they call them in this game).
However... she is starving, and while half an hour is not really that long, it can feel like an eternity to a starving person. Maybe we need a roll to see how well you contain her till help gets here? Or what Bev walks in on?
Maybe we can use a Persuade roll (promises and threats)? Unless you want to try use Tongued and Silver to both tempt her and Figure Her Out to work out more? (Or just plain Figure someone Out, if you want to bypass the temptation, but that is not your strong-suit.:) Obviously what you can learn depends on what you do and say and ask and such.
It will be some hours before I can respond, so no rush if you, too, want to think about it.
However... she is starving, and while half an hour is not really that long, it can feel like an eternity to a starving person. Maybe we need a roll to see how well you contain her till help gets here? Or what Bev walks in on?
Maybe we can use a Persuade roll (promises and threats)? Unless you want to try use Tongued and Silver to both tempt her and Figure Her Out to work out more? (Or just plain Figure someone Out, if you want to bypass the temptation, but that is not your strong-suit.:) Obviously what you can learn depends on what you do and say and ask and such.
It will be some hours before I can respond, so no rush if you, too, want to think about it.
Mar 4, 2025 12:03 am
OK, I’m finally home from work and going to post. But then my friends are dragging me out to see a band so I won’t be available for several hours after this.
Mar 4, 2025 6:33 am
Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... if you help me understand, I’ll make sure you are always fed ...Quote:
Tongued and Silver requires you to tempt someone with the lure of power while you figure them out. The offer must be seductive enough to catch their interest —and might also lead to you persuading them— but you don't have to follow through on what you promise or even push the issue to see past their facade.If not, then this is might be a normal Figure Someone Out? But your (previously-sharp?) Mind is, maybe, not what it used to be? So that would be a 6.
Maybe Emma can Help you get that up by 1 point? (Even if it is Tongued and Silver, a 10 could be better.)
Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... Did someone hurt you too? Maybe bite you? Or maybe make you forget a period of time when you were alone with them? Maybe someone who had been spending time with Sarah too? ...Persuading someone to talk does not mean what they say will be truth, but Chablis does not seem like a great thinker so any lies may be easy to discern?
If we treat this as a Persuade it is a 9, so maybe Emma can try Help bring that to a 10 if she is willing to renter the room and complicate things with her presence?
Mar 4, 2025 6:53 am
So, first, I did not intend anything I said there to be my actual move questions… I would explicitly choose one from the list; that talk was supposed to be my action that triggered the move. Sorry about the confusion.
And second, I overlooked that it was a temptation *of power*! I thought the move was just a temptation in general; my bad. Let’s just make it a persuade then.
And second, I overlooked that it was a temptation *of power*! I thought the move was just a temptation in general; my bad. Let’s just make it a persuade then.
Mar 4, 2025 6:56 am
No worries.
Let's see if @Delirium wants to involve Emma to try bring it to a 10+.
Let's see if @Delirium wants to involve Emma to try bring it to a 10+.
Mar 4, 2025 7:03 am
Emma has already left the apartment to wait outside on the street for Bev. She figured staying in the apartment any longer would only make things worse. Even if she did stay, her goals are different from Persephone’s. Emma isn't interested in interrogating Chablis right now. She just wanted her distracted long enough for Bev to get there. Questioning her would be much easier once she's fed.
Mar 4, 2025 11:06 am
Agreed. I just wanted to give the opportunity for Emma to get cold (waiting in the rainy street for half an hour) and come back to complicate things help.
Chablis will 'counter your offer or demand payment' in her own way. Persephone has the situation somewhat under control, but will need to do more to maintain that control or gain more control.
Chablis will 'counter your offer or demand payment' in her own way. Persephone has the situation somewhat under control, but will need to do more to maintain that control or gain more control.
Mar 5, 2025 6:37 am
Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... She has no idea how much blood vampires need ...Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... and if getting just a taste will calm her or drive her into a frenzy.Maybe you need to roll Keep Your Cool to avoid that happening?
Mar 5, 2025 7:18 am
Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... She had only moments to jump up and push the bed back into place!If so: Do you want this to be purely physical damage from the strain, or should we make this a psychological issue instead? You were just attacked and bitten by a vampire!... a vampire bit you! Does that mean you are going to turn into a vampire? Can you believe the people who say 'no... er... probably not...'?
We don't need to see these doubts in play just yet, the conversation can happen, but if we go this route you might not be convinced and can bring this into play whenever you want. We can also resolve it whenever you want, however you want.
Mar 5, 2025 7:19 am
Hmm. Let me think about this. I'll come up with something tomorrow after some sleep, hopefully!
Mar 5, 2025 2:47 pm
Hey just a heads up that I probably won’t be able to post between now and Tuesday! Hopefully it won’t slow anything down too much since Benji’s not in a scene with anyone else right now anyway
Mar 5, 2025 2:52 pm
Cool. Thanks for letting us know.
