Paying the Price (OOC)

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Feb 25, 2025 2:27 am
I welcome feedback on the big lore dump! Was that clear, @Delirium ? Did it roughly match with what we'd discussed, @vagueGM ?
Feb 25, 2025 5:18 am
Drgwen says:
I welcome feedback on the big lore dump! Was that clear, Delirium ? Did it roughly match with what we'd discussed, vagueGM ?
Great stuff.

Pity we could not string Emma along for a bit longer... but she could still choose to misunderstand. 'Literally' does not mean what it once meant, quite the opposite sometimes. :) But Emma knows about the supernatural world, and learned (or heard, without experience) that demons (and possibly wizards?) are real a few days ago, so she may not have trouble believing that 'literally the devil' means literally the devil.

A 'wall of text' like that can be hard to read, can put other players off and can take longer to read than we might have, but this one was not a problem and provided good background and an official reference point for how Persephone came to be, so it was nice.
Feb 25, 2025 5:37 am
Glad to hear it was successful!

@Delirium How would you like this scene to play out? I was imagining that Emma‘s experience with the supernatural might make her somewhat more willing to accept and try to help Persephone and her demonic situation. And Emma suggesting Pers might be hallucinating or need to see a priest might rub Pers the wrong way. If Persephone gets angry, it might drive a wedge between her and Emma that becomes difficult to surmount. So I think I will have Persephone make one last overture, to try to reach out. I’ll probably end up posting that tomorrow afternoon though. It’s almost midnight here and I have work tomorrow.
Feb 25, 2025 5:41 am
Persephone does have a watertight way to prove her story, she can show Emma The Devil Inside... or try to, there is a dice roll, and a 6- might mean she can't show it that easily, not without a price. A miss in this situation need not carry a price beyond you have to 'go without your form', as that is an option in the Move.
Feb 25, 2025 5:44 am
It's more like Emma not wanting to believe her, because she prefers to think her friend has a medical problem that can be addressed and 'fixed', than accepting she has sold her soul and is basically already doomed. You could say Emma is in denial ;) There is nothing malicious about it, just concern.

Some sort of proof would force her to accept reality.
Feb 25, 2025 6:02 am
Understood! I think have just the thing for that.
Feb 25, 2025 12:22 pm
Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... "I’m going to show you what I have become. ..."
Are you clothes safe during this process? Presumably your wings are a problem while wearing most tops?

You can pick and choose which features you manifest each time, so you can skip the wings (and anything else) if they are inconvenient for this demonstration.
Feb 25, 2025 12:25 pm
How does Pers look like when she assumes her demon form? Did we have a description of it somewhere I can refer to?
Last edited February 25, 2025 12:25 pm
Feb 25, 2025 12:26 pm
I assume on is incoming now that we have the roll.
Feb 25, 2025 1:33 pm
Drgwen says:
(OOC in RP) ... Choosing Heal 2 harm to represent feeling rejuvenated and I guess +1 forward?
Fine, fine. I had not even thought about long-term mechanical effects —this not being a roll with any consequences— but those chosen are mainly in-fiction and the +1 Forward makes sense in the fiction (until it doesn't, as always:).
Feb 25, 2025 3:20 pm
Yeah I mentioned her top being ripped from the transformation and wings. So it shreds her clothes a bit. Maybe not to a Hulk extent but there will be a tear or two. The wings would destroy a coat, but they probably just tore two holes in her Stanford sweatshirt.

