Paying the Price (OOC)

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Feb 14, 2025 7:25 pm
In which thread should I post it?
Feb 14, 2025 7:29 pm
Delirium says:
In which thread should I post it?
Let's continue in the new RP thread: Paying the Price.

If you need to finish up with David (or something quick with Sarah) you can finish that in After Arundel.
Feb 14, 2025 7:56 pm
works for me!
Feb 16, 2025 10:03 am
Delirium says:
(OOC in RP) ... I think it would be fun to get both Kat and Pers on the same scene
Agreed. That was the criteria I was waiting for. If Persephone will be there, Kat will be there. (Though she may be expecting something different to what you have planned?)
Feb 16, 2025 10:30 am
Yay! More awkward misunderstandings!
Are Kat and Pers working for the same organization?
Feb 16, 2025 2:03 pm
Ooh I'm intrigued. Could I get a quick idea of who Kat is?
Feb 16, 2025 3:56 pm
There is an old 'gentleman club' which is actually a façade for a demonic cult. They recruit powerful figures from the world of business, finance, and politics. It is unclear if 'Kat' (Ekaterina) is working for the cult, or merely 'dating' one of their members. Emma took a liking to Kat when she met her at a boring dinner party, because she was the only other woman her age, and seemed like a 'party girl'.
Feb 16, 2025 4:23 pm
Ooh! I love it. Possibly competing demonic forces! And Pers probably is kind of a party girl too, as an escape from her feeling of being trapped/doomed.
Feb 16, 2025 5:07 pm
Drgwen says:
Hmm... Is there something else we want to accomplish in this scene?
Well, just for reference, Emma can shoot the breeze with Pers for hours. Where did she get that skirt, is she seeing anyone, did she hear what happened to <insert name of mutual acquittance>, etc, etc. But I'm more than happy to proceed directly to the party ;)
Feb 16, 2025 5:21 pm
I enjoy shooting the breeze too! In character, even. I mean, I did go through the trouble of describing my outfits in detail, my coffee choice, etc, so I am happy to have more conversation. But I also know that, if it is unlikely any moves will get triggered, that we could also choose to do a summary if we like.

I'm open!
Feb 16, 2025 5:36 pm
Drgwen says:
... Possibly competing demonic forces! ...
I think a competing organisation is the way to go. That way Persephone is not working for Emma's 'enemy'.
Feb 16, 2025 5:37 pm
Delirium says:
... Emma can shoot the breeze with Pers for hours. ...
We can assume you do any small-talk you would have done, and that you can know relevant details about each other when they become relevant. You can explicitly play out anything you want here, but you can also talk at the party.
Drgwen says:
... I am happy to have more conversation. ... if it is unlikely any moves will get triggered, that we could also choose to do a summary if we like. ...
Triggering Moves is not all that important a part of the game. If you want to keep chatting, keep it going as long as you like. If you want to summarise, or assume things happened and see anything important in a flashback, we can even have Moves happen then (so long as the outcomes make sense for what came after).
Delirium says:
... I'm more than happy to proceed directly to the party ;)
Shall we jump there? Do you want to set that up for us?
Feb 16, 2025 5:44 pm
We will move to the party then. I will set it up. Unfortunately, I couldn't get Sarah out of the apartment yet, otherwise, Emma would have invited Benji to join too!
Feb 16, 2025 5:49 pm
Yeah I do hope we get to have scenes with all three of us at some point. Scenes with PCs > scenes with NPCs!
Feb 19, 2025 3:39 pm
Apologies if I am missing your hints entirely about Kat, vagueGM! Sometimes I can be super insightful and sometimes I can't find the tv remote because I put it in the freezer when I went to grab the ice cream, you know?
Feb 19, 2025 3:39 pm
true story btw
Feb 19, 2025 6:50 pm
Actual artist of those two is Joanna Barnum, a favorite of mine.
Feb 19, 2025 10:18 pm
Drgwen says:
... Apologies if I am missing your hints entirely about Kat ...
I don't plan these things, so what you say ends up shaping what is happening. So now 'She's doomed to hell, ... but somehow she... doesn't know!'. What players latch onto is what sticks around in the game.

Kat does not know about the demons, so she will misunderstand how your situation is like hers.
Drgwen says:
... sometimes I can't find the tv remote ...
Well, yeah. Frozen remotes are tricky. :)
Drgwen says:
Actual artist of those two is Joanna Barnum, a favorite of mine.
Awesome stuff. Especially that second one.
Feb 20, 2025 5:17 am
Drgwen says:
(OOC in RP) ... She will cash in her one debt with her patron if necessary to ask for this. ...
Depending on what you are asking them to do for you that might be out of the scope of a Debt. If it is at an appropriate level for the Debts mechanic it might be more mechanically advantageous (and more in line with your words: 'I will owe you') to offer a Debt rather than cashing in a Debt. This is because you already have Wild Marked, so Cashing in a Debt does not trigger that, Owing a Debt gives the option for that being Cashed In later when you can benefit from Marking Wild. This is an unfortunate reality of US's Advancement system.

You can always (try) Cash in a Debt you hold to cancel the Debt you Owe from this, giving you two bites of that pie.
Drgwen says:
(OOC in RP) ... Shall I roll Spirit for the Let It Out? ...
If you want to talk to your Patron they need to be paying attention to you. One sorta hopes you need to roll that Move to get that attention... otherwise it would mean they were already paying attention to you in this scene... which might be bad news. :)
Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... "Help me free these women from their slavery, my patron, ... ...
Er...? What do you want your Patron do actually do, though?

Generally speaking we don't use NPCs to 'solve our problems' (unless they are too boring to see in play), just asking them to 'fix this' for two other NPCs not only takes away Emma's ability to solve the problems she has been dealing with for a while, but also... do you really want a (seductive, manipulative) demon solving what it thinks their problems are?

Persephone probably thinks her Dark Patron is an all-powerful being —it can look that way from her vantage point— but they are not necessarily more powerful than whoever is running the cult Emma encountered, do we want a 'demon war' over this?

There is a power-vacuum in the vampire hierarchy, so they are probably strong enough to deal with Sarah's current problem. Are you giving them carte blanche to deal with it?

What are you, the player hoping for? What is Persephone hoping for?
Feb 20, 2025 5:24 am
I'll specify here rather than writing something in the RP. What Persephone thinks is, yes, her patron can wave its hand and free them. What in fact I am asking for is leverage that Persephone can use to do the freeing herself. That might be information, or some opportunity, to strike at those who control these two women. Especially given that whoever controls Kat is demonic, it is likely that the patron won't intervene directly. But it could empower me to cause my own trouble.

I intended her to be offering another Debt.

I will go ahead and roll, with +0.
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