Stage 2 - SitKombat

Feb 8, 2025 3:55 am
[ +- ] 🎺 MvC2: I Wanna Take You For a Ride



• • • 🧚🏻‍♀️
💃🏼 🧘🏻‍♀️ 🧜🏻‍♀️

This stage is filmed before a live studio audience.


You step onto a stage, joined by other men and women. Behind all of the cameras is a crowd clapping and cheering and snapping flash photos! Stage Left: there’s a jazzy live band singing and playing—

—and Stage Right: a handsome man in a purple suit steps onto the stage. You know him! It’s…


Dimpled Chad

"Ladies and germs, are you ready for a ladder tournament that’s sure to be comedy gold with a splash of blood-red and a sprinkling of chipped-tooth-white?"

The audience’s reaction is unintelligible, but passes for ‘yes.’

"Then let’s not waste any of your precious time! Even the cheap seats cost precious dimes!"

The ha-ha-has from the crowd drown out the one ‘fuck you’ that came from the back row somewhere behind a two-seat-wide concrete column.

"Let’s introduce our first two teams! On my right—your left… these heroines’ journey led ’em straight to my tourney!

"Give it up for… THE B☢️MBSHELLS! Go ahead and introduce yourselves, ladies!"

You heard the M.C. Introduce yourselves to the live studio audience!

Feb 8, 2025 8:32 pm
Lacey, saunters onto the stage, waving to the crowd and flashing a winsome smile.

Braindead degenerates. If I was being held hostage by a giant ape, with a jumping-dude trying to save me, they'd still be laughing and clapping.

But she knows better than to voice or show her true emotions...not until she knows what this "tournament" is all about. It was always better to have the crowd on your side....

"Hello, everyone! My name is Lacey O'Hara, formerly a a Bombshell!"

A pause. Hopefully at least a few people clap.

"We Bombshells kick ass and take names...and do it all in style!"

Here she twirls in a circle, showing off her jaw-dropping figure, and not-so-subtly hiking up her dress so the crowd can see plenty of thigh.

"And since men are the primary antagonists in this----"

Dammit! Already going off-script!

"What I mean to say is...[awkward cough, holds out purse]...I've got plenty of tricks stashed in this delightful designer purse, and my teammates are equally as capable! Tell 'em, girls!"

She claps enthusiastically as she waits for the next Bombshell to appear.
Feb 8, 2025 10:59 pm
Feb 8, 2025 11:12 pm
Murasaki seemingly appears out of nowhere, dropping the camouflage she put up with Stealth Mode. Her arms are crossed as she gazes upon the audience with her third eye.

She doesn't see the point of this performative nonsense, but they have to be here for a reason, so she plays along. She takes a fighting stance, hands blazing with purple ki.

"I am Murasaki, master of ten thousand Secret Moves. I fight to restore balance in the world. No matter who stands in my way, I will not waver!"
Feb 9, 2025 12:03 am
"ooooOOOOoooo…!" *CLAP-CLAP-CLAP*
Feb 9, 2025 2:09 pm

Dimpled Chad

"A purse fulla tricks! Ten Thousand Secrets! IIIII love it—oh!" The M.C. turns to Lacey. "But men won’t be your antagonists yet, Miss O’Hara. We normally are a hundred percent sausage-fest, but this year, we got a real treat for our viewers:

"A guarantee that we’ll have an all-female team in the semifinals! COME ON OUT ON MY LEFT, LADIES!"

Dimpled Chad introduces:

The Four Skategirls
of the Post-Apocalypse


Spicy rollerblades onto the stage, Dicey skateboards, Claude rolls past Icy on her quads while Icy awkwardly walks onstage in her ice skates.

All four appear to be in their 20s, clad in palette-swapped schoolgirlish outfits that are too small for their adult figures. (Icy’s outfit is glittery.)

Dimpled Chad plays to the already-more-than-pleased crowd. "Talk about a feast for the eyes that makes you wanna leave room for dessert!"

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA "I don’t get it." HA HA
Feb 10, 2025 11:07 am
Gong-Ju leaps onto the stage, twirling her trident. She holds it out to the side as she executes a formal bow. "Annyeonghaseyo! I am Gong-Ju, Princess of the Sunken Kingdom. I fight for honor, and for cute outfits!" She stands and smiles, giving a royal wave to the crowd.
Feb 10, 2025 11:26 am

You can really feel the love from the crowd! With the audience on your side, you might just make it through the toughest battles.
That had no effect since your health is full, but if any of you were hurt, those 🫶s would heal you! (+💖 each)
Feb 10, 2025 11:32 am
Gemini introduces herself by doing some skate-tricks.

"AWWWWwwww…!" *CLAP-CLAP!*


"AWWwww.. she’s like a mini-me! Check out the little board!"

Dicey does a few skate tricks for her own intro. Spicy and Claude join in.

Icy just stands there on her ice skates.


". . . ."
Feb 10, 2025 11:46 am

Dimpled Chad

"All right, alright ladies—save the sisterly love for the hot tub."


"Gag me with a spoon."


"Yeah, like… they got a tiny skater on their team, and we’re cool with that, ’Kay?"


"Yeah. This isn’t one of those tournaments where you… y’know…"

Dimpled Chad gives the figure skater a menacing grin.

"Kill each other?" he asks. "No."

He pauses for the time it would take to say ‘not in the preliminary round.’

"The winners will go on to the semis, and the… defeated—’cause there are no losers here—can film an ad for one of our sponsors."

He turns to the crowd.

"Let’s set the stage—"
Feb 10, 2025 11:47 am




". . . ."


🪙 - (1d2)

(2) = 2

Feb 10, 2025 6:51 pm
The stage is set—

[ +- ] 🎺 Skullgirls - Down the Rabbit Hole

There are ramps and rails and an oblong rink, all decorated with a chessboard floor, floating books, and colorful teapots that puff rings of colored steam, giving the room a sometimes-magenta, sometimes-cyan, sometimes-golden glow.

The Skategirls come out in costume! Spicy is dressed as the Red Queen. Her inline skates blaze a trail, burning black tracks across the white floor tiles!

Dicey flips her board in midair as she zips up and down the half-pipe. She tips her tophat to Gemini, as if to challenge the fairy to best her mad skills!

Icy is dressed as a snow bunny. Frost spreads across the rink, the ramp, the rail, and any other obstacle she speed-skates over!

And then there’s Claude, in a blue dress and an apron, looking less like a fighter and more like a girl wondering why a fight and not a race—and wondering whether she’ll land her next jump! She flails a bit before reaching into her apron pocket…


Dimpled Chad

And the M.C. makes the official announcement:

The Skategirls are showing off too much, leaving you the opening to land the first move. Your targets:

Feb 10, 2025 9:24 pm
First, Murasaki manipulates the flow of her ki to enter Stealth Mode. She practically vanishes to the naked eye! After becoming camouflaged, she puts herself into Icy's path, and when the moment is right, sticks her leg out to send the woman tumbling to the ground face-first.
Last edited February 10, 2025 9:28 pm


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️(Stealth Mode) - (3d2)

(221) = 5

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(12) = 3

Feb 10, 2025 11:27 pm
The Skategirls certainly have some moves, but Lacey has...well, she has a bunch of stuff.

But should she use it to damage the almost-all-similarly-named quartet, or again try to play to the crowd? The crowd's cheers were incredibly invigorating....

She tries to do both! She sits down on the edge of a ramp and dangles her legs. Again, thighs...again, cleavage.

"So, Spicy...just how Spicy are you? Perhaps you can come over here [pats lap] and give me a taste test...."

She glances at the crowd coquettishly, then blows Spicy a kiss! Not a special kiss that flies through the air visually...this is all dangerous flirtation and psychological warfare!


💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(112) = 4

Feb 11, 2025 7:58 am
With the other women pairing off, Gong-Ju jumps to meet Claude. "Have at you," she calls, spinning her trident!


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (3d2)

(111) = 3

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ☢️ - (2d2)

(21) = 3

Feb 11, 2025 11:35 am
[ +- ] 🎺 Skullgirls - Down the Rabbit Hole

👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦱👩🏻👱🏻‍♀️ THE 4 SKATEGIRLS

Icy trips over Murasaki’s leg—but in mid-air, she quickly twirls with her legs in a ‘splits’ position and kicks Murasaki before helicoptering away like a spinning bird. She stumbles landing on the iceless surface of the rink.

"Not bad," she says to Murasaki as frost spreads under her skates.
Murasaki, defend yourself to negate the kick!
Spicy is indeed thrown by the psychological warfare. Lacey can see the temptation in the skater’s emerald eyes. "There’ll be time for that after the fight," she retorts as she skates past without attacking. "But fair warning. I may be too hot for you to handle."

The rollerblader blows a kiss. The kiss becomes a flaming lip-shaped projectile!
Lacey, defend yourself to avoid a dangerously hot kiss! (Yes, it’s based on Sonja Blade’s original finishing move, but it’s only a 1HP-damage attack.)
Gong-Ju doesn’t hold back! While she’s not trying to kill Claude, a five-hit combo could be an instant KO. But as soon as the blonde skater sees the trident coming at her, she quickly draws an oversized rubber mallet from the pocket of her apron.