As for the roll effects, I mostly just wanted to show that the demon form actually feels good for her to be in — which, to me, makes it even more insidious
Feb 25, 2025 3:24 pm
Drgwen says:
... As for the roll effects, I mostly just wanted to show that the demon form actually feels good for her to be in — which, to me, makes it even more insidious
Yep, good stuff. It is tied in with your Corruption, too, if you want MORE.
Feb 25, 2025 6:04 pm
That was a very cool transformation, @Drgwen. Made me jealous as a player for not having anything nearly as awesome ;)
Feb 25, 2025 10:53 pm
Thanks! it was fun to describe. One of the challenges Persephone will face is that, well, being a demon and doing demon stuff can be kind of cool, actually! But then sometimes she has ot hurt innocent people, and advance evil causes, and so on. Which is not so cool. For how long can she hold onto her humanity? Find out next time on... Urban Shadows!
Feb 25, 2025 11:10 pm
OK Persephone takes the turn from self-pity to righteous anger.
Feb 26, 2025 5:45 am
vagueGM says:
Who is taking over the vampire rulership in the area? Is there one figure most are backing, or are there many contenders to the throne?
We’ve established that Elliot conspired to kill his predecessor with the help of a few other powerful vampires and that, after killing her, they divvied up her territory. So, I think it would make sense that it would be his former co-conspirators and fellow vampire lords who would be vying for control of Elliot’s territory. I’ll come up with some names and such for the other Vampire Lords and include them in my RP post later although one thing that doesn’t really make sense to me is why none of them spoke up at the party? I think it was mentioned that, without Elliot, Alasdair was the highest status vampire present, which is why he needed to speak, which doesn’t really make sense if there were other vampire lords there. And if they weren’t there, surely their absence would be as conspicuous as Elliot’s? I’m not really sure how to square this… Do you have any thoughts?
Feb 26, 2025 6:09 am
Maybe Elliot was the top dog and used his better business acumen to rise above the others? So they were all 'under him' by the time of the soirée?

The vampires were under suspicion of causing the weather —they were benefiting from it— so maybe only a few representatives were invited? Elliot as the de facto leader in London and Alasdair as the representative from underground and ... yourself as an independent... or a mistake?

If there were more, maybe no one wanted to speak and reveal their ignorance in case it is the others doing it behind their back? Maybe Alasdair (and others) offered you up as a scapegoat?

We can easily find ways to explain anything we need to, or leave it open.
Feb 28, 2025 3:18 am
Delirium says:
(OOC in RP) ... Sarah lived in a 'bad part of the city', but I have no idea where in greater London that could be.

It is in (or around) the area where we are playing, but we don't need to describe it much more specifically unless those details becomes relevant. 'The bad part of town' should be enough?
Feb 28, 2025 5:19 am
vagueGM says:
He is Cashing in the Debt you owe him, he already alluded to it but was hoping you would help of your own accord.
He is asking for a a favor, or for answers, though he would have settled for a Debt on someone above him as leverage if you had any.

If you don't want to —or feel you can't— help him, you can try to Refuse to Honor a Debt, maybe putting it off till a later time.

You can't expect the other NPCs to solve this for you, so suggesting he go ask them for help does not count (even if he were to do it).

If you took responsibility for his wellbeing and took him under your protection that would elevate you to Status 2, but that would be a very tentative Status. You could solidify it with an Advance, or in the fiction.
Benji will honour the Debt, I’m just a little confused about what Teddy’s asking for. Does he want Benji to find him someone to eat or does he want protection from Ravenhall? Or both? If Benji finds him someone to eat and honours the debt that way, will Teddy be willing to hide underground with Alasdair like Benji suggested or will he still want Benji to take him under his wing? If Benji offers to protect him, Teddy’s still going to want to eat so it seems like Benji will need to find someone for him to feed on anyway?
Feb 28, 2025 5:38 am
oopsylon says:
... Does he want Benji to find him someone to eat or does he want protection from Ravenhall? ...
Either would fulfil the Debt, its his fault for not being clear.
oopsylon says:
... will Teddy be willing to hide underground with Alasdair ...
No. He said that was not something he was interested in. He might try one of the other options, but that is not your problem anymore... not directly anyway, any blow-back could still fall on you for helping him, but that would depend.
oopsylon says:
... If Benji offers to protect him, Teddy’s still going to want to eat ...
Yes, and long-term too, that is the price of having people. If he is under your protection then your feeding him will not be seen as a problem, feeding other people's minions is what is frowned upon.

We can hammer out as much detail is needed before we proceed.

I am not sure how we would play an NPC feeding, maybe you need to Persuade someone to let him have a sip, and then maybe you need to Turn to Violence (or Persuade?) to stop Teddy from going too far (maybe after a Keep you Cool (as a 'luck roll?)?). We will see what happens in the fiction and what is needed.

You could Hit the Streets with Mortalis to find a meal, or Cash in a Debt with Miriam for this, both could lead to you Advancing. :)
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