Stage 2 - SitKombat

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Mar 6, 2025 12:26 am
Poxy leans in, her neck dangerously close to Lacey’s lips as she whispers,

"Hugo would be more hot than bothered."

She slithers and is suddenly behind Lacey, guiding her body, all part of the dance.

"Maybe it’ll be a kiss that your dance partner won’t forget either."

She backflips and alights in front of Hujo."Pro-tip. In this city, fighters in heels’re opportunistic back-stabbers." She holds two fingers to her lips, slips them in just slightly, then ‘blows a kiss.’

Hujo scratches his head. "Uh… good luck tomorrow."

Murasaki has a hard time getting a read, perhaps distracted by Poxy’s warning about back-stabbers. All of the remaining fighters in the tournament are male…

And there’s something else that doesn’t add up. It seems like Bill’s Killers are a stronger team than the Golden Boys. Sure it’s a potential fluke in a ladder tournament. Weak teams on one side plus strong teams on the other equals a predictable final. But for all the money being poured into this spectacle, wouldn’t the organizers vet the teams to prevent this?

But then, Poxy is forfeiting the ’Roid Ragers. They were the favorites in gambling circles, along with Bill’s Killers… before tonight’s ‘exhibition match,’ that is.
You rolled a miss, @Eltesla. Everything Murasaki gleaned is true, but there is missing information.

The next day, a ferry brings you to the crown of Lady Liberty! A ring has been set up atop her head. And of course, the sunken statue is surrounded by water! Gong-Ju is informed that there is no rule against taking the fight outside the ring, as long as the safety of the audience isn’t compromised.

Cap’n Katango

"They’ll be arriving by cruise ship any minute now," says the ferry captain.
Mar 6, 2025 7:53 pm
Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed? Not Lacey. She shambles around the ring, yawning.

Being sorta rejected by Poxy stung a bit, but she hadn't let it ruin her evening. She'd continued dancing and drinking for some time, and then smuggled some drink back to her accommodations, for a final binge before she drifted off to sleep.

(Unfortunately, she slept alone...but hey, she was young, hot, and spirited. She'd find a mate eventually!)

Now she was paying for her partying. If only she could've slept for a few more hours....

She walk-stumbles over to Murasaki and tries to be perky:

"Quite a night, huh? I'm feeling the effects, but I'm sure I can----"

She falls asleep mid-sentence, collapsing against Murasaki's back. Drool runs down her chin, and then onto Murasaki's shoulder.
Mar 6, 2025 11:25 pm
[ +- ] 🎺 SFiii:3rd Strike - Jazzy NYC


Dimpled Chad

The Master of Ceremonies arrives in his cruise-yacht, striking a pose on the bow as the crowd goes wild!

(Lacey may be the one B☢️MBSHELL who notices Poxy among the dignitaries on the upper deck, whereas everyone else gazing in that general direction can’t unsee Hujo—in a tux! Poxy has a bowtie choker and a little black dress that leaves little to the imagination.)

"Welcome back, Bloodsports Fans! Our semifinals begin and end here on the semi-submerged head of Lady Liberty! And speaking of ladies, look who awaits their opponents on the crown! Three combo queens who need no introduction—so I won’t give ’em one!

"But if they win, they’ll face the Golden Boys for the title of Strongest Women in the World! But first they gotta beat a few bad men…"





🪙 - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Mar 6, 2025 11:47 pm
Bill’s Killaz
Bald GuyThe BrideRocket

👨🏼‍🦲👰🏻‍♂️👨🏻‍🎤 BILL’S KILLAZ

Before Chad can finish speaking, Bill’s Killaz leap down from Lady Liberty’s torch!

The Bald Guy dives chest-first onto Gong-Ju’s head! The Bride drop kicks Lacey with his off-white high heeled shoe! Rocket comes down on Murasaki with a big elbow—and he’s going for her throat!

"What an asshole!" Chad bellows in mock surprise.


Dear B☢️MBSHELLS, defend yourselves!
• You only take damage on a 💢MISS.

After defending, make those cheap-shot artists pay dearly for cheap-shotting you!
Mar 7, 2025 8:02 am
"O'hara-san?" Murasaki frowns at Lacey's apparent weariness, but she doesn't move or attempt to shake Lacey awake just yet. Ever since last night, she's been thinking about the information she divined. What did it mean? Maybe the Bombshells weren't intended to make it to the finals?

She thinks about possibly meditating again, but her train of thought is interrupted by the sudden attack from Bill's Killers. "...! Get ready!"