She blocks Gong-Ju’s strikes—"Whoah! Eek! Aah! Ooh!"—but when she blocks the fifth strike, Gong-Ju’s trident knocks the mallet out of her hand! It bonks her on the head and bounces offstage. The audience laughs at the sound of an unseen window being shattered!

As for Claude, her feet happily-tap as she tries not to fall! Her stopper causes her to tumble forward and she grabs onto Gong-Ju’s waist! "WwwooOoOoOoOoOO!"
• On a 💥HIT, Claude suplexes you!
• On a 💢MISS, she does a Spinning Pile Driver!
Gemini and Dicey are locked in a battle, swinging their skateboards like swordplay, each parrying the other’s strikes. For someone so tiny, she seems to be evenly matched.

Unfortunately for the audience, the two take their fight behind a ramp where nobody can see them!
We’ll basically treat this as 3-on-3. Please consider Dicey to be Gemini’s opponent.

And of course, Dear B☢️MBSHELLS, none of you are getting KO’d this round, so you get to hit back!
Feb 11, 2025 11:38 am
"Hands off!" Gong-Ju says, shaking Claude off of her with a shimmy of her hips. She swings the trident's flat end towards the other woman, but misses by a wide margin.
Last edited February 11, 2025 11:39 am


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Defend - (3d2)

(212) = 5

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Attack - (3d2)

(111) = 3

Feb 11, 2025 11:44 am
Murasaki's thrown back by the unexpected kick! She rolls with the force and goes into a backflip to recover, but as she lands, she becomes visible again. Icy's skate had scored a long cut across her chest. "You are not so bad yourself," she replies before going on the offensive. Fist blazing violet, she closes the distance and swipes at Icy with a solid hook.
Last edited February 11, 2025 11:56 am


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(111) = 3

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(21) = 3

Feb 11, 2025 10:20 pm
As the flame-kiss sizzles towards her, Lacey looks around quickly...calculating angles...judging distances....

Damn, should've paid more attention in math class. Wait...what am I talking about?! I was always captured!

But she thinks she has a plan....

She easily dodges the kiss, but as she spins around, her left leg kicks some of the floating books, while her right leg tilts one of the teapots. Combined with the angle of the ramp she was sitting on, as well as tons of luck, the kiss ping-pongs between all the aforementioned things, before roaring back to Spicy!

And so Spicy gets a taste of her own medicine!

"Kissing yourself, girl? Wow. We may have to cut to commercial break...."

She winks to the crowd.
Last edited February 11, 2025 10:30 pm


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(211) = 4

Feb 12, 2025 12:09 am
[ +- ] 🎺 Skullgirls - Down the Rabbit Hole

👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦱👩🏻👱🏻‍♀️ THE 4 SKATEGIRLS

Gong-Ju manages to shake Claude off, but when she attempts to strike back, the skater falls on her butt and the trident whiffs over her.

"Being unarmed is, like, totally not parta my plan." She reaches into her apron and pulls out a cake with 26 lit candles and the words EAT ME written in icing. "You can, like, have my cake and eat it too!"

She throws the cake at Gong-Ju!
Gong-Ju, defend yourself!
• If you ㊙️BLOCK, you still take damage on a 💥HIT, because there’s a bowling ball in the cake!
• If you 🕹️DODGE, you only take damage on a 💢MISS.

Murasaki lands her blow, and this time she knocks the skater over. She kicks up, but only to upright herself.

"A worthy opponent… my aura against yours, then." She clenches her fists. Ice crusts over them forming spiky gauntlets.

She skates at Murasaki and strikes with a spinning backfist!
Murasaki, defend yourself!
• If you ㊙️BLOCK, you and Icy both take damage on a 💥HIT, because the block shatters her ice gauntlet!
• If you 🕹️DODGE, you only take damage on a 💢MISS.

Lacey reverses the kiss! Spicy tries to dodge, but as she spins aside, the flaming lips burn a lip-shaped hole over her left butt-cheek!

"YAA… ohh, why did I even—?!" The redhead leaps onto the rail and shouts, "I didn’t come here to kiss asses! I’m here to kick ’em!"

She backflips off the rail! An arc of fire shoots through the air!
Lacey, defend yourself!
• If you ㊙️BLOCK, you still take damage on a 💥HIT, because you dress catches fire!
• If you 🕹️DODGE, you only take damage on a 💢MISS.

And of course, Dear B☢️MBSHELLS,
None of you will fall this round, so you know what to do..!
Feb 12, 2025 9:07 am
Gong-ju tries to block the cake, but she grunts in pain as the bowling ball hidden inside of it slams into her stomach! "Oof! You'll pay for that," she promises as she quickly launches into another flurry of pokes!
Last edited February 12, 2025 9:07 am


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Dodge - (3d2)

(112) = 4

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Attack - (3d2)

(122) = 5

Feb 12, 2025 12:16 pm
Murasaki's not quite fast enough to evade! She gets momentarily dazed by the powerful backfist. "Agh...!" Blinking away stars and spitting out a tooth, she's ready to give as good as she got. However, instead of trying to strike Icy, Murasaki leaps on her and tries to yank one of her ice skates off.
Last edited February 12, 2025 12:30 pm


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(111) = 3

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(21) = 3

Feb 12, 2025 4:11 pm

👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦱👩🏻👱🏻‍♀️ THE 4 SKATEGIRLS

Murasaki is on the verge of losing consciousness! She tries to hinder her foe—the skate doesn’t slip off, but the attempt knocks Icy to fall on her butt!

Gong-ju’s pokes send Claude reeling backwards! She dizzily ‘marches’ on her skates, flailing her arms in an attempt to stay up. She rolls halfway up one of the ramps…

The crowd is eager to see which team will score the first KO!

Feb 12, 2025 9:25 pm
"More fire? C'mon, Spicy! Where's the variety?! Don't tell me it's the same boring routine in the bedroom too, with just regular missionary position all the time...."

Again, she dodges the well, in fact, that she has time to twerk a bit!

Counter-attack time! Lacey pulls a plastic bottle of what looks like water from her purse, unscrews the cap, and tosses it at Spicy! The bottle comically bounces straight-up off her head several times as it douses her with whatever liquid is inside!

But what is inside?

Well, water! Yep, just water.

This is yet more psychological warfare. Lacey is betting that Spicy will freak out and do something drastic to stop the "corrosive acid," or whatever she thinks the liquid is...and so the Skategirl will damage herself even more!
Last edited February 12, 2025 9:43 pm


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(212) = 5

Feb 12, 2025 10:02 pm

👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦱👩🏻❌ THE 4 SKATEGIRLS

After getting doused with water, Spicy just looks annoyed. "What? Ya think I’m gonna melt?" She’s about to retaliate—and Icy’s about to kick Murasaki with the leg not being grabbed—

But before either can act, Claude loses her balance and skates backwards down the ramp—

There’s an off-stage sound of breaking glass, a scream and after a few seconds, the sound of a car alarm.

The audience gasps, with some enjoying what they see, and some… not.

Icy frees herself from Murasaki. "Claude?!" Spicy just freezes as she notices the screen above the stage.

Claude is flat on her back, lying on the roof of a taxi cab with a dented roof and shattered windows.

Offstage, Icy is peering out a broken window at her friend several stories below.

Feb 12, 2025 11:39 pm
While her opponent is distracted with the unfortunate fate of one of their own, Murasaki focuses her ki and goes into Stealth Mode! She is feeling more stealthy than she usually does when employing this technique. She sprints up behind Icy soundlessly and kicks her through the open window so she can join Claude below.
Last edited February 12, 2025 11:42 pm


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(222) = 6

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

Feb 13, 2025 12:03 am

The skater, barely conscious, has no idea what even caused her to fall! Five stories down, her skates form a sloped ice-bridge. She spirals down toward her fallen friend.

While the screen shows Icy gliding down past the many floors of WNDS Tower, the M.C. steps in—


Dimpled Chad

"I was a little slow to call a Ring Out. This battle goes to The Bombshells!"

Meanwhile, on the screen, Icy is checking Claude’s pulse…
Combat over!!! But the scene goes on..!
Feb 13, 2025 11:45 am
Dicey and Spicy are too worried about their clumsy friend to be upset about the loss-by-decision.

On the street below, Icy can’t get a pulse. It might mean Claude is dead. It could also just be that Icy’s fingers are numb from having just removed her ice gauntlets.

Gemini wastes no time! She flies out the window and sprinkles some bottled energy on Claude.


The skater sits up, looks at the busted taxi beneath her and asks Gemini and Icy, "Did I do that?"


Gemini flies back up and finds Murasaki’s knocked-out tooth.

Gemini Starfire

"I learned this from the Tooth Fairy."

