Paying the Price (OOC)

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Feb 20, 2025 5:24 am
Does that clear everything up?
Feb 20, 2025 6:00 am
Drgwen says:
(OOC in RP) ... Persephone will take the Corruption, but ignore the Complications. ...
Well, duh! Complications in your friend's bathroom would be ... complicated. :)

Mark the Corruption on you rsheet.
Drgwen says:
(OOC in RP) ... offer him a Debt to give her some guidance on how she could free these women ...
I am not sure if I have given you is enough [ref]. I am not sure what I gave would cause a Debt?

Do you want more? Else we can treat this as a freebie.
Feb 20, 2025 6:38 am
@Delirium Emma can tell that Pers is not well. She looks shaken, upset, ill, and possibly about to cry.
Feb 20, 2025 7:01 am
Oh! I probably should have refreshed my browser before posting, because I haven't taken enough of that into account.
Feb 20, 2025 7:04 am
vagueGM says:
I am not sure if I have given you is enough. I am not sure what I gave would cause a Debt?

Do you want more? Else we can treat this as a freebie.
Nah, this works for me! No debts needed at this time.
Feb 20, 2025 7:07 am
That’s ok Delirium! I think Pers is gonna need to confide in Emma soon tho. And poor Emma, being a warm friendly person only to have her guest literally opening a portal to hell in her bathroom! Pers is a hot mess.
Feb 20, 2025 7:12 pm
Drgwen says:
Also, @Delirium , I wasn't thinking that Emma and David would have necessarily overheard Persephone's whole conversation with Kat and Sarah -- Emma was over speaking to Circe about her art, after all. But they certainly could have overheard some of it! She certainly wouldn't have wanted Circe to hear, though.
I assumed Emma didn't hear a single word of the conversation - until vagueGM described Kat walking to the couch and sitting next to Sarah, and only then replying to Pers. [ref]. Emma was right there, after setting the trays on the coffee table earlier. It looks like it was contrived specifically so Emma could overhear that part of the conversation. I don't know where David was during that time, so I left it open as to how much he overheard.
Feb 20, 2025 7:15 pm
Delirium says:
Drgwen says:
Also, @Delirium , I wasn't thinking that Emma and David would have necessarily overheard Persephone's whole conversation with Kat and Sarah -- Emma was over speaking to Circe about her art, after all. But they certainly could have overheard some of it! She certainly wouldn't have wanted Circe to hear, though.
I assumed Emma didn't hear a single word of the conversation - until vagueGM described Kat walking to the couch and sitting next to Sarah, and only then replying to Pers. [ref]. Emma was right there, after setting the trays on the coffee table earlier. It looks like it was contrived specifically so Emma could overhear that part of the conversation. I don't know where David was during that time, so I left it open as to how much he overheard.
Oh!! Good point, good point. You're absolutely right! OK nevermind! I tink it's better this way actually. More interesting!
Feb 20, 2025 8:40 pm
If you'll scroll up, you'll see I wrote Emma as not overhearing any part of the conversation up to that point. Hope I didn't misread vagueGM intentions, but it looked like Kat wasn't too careful about who might overhear them (definitely not Sarah) after being questioned for as long as she was. Or maybe she is just evil ;)
Feb 20, 2025 10:38 pm
That was not my intention, I would have included Emma in the description if I meant to include her. I thought Sarah was sitting apart from the the rest of the group, not over where Emma was feeding Circe. But the flat is small, so maybe I misjudged how separate she was? She felt pretty out of the conversations, no one had included her till Kat did.

I assumed 'Kat sitting next to her' [ref] was later, once Persephone was in the bathroom and that Kat told Emma then... it seemed a bit weird, but if the player wanted to use an NPC to include them in a conversation that is fine... so long as everyone is happy with them being included.

Do we want to change how much Emma thinks she knows? Her assumption about Persephone is wrong, and she always sorta knew, deep down, that Kat's attendance at the earlier party had a transactional element. We can rewrite that post, @Delirium, you had doubts about it already [ref].

Kat also made a distinction between her having a pimp and Sarah having a manager, suggesting Sarah was not the same.
Feb 20, 2025 11:25 pm
I am fine with the currently established fiction, as Delirium and I just agreed to. But I will happily go along with a change if you and/or Delirium prefer. I am comfortable rolling with it either way.
Feb 20, 2025 11:32 pm
I don't think it matters all that much, since its a misumderstanding that would eventually be cleared. I rather not do additional editing.
Feb 21, 2025 7:08 am
If you are both happy its fine by me. Misunderstanding what Persephone was saying and misunderstanding why Emma invited her here, Kat could easily put her foot in her mouth.
Feb 21, 2025 6:10 pm
Misunderstandings like that are interesting and common!
Feb 23, 2025 5:12 am
Delirium says:
(OOC in RP) I don't know if I have anything else for this scene. We can sum up and move forward, as far as I'm concerned.
Drgwen says:
(OOC in RP) im also ok moving on. I promise i wont have pers being a mopey killjoy all the time!
Alright, draw the evening to a close as you like.

What comes next for each of you? If it flows naturally from the party, carry on, else we can set the scene for whatever you want to do.
Feb 23, 2025 11:29 am
oopsylon says:
(in RP) ... When the conversation circles back to the topic of hypnosis, he looks to Lizabeth. The decision is entirely hers. "What do you think? I’ll be here the whole time, but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to."
Without PC help it is tricky to resolve this, NPCs don't roll dice, but we can still let the dice decide. We can treat this kinda like a Persuade roll, but with a circumstance-bonus rather than a dice mod.

Given that we have established Lizabeth does not want to do the hypnosis we will give it a -1.

On a 10+ she will still have reservations, but will agree.

On a 7-9 her 'counter off, or payment' will be that she needs time to think about it, maybe Benji will gain some level of trust for the sisters and that can transfer over to her trusting them, or their actions will lead her to trust them later.

On a 6- she says no, and you lose that source of answers, and a little of the goodwill of the Night Sisters.
Or Benji can take a more active role, somehow, and his actions can decide things.

@oopsylon: What say you?
Feb 23, 2025 11:49 am
Sure, let’s put it to a roll!
Feb 23, 2025 12:08 pm
Emma would like to swing by Sarah's apartment the next day. So unless Pers insists on meeting her first thing in the morning, that is what she'll do.
Feb 23, 2025 4:28 pm
Persephone will head home whenever she can get Circe to come with, but without being pushy. Once home, she will claim a migraine and retire. She spends the night awake, thinking, knowing she can't go on like this, alone. She needs support people in her life, but she can't involve Circe in any way; that could endanger her, or worse, tempt her. Not to mention their parents finding out! But Emma? Maybe she can disclose with her. She finally sleeps before dawn and plans to reach out once she is awake, by midday, for an afternoon heart to heart. Maybe tea at Emma's?
Feb 23, 2025 4:31 pm
Also, I love how normal (for lack of a better word) Emma's home life is! it is not often I see such domestic tranquility in a TTRPG, especially one with monsters and vampires and demons and so on! it's a lovely contrast, I tihnk.
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