I was toying with the idea of bringing Benji into the other scene to advise on the Chablis (and Persephone bite) situation, but we will find a reason that does not work.
Technically Benji is a day behind, but we can ignore or work around that detail, especially if more time has passed. :)
I was toying with the idea of bringing Benji into the other scene to advise on the Chablis (and Persephone bite) situation, but we will find a reason that does not work.
Technically Benji is a day behind, but we can ignore or work around that detail, especially if more time has passed. :)
Mar 5, 2025 3:01 pm
If that scene’s still going by the time I’m back, I’d be happy to join in! I don’t think Benji’s got any particularly time-sensitive stuff going on so we could easily jump ahead in time or whatever. Otherwise, hopefully Benji gets a chance to meet Persephone soon some other way :)
Mar 5, 2025 3:03 pm
We will make a plan to get the PCs together once you get back. Persephone knows very little about the supernatural world, so it makes sense for her to seek out a guide, and who better than Emma's guide. :)
Mar 5, 2025 3:24 pm
vagueGM says:
[...should we make this a psychological issue instead? You were just attacked and bitten by a vampire!... a vampire bit you! Does that mean you are going to turn into a vampire? Can you believe the people who say 'no... er... probably not...'?We don't need to see these doubts in play just yet, the conversation can happen, but if we go this route you might not be convinced and can bring this into play whenever you want. We can also resolve it whenever you want, however you want.
Mar 5, 2025 5:06 pm
Drgwen says:
... I like this choice! It will also give her strong motivation to consult with Benji, once she learns about him. And it will be fun to RPMar 5, 2025 5:08 pm
Looking at the sheets:
@Drgwen: Remind me why you have +2 Mortalis and +2 Wild? You seem to have one more point than you should? Did something give you that? You start with Mortalis 1, Night -1, Power 0, Wild 1 and then get to add 1 to one of them.
@Delirium: Don't forget to update your sheet. Increase your Heart, clear the Corruption and Mark that Advance, and Mark Mortalis for calling in Bev.
Also, if you want, you can put the images in your gallery in a column block for more flexible layout:
@Drgwen: Remind me why you have +2 Mortalis and +2 Wild? You seem to have one more point than you should? Did something give you that? You start with Mortalis 1, Night -1, Power 0, Wild 1 and then get to add 1 to one of them.
@Delirium: Don't forget to update your sheet. Increase your Heart, clear the Corruption and Mark that Advance, and Mark Mortalis for calling in Bev.
Also, if you want, you can put the images in your gallery in a column block for more flexible layout:
Mar 5, 2025 5:40 pm
vagueGM says:
@Drgwen: Remind me why you have +2 Mortalis and +2 Wild? You seem to have one more point than you should? Did something give you that? You start with Mortalis 1, Night -1, Power 0, Wild 1 and then get to add 1 to one of them.Mar 5, 2025 5:44 pm
Thanks, @vagueGM. I updated my sheet, and the tip regarding the image gallery was great! It's looking much better now.
Mar 6, 2025 7:35 am
Drgwen says:
I have no idea! An errant click, perhaps? ...Mar 8, 2025 9:32 am
Do we need to roll something to get the situation under control, @vagueGM ? I am not sure how to proceed here.
Mar 8, 2025 9:40 am
Delirium says:
Do we need to roll something to get the situation under control? ...Delirium says:
... I am not sure how to proceed here.It is not a neat, controlled situation. But it also is not hopeless.
• What would your characters do if they were real people in a real world and Chablis was a real person too?
Mar 8, 2025 9:53 am
vagueGM says:
What would your characters do if they were real people in a real world and Chablis was a real person too?
Mar 8, 2025 10:14 am
Delirium says:
... If she is not willing to suck the blood out of the tube ...What you are doing is working, you just have to keep it under control long enough for Chablis to get enough blood in her to calm down a bit. But the act of feeding is not a calm thing, even Benji might do you 3-Harm when he feeds (and that would kill someone like Bev), so there is a clear lack of control in the act.
You will need to impose that control.
Delirium says:
... it appears she is not cooperating? ...Delirium says:
... Emma isn't going to let Chablis bite her. ...If Emma keeps trusting her instincts she may be able to pull this off.
At its most essential you could Keep Your Cool to avoid losing control, but that is a base-case and you probably have better tools at your disposal.
Maybe you use the threat of taking away the blood to Persuade her to behave? Maybe you threaten her with the return of the scary demon lady?
Persuade would require your getting through to her, though. Maybe your words are persuasive enough? Or maybe Persephone needs to get her game-face on and pin Chablis down for the duration? (poor Bev)
Options abound.
Whatever you do, we will probably need to talk about Sharing a Moment of Intimacy between everyone or some subset of everyone here.