She sprinkles Bottled Energy onto the tooth. If Murasaki inserts the tooth into the gap, she’ll have perfect teeth.
It’s not a healing item. It’s just so Murasaki can opt to fix the tooth magically. You’ll all have full health before you have to fight again.
The fairy then says a heartfelt goodbye to THE B☢️MBSHELLS. "If you ever need me, you can always call…!"
If I can’t get us another Fairy player, Gemini is now An NPC With Healing Magic that can be called on the shoe phone!
Feb 13, 2025 4:43 pm
"Thank you, Starfire-san. You were truly the best of us. Sayonara." Murasaki gratefully took the tooth from Gemini and put it back in her mouth. Magically, the tooth reattaches to her gums. She's otherwise still bloodied and sporting a painful lump above her eye, but she just needs to walk it off.
Feb 13, 2025 7:06 pm
[ +- ] 🎸 DD - Industrial Area

THE B☢️MBSHELLS earn their first victory against The Four Skategirls of the Post-Apocalypse. It was a memorable night for SitKombat as both teams were able to hold their own. But ultimately, the skaters were too worried about good people getting hurt bad to really survive in this world.

Gemini is among those who would rather skate than fight, and so she bows out.

The Skategirls are good sports, giving compliments to the winners and wishing them well. With Gemini joining their little gang (or gaggle), it seems everybody was a winner.

The other six teams are all male, and one of the winning teams—Bill’s Killaz—are an assassin squad with ties to the Mullet Hellions. The other winning teams are the ’Roid Ragers and the Golden Boys.

Knowing the nature of ladder tournaments, you can expect to face one of these teams next, and if you win, you’ll take on the other undefeated in the finals…

New Amsterdam City
The night before the fight, you’re invited to a fancy dinner where you can meet obscenely rich people who, just for fun, want to get ever-so-slightly richer betting on fights.

Bring the only female fighters, ComboCorp will gladly foot the bill for whatever designer dresses you wear.

…if you go. But… why wouldn’t you?
• Pick a fancy dress (or have one tailor made) and show it off at the fancy dinner!
Blow off the fancy dinner! (It’s like hitting the button to skip a cutscene.)
Feb 13, 2025 9:07 pm
Of course Lacey is going to the dinner. Being one of only three female fighters in this strange contest, there will surely be plenty of eyes on her. Manipulating drunk rich bastards will be sooooo much fun. Maybe she can get some of them to sponsor the Bombshells, so they'll have plenty of gear to help them on their adventures. Shit, maybe someone will foot the bill for some kick-ass not-so-secret HQ?

After giving her measurements to ComboCorp's wardrobe department (fudging a bit, of course...a gal can't be too honest about these things) and carefully describing what she wants, she's delivered a sexy, barely-there black dress.
[ +- ] Image
After showering, putting on makeup, and making sure the dress fits just right, she saunters over to the dinner's location. As she reaches the entrance, she tosses her hair back, runs a hand over her bare belly, and addresses whatever doorman-type people are nearby:

"Lacey O'Hara, member of the Bombshells. I believe we're expected...though I'll wait for my friends before entering. We're a team, after all."
Feb 14, 2025 4:55 am
Murasaki's not terribly interested in schmoozing with rich people, but when the possible benefits were explained to her, she followed Lacey's lead. This type of thing was far outside Murasaki's area of expertise though, so she asked Lacey and Gong-Ju for advice. Lacey knew all about looking good and manipulating men, and Gong-Ju knew about etiquette, being a princess and all.
Murasaki stumbles up to the entrance of the venue. To her chagrin, she couldn't show up barefooted, so she received a striking pair of violet heels. Her balance is off and her feet are already starting to hurt, but she bears with it by viewing it as training. She's wearing a short, sleeveless purple dress that hugs her body and shows off her fighter physique.

"Forgive me, these demon shows were giving me trouble..." She steadies herself and introduces herself to the doormen. "Ahem. I am Murasaki, one of the Bombshells. There will be food at this event, yes? Wait, I was supposed to compliment you first. You are... inoffensive to the senses."
Feb 14, 2025 11:43 am
Gong-Ju shows up in a strapless green shell-patterned gown. She's still carrying her trident. "Gong-Ju, Princess of the Undersea Kingdom. You will show us to our table," she says, accustomed to ordering servants around.
[ +- ] AI Image
Feb 15, 2025 3:49 am
[ +- ] 🎻 SF2 - Ryu’s Theme

Yo Jimbo

"Sorry, your highness. I’m gonna have to ask you to check your pitchfork at the door."

Another guard steps up and addresses the first guard.

Uncle Fezzter

"She’s one of the fighters, Jimbo." He points to a masked, shirtless man with a serpent tattoo across his shaven chest. On his right arm, he is wearing a tri-bladed gauntlet. (Or is it on his left arm?)

The guard tells Gong-Ju, "You’re clear."

Yo Jimbo

Yo Jimbo glares at the man with the claw. "I told that fucking guy to put on a shirt."

He turns to Lacey again, making eye contact with every part of her body below the eyes. "So is there anyone else in your party?"

Uncle Fezzter

The other guard says, "Nah, the fairy joined the girls they beat up. Now they call themselves The Four-and-a-Half Skate-Girls of the Post-Apocalypse."

The guard then turns to Murasaki, eyes roaming muscular legs on wobbly heels. He makes an effort to make eye contact. "You’re rather inoffensive yourself, Miss. Go ahead in…"
You take an elevator to the 99th floor, which is really a rooftop banquet area.

There’s a table for three in a place of honor by the east edge. Looking out beyond the rooftop, you can see an ocean that extends all the way to the rinsing full moon. City lights barely flicker in your peripheral vision when your gaze is directly east. And looking down below, you see the head and torch of the otherwise sunken Lady Liberty.

The neighboring tables form a row ten paces away from yours. Seated at each are older men accompanied by women too young to be wives, and some younger men whose suits look ready to burst from being stretched over their hulking torsos and beefy arms. These men are bodyguards.

The other fighters’ tables are on the South, West and North sides of the building, nearer to the roof’s edges, like your table.

There is no menu. The utensils at each place setting are a pair of chopsticks and a porcelain spoon.


A waitress opens a platter with miso soup and a tempura appetizer. Sushi and sashimi will follow. For drinks, there is tea "and I’m supposed to offer sake as well. That’s not gonna mess you up tomorrow, is it? I’m rootin’ for you."

You can RP amongst yourselves, mingle with rich men at a nearby table, or go to another side of the building.
Feb 15, 2025 7:43 pm
"and I’m supposed to offer sake as well. That’s not gonna mess you up tomorrow, is it? I’m rootin’ for you."
"Oh no...we'd be pretty pathetic Bombshells if a few drinks slowed us down! Bring some for each of us, please...and if my teammates won't drink their portions, I'll gulp them down myself!"

"And I thank you for your support. It really does mean a lot."

She smiles and nods at Atsuko, genuinely thankful.

"But maybe you can help us? Do you have any intel on the other teams?"

When/if the sake comes, she'll raise a glass, then make a toast, no matter if the others join her in drinking or not.

"To Gemini Starfire, former Bombshell and free-spirited skater-girl fairy! Alas, we were only teammates briefly, and I wish she hadn't left so abruptly...but she's destined to do her own thing. Hope she continues kickflipping and spreading her fairy magic! And I have her number, so I can call her if we get roughed up!"
Feb 16, 2025 12:03 am
"What is this sake you speak of? Is it delicious?"

Murasaki's question is answered when the sake comes. She takes a sip... and is pleased with what she tastes. "It is somewhat sweet. A bit fruity. A hint of earthiness."

Staring curiously, she is slow to respond to the toast, but it clicks eventually and she raises her glass as well. "Yes. She may have been small, but her heart was big, and the void left by her departure is larger still. Even so, we must continue moving forward. To Starfire-san."
Last edited February 16, 2025 12:03 am
Feb 17, 2025 11:35 am
Gong-Ju raises her glass. "To Gemini. Her attitude was unparalleled. Geonbae!" The mermaid clinks her glass and takes a drink.
Last edited February 17, 2025 11:36 am
Feb 17, 2025 12:06 pm
While THE B☢️MBSHELLS honor their former teammate and prepare to go on as a trio, Atsuko is off to other tables on the east side of the roof.

The chefs are under a dome at the roof’s center, between the east and west elevators. Atsuko enters the dome on the north side and exit on the south. If she’s gathering intel, maybe she’s expanding her info search to the north and south tables, as well as the teams seated in those sections?

It’s possible…





🪙 - What does Atsuko learn? - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Feb 17, 2025 7:13 pm
[ +- ] 🎻 SF2 - Ryu’s Theme


Atsuko comes from the south side of the building. Her posture is a little stiff and she’s walking a little fast. Her cheeks are flush, but as soon as her eyes meet yours, she smiles pleasantly.

As she serves your food, she says, "Two of the men on the east tables are betting on you. One thinks you have a real chance; the other is just trying to impress his granddaughter." She whispers, "I’m pretty sure it’s his girlfriend but he actually introduced her as his granddaughter."

