Feb 13, 2025 9:01 am
DragonDweller62 says:
I chose many adventures in this poll that I would like to run. It's encouraging that Dragon Heist seems really popular, as I've been thinking about running it and related adventures around Waterdeep and the North. I would also love to make Undermountain my first megadungeon, but I favor 1e and its retroclones a lot more than 5e for dungeon crawling.P.S. forgot to mention another great module, Out of the Abyss. I ran this one up to 4th-level once before, but it fizzled out and now I'm always looking for the chance to redeem myself and get to the end. It was a little disappointing finding out that a module centered around the Underdark is more of a linear path than a sandbox, so I'm eager to make the world a little more open for players who enjoy getting lost underground.
I mostly use OotA as a sourcebook for when the PCs wander into the underdark, to the extent that I've probably used every bit of it at some point, just not as a single adventure.