Mar 8, 2025 12:39 pm
I went for a persuade, which was part threaten to take away the blood, and a promise she will get more if she behaves. Rolled an '11', too ;)
Mar 9, 2025 6:54 pm
Delirium says:
Cross posting again, and I missed a couple of responses ;(Mar 9, 2025 6:55 pm
So I want to run something by you, @Delirium . I think Persephone would be getting angry at Emma by now. Persephone is ultimately being fairly selfish right now, with a lot of self-pity, and she feels as if Emma is ignoring her and her needs. Emma dismissed Per's fears about the bite, she has refused to answer any of the questions Pers has asked of her in this scene, and, from Persephone's perspective, Emma seems far too concerned with this stranger, as if she has some kind of savior complex.
Like I said, this is what feels right for Persephone's perspective, not my own. I can have this be solely inner thoughts, or I can have it spill out a bit. Thoughts?
Like I said, this is what feels right for Persephone's perspective, not my own. I can have this be solely inner thoughts, or I can have it spill out a bit. Thoughts?
Mar 9, 2025 6:57 pm
Its totally alright for Pers to feel dismissed, because Emma focus IS elsewhere right now. I did (do? ) want to answer some of the questions Pers posed about vampire relationships (your last post), though Emma is pretty clueless about these things.
Mar 9, 2025 6:59 pm
Ha that is totally cool. I get the vibe that Emma is in way over her head, but she doesn't like to show it. She's doing her best, I know.
Mar 9, 2025 7:05 pm
Emma is a little distracted with her savior complex right now. Persephone may need to be a bit more clear that she is getting annoyed if we want to address it in the fiction.
It would be slightly neater if we can keep it together till we can rope Benji in for some more answers, but we don't all need to get clean answers all the time, and Benji is not available right now so that may have to wait in the fiction, too.
An answer from Emma amounting to "I don't know" might help for the time being?
Persephone might also want to leave? We can do that too (before the cops get here:).
Up to you guys.
It would be slightly neater if we can keep it together till we can rope Benji in for some more answers, but we don't all need to get clean answers all the time, and Benji is not available right now so that may have to wait in the fiction, too.
An answer from Emma amounting to "I don't know" might help for the time being?
Persephone might also want to leave? We can do that too (before the cops get here:).
Up to you guys.
Mar 9, 2025 7:08 pm
Emma never thinks she is way over her head ;)
That's one of the issues she got, and it has come back to bite her in the ass on more than one occasion. And I think that's why it may appear that she is dismissive. She is so cool with every crazy thing that happens, that she can't put herself for a moment in Pers shoes and imagine what she is going through, especially when she has other things occupying her mind.
But I didn’t mean for her to seem completely unsympathetic toward Persephone. She did address her concerns about turning into a vampire, even if it wasn’t the most sensitive way. It's more like that she just doesn’t understand why Persephone would be upset about anything that just happened.
That's one of the issues she got, and it has come back to bite her in the ass on more than one occasion. And I think that's why it may appear that she is dismissive. She is so cool with every crazy thing that happens, that she can't put herself for a moment in Pers shoes and imagine what she is going through, especially when she has other things occupying her mind.
But I didn’t mean for her to seem completely unsympathetic toward Persephone. She did address her concerns about turning into a vampire, even if it wasn’t the most sensitive way. It's more like that she just doesn’t understand why Persephone would be upset about anything that just happened.
Mar 9, 2025 7:10 pm
I think it's been playing out perfectly for the characters! I mostly just wanted to check in before introducing some PC-PC tension.
Mar 9, 2025 7:11 pm
Delirium says:
Emma never thinks she is way over her head ;) ...Mar 9, 2025 7:22 pm
Though I should also warn you (and @vagueGM know it too), that it's pretty hard to get Emma to apologize. It literally took extortion last time for her to fess up to her wrongdoing (and she still believes she was treated unfairly!).
Emma hasn't changed much since college, but there is a difference between crashing a concert to breaking into vampire's lair
Though I should also warn you (and @vagueGM know it too), that it's pretty hard to get Emma to apologize. It literally took extortion last time for her to fess up to her wrongdoing (and she still believes she was treated unfairly!).
vagueGM says:
Has that always been the case? Would Persephone remember this from college?Mar 9, 2025 7:44 pm
Emma is definitely vain (I think I mentioned it when I introduced her, ooc). She is far from a full blown narcissist, and she obviously has empathy and compassion for other people, but it IS one of her character flaws.
Mar 9, 2025 7:50 pm
Drgwen says:
I kind of love how you're playing the Aware as a fearless trouble magnet!Mar 9, 2025 7:58 pm
vagueGM says:
"Excuses are my Armour: When you ignore a blatant problem, mark experience" Mar 9, 2025 8:01 pm
100% Monsterhearts "The Mortal"! Love it.