Creepy as that is, the waitress doesn’t seem bothered by the scandalous detail. If anything is bothering her, she doesn’t say.

After pouring more sake to top off your cups, she asks, "Will that be all?"
Feb 17, 2025 9:39 pm
"Thank you! I'm used to being the underdog (actually, I'm used to not being part of the action at all) so hearing that people support me is a...welcome change."

"But you looked uncomfortable when you walked back over here. Did something happen? If these rich fucks have been mistreating you, we'll be happy to show them what Girl Power really means!"

"Hint: it means black eyes, crushed ballsacks, and shattered egos!"
Feb 17, 2025 11:56 pm
Murasaki gladly accepts more sake. "Thank you. Could you leave the bottle? This is very good!" She's going to have a monstrous hangover in the morning. Unless she has a toxin-purging technique in her expansive repertoire of Secret Moves.

"It is as O'Hara-san says. If anyone has groped you or whatnot, I will break them for you." Murasaki pauses to have some sushi. "That being said, it sounds like they could be useful to us. If they're betting on us, it'd likely be in their interest to give us a little help."
Feb 18, 2025 2:03 am

Atsuko leaves the bottle. As for questions of what was done to her…

"Well, one of them called me Sweet Cheeks, but he didn’t touch me." She hesitates a moment, then glances back at the south side of the building before she adds, "His exact words were, ‘are you serving the girl-fighters, Sweet Cheeks?’ Then he just grinned and told me to tell you he said that."

Her cheeks redden. She’s not sure whether to laugh or swear.

"Maybe he said something before and I missed it? Unless he wanted me to tell you he called you girl-fighters and me Sweet Cheeks. It doesn’t make any sense, right?" She deflates a little, expression and tone apologetic, "It’s so dumb… I shouldn’t have told you. I’m not ruining your dinner, am I?"
Feb 19, 2025 12:27 am
"No, no, you're not ruining anything! But what they said sounds...kinda weak? Passive-aggressive, ya know? I expected something more...rape-y and insulting, I guess...."

Lacey downs some more sake. With each swallow, her femme fatale nature expands significantly.

"What say we go chit-chat with 'em, ladies? Even if they aren't scumbags who need a good thrashing, they might be useful to us. And who knows? If they actually have some gentlemanly qualities, I might fancy a roll in the hay...."
Feb 19, 2025 3:08 am
[ +- ] 🎸 Something Putrid by the Bay

As Lacey rounds the bend, she recognizes a man seated in a wheelchair. It was he who called the waitress ‘Sweet Cheeks.’

He’s the same creep who captured Lacey a few years ago…
He pulled her by the hair, tied her to a chair… Belcher was his name. He really thought he was a hot shit, having Lacy ride the armrest of his wheelchair while awaiting a couple o’ tough guys to come and rescue her.
But dainty as Lacey was, she was also a little ‘top-heavy.’ Just enough that the wheelchair tipped over from her weight. That’s how she got away.

And that happened right here in New Amsterdam City, where Belcher is still one of the top crime bosses.

"Holy shit, Lacey," he says as if he’s your old college buddy and not some asshole who tried to control the mayor by threatening to kill an innocent woman. (You because pretty blondes make great hostages, especially if you wear a red dress. Everyone knows that.) "It really is you who beat the skate girls!" Belcher laughs so hard he farts.
Feb 19, 2025 6:03 pm
Murasaki can't help but find his face to be extremely punchable, but she offers a handshake against her better judgement. "Greetings, I'm Murasaki of the Bombshells. You know O'hara-san?" She hides her distaste behind a curious question.
Feb 19, 2025 7:44 pm
Belcher is taken aback by Murasaki’s polite introduction. He accepts the handshake, his own quite firm. "Arthur J. Belcher at your service, Miss. Lacey and I do have a past, but it is the present which concerns me. I have now twice made the mistake of underestimating your friend. You see, I placed a bet on the Skate-Girls. And, well, I can’t help but wonder whether you won from their stupidity, or… are you really that good.

"So, I’d like to make you an offer."

He gestures to the three men at his table. One is wearing a mask, a claw, and a shirt that was obviously provided by the menu as it doesn’t match his tight matador style pants. The other two men look like weightlifters.

He introduces the men:

Belcher looks a little annoyed when his gaze meets Hujo’s. "Put your whore back in your pocket, Hujo. There’s only three of them now, and I want this to be fair."

The woman hops off her man’s shoulder and struts to her seat, giving Lacey an appraising glance and a crooked smile as she passes her by.

Belcher ignores her.

"Ladies, here is my proposal. An exhibition match between yourselves and the ’Roid Ragers. I will pay each team a fistful o’ Yen for partaking. And the winner gets another two fistfuls."

Balga, the masked one, chimes in. "You are scheduled to fight Bill’s Killers tomorrow," he says with a serpentine lisp. "Refuse this dance, and I fear we’ll not have another opportunity. Even if you win, Bill’s Killers are very sore losers. Should defeat appear inevitable, they’ll see to it not all three of you make it to the final fight."

Abgore and Hujo look at each other, seemingly triggered by the phrase ‘final fight.’

Belcher looks at Lacey(‘s legs) expectantly. "I’m not in the business of forcing women into doing things against their will." Anymore implied. "The choice is yours. We’ve even arranged a cage." He looks Murasaki in the eye as he adds, "To ensure no one gets kicked to the curb a hundred stories below."
If you agree to fight the ’Roid Ragers, I’ll toss the coin. This is an Exhibition Match. The prize is currency you can use at Emoticat’s Lv.2-5 shop!
Feb 19, 2025 9:08 pm
Lacey recalls Belcher's sweaty paws groping her...his sour breath...his nostril-burning farts. And now he has the gall to pretend her abduction was some minor episode in the past?! And he wants the Bombshells to fight for his entertainment?!

"Seriously, you fucking slimeball? Hell. No."

She turns to her fellow Bombshells: "This is one of the assholes who captured me back in the day. See how smug he is? Like it was just some...some disagreement, not a kidnapping!"

"He must think he's hot shit, to treat me like I'm some gnat who can't hurt him. Let's prove him wrong, huh, ladies?"

To the Roid Ragers: "My quarrel is with your dirtbag boss, not you all. If you insist on protecting him, this won't be some tame exhibition'll be war. Don't let this sexy getup fool you...I'm real fuckin' eager to break bones and stain this expensive carpet with blood!"
Lacey wants to trounce Belcher, and will beat up the Ragers if necessary. Hopefully the other Bombshells are down for some chaotic ass-whupping!
Feb 19, 2025 9:18 pm
You may absolutely kick Belcher’s ass! But since you mentioned your desire to do so to his face, there won’t be a choice…





🪙 - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Feb 19, 2025 10:11 pm
[ +- ] 🎸 SF2 - Vega’s Theme
As Lacey mouths off to the crime boss who kidnapped her and got away with it, the woman he called a ‘whore’ signals her oversized boyfriend to come hither. He obeys.

The other two move to their boss’ side. "Big mistake," Abgore says. Balga says, "Now instead of facing three, you fight all four of us."

Belcher’s wheelchair speeds in reverse, cackling, "And instead of money, you fight for your life!"

Abgore picks Lacey up and hurls her!

—not knowing that behind him, Hujo’s girlfriend is pointing to a lever. "I don’t want to crack a nail, luv."

Hujo pulls the lever.

—a cage slams shut!!—and Lacey slams into the cage! If not for the cage, she’d have fallen to her death!

Belcher’s wheelchair slams into the opposite wall of the cage! He’s trapped inside his own battle arena on the southeast side of the roof.

Hujo asks his girlfriend, "If I’m the only one strong enough to pull the lever, how do I get in the fight?"

"You don’t," she says. "It’s three on three, like the boss said."

"Oh. That makes sense." Hujo scratches his head.

As for Poxy, she looks a little tense.

Belcher fires his crossbow at Murasaki!
Murasaki, defend yourself!
Balga dangles his claws over his head and casually draws a rapier from his hip. "Seems we’re playing for keeps. Appropriate in your case, Princess. It is a sushi dinner, after all."

In case his insult didn’t cut her, Balga also uses his blade.
Gong-Ju, defend yourself!

And obviously it’s
Kick Belcher’s ass, Dear B☢️MBSHELLS! You can probably get the fistfuls of Yen by looting him after he drops!

But one round at a time, right? So hit back and make those attacks count!
Feb 19, 2025 10:26 pm
Murasaki calmly catches the crossbow bolt when it's just centimeters from touching her. "Is this truly how you want it? Very well." She crushes the bolt in her hands and rushes right for Belcher, crossing the roof in a flash! She leaps into the air and tries to hit him with a flying knee, but the wheelchair-bound man is evidently more mobile than he looks...
Last edited February 19, 2025 10:34 pm


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(222) = 6

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(11) = 2

Feb 19, 2025 10:34 pm
So who's actually fighting? Are we split up, with some outside the cage and others inside?
Feb 19, 2025 10:54 pm
It’s 3-on-3. You’re all in the cage together.