She flips away just in time to avoid Rocket's devastating elbow.
Keeping my second action in reserve for now to potentially Defend-a-friend
Last edited March 7, 2025 8:06 am


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(112) = 4

Mar 7, 2025 11:38 am
Upon reaching the battlefield, Gong-Ju gleefully dives into the water. She sighs as her legs transform back into their natural mermaid tail. "Ah! That's more like it!"

Unfotunately, she's too busy reveling in being back in her element to see the bald man plummeting towards her...
Last edited March 7, 2025 11:39 am


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (3d2)

(111) = 3

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (3d2)

(111) = 3

Mar 7, 2025 7:21 pm
Murasaki throws herself into the Bald Guy's path and attempts to deflect him!


🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(12) = 3

Mar 7, 2025 9:41 pm
As Murasaki flies away, Lacey falls to the ground, banging her noggin. She's so tired that even this barely wakes her up!

"Whatsit...? Oh, crap!"

Seeing the dropkick at the last second, she slips rather than dexterously dodges it. But a miss is a miss!

"I got somethin' for"

That insult is the best she can do currently. What will she counter with? Rooting around in her purse, she pulls out a...half-finished bottle of tequila? Did she drink all that herself, on top of her other booze?

That question will have to remain unanswered. She does a pitcher's wind-up, and fastballs the bottle right into the Bride's skull!
Last edited March 7, 2025 9:50 pm


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(21) = 3

💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(221) = 5

Mar 8, 2025 2:42 am
[ +- ] 🎺 SFiii:3rd Strike - Jazzy NYC

👨🏼‍🦲👰🏻‍♂️👨🏻‍🎤 BILL’S KILLAZ

*SPLASH!* Murasaki knocks the Bald Guy into the water! He flails at Gong-Ju and she flails back—and for all the surprises happening in this chaos, the only one to land an attack is the girl with a really bad hangover!

Lacey can’t help but hear Poxy’s "fuck yes!" over the sound of shattering glass! The bride staggers back..!

Rocket shouts, "You’re supposed to christen a ship’s bow with that! Not my partner’s head! Take this—HADOU-HADOU-HADOU-HA-HADOUKE-DOOOOUKEN!!"

Besides sounding really annoying, Rocket fires a shitload of hadoukens!
Lacey, Murasaki, defend yourselves!
• on a 💢MISS, you get burned by the first hadouken, so Rocket can focus the rest on your friend.
• on a 💥HIT, you’re only safe if your friend did NOT roll a 💢MISS.
• on a 💥💥COMBO, you’re safe!
In the water, the Bald Guy doggy paddles toward Gong-Ju! He can’t possibly keep up with the mermaid though!
Gong-Ju, the grappler can’t attack you! You’re way too fast for him! Well, kick his butt!

All of you, kick all the butts!
Mar 8, 2025 5:44 pm
Murasaki tries her best to weave through the fireball mayhem! Each one might be sloppy but they are numerous.

"O'hara-san!" She calls over the sound of 'HADOU-HADOUKEN!!' "Use this!" Murasaki sends out a bolt of purple fire that imbues Lacey with fiery passion! However, it took a bit of Murasaki's life to do so.
[ +- ] ☢️ Custom Magic
Last edited March 8, 2025 5:52 pm


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(211) = 4

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ☢️(Custom Magic) - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Mar 8, 2025 8:33 pm
Murasaki's buff flows through Lacey's body, burning away most (but not all) of her hangover! Now feeling limber, sassy, and dangerous, she cartwheels away from the hadoukens!

"Thanks, girl! That passion of yours really makes me----"

She stops herself, before she says something awkward or sexual. Though Murasaki might love some banter...?

"Focus on these killaz, Lacey...."

"Quality beats quantity every time, loser! Lemme show you how it's done!"

"Shakunetsu Hadoken!!"
[ +- ] A Real Woman's Fireball
Last edited March 8, 2025 8:45 pm


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(122) = 5

Mar 8, 2025 8:50 pm

👨🏼‍🦲👰🏻‍♂️👨🏻‍🎤 BILL’S KILLAZ

Murasaki’s sacrificial spell makes Lacey even hotter than usual! Her fiery projectile is far more effective than Rocket’s! It literally blows up in his face, sending him staggering close to the edge of the crown!

As for the Bride, he is nowhere to be seen…
Gong-Ju still gets to attack this round. Only Bald Guy is in the water with her…

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