Belcher tried to escape, but Poxy had her boyfriend close the cage. The cage kept Abgore from throwing Lacey off the roof, but Poxy didn’t expect that. She’s just trying to screw her boss over.

Opponents are:
• Balga (claw and rapier)
• Abgore (pro wrestling moves and rage attack)
• Belcher (very fast wheelchair and semiautomatic crossbow)

Audience includes:
• Hujo
• Poxy
• Atsuko
• Several other guests and waitstaff
Feb 20, 2025 9:04 am
"Fish are friends, not food!" Gong-Ju insists as she tries to parry Balga's blade. She activates the magic of her trident's central prong, attempting to blast the baddie and leave him FOUNDERING!


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (3d2)

(122) = 5

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ☢️ - (2d2)

(12) = 3

Feb 20, 2025 6:51 pm
I don't see an attack I need to defend against. Am I just waiting for other stuff?
Feb 20, 2025 11:02 pm


No one is hurt so far, though it appears Gong-Ju has worked some kind of magic!

"The three-pronged approach requires the use of all three prongs, your highness. Allow me to demonstrate."

Balga raises his three-pronged claw to attack Gong-Ju…
Holding here until Lacey takes her Round One action before I narrate the GM turn!

@Totes_McGee , no need to defend. But you can still shoot somebody or whatever.
Feb 21, 2025 12:13 am
Lacey is on fire. Literally. Her rage is so intense that flames dance around her body. She feels the irresistible urge to perform another hadouken!

This time will be different, though. No weak gadouken. Not every a normal hadouken. Channeling her fiery hatred and frustration, she shoots a Shakunetsu Hadouken, or Blazing Surge Fist at her foes!
[ +- ] Image
And it reduces those bastards to ash, somehow sparing Belcher's wallet, or whatever he carries his money in. Victory!


No, it misses! Lacey is so wrapped up in her vengeance that she aims poorly, and her special move is wasted!
Last edited February 21, 2025 12:18 am


💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(111) = 3

Feb 21, 2025 12:48 am


Balga slashes at Gong-Ju—and the blow is harmless! Much to his surprise, the claw on his hand has somehow transformed to become the head of a plastic spork! It’s as big as a paper plate and just as effective in battle. "What do they teach you in those underwater schools?!" he blurts.

Abgore is pretty pissed off about Lacey not falling to her death. He rages, "OOOOORRRRRAAHHHH…!!" His entire body becomes bright red.

Belcher fires several bolts at Lacey as he rolls his wheelchair straight at Murasaki to run her down!
Lacey, Murasaki, defend yourselves!
And of course, hit back! Gong-Ju is free to button mash ㊙️+☢️ for two attacks or attack + more girl power.
Feb 21, 2025 4:14 pm
"They taught me how to kick butt!" Gong-ju says a she tries to bash Balga with her trident and then slip behind him to deliver a swift kick to his posterior!


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (3d2)

(111) = 3

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ☢️ - (2d2)

(21) = 3

Feb 21, 2025 4:42 pm


"WOOOO!" Balga yelps as the first blow is finally struck!
Yes, technically a failed defense, if that happens, "should" count as happening first, but Round One was everybody missing, so I will celebrate this moment even if it took one outta five coins to land the minimally-damaging blow!
The people at the other tables cheer, making a mockery of Balga’s reaction. A woman’s voice is the loudest to cheer—but Atsuko is just clapping quietly. The only other woman showing such enthusiasm is Poxy, the wrestler’s girlfriend.

Feb 21, 2025 10:21 pm
Murasaki dives out of the way just in time to avoid being rammed! She kicks her heels off, returning to the familiar realm of bare-footedness, and rushes him down. She swipes a hefty bottle of booze from a nearby waitress and uses it to whack Belcher's head.
Last edited February 21, 2025 10:27 pm


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(122) = 5

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(12) = 3

Feb 21, 2025 10:35 pm
The bolts miss Lacey, instead clanging against the cage. We hope? It would be a shame if one slipped through and injured a bystander!

The Bombshell then sprays Belcher's mug with her mace! (The eye-burning kind, not the ear-burning.)

Damn, that felt good! If only she'd had some mace way back when...she could've sprayed him, then forced his wheelchair off a high balcony, or tried some other satisfyingly pain-inducing action....
Last edited February 21, 2025 10:45 pm


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(21) = 3

💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(112) = 4

Feb 22, 2025 2:03 am
[ +- ] 🎸 SF2 - Vega’s Theme


THE B☢️MBSHELLS remain unscathed, but Belcher takes a couple good hits! The mace doesn’t blind him completely, but as the crime boss squeezes his eyes shut he rolls his high-speed chair into the cage. An armrest and a wheel fly into the air as he flops onto his hefty back!

But before anyone can rush the boss, Abgore charges! "BBOOORRRRAAAHHHH!!" He slams into the nearest of our heroines—grabs her by the ankle and…!!
And what? Well that depends!

FIRST PLAYER TO POST, defend yourself!
• On a COMBO, you’re safe and so are your teammates!
• On a HIT, you get thrown at a friend!
• On a MISS, you get swung around in circles, being used as a weapon to strike both of your friends!
SECOND PLAYER TO POST, look at the defense roll of the player who rolled before you…
• If she rolled a COMBO when defending herself, you’re completely safe!
• If she rolled a HIT or MISS, defend yourself!
>> On a HIT, you take damage but the player being used as a weapon is unharmed!
>> On a MISS, you both take damage!
THIRD PLAYER TO POST, look at the defense roll of the player who posted first this round…
• If she rolled a COMBO or HIT when defending herself, you’re completely safe!
• If she rolled a MISS, defend yourself!
>> On a HIT, the player being swung like a weapon against you slams into the cage and gets hurt, but you’re unharmed!
>> On a MISS, you get hurt but she doesn’t!
Balga climbs on the fence to stay the hell outta the way!
Even in the worst case scenario, none of you will be KO’d, so all of you will get to hit back.

Let’s see how this round goes..!
Feb 22, 2025 2:41 am
Murasaki is the closest to Abjore, but his hands only catch air! She leaps right over him, using his forehead as a footstool in the process. "You lack discipline."
Last edited February 22, 2025 2:46 am


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(122) = 5

Feb 22, 2025 3:35 am
@Eltesla , go ahead and hit back!

@Dmbrainiac,@Totes_McGee , neither of you need to defend this round. Abgore’s attack could potentially have claimed four hearts, but Murasaki completely negated it!


Abgore stops dead in his tracks as his arms whiff at nothing! "Wha..?"

The waitstaff, the rich men and their way-too-young dates cheer wildly!

Feb 22, 2025 4:01 am
Murasaki follows up her dodge with a sweep kick aimed at Abjore's ankles!


🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

Feb 24, 2025 2:21 am


Abgore is flat on his back! With Belcher struggling to pick himself up and Balga spider-climbing the fence with his back to his opponents, the ’Roid Ragers are quite vulnerable at the moment!
Still need actions from Lacey and Gong-Ju. As a reminder, no need to defend.
Feb 24, 2025 2:51 am
Lacey pulls off her Shoe Phone and flicks through the apps. Which one would be apropos for a steel-cage death match? Use MegaVoice again to confuse the Ragers, or maybe rally support? Use Wheelchairs-R-Us to try and find codes or tricks to hack Belcher's wheelchair?

Then she sees a different type of option, and her eyes light up. She opens the app, gets to the "Contact Us" section, and starts a phone call.

"Hello, Fashion Police? I have a defcon-one, five-alarm situation here!"

Yes, she's talking to an actual person. The Fashion Police are always fully-staffed, and don't use "Press 1 for blah blah" time-wasting robo-answering nonsense.

"I'm looking right at a guy wearing tight matador pants, a poofy shirt, and mask? He also has claws...or are they spoons now? I'm pretty sure his accent is fake, too. It's like a cosplayer who took too many psychedelics...but the travesty is, he's sober."

"Please get here STAT and stop this insanity, before he infects everyone with his horrendous sense of style!"

"Where am I? Uhhh...the big building where a bunch of important people are doing stuff...where that tournament is being held? Shit, just geolocate my phone! I grant permission!"
Call an NPC, or activate a Shoe Phone App.

No matter where in the post-apocalyptic world you are, Shoe Phone calls aren’t toll-free. You need to spend a 👠.
Last edited February 24, 2025 2:52 am


💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(222) = 6

Feb 24, 2025 3:18 am


A helicopter immediately rises up from the south side of the building. A man in black suddenly rappels down the fence, seemingly just appearing there before the helicopter was even high enough to rappel from! He slaps cuffs on Balga through the chainlink wall of the cage—

"That’s not mine," Balga says of the offensive shirt.

But it’s no use. The Fashion Police are gonna bring him down to Wardrobe. In the meantime, Balga’s stuck to the fence and out of the fight!
Feb 24, 2025 8:33 am
Gong-Ju leaps on the fallen Abgore, standing on his chest as she repeatedly plants the butt of her trident into his face!


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (3d2)

(112) = 4

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ☢️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

Feb 24, 2025 11:24 am
[ +- ] 🎸 SF2 - Vega’s Theme


The Fashion Police are forced to cut through the fence to take Balga away. "What crime have I even committed?!" he protests, to which the officer replies,
"That you even have to ask is why we must take you in."
"Well, aren’t you going to read me my rights?"
"What is right here? I see only wrongs. All wrongs!"

So anyway, that asshole’s being flown off to the state boutique.

The other two are trying to make their inevitable defeat less humiliating. Abgore starts by grabbing the trident and attempting to impale and fling Gong-Ju at Murasaki!
Gong-Ju, defend yourself!
• On a MISS, get flung at Murasaki! You’re also disarmed, reducing your attack damage this round!
• On a HIT, you take damage but immediately counterattack as you reclaim your weapon. If you hit again via Button Mash, Abgore is KO’d!
Belcher stands up! (The wheelchair is due to laziness? Obesity? He can stand on his own two feet.) He starts unloading his fully automatic crossbow!
Lacey and Murasaki, 🕹️DODGE THE BOLTS!
• On a HIT, Murasaki is safe from the bolts. (She can also opt to 🕹️+㊙️DEFEND LACEY, now that Gong-Ju isn’t being fling at her.)
• Lacey is only unscathed on a COMBO since most shots are aimed at her!

Murasaki, if you end up having to dodge a flung mermaid, here are your two options for remaining unscathed:
• Roll a COMBO when you 🕹️DODGE.
• Roll a HIT (or COMBO) on the 🕹️DODGE, then follow with a ㊙️DEFEND GONG-JU per extra joy. In this case you catch her, and she somehow doesn’t take damage! (She is still disarmed, though.)

No matter what happens, Dear B☢️MBSHELLS, you’ll all still have enough health to take your second actions and very likely end the fight this round!
Feb 24, 2025 11:28 am
Gong-Ju grunts with effort but maintains hold of her trident as she bashes Abgore again!
Last edited February 24, 2025 11:28 am


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Defend - (3d2)

(212) = 5

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Attack - (3d2)

(121) = 4

Feb 24, 2025 11:34 am


Abgore is KO’d!

Feb 24, 2025 9:53 pm
Lacey laughs as the bolts fly wide!

"That's some piss-poor shooting, Belcher baby! You're not used to standing, are you? It's thrown off your aim!"

Seeing that the fight has swiftly turned in the Bombshells favor, Lacey decides to try a humiliating coup-de-grace! Reaching into her purse, she pulls out a very revealing photo of herself. She's sitting on a beach, head tossed back, with only sand covering her "naughty bits." The lighting and editing make her look 25% hotter than she already is.

Laughing, she tosses the photo at Belcher!

"Something to drool over, asswipe! You'll never have the actual me in your possession again, but maybe this will count as a consolation prize! That is, if I decide to let you live, instead of tossing you off this building!"

Psychological damage!
Last edited February 24, 2025 10:05 pm


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(212) = 5

Feb 24, 2025 11:10 pm


The bonus effect of the combo is that Belcher stops firing before any bolts can even go near Murasaki.

No need to defend, @Eltesla — combat over!
Belcher realizes the fencing behind him has been cut. All it would have taken was a push.

He drops to his knees and tosses the crossbow well out of his reach.

Poxy has Hugo pull a lever. The cage sinks out of sight.
Feb 25, 2025 4:43 am
Murasaki relaxes once she realizes the fight has concluded.

"O'hara-san, if I may? Just killing him would be a waste. Why don't we have him buy back his life? He's clearly a very wealthy man with much to offer us."
Feb 25, 2025 6:53 am
By video game logic, you’ll have to settle with the maximum amount of cash you can hold.
Belcher empties his pockets, offering three fistfuls of yen! He then coughs up blood and passes out, shaking the roof as he face-plants.

The wads of cash drop out of his hands!

💴 💴 💴(Fortunately, there isn’t any blood on them.)
[ +- ] 🎹 FF Round Clear
Feb 25, 2025 9:34 pm
Now that it's execution time, Lacey feels strangely reluctant. Does she really want to become a murderous vigilante?

It might be incredibly gratifying, sure...for a short while. But would her bitterness eventually consume her? Would her friends abandon her in disgust, once they saw her unleashed?

Then Murasaki speaks up, and the moment passes. Lacey is somehow both peeved and relieved.

"Maybe you're right, Murasaki. Maybe. Still, I want more than this. Money is always great, and seeing him humiliated makes me fucking giddy...but he's still a crime boss. If we just let him go, we've only made a new enemy."

She'll examine Belcher's wheelchair and his corpulent body, looking for anything useful. Specifically, she wants to find something that would topple his empire of crime, but anything that would further humiliate him is also welcome.
Feb 25, 2025 10:26 pm
Belger has nothing of significance on him or his chair, but…
Poxy and her oversized boyfriend, Hujo, soon appear at either side of Lacey.

"The boss lost his touch… uh, right, Poxy?"

Poxy scoffs. "It took him getting trounced at a banquet to get ya to see it, luv?" She then turns to Lacey. "This game’s all about respect. Bootin’ him o’er the edge guarantees he has no bark, but you took his bite already.

"You didn’t simply win. You beat him unscathed. It’s different than simply winning where he can shrug it off as a fluke, swear revenge and sound tough."
She gestures toward some men at other tables. "Capos in the big city. They’ll make a legit profit bettin’ on ya.

"Belcher tries makin’ a move, the other’s’ll turn on him. Hell, they might just take him out anyway. Animals smell weakness, they pounce."

The oafish boyfriend raises his hand. An eyeroll from Poxy is his opportunity to get a word in. "I’m sorry to interrupt your girl talk, but there’s a cat on the west side."

If any of you look over to the west, there’s a table with two cat-people. One is wearing a gorgeous maternity gown. And with her is…



Emoticat smiles and waves!
Feb 26, 2025 12:15 am
"Hm. When they put it like that, killing him now seems like it would only be a mercy. Ultimately though, it is your call." Murasaki says to Lacey.

Upon Hujo's prompting, Murasaki happens to look over and notice Emoticat and his lady friend. "You? I didn't expect to see you here of all places."

Giving in to a rare playful urge, she sits in Belcher's wheelchair and drives it over to Emoticat's table. It's harder to control than expected, but she gets the hang of it just before she would've crashed into the table. She backs the chair upon a few paces. "As luck would have it, we came into possession of a significant amount of yen about thirty seconds ago."
Feb 26, 2025 2:04 am
[ +- ] 😺 ¥¡¡ Shop

More Yahoo for Your Yen
[ +- ] 💴 - Double Flip
[ +- ] 💴 - Defender

[ +- ] 💴 - Custom Stunt
[ +- ] 💴 - Custom Magic

"Haha! Yeah, well, your opponents for tomorrow’s match blew off the banquet, so I was able to secure a kiosk on the west side of the building!

"Those packets you gave me helped me expand. I got snippets that make your every combat round action packed! Or maybe you wanna save yourself and your friends? I got something for that! Ooh… or is there some untapped potential in you? Some kinda stunt or magic you can’t do, but wish you could? Oh, I got that too!"

Mrs. Emoticat

Mrs. Emoticat swoons over her husband’s salescatship. "Oh, those Custom Snippets are brilliant, Emotie! After the baby’s born, I want to use my Girl Power to drive one of those Hover-SUVs." She pats her round belly lovingly.
Feb 26, 2025 11:17 pm
Murasaki spends some time mulling her options over. "Hm... I think I'd like this."

She places her fistful of yen down and takes a Custom Magic snippet. "I would like to empower myself or the others."

Lo and behold, the custom snippet fills in according to her desire.
[ +- ] 💴 - Custom Magic
Feb 26, 2025 11:29 pm
[ +- ] 😺 ¥¡¡ Shop

More Yahoo for Your Yen
[ +- ] 💴 - Double Flip
[ +- ] 💴 - Defender

[ +- ] 💴 - Custom Stunt
[ +- ] 💴 - Custom Magic

"Oh, the Heart of Fiery Passion! Now there’s a spell that might give the wrong idea… or the right idea!" Emoticat ‘jokes.’

Mrs. Emoticat

The Mrs. does not approve. "Our daughter’s not even born yet, and already you’re making dad jokes?"
Feb 27, 2025 1:24 am
Lacey isn't completely convinced by Poxy's lesson in gang psychology. Hoping capos would handle her dirty work was like hoping unsupervised kindergartners would behave.

But what's done is done. If Belcher rises from his metaphorical pit of humiliation and seeks vengeance, next time she will kill him....

Now she turns to the Emoticat couple, smiling fondly at them both.

"I see you've been layin' the pipe, Mr. Emoticat. I hope your little Emotikitty...Emotikittens?...turns out to be a lovable bundle of joy, with just the right amount of rebelliousness!"

She then ponders her upgrade options carefully. The Bombshells had been doing pretty well...but they could always do better!

"You know, Murasaki, your physical prowess is impressive. I've tried to mimic some of your moves, but I'm still more artillery than infantry. But maybe we can combine our strengths into one mega-awesome attack! With your consent, of course."
I'm thinking of something akin to the ol' Fastball Special, where Colossus tossed Wolverine. Lacey would use a device or some magical tool to launch Murasaki, who would crash into enemies like a ninja meteor! It would do huge damage, and also empower Murasaki's next actions(s).
Last edited February 27, 2025 1:24 am
Feb 27, 2025 2:45 am
[ +- ] 😺 ¥¡¡ Shop

More Yahoo for Your Yen
[ +- ] 💴 - Double Flip
[ +- ] 💴 - Defender

[ +- ] 💴 - Custom Stunt
[ +- ] 💴 - Custom Magic

"Layin’ the whaaaaaa?" Emoticat blushes and gets right to business.

"Teamwork makes the dream work! I love it! And whatever you’re dreaming up sounds magical!" Emoticat points to the Custom Magic snippet, and adds, "Custom Magical, nya?"
Sounds like a move that works as a Custom Magic type. Since it eats girl power, it should do something even on a mission.

My thought is:
• MISS - launch a friend, but she zings past the foe. (She can still hit with her own attack.)
• HIT - launch a friend, she clobbers the foe.
• COMBO - launch a friend, her impact is explosive! (AoE + friend’s attack enhanced)

It could work on Gong-Ju, too.
Feb 27, 2025 3:06 am
Works for me! As long as my teammates don't mind getting catapulted.

What about a super-combo? Maybe it stuns, in addition to the already-listed combo effect?
Feb 27, 2025 11:32 am
I won’t mess with guaranteed Super effects yet. The Lv.6-9 shop will offer something along those lines.

That said, the combo effect could just be vaguely written as "an explosive impact" with the actual effect fitting the situation. Example - Vs. a mob of one-hit-wonders, KO several mobsters. Vs. a single target, a stun *might* be appropriate, or a nerfed attack, if it feels too easy to just shut the big-bad down. (Especially since you’ll all eventually have Defender, which is meant to shut down powerful vs.-party attacks… if you’re lucky.)
Feb 27, 2025 5:40 pm
"I'd be honored, O'hara-san. Our foes tomorrow will not know what hit them."
Feb 28, 2025 11:44 am
"I shall purchase something to protect our group," Gong-Ju says, picking the Defender snippet. "Gamsahabnida, Emoticat!"
Feb 28, 2025 8:28 pm
[ +- ] 😺 ¥¡¡ Shop

More Yahoo for Your Yen
[ +- ] 💴 - Double Flip
[ +- ] 💴 - Defender

[ +- ] 💴 - Custom Stunt
[ +- ] 💴 - Custom Magic

"Okay, ladies! It’s been a pleasure doing business!"

Mrs. Emoticat

Mrs. Emoticat says, "I’ll be rootin’ for ya, nya!"

+1 Girl Power replenished!

Also, Custom Magic and Defender added to char sheets!!!
Feb 28, 2025 11:21 pm
"Thank you, miss. The support of you and your husband is invaluable." Murasaki respectfully bows her head.

She looks to her teammates. "What shall we do? Should we go back to our hotel room and rest for tomorrow? Or stay a little while longer?" She asks. She thought they'd be thrown out after taking out Belcher and his team, but she doesn't see any guards rushing up to them yet.
Mar 1, 2025 9:13 pm
"The responsible thing is to get some rest...but the devil on my shoulder says to hell with responsibility! Let's drink up, dance, flirt dangerously with these oligarchs!"

Yelling loudly: "Put on some music! Let's get moving!"

Hopefully some music begins playing. If not, Lacey will still dance, and ignore all the stares!

She holds out her hand towards Murasaki and tilts her head to a nearby open area, or a dance floor if this place has such a thing.

"Shall we dance, milady? But please don't step on my feet. With your power, my poor toes would get broken like twigs!"
Mar 2, 2025 2:19 am
[ +- ] 🎹 Dance of Pales
When Lacey demands music, the piano player gladly complies.

Hujo immediately starts to dance!

Poxy groans. "Hujo..?"

"Careful, Pox," Hujo says as he freezes mid-Travolta. "I wanna bust moves, not you… uh, whom I would only bust accidentally."

Pox looks up at the big oaf. "I know ya’d never hurt me. Even if Belcher ordered ya to. And ya won’t hurt me by accident if ya dance slow."

Hujo does his dance super-slowly, but Poxy stops him with a gentle touch."Ya big goof… the pianist is playing a waltz."

The two begin to dance like an awkward couple, but they’re also considerate, leaving space on the dance floor for other pairs…
Mar 2, 2025 9:45 pm
"I promise not to step on your toes, but that is all I can guarantee. I've never danced before." Murasaki rises out of Belcher's wheelchair and takes Lacey's hand.

On the dance floor, she lets Lacey set the pace, following along as well as she can while taking care not to crush Lacey's feet. She's initially unsure in her steps, but as she subtly analyzes Pox, Hujo, and other pairs that gradually make their way onto the floor, her moves become more confident.
Mar 3, 2025 11:24 am
Gong-Ju hangs back, watching the others dancing with a wistful smile.
Mar 3, 2025 2:55 pm
Atsuko, the Waitress enjoys a moment’s peace as the rooftop banquet becomes relatively elegant. She stands next to Gong-Ju, admiring the view of the water and the sunken Lady Liberty. The view is occasionally obscured by Lacey and Murasaki, Hujo and Poxy, Emoticat and the very pregnant Mrs. Emoticat, and two other pairs…


"You’re a princess, right?" Atsuko asks Gong-Ju rather awkwardly, which she immediately regrets. "Oh! I mean… Your Ex…Hi…" Her lips fumble a bit. She settles on "Majesty! I… I’ve always been curious, what it’s like…"

Atsuko is looking past the dancers, even past the head and raised torch of the copper titaness. It’s the water that interests the waitress.

"Do you have to be under the water to dance?"
Mar 3, 2025 9:45 pm
At first, Lacey watches her toes carefully...but as Murasaki's dancing skill rapidly improves, she relaxes, and flows with the music.

"Nice, Murasaki! You're a natural!"

They twirl, twerk, waltz, etc. until Lacey is panting a bit. Giving Murasaki a comradely hug, she breaks off from her partner to rest for a minute.

(Just comradely? Or was there a special spark there? Oh boy...drama! Emotions!)

But soon she's back, moving near Hujo and Poxy. She points to the provocatively-dressed woman.

"Mind if I claim the next dance, Hujo? I'd like to chat with your lady-friend. It seems we're...well, not exactly allies, but hold similar ideals...."
Mar 3, 2025 11:19 pm
[ +- ] 🎻 Krook’s March / Toxic Tower"I’ll dance with ya, but on one condition."

Poxy points at the violinist and cellist, who’ve been enjoying a smoke during the piano solo.

"Hit it, boys!"

The ‘boys’ (some of which are ‘girls’) start to play a tango!





🪙 - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Mar 3, 2025 11:33 pm
"My lead," Poxy insists.
@Totes_McGee , Lacey may decline, of course, but I assume you won’t. The toss was just to decide who speaks first.
She takes Lacey by the hand, by the waist, aggressively tangoing past other dancers who have no idea how to keep up. And eventually, everyone backs off because the dance is more fun to watch.

She takes Lacey’s hand, twirls her away. A slight twitch signals her to twirl back, but where the man would catch the lady, Poxy backflips overhead and embraces from the back. She dips Lacey back, her own pink hair brushing against the ex-damsel’s cheek. Her lips are so close Lacey is warmed by her subtle breath as she whispers,

"You freed us. I have plans for Hujo, so I’ll be forfeiting the Ragers’ fight tomorrow. It means the Golden Boys’ll be your opponents in the finals. They’re nothing compared to Bill’s Killers, whom you’ll face tomorrow."

She guides Lacey up, and as the tempo slows she smiles gently.

"Your lead."
Mar 5, 2025 12:40 am
Lacey is bowled over by the dance, and Poxy's confession that she'll forfeit tomorrow's match. She was making a difference! Maybe she wouldn't be consumed by vengeance...maybe she'd become an actual heroine...a role model....

But if roles models had to be modest and chaste, then Lacey would definitely fail...because now that it's her lead, she presses closes to Poxy, until it seems to bystanders that they're trying to meld their bodies together.

Around and around they twirl, their eyes locked together.

"Thank you."

She doesn't say more about that topic, as Poxy clearly wants it kept on the down-low. They continue the dance in silence...but Lacey's emotions are roiling. The scantily-clad pink bombshell is definitely making her feel things....

" and Hujo, huh? A shame, cuz I'd definitely like to give you a kiss you won't soon forget...."

Belatedly, she thinks of Murasaki. But there was nothing there, right? No need to worry!
Mar 5, 2025 8:59 pm
Murasaki feels something stirring inside her while she watches Lacey and Poxy dance. However, she pushes down those budding emotions. It would only be a distraction to her goal of restoring balance... Right?

Do not mind it. What's important is the tournament. Is it what it appears to be? Or is something more going on? She finds some quiet corner to meditate on this train of thought. She sinks into the Lotus position.


🧘🏻‍♀️ - ☢️ (Lotus Blossom) - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Mar 6, 2025 12:26 am
Poxy leans in, her neck dangerously close to Lacey’s lips as she whispers,

"Hugo would be more hot than bothered."

She slithers and is suddenly behind Lacey, guiding her body, all part of the dance.

"Maybe it’ll be a kiss that your dance partner won’t forget either."

She backflips and alights in front of Hujo."Pro-tip. In this city, fighters in heels’re opportunistic back-stabbers." She holds two fingers to her lips, slips them in just slightly, then ‘blows a kiss.’

Hujo scratches his head. "Uh… good luck tomorrow."

Murasaki has a hard time getting a read, perhaps distracted by Poxy’s warning about back-stabbers. All of the remaining fighters in the tournament are male…

And there’s something else that doesn’t add up. It seems like Bill’s Killers are a stronger team than the Golden Boys. Sure it’s a potential fluke in a ladder tournament. Weak teams on one side plus strong teams on the other equals a predictable final. But for all the money being poured into this spectacle, wouldn’t the organizers vet the teams to prevent this?

But then, Poxy is forfeiting the ’Roid Ragers. They were the favorites in gambling circles, along with Bill’s Killers… before tonight’s ‘exhibition match,’ that is.
You rolled a miss, @Eltesla. Everything Murasaki gleaned is true, but there is missing information.

The next day, a ferry brings you to the crown of Lady Liberty! A ring has been set up atop her head. And of course, the sunken statue is surrounded by water! Gong-Ju is informed that there is no rule against taking the fight outside the ring, as long as the safety of the audience isn’t compromised.

Cap’n Katango

"They’ll be arriving by cruise ship any minute now," says the ferry captain.
Mar 6, 2025 7:53 pm
Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed? Not Lacey. She shambles around the ring, yawning.

Being sorta rejected by Poxy stung a bit, but she hadn't let it ruin her evening. She'd continued dancing and drinking for some time, and then smuggled some drink back to her accommodations, for a final binge before she drifted off to sleep.

(Unfortunately, she slept alone...but hey, she was young, hot, and spirited. She'd find a mate eventually!)

Now she was paying for her partying. If only she could've slept for a few more hours....

She walk-stumbles over to Murasaki and tries to be perky:

"Quite a night, huh? I'm feeling the effects, but I'm sure I can----"

She falls asleep mid-sentence, collapsing against Murasaki's back. Drool runs down her chin, and then onto Murasaki's shoulder.
Mar 6, 2025 11:25 pm
[ +- ] 🎺 SFiii:3rd Strike - Jazzy NYC


Dimpled Chad

The Master of Ceremonies arrives in his cruise-yacht, striking a pose on the bow as the crowd goes wild!

(Lacey may be the one B☢️MBSHELL who notices Poxy among the dignitaries on the upper deck, whereas everyone else gazing in that general direction can’t unsee Hujo—in a tux! Poxy has a bowtie choker and a little black dress that leaves little to the imagination.)

"Welcome back, Bloodsports Fans! Our semifinals begin and end here on the semi-submerged head of Lady Liberty! And speaking of ladies, look who awaits their opponents on the crown! Three combo queens who need no introduction—so I won’t give ’em one!

"But if they win, they’ll face the Golden Boys for the title of Strongest Women in the World! But first they gotta beat a few bad men…"





🪙 - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Mar 6, 2025 11:47 pm
Bill’s Killaz
Bald GuyThe BrideRocket

👨🏼‍🦲👰🏻‍♂️👨🏻‍🎤 BILL’S KILLAZ

Before Chad can finish speaking, Bill’s Killaz leap down from Lady Liberty’s torch!

The Bald Guy dives chest-first onto Gong-Ju’s head! The Bride drop kicks Lacey with his off-white high heeled shoe! Rocket comes down on Murasaki with a big elbow—and he’s going for her throat!

"What an asshole!" Chad bellows in mock surprise.


Dear B☢️MBSHELLS, defend yourselves!
• You only take damage on a 💢MISS.

After defending, make those cheap-shot artists pay dearly for cheap-shotting you!
Mar 7, 2025 8:02 am
"O'hara-san?" Murasaki frowns at Lacey's apparent weariness, but she doesn't move or attempt to shake Lacey awake just yet. Ever since last night, she's been thinking about the information she divined. What did it mean? Maybe the Bombshells weren't intended to make it to the finals?

She thinks about possibly meditating again, but her train of thought is interrupted by the sudden attack from Bill's Killers. "...! Get ready!"

She flips away just in time to avoid Rocket's devastating elbow.
Keeping my second action in reserve for now to potentially Defend-a-friend
Last edited March 7, 2025 8:06 am


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(112) = 4

Mar 7, 2025 11:38 am
Upon reaching the battlefield, Gong-Ju gleefully dives into the water. She sighs as her legs transform back into their natural mermaid tail. "Ah! That's more like it!"

Unfotunately, she's too busy reveling in being back in her element to see the bald man plummeting towards her...
Last edited March 7, 2025 11:39 am


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (3d2)

(111) = 3

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (3d2)

(111) = 3

Mar 7, 2025 7:21 pm
Murasaki throws herself into the Bald Guy's path and attempts to deflect him!


🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(12) = 3

Mar 7, 2025 9:41 pm
As Murasaki flies away, Lacey falls to the ground, banging her noggin. She's so tired that even this barely wakes her up!

"Whatsit...? Oh, crap!"

Seeing the dropkick at the last second, she slips rather than dexterously dodges it. But a miss is a miss!

"I got somethin' for"

That insult is the best she can do currently. What will she counter with? Rooting around in her purse, she pulls out a...half-finished bottle of tequila? Did she drink all that herself, on top of her other booze?

That question will have to remain unanswered. She does a pitcher's wind-up, and fastballs the bottle right into the Bride's skull!
Last edited March 7, 2025 9:50 pm


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(21) = 3

💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(221) = 5

Mar 8, 2025 2:42 am
[ +- ] 🎺 SFiii:3rd Strike - Jazzy NYC

👨🏼‍🦲👰🏻‍♂️👨🏻‍🎤 BILL’S KILLAZ

*SPLASH!* Murasaki knocks the Bald Guy into the water! He flails at Gong-Ju and she flails back—and for all the surprises happening in this chaos, the only one to land an attack is the girl with a really bad hangover!

Lacey can’t help but hear Poxy’s "fuck yes!" over the sound of shattering glass! The bride staggers back..!

Rocket shouts, "You’re supposed to christen a ship’s bow with that! Not my partner’s head! Take this—HADOU-HADOU-HADOU-HA-HADOUKE-DOOOOUKEN!!"

Besides sounding really annoying, Rocket fires a shitload of hadoukens!
Lacey, Murasaki, defend yourselves!
• on a 💢MISS, you get burned by the first hadouken, so Rocket can focus the rest on your friend.
• on a 💥HIT, you’re only safe if your friend did NOT roll a 💢MISS.
• on a 💥💥COMBO, you’re safe!
In the water, the Bald Guy doggy paddles toward Gong-Ju! He can’t possibly keep up with the mermaid though!
Gong-Ju, the grappler can’t attack you! You’re way too fast for him! Well, kick his butt!

All of you, kick all the butts!
Mar 8, 2025 5:44 pm
Murasaki tries her best to weave through the fireball mayhem! Each one might be sloppy but they are numerous.

"O'hara-san!" She calls over the sound of 'HADOU-HADOUKEN!!' "Use this!" Murasaki sends out a bolt of purple fire that imbues Lacey with fiery passion! However, it took a bit of Murasaki's life to do so.
[ +- ] ☢️ Custom Magic
Last edited March 8, 2025 5:52 pm


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(211) = 4

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ☢️(Custom Magic) - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Mar 8, 2025 8:33 pm
Murasaki's buff flows through Lacey's body, burning away most (but not all) of her hangover! Now feeling limber, sassy, and dangerous, she cartwheels away from the hadoukens!

"Thanks, girl! That passion of yours really makes me----"

She stops herself, before she says something awkward or sexual. Though Murasaki might love some banter...?

"Focus on these killaz, Lacey...."

"Quality beats quantity every time, loser! Lemme show you how it's done!"

"Shakunetsu Hadoken!!"
[ +- ] A Real Woman's Fireball
Last edited March 8, 2025 8:45 pm


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(122) = 5

Mar 8, 2025 8:50 pm

👨🏼‍🦲👰🏻‍♂️👨🏻‍🎤 BILL’S KILLAZ

Murasaki’s sacrificial spell makes Lacey even hotter than usual! Her fiery projectile is far more effective than Rocket’s! It literally blows up in his face, sending him staggering close to the edge of the crown!

As for the Bride, he is nowhere to be seen…
Gong-Ju still gets to attack this round. Only Bald Guy is in the water with her…

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